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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Alright, I'll look into that one. Not the bucket! Context? Scene: a beach in Pandora. Human Interloper is sitting on the shore, watching the people he joined in the water. "Gee, it's a nice day on Pandora with no invaders for once. Nothing could endanger us to-" *Shadow the Hedgehog soundtrack blares in the background "Run! Everyone, get away from here!" That's 2 years away, long enough for me to forget it until then.
  2. Now I'm seeing Garon's increasing discomfort in other videos for memes. What is going on? I was one of those kids who imagined someone skateboarding myself. As best I can. Any recommendations for modules intended for 1-2 sessions? I don't think that'll work, I know nobody who drinks it. I suppose that'll be contextual.
  3. My family is getting bowled over by this flu that's come in. Knowing my luck I might be next. And considering extended family are doing stuff the next few days we'll have to see if I can go at all. Well, I hope you're alright yourself at the minute. And that kind of structure to it can be a good thing in and of itself, I'd think the regularity is a good thing. Neat picks. Play Livealive I got some D&D books as my brother decided I should do some DM'ing to have the cousins doing more than Werewolf and card games. I don't know if I'll get many of them interested, especially as I'm inexperienced at DM'ing. Here's hoping I get a few opportunities in the new year. I am thankful I got two aethers in the 5 Enemy Phases, because I had it in my head Luna just ignored defence and I didn't trust I could heal Ike enough because I am smart and didn't bring elixers. Are these warm churros being dipped in melted chocolate? Because that does sound lovely. Course, my exposure to authentic churros seems like zero. Merry Christmas! Welcome besides, how are you?
  4. I don't know the circumstances, but I hope that you get some positive results with it.
  5. Well, I have an update: First off it started registering the controller correctly, then the memory cards. So looks like I could play longer stuff after all and not be bothered with getting a drive for it after all- Then it started crashing quickly, overheating and crashing out with a blinking red light. I managed to get the game I tried out of it at least beforehand. So I think I'll take my brother's advice about doing some tinkering to do some upgrading and fix this first of all, probably get an adapter like he said for the controller and get a drive connected to dump some games on to. So, the game I was last playing and how it is FE: Well, your level ups are solely locked to statups which encourages you to field different characters in the campaign and use their strengths for different levels. That in and of itself should surprise people, but the game isn't about grinding levels as your characters don't level up in this game. The maps are mostly urban, which does stand out for the series but sadly I didn't get to exploring many of them this afternoon. It's exploration heavy and you're always on the move during levels performing skills to show off, interacting with the level's own gimmicks and searching for hidden items. These levels are repeatable which isn't an issue when you don't get experience to level up in this game and stats are gained by finding statboosters in levels In terms of customisation, you can change your equipment's look but it'll always be the same type, every character is locked to shields with wheels you use as your transport: as a result all your characters have pseudo-cav movement while being infantry units. More exciting is the ability to create your own levels in this game, with a pretty intuitive level editor that takes effort to make something that works well for players.
  6. Well, tried the PS2. It looks like I'm getting nowhere, because somehow I have between two controllers not even 1 functional one. One of them I've gotten x and o to work and on the other the analog stick, but that's about it. The Disk drive is barely functional to slide out and I'm afraid it'll eat the disk either with the internal laser going off or the drive getting stuck and chances are the memory cards are dead, but the controllers are what make it a no go. It's a real shame that FE went back to it's roots on the NES back in the early 2000s because the barely functioning controls are a killer for me. That sucks. Same to yourself. Gandalf is a card in Cards Against Humainty. I ended up giving a round to someone who played it.
  7. Nephenee stronk, she holds a lance bigger than her I wish this could drill Truly the most "And they were roommates" duo in FE If you were playing this on legit hardware: OH NO I had to do this in one try because I played these games on a Wii. This fight was nerve wracking. I somehow did it first try. Much rude gesticulation was had. But yeah, this is the hardest fight in PoR done! You've got two more maps. I think you got this.
  8. Now that it's actually morning, Merry Christmas Teehee! Over? I'd say there's still some time afterwards. Course, mine always gets filled up with family stuff, but that's probably why I think that way.
  9. Fuck it, I'm linking this for me. And if you watched the videos before they got taken down, that too. That aside, you know what day it is: Disappointing nobody sang with Zero Mission being such a major change in tone an direction certainly explains why thhe series has come to be appreciated even for the fewer releases in this last decade. This being the first female lord running solo combined with her origins certainly made her stand out at the time, though some I could see being bothered by her becoming the main protagonist and inextricably tied to the series nowadays. The new main villain was sick though, highly recommend you get to the latest title in the series. I'll do it with a PS2 game if I manage to get it running tomorrow. (The idea of pretending I'm playing Berwick while on the right console but definitely not the right game amuses me) Idiocy: the universal language
  10. An now lads IIIIIN THE DRUNK TANK And in Awakening's case they give you options paced enough apart that you're unlikely to lock yourself out that easily. Not to mention the game somewhat pushes Chrom/Sumia to make it so the braindead have an easy pick When you're so agitated that someone clarifying their preferences ticks you off. You never see the reverse. Telling.
  11. Come on, sing with me! IT WAS CHRISTMAS EVE'NING Beautiful. Elise is on top of the tree Yeah, that would have been the better call. It really feels like they expect you to sue DLC for it, considering Anna is your only option that doesn't have that effect until Flora or any of the Gen 2 characters. So from my perspective just Flora's there with M!Corrin. It's a step above Shia no matter how porrly they do 😛 What a waste to have to put in that effort.
  12. My sympathies and I hope your family doesn't have anything major. I missed this earlier, not much I can add that wouldn't sound like platitudes or motivational screeches beyond reminding you no is an acceptable response. (Though I can be my own downfall there)
  13. I think I forgot the last of the Nintendo Indie videos yesterday. Let's do it now. We start with Dust and Neon, a top down shooter with a robo western aesthetic and with rougelite elements too (Of course), though it is 3D graphics I suppose, out Early 2023. This is followed by Undying, a story where a mom and child are in a zombie apocalypse and try to survive and get to safety I assume, it's out spring 2023. Then we look at Sea of Stars, with Mitsuda doing tracks for it (I do remember hearing about this!) which is a game taking after Chrono Trigger in combat and the exploration is shown to include swimming but sadly it's not out today. Last title is Sports Story, which is pretty broad on the sports played but we also get a seemingly entense enough story mode from what we see in the trailer and it's also confirmed out today, so at least one of these it. And that's the last one, so what did I think of this one? Maybe Sea of Stars will work out (There's it and Chained Echoes in the Chrono Trigger knockoffs category), but I wasn't won over with the others here. There is a sale though, so that's neat.
  14. Ended up carolling in the village, decent turnout. poor guy, caught in a math loop. It's a bold strategy Cotton.png
  15. It helps none of them are rout. I think the dice is rigged with some games
  16. ..... I'm linking this for the title, as told by the fact I've only heard this over shop PA systems Hercules is not what I'd call accurate to greek mythology. I mean Hera is his mom, that alone should tell you it wasn't going to be. I wouldn't argue that, None of the big studios wanted to mess around with the style of their characters much internally at all. Ash attacking Faba and his smug do nothing face is cool with me. Oh good to know. I've heard some fuss about that and at least all's well that ends well? Yarrr, that takes away the point! @Edelguardiansing Oh, just a fair warning on this, these are pretty long maps, especially the first one can feel it but you'll probably have the tools to not have to take on everything like I put myself through.
  17. I said I'd check if the PS2 works and I didn't even get to that. It'd be neat if it still does, just because it's that old. That aside, it is late, I shouldn't be writing this. I thought it was more Dances with Wolves in Space. It's a prequel show from what I remember. Least you're able to grow a stache. So it's world building for the story where guy becomes bear. Least it's not inaccurate I suppose? Least it's funny I suppose. And from what I heard the way it went down was an unfortunate mess that they scrapped after spending millions on it. That's the sad part, ENG looks the way it does due to having to make it on a budget after that. So Quetzal approved as a movie at least. 🙂 Doesn't help it and Prince of Egypt are good enough that it makes most of 3D dreamworks look worse for it. Well, as far as I can do that this region is distant from my own, so it's not a thing I can affect much in my circumstance. And this image feels like it's just a starting point frankly. Very detailled though. I'll respect that you might not wish to explain what in particular was bothering you and leave it be. If I was doing more with the now retro set up, I'd at least have some anecdotes about playing Sly 4 at last or something. That or laughing at Fahrenheit on PS2. But in terms of positive spins, least it looks like our family won't be getting a Covid scare for Christmas day so far. So that's a step above last year. I have no idea what I'd want to use for that. ....Or maybe I do. But I don't trust doing it right with the images we have. Enjoy the long weekend!
  18. Family made another adjustment to plans and so have arrived. Last minute cleaning aside, I have once again been assumed as "the minder" when the rest head off. Wouldn't be so peeved if it hadn't been assumed from the moment plans had changed. Wait, there's a sequel? 1. There was good shit outside disney pre-SpiderVerse 2. 6 months away, that sucks. Well, least he's got something settles. I'd be panicking if I was in your shoes. As is, I'm at the "Is it coming?" phase, because it looks like it might be starting. At the moment I'm not certain and if I'm lucky I'll take after my mam's dad and just keep it through sheer luck of the draw. Odds are no but I'm doing better than my brother so far. I don't know that he'd be a fan of the first one. That's happened to me twice in the last month. I couldn't really interrogate the first as I was rushing to make a train so I jsut waved them, but the other guy I had no excuse as I was chatting away and completely blanked on who. Course I think both were secondary school, so half a life away almost. Certainly can't think of any better from Disney. Yeah, it's good. Have not watched, but I can see the graphical upgrade the decade has given the fencing feline off the thumbnail. No idea on Brother Bear, never seen it. Emperor's New Groove is probably to some degree messy in it's representation but it's absurdist enough about it's own existence that I can confirm I squinted past what little I'd have known. Don't know if you'll find it as funny as I did. Now Road to El Dorado, that one is certainly something. Can that be considered acceptable in a sense of how it doesn't reflect anything real, or is it's intent of going for a place made into a myth by aurum-addled raiders and the pieces it does take from reality that much of a problem? Isn't it great when your state goes naming you poorly?
  19. I already said Vestaria crashes. For some reason, SRPG Studio does not immediately crash though. I've been messing around a little on the map editing but have been slow on progress towards the game I described a while back using maps from throughout FE as the template. I mean, if it's anything like the first (And I've heard it is) that's pretty likely. So yeah, I suppose so.
  20. Ah yes, Garon memes outside FE. The "Qwop!" pokemon
  21. That's definitely Martinez. Messi tends to wear 10 across teams to begin with and that's the keeper's kit. I can get being out of the loop, but we can see both on the last page, they're not that similar.
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