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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Ariel had gotten herself a position as a guard in a quiet town, which allowed her to fulfil her obligation to serve in the military from her parents but not have to fight actively. This is ruined by a bar fight that spills out onto the streets and becomes a riot that the heroes get caught up in and decide to stop. She ends up joining them after being fired for failing to prevent the riot she couldn't have stopped and forces herself to join the heroes for a place in a military force. She proceeds to be annoyed at everyone and only do the minimum to stay in. Later on she has the chance to meet up with her father, who congratulates her on her position and gives her a set of fine javelins for her to use, a gift which she actually takes pretty thankfully.
  2. Well this is something. A lot. Let's go in order.
  3. You're right on that, I'm not really considering that it'd build up a pity rate at the minimum as well. For a banner people don't want to summon in it's a bit of a temptation to wave at them as well. I think I'm right on the 10th circle thing after all.
  4. Hard beaten with low HM units. Lunatic and Infernal beaten with Sonya, HK!Marth, Azura and Genny. With Lunatic, Sonya 1-rounded the armour, Marth repositions and from there it's a pretty easy sweep honestly. Infernal (which had been cleared first) started with Genny attacking the armour (who she could double because of the dancing speed seal) and being dragged back by Sonya. Soren and the flier head to the left for Azura while everyone else goes right, mainly slowed down because of Gravity. Sonya destroys the armour, gets pulled out and the enemy force keeps coming, the flier having gone north while the others are together. This allows me to set up kills for Marth and leave sonya in range of the flier, who she easily tanks because she didn't get Soren's boosts. From there I figure out how to mop up the rest, with only the troubadour left and easily stopped.
  5. Consider that each token is the equivalent of 5 orbs. I could see players wait to pull until they've gotten them all and be more willing to hold back on buying orbs. Keep in mind that time where I quit the game was pretty much the first day of the legendary banner as well. All that crap came at once. I was not in the mood to play never mind spend if that was on the regular.
  6. So, I hadn't played for a week. It got so bad I forgot to get a 4* Gharnef. I wonder what could have happened to kill me? (So I had the specifics but the computer crashed at one point and those were lost. Hadn't foddered anyone yet so): 4* Ares (Hey that's a good start. +Def/-Res), 4* Eirika (Eh. +HP/-Res), 4* Frederick (Luna. +Spd/-Res), 3* Sophia (Ugh. +HP/-Res), 4* Nino (+HP/-Res, really?), 3* Titania (+HP/-Res), 4* Seth (+Atk/-Def), 4* Fae (Renewal. +Atk/-Res), 3* Henry (+Res/-Def), 4* Raven (+HP/-Spd, gosh that's bad.), 4* Olivia (+Def/-Spd), 4* Cain (WoM. +Def/-Atk), 4* Camilla (+Def/-Atk), 4* Hana (L&D. +Def/-Spd), 4* Raigh (What a load of crap. +HP/-Def), 4* Tiki (+Spd/-HP, that's bad.), 3* Caeda (+Spd/-Atk), 4* Caeda (+Res/-Def), 4* Soren (+Spd/-Def, finally a good Soren!), 3* Henry (+Hp/-Atkl), 3* Hinata (Why can't I get good fodder more? +Spd/-Def), 4* Boey (+Res/-Spd), 3* Henry (+Def/-Res), 3* Lilina (+Atk/-Res, so close. ), 4* Fae (+HP/-Res), 4* Beruka (Glimmer. +Def/-Spd), 4* Lon'qu (+Spd/-Atk), 4* Chrom (Why didn't you stay a 5* man? Lesat your fodder would be better. +Def/-HP), 3* Cain (+Res/-Def), 4* Merric (To the merge pile. +Res/-Def), 4* Hawkeye (+Res/-HP), 3* Gunter (+Def/-Atk), 4* Barst (I wish I got him more. +Res/-Spd), 4* Sheena (+Spd/-Atk), 3* Kaze (I think I pulled him by accident. Neutral, I keep getting him like that.), 4* Soleil (+Def/-HP), 3* Boey (+HP/-Atk), 4* Marth (+HP/-Spd), 4* Cecilia (+Atk/-Spd, should that be her base?), 4* Bartre (+Spd/-Res), 5* Hrid (FINALLY A 5*. I pulled a full circle afterward. +Res/-HP, unfortunate), 3* Titania (+Def/-Atk. It), 4* Abel (+HP/-Spd. Didn't), 3* Cordelia (+HP/-Def. Work), 3* Subaki (+HP/-Atk. Out) TLDR: Gacha is the 10th circle of hell, 190 orbs and 12% for 1 5* is a crock of fuck. I think I'm done with banners for a while and being done with the whole game for a week says something. So, more banners with free bad fodder were had. VG first. 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (Helbindi?) 3* Titania (Man, that's not enough. +Spd/-Res) The other banner now. It's got a lot of units who are powerful who I already have, so that's easier on my heart. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Steady Breath?) 3* Sheena (I swear, IS has it out for me with all the bad pulls. +Res/-Def) Also there's the BHB banner. So let's see if I get something. 3 Colourless, 2 Red 4* Eirika (I thought it was MagEirika for a second. Way to get my hopes up. +Res/-HP) Also New power. The Whitewings first. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Clair (WRONG FLIER! +Spd/-Def) And now for the other one. 5 Red (No Robin......) 3* Selena (Reposition. That's better. +Res/-Spd) So, I'm waiting to get the tokens before doing Hero Fest 4. I think that kind of thing might backfire on IS.
  7. Eh, you're probably not alone. Wil's even more shafted in terms of relevance than her. As for Rebecca, at this point I'd use her in BS despite herself. Archers have got a bad nice in GBA, she's not that exceptional and her biggest credit is she isn't Wil. I mean, she's not relevant in Heroes. Still have a 5* version (to be fair, not quite by choice).
  8. In all honesty it doesn't help that I had the back luck blues a few weeks back with this game and it's kinda pushed me back from the game. I wasn't expecting it to be amazing not just due to it being only 10 minutes but this was not a good first impression. I doubt I'd be switching to another mobile title because the main reason I came to this to begin with was because of it being part of a franchise I was following. But we'll have to see with the actual game itself. After all, it feels like they weren't actually saying much about the update itself.
  9. Well, that explains the Alfonse clone. What about Thrasir?
  10. So, 3.0. How much will this suck? TLDR: Beasts get delayed to 3.1, the advertising for 3.0's story disappointed hard and summoning tickets are a thing. Least the hero fest seems neat with Lewyn.
  11. If you're going to play a version, SoV is cleaner, the game's a it more balanced and the presentation is just top tier. As for map design issues, oh boy some of these maps are kind of out there. You'll accept boring over some of the more absurd crap the game pulls. Thing is? Mine already did. I had to switch to Data lite mode and results were not pretty. Worse still, I've no idea how big it'll be because 3.0 is tonight. Is it really that broken? You can't use it on your entire force endlessly. That's the thing with FE, Cavs being knights and Knights not always being knights. Kaga made things more confusing and that lack of clarity still hasn't been fixed. He'd probably have armour bases while being on a horse somehow. This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them! As a matter of fact, I'm just before the final boss. To be blunt, the endgame boss was hard enough in the original and in this playthrough I'm lower level than I was for that or the remaining bonus bosses that I haven't already barely beaten (And that's not even counting the superboss I can't even fight because I'd need New Game+ and I've only gotten the game legit about 2 weeks ago). Guess I'm off to grind off past bosses to pick up all the good equipment I hadn't stolen yet because being freely able to time travel allows you to do that. I'd kind of been putting it off because I'd played before, but I'm really noticing the difficulty with minimal grind. I've also been noticing other flaws, some there before, others newly added (Because there's new content). Still a real good game (and one where a betrayal isn't a meme (Thanks Fates!) but is actually kind of harrowing and the newly added voice acting doesn't hurt). Error: Dedication not found. Please try again some other time. I'd forgotten this was the case. There really was enough flags though. It's clear that Eugen is not concerned for those who might be left devastated, regardless of guilt. Worse, Mars tends not to be associated with wind or water in other media when it has some elemental connotations. It's usually Fire. Why Kaga picked it like this is anyone's guess. There are plenty of other more generic characters anyway for this game, it's nice to see someone who won't get a massive amount of material get their turn. You know, you're probably right. I'm kind of comparing to Florina actually and considering Tearring and Berwick are games which IS have been accused of ripping off of before..... No gods, no kings, only Eugen? Is Eugen secretly atheist? That or he said she's bad at taking care of her pegasus. Either way he's out to insult her.
  12. You know, it's rare a chapter holds you back for about a year. It's even worse when a first turn does it to you. I'm not saying Remorse and Retaliation (Chapter 19) from Thracia 776 is the hardest chapter. I am saying that the first turn held me back from finishing Thracia for a long time. See, trying to keep people alive on that first turn was ruinous and took so much time figuring out I finished other playthroughs in the time it took to finish. It also held me back from finishing Genealogy as I'd decided to only finish that after finishing Thracia, so that chapter hald me back from finishing two games. It is the chapter that proves how Stamina can mess up your day and why not being able to move units at the start of a map about is fucking horrible. Thanks S. Kaga.
  13. Delthea would be bad enough. Evil Delthea would certainly offer them up to Duma. No thanks.
  14. So, 3DS finally got merged together on the forums. With that now, I'm going to ask a question: Which 3DS soundtrack is your favourite? I'm separating Fates up for those who want to pick a specific one as well as combined.
  15. I mean, I know I don't look the part but I have your presents right here.
  16. I'll be honest, there's not much game to worry about for me. And it's December, so I actually am beginning to be concerned with the lack of information. Could it get delayed again?
  17. I'll admit I spoiled myself on the soundtrack. (So yes, spoilers for some soundtrack stuff that I loved.)
  18. Maybe I don't agree on that. Then again, I'm of the opinion FE is a series with less real bad titles and is more even in its quality. FF on the other hand has that masterclass in IX and then II exists and proves that nostalgiafags are the worst (Where are the FFII defenders actually?). Sad part is that of those I'm pretty sure some were handed freely by now and all but Hardin are pretty accessible at this point without spending anything. Also stamina barely means anything at this point and stamina potions aren't too hard to stockpile even closer to launch. Ah prequel memes, my overhyped part of reddit. I don't think they mutate their memes half as well as the subreddit seems to think. Eh, 18 could be a lot worse. I'm pretty sure there'll be one that is just absurd for what it does. That you did the LP just to make this joke? Benched because an old man does the job better. Man that sucks. Jeez, it could be worse still. I would say something about cards, but that time is passed. These could be time-travellers though! I'll be honest, I don't know where I'm going with this one. KAGA DAMMIT RUBEN'S GONE WILL SOMEONE CLEAN UP. So we'll have to see if she keeps this up, could be a good choice for an early promotion. Running with her sword stupidly? Just bad knight things. See that? Eugen's fuck-o-meter managed to hit negative for a second. Holy crap we need more people like Eugen in general honestly. I mean, the fact he'd be the best character for Saga Heroes (working title) is probably reason enough. Well, considering you're asking for prequel memes.... Of who you have, I think either a unit like Kate or keeping it for an early enough Sasha might be the call, I don't see the cavs being worth it (Barring one but spoilers). I wish that this was in more strategy games. Hell I could think of a use for Radiant Historia right now (It's... kind of my current game because I am just tearing into the endgame right now) I mean, it's the obvious reaction. I guess these are back. Please tell me there'll be contextual ones. I mean, I would have tried to play Chapter 9 in PoR again but I had to take some time to make a prequel meme. You're welcome.
  19. Outer Worlds, aesthetically anyway, feels like Fallout Borderlands so far. No real idea on gameplay imo. It's that, Hades (Play his son. Which one though?) and if it turns out to be better than that reveal Scavengers in terms of what piqued my interest. Oh and maybe CTR Remake.
  20. So, Atlus gets a character. It's not Stocke. Dangit all, he would have been great (well, barring the issue of wielding a sword. We do have too many of those). (Okay, I may be playing RH:PC right now and I could be massively biased but imagine how brutal boss spiders could be in another series.) I'm not begrudging Joker being in mind. It's also a shame that the trailer had no gameplay to look at, nice and stylish as that reveal was. Also, the cries for Waluigi are already happening and I am honestly unsympathetic.
  21. Honestly, I expected a challenge. Instead I swept this with the Askrtrio and an unneeded Takumi. Alfonse didn't 1-shot without being in Brazen range, but he easily held the line thanks to having Darting Stance. Sharena was well capable of holding enemies back as well and Anna just smashed the blue units up. Takumi literally could have been a tube man he was that irrelevant. Edit: Takumi was actually Daggerick, who provided Hone Atk/Spd. That was all he contributed.
  22. See, that's what happens when you put it in a place like that, you just lose it. I always have that problem when it comes to Fates lore. . As for the theism debate, I'd argue that doesn't quite fit here: Consider that Naga herself doesn't consider herself as a god, that there were far more divine dragons before. Other dragons have also been shown as revered and I'd argue that Grima being acknowledged as on Naga's level would push the idea of there being one god full stop out (Worshipping one and fearing the other isn't )a monotheistic system). As for the Fates side it really doesn't help that the other dragons are so vaguely described that the Dawn and Dusk dragons could have been Anankos all along being worshipped by the nations (Seriously, the lore of the First Dragons has me that lost. I mean the only stuff that seems halfway clear is that there's one named after a bar of chocolate and there's also the Rainbow Sage and Anankos)
  23. Corrin might have a good shot at it if they have even enough stats but at their caps not counting Limit Breaker Robin still smashes Corrin aside. Lore wise, well..... (Spoiling end and postgame 3DS FE stuff. Just playing it safe.) Corrin's Omega Yato does give a powerful push up and the dragon veins could be helpful, but Robin's got a tactical mind which could have him seeing an opportunity to trap Corrin and once again those caps don't lie. Corrin also is a bit more limited in 2-range than Robin as magic in Fates is pretty mediocre and if Corrin's a Hoshido Noble they won't even have that (Though Hoshido Noble does get staves and Corrin's best bet, Hexing Rod (aka one of the worst weapons FE ever provided and probably a war crime)), the Levin sword in Fates is a bit mediocre in comparison and the less said about the other ranged swords the better. Robin has also got some more powerful obscure weapons like Celica's Gale and a good bunch of actual weapons of legend while not at their prime still gave good boosts.
  24. "I can say that one of my specialities is in blame diversion. I have successfully passed mistakes onto others in previous engagements. Would you like some examples?"
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