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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I'd like a merge for one of the Naga wielders. 3 Red, 2 Green (I don't want no Seliph, so....) 3* Soren (You can be begone. +HP/-Def), 4* Beruka (Glimmer. +Def/-Res)
  2. At least Ike's stats aren't doing too bad all things considered, BK's Luna won't exactly have that hard a time on sub-20 defence but other than that Ike's done well. Ashnard's also about as evil as anticipated, planning to unleash some dark god on everyone just because.
  3. I decided to get on with that chapter today. After getting Stefan killed because he's not as dodgetank as I expected. Really wasn't tricky, though I got Bastian to do the actual arriving as at first I wanted to beat all the enemies but gave up because the berserker went by BK to get to us and he was taking too long. Ranulf's been getting some decent exposure actually though, mainly because he's got some real good bases and the Demi Band doesn't screw him over. After that map, I decided that: 1. Mist gets Brute Force now. 2. Ike finally gets Aether. 3. Made another hand axe (Called BRUTALITY), with the added conclusion that I was only making a forge for each silver weapon after that and not using my money to restock because I have a hoard right now. 4. Started questioning if I was going to able to use all these good prepromotes who just showed up. Seriously, I'd love some harder maps where I had more units to work with. Aside from that, it's the boulders map next. How they got the boulders into shape and position, I wonder...... Any late games hints? Should all the speedwings go to Jill?
  4. Oh, don't mind me. I'm just watching you two fight to the death because you both wanted your little sister by your side. *sip Carry on.
  5. Finally got back to playing the PoR playthrough where Jill has no speed. So, chapter 22. Much as it wasn't difficult, the gimmick just drove me mad. Actually getting the thieves proved easy enough, the shoving shenanigans only slowed me down and the boss didn't get one hit in (he tried, though he still annoyed me because Nephenee's level off him was bad.). And yes, I did get the Ashera staff in 10 turns, so not bad at all. And Reyson got there to stare at a wall and learn that Ike's mum and his sis at least were alright, so that's something. Also Titania wants to murder BK as much as Ike, so I'm even more on her side in this. Then the gang goes to a bridge. Is this the map I think it is? Well it starts with the return of Ranulf, so okay. He's just as he always was though, which is strange if a year has supposedly passed for the last 20 chapters. Also Ike/Soren A rank is official and there was much about why Soren hated himself. Drunk Shinon is himself only slurred, so that's someone I don't think I'd drink with. In the actual map, I think Haar's 5 more minutes line was great, but of course there's pitfalls everywhere (like expecting growths to even out apparently). I had to reset because I was stupid and left Reyson in range of a freely takeable ballista, which would have been blocked if I had not had him dance 3 instead of 4 allies. Also a second time because I forgot to heal Reyson. Seriously, ballista and angry bird bois do not mix. At least the pitfalls are able to be manipulable by your party, because the enemy won't activate them. Also, crap Nasir's gone. For Chapter 24, I decided to make a new javelin called Sonic Lance, sell some utterly useless weaponry and started the map. I moved a bit up, but after Bastian and Lucia showed up I decided it's late. This is a slow one by the looks of, which is a shame because I've been pretty quick today.
  6. It's a shame it's not T so I could be that guy and pick the Bebop. I know literally nothing else. Tall me that that The Unchallengeable Daitarn 3 is not a gundam series, because I'll pick Banjo Haran as the pilot if he isn't, I'm kind of picking him as he's on his lonesome on that long list. :P That list has so much information I have no notion about.
  7. Pangolins. They are armoured and can roll up similarly to armadillos, have great abilities to dig and climb trees and despite their wonky legs can get around and survive just fine. Absolutely my favourite. If I were a supervillain I'd get one of these as the exotic pet. I mean, sure there's no way to feed off my enemies to my pet, but that's a bad idea anyway.
  8. You mean I get to eat the mystery item on the ground? ily.
  9. So, the dance skills work with Prayer Wheel because of a bug. And it's a confirmed feature as of 3.2. Fuck it, if I get her I'm upgrading Earth Dance and using it in my flier emblem teams (and watching the world burn). Just need more flier formation, can't get enough imo.
  10. Yeah, I understand the delusion. At least there's more whitewings as Catria has an alt. I wasn't clear, I meant it was a contradiction the Seth was on an all mage team. Also, at least you're having fun using him. Also, you try the Abyssal difficulty. I've cleared a grand total of one. One map. Yeah, I wrote that when I didn't know I'd have 2 interviews in quick succession. I really wanted to make an edit or two but not today. That's just an image from the movie. What am I supposed to respond to that with? (Though sadly it's more accurate as Leonie is very young.) And that requires him taking the boots. Roy's a better candidate. Roy. I mean, I could think of a few angry ones..... (Take this in lieu of an edit.) Runan is truely one of history's greatest monsters. -Cult of Gerxel, whatever year this is. Or hell, most of that army. Still better than a base Ruka would be. Well, I guess Raffin will do no more this playthrough. So, badly misinformed? Or apparently Yazam had an Azoth. Holmes is absolutely worth using, even when bowlocked. Let's hope Claude's FE's equivalent. Also, Shigen's pretty good, but oh man Dullahan is one of the most bizzare weapons, useful defensively but the low hit makes it a bit limited. Can't wait to see how often he "dies". Holmes: Fucking newbs. I'm pretty sure he counts too. Why is he here? Oh look, is that the friend? He looks more ominous than Humphrey, but I have to find a suitable stupid name for him. 7 is barely higher than Runan. That's just disappointing on their parts. I mean, we all know why she can't be, but still. Xeno/Katri? I'd ship. Kaga though? He's ice cold in comparison. RIP Xeno/Katri. Hold on! He's not talking bizzarely. Does that mean this is Yoda's backstory? Holmes, wow so edgy. (I would do an edit but it's bad enough I'm responding with an interview so soon) So wait, you get two copies of Sylphid if you do this event? Okay, I understand everyone's choice now. It's a shame Res is half magic. Well, Holmes is a Richard after all. Ezekiel needed to have more strength than Narron of all people sadly. Lionel is looking like a good choice. Why would you only allow him here? I feel bad for her. I know she hates that too, but the self-hate is a shame. That and being blind in the middle ages of anime must be worse that in the actual middle ages as there's almost nobody you'd know around when you get old. Well Arkis gets to go straight to hell. So, on the unit picking: Also a note in relation to Letenna:
  11. At first I was asking how Midia was much worse than Roshea that long term it mattered. Then I noticed Midia has 9 HP. RIP, though I'd consider using all the angelic robes on her. :P This? This is beautiful, exactly what RR makes into beasts. Oh and Abel's solid too. Least she's getting stats. Yep, not with Elice as your lord you wouldn't. Super dead. It's like a dust cloud is just evaporating it. No coming back from that. Considering her move, yeah this is absolutely shorter. Good to see that Lena's useful again, considering hat Mystery did to her.
  12. I'll just do ahead and respond quickly there, mainly to clear the air a bit. It's quite clear turquoise and teal is enough for this game. Bit of a shame, imagine if Ced or Alm was the lord. Ouch, that's a shame. Oh, that's not what I meant by that! I actually don't have complaints with the writing, though I must admit that sentence could have been clearer on that. No need to respond by that right now.
  13. I think you skipped me in replies, unless you had nothing to say in response. Either way, would have missed the update if I hadn't checked. :P Think it was because he crit her. That's a surprise. Also ouch, that's a lot of damage. Oh look, it's Sedgar of all people. Is he looking for Wolf or Coyote? How does that recruitment work? ...... Shame he couldn't have it stolen from him. Heath defends pizza. I can respect a pizza defender. He gets a pass on the white bit of hair. So Dieck canonically speaks Japanese? Also, he's as teal as Fiora! Oh Arden, him and his girlies and his powerful items. I assume he can't get there on time on his own. That could have been better.
  14. I'll go with first playthrough as replays I don't think should count. Yellow: Didn't have a choice, did I? Crystal: Totodile, because best starter. Pearl: Piplup, lost the cart so I can't really remember it. Platinum: Tirtwig, though I used all three starters. Soul Silver: I may have picked Totodile again, but I actually dropped him to try a playthrough without a starter. Ruby: I am not remembering from the first playthrough. Think it was Blaziken. Emerald: I think I used Mudkip first, though my first finished used Treecko. Fire Red: From my first nuzlocke, where I picked Bulbasaur. White: Oshawott.Yep, despite the B/W Derpface. White 2: Seperior, mainly because I kind of prefer it over Tepig. Y: Fennekin. I don't have much reason. Alpha Sapphire: Treecko, I just prefer it over the other two. Moon: Poppilo, Just give it a bouncy ball. Ultra Sun: Rowlet, because Incineroar angers me and Takumon didn't.
  15. A hedge knight who swears himself to the lords's bastard son, he's often the first person to charge into the situation whether it's combat or a heated discussion. Despite this he's willing to talk people down from combat and calm a situation, a trait which caused him to be fired by his liege. Is also easily convinced on noble ideals, which is how a bastard with little to his name got a hedge knight to follow him.
  16. Honestly, this seems like it'd work better on discord or something. Although it is reset right now.....
  17. So, I finally cleared an Abyssal map. Sure, it's Michalis, but it was a chance to pull out the OI' Reliable (Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Valter and Newmilla). Witch!Nowi takes a shot at Michalis, gets danced and repositions Newzura out of range and I move the other two in the same direction. Next turn Nowi takes out Michalis with two rounds and is moved so she can't be hit by the blue flier who's the only one in range as the others were going for Newzura when she was in the west. I actually move for the centre mountain range, with Newmilla having to take a hit from the blue flier but it allows me to have that control over it which prevents the lance user from using lunge shenanigans. From there it's mostly take it as it comes, with most of them being taken on by Valter. He does a good job tanking, though I wonder if Fury would have been better or worse. Anyways, one down, I don't want to think how many to go.
  18. I had a lot more trouble than I'd anticipated with SA 18. TLDR: Summer Leo is bad and IS should feel bad for making him.
  19. Look, it's the most predictable and irrelevant banner! Hell, I liegit just got pitybroke by one of them. I also have one of the others, so this will be a bit of a boring pull. 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue 4* Chrom (Wrong... Chrom? +Atk/-Spd, I mean, it could be a good option over -Res but mine's already got a merge), 4* Stahl (I need to stop being curious. +Atk/-HP) Well that disappointed.
  20. Well, this looks like this might be the thread to post in. Naesala, surprisingly easy, especially considering how annoying it was to try and stop him from killing anyone before talking to him in the same map in PoR. Hard cleared with low HM units (3 of which were green mages, one Kidzura so you can guess that was used) Lunatic cleared with M!Morgan (Grima's Truth, Drag Back, Blazing Flame, DaB 3, Dull Ranged 3, Spur Def/Res 2, Drive Res 2), Lancina (Geirskogul, Drag Back, Aether, Sturdy Blow 2, Renewal 3, Drive Spd 2, Spur Def 1), B!Ike (Urvan, Reposition, Aether, Steady Breath, Beorc's Blessing, Hone Spd 3, SAA12 1) and Takumi (Fujin Yumi, Drag Back, CC, Vantage 3, Spur Def/Res 2), where I reposition Lancina onto the tree below the manakete and drag Ike back, wait for the enemoes to come, then have Morgan attack the mage and Ike finish, with Lancina dragging Morgan back while Takumi 1-shots Naesala thanks to the boost. Ike then tanks the two reds and the manakete (This needed the Drive Res Seal, I failed without it) and I clean up. Infernal cleared first try with L'Ephraim (Flame Seigmund, Draw Back, Sol, Sturdy Stance, Solar Brace, Hone Cav), B!Lyn (Mulagir, Swap, DA, SwSp 2, Desperation 3, Hone Cav, SAA5 1, S Rank Eliwood and Summoner), Eliwood (Blazing Durandal, Reposition, Iceberg, DeB3, Desperation 3, Ward Cav, SAA10 1) and Frederick (Slaying Hammer (Eff.), Swap, Aether, Fury 3, WoM 3, Fortify Cav). I set everyone out of range first turn, then had Lyn charge in to 1-shot the mage, be repositioned by Eliwood while Frederick swaps places with Ephraim and allows Ephraim to sit above Eliwood for EP. Next turn, Lyn attacks and Frederick finishes Naesala while Eliwood finishes the blue manakete off and Ephraim the red cav. The res manakete fights Ephraim but it's a foregone conclusion in the end. This was amazingly easy, especially in comparison with recent maps. Edit: Neat job on the clear. I did it pretty similarly (Though Frederick had a different role because mine isn't as built)
  21. Maybe when she sits down, the chair materialises. I think I'm using the image in future.
  22. Sometimes I reallee try. (Not there though) That's from the BB LP. Shame, she's a pretty decent budget unit. Her alts, on the other hand, are made to sell orbs. I didn't spend any on them but that's because I got lucky with one and didn't bother with the other. (Also yes, she has as many forms as there are Whitewings and three times as many as characters from the Western Isles in Heroes) 1. That sounds like a contradiction. 2. At least someone did. Now it's how she sings it that would make it clear. Smiley Runan is just sitting in the back playing the bass away. It's not enough. I picked actual hard ones. And Niamh. Do a Dew solo in Genealogy? Nah, I've got a lot of things going on. Also Tellius to play. I know it entirely for memes, I haven't seen any of it. Using that every time then? Do you know what that's from? So, sports personality The Wild O? What, did he work in Barge as a newscaster before it got taken? I mean beyond TearRing honestly. He's not that far off, he's like Arden and Roger's grandson. I did say Quasimodo but perfect. He still got Leonie sanctuary. I'm more amazed I forgot to use it in that LP. Yes, Again! Go Norton! Show that having a horse makes a difference! He's in the Black Knights of Canann, so he's still suspect. To Eugen that is. As I am with Albertus, you are with Eugen. :P Runan decided after killing their overlord that he's just done with Senay. I don't blame him. Richard has always been about standing out. I'm pretty sure Dolcellan is dead after that. The enemy Arden is more relevant than royals in BB. Man BB was a mistake. I mean, on the one hand it's supposed to be dramatic. On the other hand, the game it's from is considered a train wreck and that.... I could say many things on that. "If need be I'll drink it all to make sure you don't!" Yeah. I made it worse by making a joke about her drinking to forget Norton's accusation. When will Lyria give Ruben a nickname? If need be, you might need that promotion. I think I'll be saying yes, if only because I'd rather covers bases if worst comes to worst.
  23. Shigure's nature could be better but Goad/Ward is fantastic for Flier emblem in my opinion and Est is in the bin for the 5* +10 merge if I decide to go that way (I think she's No. 4 for the bin and my main Est is +1), though if I could trade I'd hook you up. Mathilda herself sadly doesn't get much use, she's currently got a +Def refine to make up for her bane but I think this nature would be a better choice in the end. The BK stands for Branded King (Because of the banner) and hey, he's either a merge or Aether fodder (Leaning strongly on merge though, it means that my BKhrom has neutral defence instead of -Def next month, so he has that going for him which is nice.). I was going mainly for Nailah, but Tibarn's a bit wild too so either would have done. I learned my lesson chasing for RD units after last year, so I'm not trying again (Ignoring that only Nailah's from RD originally and I've seen all the others in PoR by now). (Least I didn't get Jakob as a pitybreaker unlike then.)
  24. I got all the tokens (You have no idea how many tries to took to get enough for Nailah's), so let's do this. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green (Let's just take the Blue, not because I'd never want Tibarn, but I feel like I should save- Okay screw it, we all know what Tibarn's like.) 4* M!Robin (I was looking for a merge. +Def/-Atk, I guess I'm keeping my first 5*.), 3* Laslow (LasNo, am I right? +Res/-HP), 4* Ogma (Is that my 4* +10 merge? +HP/-Res), 4* Fir (It's a staff unit's fodder. +Spd/-HP) 3.25% 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (No blue? Uh oh.) 3* Marth (I could stand to get better fodder. +Spd/-Atk), 4* Roy (I need a merge for him too.... Wait I don't think I do. +HP/-Res) 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 4* Mathilda (Really, why bother with her as fodder unless you want her at 5*? +Atk/-Res.... That could work as a base for her.), 4* Effie (Haven't see her in ages. +Spd/-Def, still getting bad natures as usual.) 3.5% 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Est (I already got one merge and I have a pile of these now. Would really like that skill refine IS. +Spd/-Def, I have +Atk already, it is beautiful), 4* Cordelia (CordeliNah? +Def/-Spd, Effie would have liked that.), 4* Lon'qu (Vantage. +Res/-Spd) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Subaki (I mean, do I need to insult the guy? +Res/-HP), 4* Ares (Nice. +Def/-Spd) 3.75% 3 Red, 2 Blue (That's better, would have liked more blue.) 4* Peri (That's bad. +Def/-Atk), 4* Shigure (That's not a wolf. +HP/-Res, shame that Stance is 5* locked.), 4* Henry (Shame, he used to be a good fodder option. +Def/-HP), 3* Seliph (No, you're not getting the refine. Neutral), 5* BKhrom (No, my look on my face is disappointment because I'm not getting Tibarn. +Spd/-Atk, I think I'm merging onto my base.) I guess until I play RD I'll never get what I was looking for off it's banners (This is also not the first time Chrom pitybroke a Tellius banner though that was lessened because Nephenee was in the same circle). I tried again after being pitybroken once before. Never again.
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