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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I''ll bite. I want these growths on her in SS now. Least he's better than in PoR. Edit: Man Lugh's looking great though. Good job on his end barring HP. I feel like I should point out my Nephenee from my recent PoR playthrough. But this is you, so you wouldn't care. :P
  2. Oh, I hated Divine Intervention. I think I'll be bringing it to something tomorrow though. Well, I'll be honest and say I don't really have much in the way of options for recording. I'll have to search around, give it a bit. Hopefully there'll be a remake for that. I'm trying to think if Berwick's as messed up as this game. Somehow I doubt that. "She could stab us all in our sleep, but fuck it, why not?" Are we sure Maerchen's not like a cockroach? And who's like a cockroach in BB? I think Hugh could be a relative- Yeah no, that'd imply a link between Maerchen to Canas and that's just disgusting. "BUT MAARS!" I guess after hearing that he had to obey. BUT HOW? I guess we'll never know how this level of convenience truly happened. Unless it was Bizzaro Sacae's Percival proving himself a hero. So, I guess Maerchen didn't want to be breaking this law. Lydia, that's not digging up. Ruben's not helping. Even if he's right. I petition we make him a lord unit and he can't be allowed to die. Also, is gentlement a typo? I hope not. Yeah, this is great. In fact, I'll link you to someone who's made the PP tracks for the GBA soundfont (The person's Deltre, who's not updated in ages but who I'd love to see either do a tutorial on this kind of thing or put it up for hackers to use.) RICHARD FIGHT! RICHARD FIGHT! At least we know Little Dick was into it. What a lion(el) of a unit. Are we sure she's an NPC? Yep, that's that sickening shit right there. If only there was a way to make sure this guy died. I'll be upfront and say no, mainly because there's no point in helping this vengeance quest. Shigen might die. :P Speaking of votes, Heroes had one. Frost ended up last (It's just disappointing every time you hear who's last, though he's the first who wasn't from Thracia.).
  3. I return with orbs. More summoning for the dragons. I hope. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* L'Arachel (Renewal. +HP/-Spd), 3* Saizo (I could do with better here. +Def/-HP)
  4. So, the link banner has units. I'm not too pushed honestly. Laevateinn? 3 Blue, 2 Red 3* Tharja (Mah. +Def/-Res) Back the the legendary banner. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Shanna (Nice. Neutral again.), 3* Effie (AGAIN, YOU'RE THE WRONG ARMOUR. +Def/-Atk), 4* Gaius (Seriously, I want him out of the game. +Res/-HP). 4* Maria (Ugh. +Res/-Atk) 10% now.
  5. Well Marth didn't get in again. That must suck, but at least Eliwood and Alm got it and there's no way Marth won't next time right? Camilla also got in. I am of course disappointed, but she's out now and she didn't even get first. Also, Michiah. I guess I'll have to play RD by then. I'll analyse the results later.
  6. Don't have: Hopefully I manage to get Tiki, but as for the others, I'd probably rank it Bowcina > L!Hector > Kinyoma > Gunnthra > Cancer.
  7. I got enough for another pull. 3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless 3* Effie (Again, wrong armour. Neutral), 3* Klein (Again, good fodder. +Res/-HP)
  8. Normal clared with low HM units. Hard and Lunatic cleared with Marth, Saias, Lewyn and Genny. It actually deviated between the two strats because how I cleared hard wasn't working in Lunatic, to the point Saias had to take Duma out instead of Marth, though it was mostly taking out enemies as they came. Infernal was a fucking doozy for me though, even if I cleared it with Caeda, Est, NY!Fjorm and Eir (Sorry, no themed clear here). So, I had to give Caeda Swap and the FF seal in order for her to give Fjorm an attack and speed boost and she still needed Est with Goad Fliers in range to take out the green manakete (Being honest, that cluster of fliers is one of my most hated things in Heroes now) and allow her to easily deal with the blue mage on EP. Next turn she 1-rounds the red manakete after Caeda uses FF+Swap to move Eir next to Fjorm, Eir then moves to the range of the red mage and Est places herself near enough for next turn. After the enemy phase, Est has to take out the lancer, Caeda swaps with Eir so she can reposition Est and Fjorm breaks the manakete. The next turn, Est just breaks Duma (I mean she near 1-shot) and I move about so that the mage get beaten by Fjorm. The turn after that saw the other armour die to Est (Again, I love the Whitewing Spear) and Eir and Fjorm finish the flier, while after that I finally turned to the other end of the map. I actually screwed up here first time, but made damm sure it didn't happen again, keeping the archers from following all the way and dealing with units effectively. As for Abyssal..... Just, not today. As an aside from my failed attempts, it's made me come to the conclusion CC isn't worth it unless more reliable counters for adaptive damage are made because as it turns out the manakete will still hit the lower stat (RIP Canas build? :( )
  9. While Duma would be nice and all, I'm prioritising Blue because Kliff and L!Tiki. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 3* Jakob (Bad unit. +Spd/-Res, better than base?), 4* Jakob (That doesn't mean you get to keep showing up. +Atk/-Def, I guess this is base.) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 3* Mae (I would like Shanna. +Spd/-Res, I have better), 4* Shigure (Ward Fliers I guess. +Def/-Res, definite fodder.) 3 Blue, 2 Red 3* Donnel (Poor Pothead, never got the chance to be a star. +Def/-Res), 4* Reinhardt (He's not everything you know. +Def/-HP), 5* Kliff (#DELIVERAMCE! FUCKING FINALLY I GET HIM! +Spd/-HP, could be a worse nature.) I'll still try for Tiki, though I'm just happy Kliff came. Let's go. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Jeorge (Please have a good nature. +Res/-Atk, no.), 4* Gaius (Can we just.... remove him from the pool? +Def/-Spd), 3* Subaki (QR I guess. +Spd/-Res) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green 3* Subaki (Again QR. +Res/-Atk) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Nanna (Are you good? +Def/-HP, NO.), 4* Kagero (Eh. +Atk/-Spd) 8.5% 3 Colourless, 2 Blue 4* Effie (That's not the right armour. +Spd/-Red, just awful), 4* Tailtiu (Good fodder. +Res/-HP), 3* Wrys (Humble and still better than most of the pool. +Def/-Spd), 3* Azama (No thanks asshatma. +Atk/-HP, I'll never get +Spd/-Atk I guess), 3* Gaius (No Gai, I don't want you. +Atk/-HP) 9% 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red 4* Silas (Sturdy Stance, I could do with more of this. +Def/-Atk), 4* Shanna (Now this is good fodder. Neutral, I guess I've got more Desperation 3.) So, after finishing off Duma, I had enough to go again. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Abel (Swordbreaker. +Res/-Spd), 4* Sothe (I do not mind this fodder at all. +Def/-Atk) 9.5%, I guess I'll be back on this later in the week. Still got Kliff, so that's cool.
  10. Duma was not anticipating that kind of attack.
  11. Well, that's a shame. Good thing Ashnard and BK always went for 1 range. Is there more difficult enemy placement in H/M? Also, are there gaiden chapters in RD? And here I was thinking Mystery would be the last game I'd see it be this extensive in. It's even more so here, though thieves having less than 100% is going to be horrifying. So, I might as well talk about the game I put close to 40 hours in. On the story and characters, I have to say I like Ike's arc (And yes, that does mean we have an answer to the second tag. :P), with his developing into a commander and combatant expressed pretty well imo. The people around him are also decently developed, though it has the usual issue of most characters having next to no presence but there are other avenues at least for that. Supports seem to at least be alright from what I'd unlocked (which isn't many), while base convos were neat and I'd love to see them implemented again. Unfortunately the same can't be said for the villains and some of the NPCs. Gallia kind of feels like we got less than I expected when we first got there, most of the generics could have been better (with the only other villain outside of Daein I found great was Oliver) and Daein's villains aren't all that interesting and some are a detriment (sadly Petrine, whose one interesting trait is only hinted at was particularly noteworthy in being weak personally). The only other villains I liked besides are Shiharam (who was an interesting character who was more limited in exposure than I'd have liked). Meanwhile BK and Ashnard are certainly the most complete, but BK is essentially Manfroy with a background with Greil, nigh immunity and serving rather than whipping the emperor (I do know I'll likely know more from RD but still) and Ashnard is essentially a monster who decided to destroy the world, killed his family, tortured a bunch of Laguz and invaded another country because the world is terrible in his eyes. I have to be honest and say that I'm not a big fan of Ashnard, but he is a true monster in combat. I also did like Naesala a bit and Ena and Nasir quite a bit more though, their motivations and arc are well expressed imo. In terms of gameplay, it's not all that bad. I bet it's very easy outside of hard though. The balance is almost in cav's favour to the extent of Judgral sadly and cavs aren't stopped indoors to compensate. However, the movement is a bit more even at least and the cavs don't have amaezballs stats compared to the infantry. We also got magic non-swords which is nice and the Laguz are interesting mechanically but I do kind of wish there were more Laguz stones for instance. BK on the other hand was absurd, I'm amazed that someone on his level was put in a post-Kaga title. As for presentation, I'll be honest and say it's a bit of a letdown. I mean, the character models could have been a lot worse considering the period (I remember the first Killzone entirely because of how bad it looked), but the battle animation was not exactly on the level of the GBA era for dynamism and the music is frankly disappointing, one of the weaker soundtracks in the series (The midi quality isn't endearing when you get past the year 2000 on home consoles sadly). The only part I'd be all in on is the character portraits, with the characters personalities conveyed well in them. And it is slow. Oh it is just a bit painful at points, especially with animations on, a problem that seems to plague console FEs. The world I hope also gets some more development outside Serenes, Begnion, Crimea and Daein. We get a bit of a sense of other's nations, but I also kind of felt like stuff was missing, I'm not sure how clear I can be on that. I'll also put an overview of the units I played as.
  12. Wait Growl has 100 accuracy right? I thought the 1/256 glitch was Gen 1 only. Considering Lance of course they don't. The other guy had to walk to get it to you?
  13. I guess Goldoa didn't move. :P Anyways, Duma's in. He's Anima attack and Colourless Armour (I see what they did there). His Fell Breath gives him more Atk while also giving extra Atk/Res when at 100% HP and preventing enemy followups. as well as having Draconic Aura, Def/Res Solo, Bold Fighter and Upheaval (Deals 7 damage on the first turn and in AR destroys structures in the same column (During Anima, but you're honestly going to use him outside of that and/or bonus unit?)). A pretty good skillset, which makes me wonder what he's got stat wise.. As for the rest of the banner, Red's got D!Ike, LunEirika and Laegjarn, which while not a bad combination isn't exactly inspiring, Blue's got L!Tiki, Kliff and Ryodance, where I desperately want all but Ryoma and if he were Quan I would be exclusively Blue, Green has L!Lyn, Garmphraim and Elinance, which isn't exactly convincing me to pull and Colourless has Loki and SummeLinde, where it's a shame SummeLinde's there because the other two are real solid. I guess this time around I'm Blue > Colourless > Red > Green.
  14. Lucky's right, Ike got Aether two enemy phases in a row and BK didn't get a single Luna (which I calculated as a 1-hit KO). He was barely doing any damage without it (A net 2 damage because Renewal), I didn't trust him surviving when he was 1 def or 2 HP away from not getting 2-shot so I avoided player phase. Still, was really satisfying to see BK fall to Ike, I won't deny I gesticulated rudely to him (As an aside, can Aether not activate from 2 range? I've never seen it happen and I'm curious.) So anyways, Crimea's freed. This was an interesting final map, not just because we need to have most of the army distracting the other enemies while Ike and Nasir have to get into place for Ashnard but the terrain made it more interesting. No problems arose there but then I started with Ashnard and had to run everyone else away except for the healers, which allowed Mist and Elincia to get tons of experience. It was a tough draining fight (by that I mean draining on Nasir's Laguz Gems), but Ike finished Ashnard with Aether despite the generic bishop using Physic and almost ruining everything. Then Ashnard got up again better and stronger and Nasir said to bring someone in. I picked Giffca so he could do something in PoR. And at first the results of that led to danger, until I got Ashnard to go for Nasir while next to the fountain. At that point he had been got with Ike, Nasir and Giffca sitting around and taking shots until they finally beat him (Ike secured the win despite not using Aether again. To be fair, I will take 2 on BK and one on Ashnard over the other way around) and we got to save his mount. Ashnard got no kills and I have to say he was a true threat, but it's a shame he could only be attacked by three units to do so. With the epilogue, I have to say I liked the renditions of Life Returns and I'm curious how the story will go from there aside from where I've been spoiled. And to top it all off, Jill got speed twice, which sadly did not lead to her capping despite her being given 2 speedwings. I'll show stats and talk about the game as a whole tomorrow, though the top 3 fighters were Jill, Boyd and Nephenee (Of those, Jill definitely got a lot of kills from getting to finish while Nephenee and Boyd were certainly powerful enough on their own after a time). Yes, Ike was outside the top 3. I'll probably get on RD in a week or so. What difficulty do you recommend?
  15. I bet he'd complain about them being peasants and be terrible besides. Nah.
  16. I know that I'm going to sound terrible for going against Ethlyn, but Leif. I have to pick him. After those two, if Lissa or Cherche/Gerome gets to the final somehow they'd be the backups.
  17. So, with these banners I know what colours I'll try. Let's just see if I'm lucky or not. Mothers first. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Klein (I'm okay with this. +Spd/-Atk) Now sons. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red 4* Cain (WoM. +Res/-HP)
  18. I thought this was on about partners following you around like in HG/SS and was all YES. As is, I understand the appeal of the idea, though I'm not so sure I'd be into it in practice. Keep in mind I'm not familiar with how Let's Go does things..
  19. Shame he isn't a lord, he'd have been far and away my first choice (as an aside, the lack of Finn emblem is disheartening). And while I didn't put Eliwood in the post, I would consider him a possibility as well (more than Hector at least, who has a better chance than most because he raises Lilina post BS)
  20. So, I forgot to put this up the day the banner came out. There's a reason for that. I'll be honest, if it weren't for Elise and Hinoka's skills, I'd be perfectly content saving orbs. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red 4* A!Tiki (Could be worse fodder. +Atk/-Res, could be worse), 3* Merric (What do I say to this? +Atk/-Spd), 3* Boey (More disappointment. +Atk/-Spd) 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green 4* Stahl (I'd rather see a lot more units at 4* than Stahl. +Atk/-Def), 5* Rhajat (Well crap. Even if she's the last of the Fates kid banner units, I have a lot of Infantry Green mages, she's a character I'm conceptually against, she's not that impressive a unit. +Def/-Spd, her nature's even bad. I think I'll be using that DD3 after all.) 4 Red, 1 Colourless 5* Sigurd (And the pitybreakers keep on a'chuggin'! At least I like Sigurd and have a base to merge. +Atk/-Res, is it better than +Atk/-HP?), 3* Palla (See this? This is good fodder. +Spd/-Def), 3* A!Tiki (Again? +Def/-Res), 4* Eirika (There's better fodder you know. +HP/-Res) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Seth (Shame. +HP/-Res), 4* Nino (I could stand to see other green fodder. +HP/-Atk), 3* Nino (NO. +HP/-Atk AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa-) Finally at 3.25% 3 Blue, 2 Red 4* Soleil (I jumped for a sec. +Atk/-HP), 3* Hana (There's worse fodder. +Spd/-Def) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Sylvia (I need more dancers to fodder her off to. +HP/-Def), 4* Sheena (I shrug. +Def/-Res), 4* Barst (That's more like it. Neutral) 3.5% 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Stahl (Stahp. +HP/-Atk) 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 3* Athena (Moonbow. +Spd/-Atk), 3* A!Tiki (Stop it, I need better. +Res/-Def), 3* Olivia (Oh, another dancer. +HP/-Res), 4* Hawkeye (If only you had better fodder. +HP/-Def) 3.75% 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (Well fuck, this choice again.) 3* Serra (I just want all 3* Colourless to be Klein. +HP/-Atk) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green 4* M!Corrin (I wish he wasn't around either. +Def/-Spd), 3* Draug (I was looking for him. +Spd/-HP), 4* Soren (Stop it. +Spd/-HP) 4%, I should stop. 3 Colourless, 2 Red 4* Palla (Can't get enough Goad Fliers. +Atk/-HP), 3* Sophia (.... +Spd/-Def) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Merric (More like Merric stop. +Res/-Def), 4* Beruka (Glimmer. +Def/-Atk) 3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* Beruka (...... +Spd/-Atk), 3* Bartre (Right in the gut. +Res/-Atk), 4* Barst (I just can't seem to get enough Reposition. +Spd/-Res) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Sophia (REALLY? +Def/-HP), 3* Lilina (Please tell me you're at least decent. +Spd/-Res) 4.25% a while back. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Stahl (This. This is the enemy. +Atk/-Def), 4* Nino (This could be too. +Res/-Def), 4* Libra (This not so much. +HP/-Def) 4.5% 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 5* M!Grima (I would complain considering my target is supereffective, but still. +Res/-HP, I've needed a dragon armour.), 4* M!Corrin (Stop, I don't want my fate! +Spd/-HP), 4* Seliph (Selnope. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Hinata (At least you're decent fodder. Show up more. +Res/-HP), 3* Kagero (That was a waste. +Res/-HP) I just spent 180 or so. I got 3 pitybreakers. Don't be Dayni guys. I should have stopped after Sigurd. I would smack me if I could travel back to then. Back to the other banners to catch up. Anyways, here's a chance at another Takumi or Leo (aka worst sibling as a unit.) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Hana (Could be worse. +Def/-Res) As for Elincia + Nephenee, I have all these units again, which is nice. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 4* Catria (Luna. +Atk/-HP)
  21. This wasn't as tricky as I'd expected, but it took a few more tries than I'd like. Normal cleared with low HM units, Hard cleared with Dorcas, Lyon, Lancina and Takumi, Lunatic cleared with Caeda, Brinian, Peganino and Bunnero
  22. Honestly, I'd say Sigurd would be good as a guardian to the teenage characters for certain and we've seen him raise Seliph for a time so I'd put him as a candidate. Aside from then, possibly post-Mystery Marth and Ike (I'd have to see RD first) might be up there. Alm and Celia as a duo are also a possibility, though I'd have to wonder how good they'd be at raising them. None of these are solid picks mind and the only one I could see who's displayed both guardianship and raising is Sigurd.
  23. Yeah, I'd have liked to sleep him as well, but he'd be restored by the throne. I might not have been as altruistic in doing so, but enemy staves in Thracia made me paranoid by then. If only you had Silque. I mean, that's just nasty. Letting you know what you can never have. Badly underestimated for memes really. Yeah, I have a response: The idea of it being a bluff doesn't improve that he was that willing to ruin a rescue mission. Whoopsie from Maerchen I guess? I mean, he would have done better doing anything else. Including hitting a wall. Bad and strange growths. That event's interesting though. I just realised, maybe some montage music would help. What, no Crazy Bus for him? I do like this track though. I have to assume he's saying that very high pitched.
  24. Oh, I cleared Abyssal with the Ol'Reliable (Witch!Nowi, Valter, Newmilla, Newzura (So... the same as for clearing fliers on Infernal without Elincia)). Mostly took advantage of the river to force the horses to move about, the bow cav never threatened.
  25. Moment of Fate has been passed through. Surprisingly uneventful when I actually cleared barring Stefan defying death and some really good levels. Did it pretty quick as well, 12 turns seems to give a lot of BEXP. Also, that BK fight is ridiculous (Like, what the actual hell?). Good thing Ike activated Aether twice, BK died and Nasir got to find his.... granddaughter. Whut. Regardless, everything went better that expected, but because I didn't bring Geoffrey, I guess Elincia won't get that A rank. I also got through Twisted Tower first try (Not without some clutch dodging from Nephenee or Mist though), despite Tibarn and my army charging close like idiots. Izuka was strange and dumb, so he of course didn't die, while Naesala got to making moves on Leanne. Reyson should probably find a way to fight just to hit Naesala. And on the final chapter, I just spammed the bonus exp and stat boosters I had for transfer purposes on a few units to get them close to 20. Once again, Jill was a pain for getting speed. The map itself might was well be the first map in Genealogy because of its size. Also, Ashnard's also a pain to fight (and killed his own family, as if he wasn't evil enough with everything before we learned that he hired a laguz torture club). :P I have not used Wrath or Resolve, just because I want to see if it can be done without and if not how bad it is.
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