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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Mountain Quadratlon. The sport involves using each thing as a method of moving down a snowy mountain. However, the contestants would have to change from one to the other in motion. This would likely not end well. Empty oil drums, mover dolly, non-lethal ammunition
  2. Well this has been a while. This avatar is all about trolleys. So, he attacks opponents with trolley systems that are liable to drive them insane from being just a second off hopping the rail in the right second and blowing up to their deaths. Manage to survive that and you realise you left a cog somewhere and have to look all over for it, likely dying on the way. And hope you're not a slug because he will try to tear into you with his powerful beak. You can't win against Trolley Gull- Wait, the dragon just did it.
  3. Devo were involved in a Disney-created kid's band called Devo 2.0. While they did kid-friendly covers of Devo, they broke up after a flop and the most notable member ended up in Hunger Games. That movie had a single on the soundtrack from Taylor Swift.
  4. Nope, too edgy. It might give the kids the mary jew anna and I can't risk that for my kids!
  5. I see the Robins. GIMME! Hell, even Ogma and the Whitewings might interest me. But the Robins come first here be a mile.
  6. Ah that's for everyone, need it nice and ready. The old man who takes literally all the best moments from the rest of the cast. It's a good thing 5's pretty fun to play (unlike 12.... or 2). You said it, not me. I just said Bizarro Sacae's canon. Maybe. Well, Leif's in (And is actually pretty good. For a sword lord.), the main alt contention has been Camilla for a while for reasons (it involves a banner from last month and the backlash in response to that was something.), the small girls running around in armour has gotten choking to the point of absurdity and the main villain of Book II is now pullable. The memes are just choking. Maybe that partly explains my Heroes burnout. Besides, the fandom's made its own memes, it's rare that IS capitalise on them (No, I wouldn't say alts count. If they did Hallow'een Dorcas would have been a weresheep and I could have died happy). *You're I think it's because he's usually considered a bit more generic. I did say he was the splenda of Leifs imo. So, how many uses does it have? Mostly just want to clarify if Kaga got more balanced with his staves. Or not. I'd still say he's got plenty of exposition. Difference being that he isn't Boi. ...I can't believe it! He actually did it, the absolute madman! I'm sorry, did you have this joke ready in advance, you mad man? Those don't look recruitable at all...... I'm almost tempted to use Lilina here. Not just yet. Don't have much to complain about with Sid, though I must admit Wrys's arms seem off to me. They look more like long fins at a glance honestly, though that's partly due to the work done to make it look like fabric. I'd say they look like they fold in strangely to me. I must also ask is Wrys's head right? I'm questioning myself on this. Sure, I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of the styles being so jarring bit it doesn't kill me. It's like they crossed games Wreck-It Ralph style, Sid looks like he's Doomguy's cousin. Meanwhile Plum cries off screen.
  7. So, I'm going to pick a pre-3DS FE pairing. So I don't get Florina X Hector at all (and even Florina X Lyn is a bit of a pass for me). The support and their convos outside of it don't work imo. Florina herself doesn't really seem like she's in the place to have a romantic relationship, hetero or homosexual.
  8. Nope, this is from Spyro 2. The trolley minigame has a reputation for being frustrating and every time you fail he starts with "Trouble with the Trolley, eh?". It's an old meme. If only I actually knew Dune, I think that'd be about right. It is a dense book though and not just because the prose may as well be a fog so thick you can't see your hands in front of your face. I actually get this one. I will not explain the joke because I'd rather not spoil it. I can't help but think he's putting on a fake accent and pretending his fist is talking by moving his fingers about. It's just how he communicates. That.... that's going to be awkward. Least Berwick's better about it. Just.... give me a second? There, this should be useful. Lot of dust from lack of use though. You also forgot FF's Bartz Butz. I think that's a spear of light. Where did he get one of those? Is it.... it is one of the light arrows from that one chapter in BB? Well that's nice. Shame that (spoilers) happens. If Lee weren't such a good man, Hellfire could have helped. As is, it kind of looks like Yazak is just blocking the fire instead of it missing him. Bit too badass for a brigand boss (That or getting a large amount of votes from CYL (Seriously, a guy named Brigand Boss was just outside the top 200. For reference, Blume was last on ~760 and the boss outdid most of BB's cast)). Also, Lee's well on the way to steal your exp and actually level up well with it. I am more than happy with my choice.
  9. Emperor Seigfried is the tale of an ancient emperor and the cast of diverse stereotypes rising up to fight against him.
  10. "What is the policy towards the usage of joints? Because I'm wondering if I can cook it in good time"
  11. So, you're back too. Cool. If only she could use that strength..... Nope, don't think so. I'm now imagining him as the genie just running around asking anyone like L'Arachel to give him orders and him shouting no, laughing giddily to himself. But for the most part? What does that mean?
  12. Wow, am I supposed to be that intimidating? Or is it because of the trolley, eh? (I am making that joke, it's only out recently and I beat that trolley minigame by now) Wait, that's not best lord! Don't be giving me the Splenda of Leifs! I Spy FE edition! (B is obvious, D is obvious, what about the other letters?) As someone who discovered how nuts and fun Marth is recently, I can't say just how nuts grabbing is as I didn't use it often enough to tell. Arkis is proven dumb by his event where (Spoilers!). Point is both these guys are dumb, bench 'em. Ah, that kind of old chestnut. There's really no place? I mean, SF has the face sprites, but you do you. (Well, if that's allowed) Just make it everyone at this rate, he's the sign that Tearring is the matrix. This kind of shit is exactly the level of Kaga I should have seen coming. I've seen this game before, but this is just the right kind of crazy and I never knew. Oh no it is Bizarro Sacae. You forgot to add his moustache to that list. It's so thin that if he grows old it'll be easily confused for a line of cocaine. Nice portrait, could see that in a hack more. Oh, this is still anime enough that you know someone would say they were a lot closer than that. Sure, this isn't Fates so I know that wouldn't even be slightly intended but degeneracy is the name of the game apparently. Eugen is a man whose last fuck was dead while he was still a boy. I kind of get the hype. Best Malladus, if his words could attack he could have a beast of a weapon at times. Wait, he has stats? Oh, those stats. Jeez, he really should have gone! Okay, so onto the picking (Spoilers, y'hear?):
  13. Well, it's the gen I came back to after never having a GBA so 3rd gen passed me by. Even Pearl was impressive to me, though I could never go back to it after later titles (that and I lost it on holiday but that's beside the point). Platinum and HG/SS though are easily in my top 3 for the series, no questions asked and that's despite the slower engine (Also again, I've seen Sun/Moon on a not New 3DS. It's not pretty, can actually get as slow and unlike Pearl crashed on me more than once.). Gen 4 didn't start all that great (I mean, DP's type balance is awful), but it turned pretty good after that. A remake is likely not on the cards until 2020 at least anyway, so let's just see.
  14. That ain't Hrid- Wait, it is! Anyways, Hrid has a horse, Gjoll (which guarantees doubles if an enemy has stats reduced or a status like Panic or Gravity and gives +3 Atk), DC, Atk Smoke and Freezing Seal (which reduces enemy Atk/Spd by 6 if they have low res and he's got greater than 50% HP. Is that worse than Gunnthra?). I'm curious with the stats but the weapon's interesting and can work well and he's also wind. Also, Ice upon you. As for the others, Red has L!Ryoma and Laevateinn, so that's real good, Blue has Bowcina, Summer Cordelia and Hectet, which I'd only really want Lucina out of unless Hector's nature was really good, Green has Gunnthra, SummInnes and F!Kana, all of whom I don't have though Kana would be a bit sucky and Colourless has F!Grima, Nina and SummeNoire, so I do not care. Overall, my choices this time are Red > Green > Blue >>> Colourless
  15. But EA never had CoD..... Who am I kidding? Of course that'd be what you'd say. What.... What will this be? Is Bizarro Sacae canon now? Fine, you get Lee from me. This may change, though probably not to Narron, this is actually a pretty tight list of units, you only get 2 out of 5 and only the archer sucks. As for Letenna, I will not force you. At all. The two knights are poor anyway, let see them hit the bench. Maerchen, now he's going places!
  16. Considering the only unit I don't have is Mia, this seems like an uninteresting banner. Obvious too. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 4* Mae (I. NEED. SHANNA. When can we get more 4* desperation fodder? I'm sick of how rare Shanna is. +Res/-Def)
  17. While there was an eshop that's shut down in recent years, PoR came ot on GC and the Wii eshop didn't do those titles and RD came out in the Wii's early days when the eshop wasn't a thing. I can see why they weren't put up then even aside from the lack of commercial success then and Nintendo's reticence to online sales. In all honesty I could see it coming out on the switch, though when is a god question.
  18. To be fair, 69.99 is a cost for new games on the PS4 and XB1 that's surprisingly common. Nintendo games being slower to price drop on the other hand is all on them. Cartridges do explain some of it but the slow drop on some games is infuriating personally.
  19. Felix: Elton John has sang with a lot of artists, but one of the most notable was Freddie Mercury. I would totally have picked Aretha Franklin but first name basis I guess. Edit: On realising I didn't need it to be an F starting Ghetto Gospel would also have been a great choice.
  20. I'm sorry, isn't that perfection? Eirika gets 4th red variant. All special maps cost orbs. Cavalry have implicit duel skills.
  21. I tried MD Blue when my regular DS lite still worked. It wasn't an experience I felt was all that fun and I quit on the dungeon with Zapdos. It might be more interesting with a more open setting rather than being as linear and the pokemon I tried didn't really impress barring the main duo of Charmander (me) and my partner Totodile. The actual combat feels closer to the main series than Go, so that's not an issue.
  22. I don't recall noting a difference in terms of battery drain, but I switched because I hadn't the space any more and I haven't had the game slow down as much either. Anyways, fodder questions.
  23. Well, if the Legendary is who I think it is I might try for Ylgr. As is, I think I'll be saving. For now though, I'm on 200 so I think I'll take a bite now and try again after the legendary if I'm right. 3 Red, 2 Colourless (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-) 4* Niles (Just, can we just remove the launch reds and colourless units? That'd be nice. +Spd/-Def, would be nice but he's got +Atk already)
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