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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. So, this was surprisingly easy. Cav cleared with Hrid, Clive, Husbando!Marth and SummeLinde. Linde takes out the flier, tanks and 1-rounds Matthew and the mage in 1 round and the armours are also quite easily handled. Askrtrio and Fjorm also cleared after a fail or two. Fjorm with QR3 seal just demolishes Matthew (But not in 1 round, I don't remember testing with Sharena's +4 and Alfonse next to her), the generics go down quite easily and Hector just can't hurt Alfonse with the effect refine.
  2. So, anyone else panic for a second when they saw the title for the post on merges? Also I now need another Chrissa more to fix her supberbane. Enough to pull on a banner where she shares with Chrom? Not with my orb count.
  3. So, we've got an all singing legendary now. She's the Water defence legendary, with a blue tome (I've already got Brinian sorry), she comes with the Prayer Wheel (which gives speed and up to +7 in all other stats to whatever stat was boosted highest already (So that's possibly broken)), a powercreeped dance (giving infantry and fliers +1 move), Atk Tactic, Aerobatics (Totally want more Flier Formation) and Blue Flying Duel (Which is better than R Duel Flying because it has 170. WHY IS?). So she's a bit ridiculous imo, but I'm not as driven to get her as I expected. As for the other colours, Red has HK!Marth, Flora and Summer!Tiki, Blue has Fjorm and Summilla, Green has Peganino, Helbindi and Lector and Colourless has Eir, Kinumi and Brunonica. So of these, Blue has flying mages I'd like to pull but Fjrom messes with that, Red has a legendary I have, a unit I don't care about and unit I'd love to get, Green has Pegenino and two units I don't have and Colourless has probably no interest for me in practice. So I think I'd go Green > Red > Blue > Colourless, though I might just not at all in the end. Just as a note, I'm overall disappointed with Azura: The powercreep is real here with her skills and R Flying Duel begin worse than B Flying Duel just is strange to me.
  4. Least Favourite: NES. I'm sorry, but I couldn't go back to Gaiden after SoV and DD is frankly the worst title imo. Favourite: I'll get back to you after RD.
  5. Ultimately I think that the above post is right and I'd also clarify that combat arts are in 3 Houses in some form (It's in the menu that pops up), so I think they're right on SS. Sacred Stones is the easiest choice if we don't count titles that have been remade and frankly if I had my pick and impact wasn't being considered Dark Dragon would be mine honestly. I think it has less value as a playthrough than Gaiden honestly.
  6. Took me a while to get round to posting, but I have been doing the TT. Started with my Christmas units (Robin, Lissa and Tharja) alongside BK (He's wearing red......), today finally have Eirika to act as my colourless unit (I just really needed a healer). the layout's pretty generous and the seals are all great imo.
  7. Not going to lie, I missed the pun first time round. Also, Merry Christmas to you. -odice. Man, you just can't get over the idea that Cecilia could wear anything other than her mage knight armour. Which still didn't protect her from a Zephiel crit. Maybe she just gave up trying to tank after that incident. It really could. I'm sorry. You're saying Kaga made high ground matter? Dammit all, so many obscure things you think would be neat for the series and Kaga uses all of them after he leaves. Also, obligatory "I have the high ground" reference. So, I guess we'll start theorising why he's of Lot. So, we know that Bizzaro Sacae looks very similar to the so called land of Lazberia. Now, thing is that Lot was of Bizzaro Sacae and while he supposedly dies, that's no guarantee even in FE. Lot is also someone who is confirmed to have 1. Massive Defence, 2. Ability at archery, 3. A rugged look and headwear. Bizzaro Sacae is the land before the backstory of Lazberia and the lineage of Lot is one of the final lineages left of the older nations. Thomas the Tank Engine had seen better days. Then again, he has seen worse, considering he had met with Codha: Man Butz is a dick. Him telling someone they're too ugly or useless to be allowed out is a terrible thing honestly. He seems to be messing with his bracers. I think that's it. More like Chu Ko NUUUUUUUU am I right? Is there any chance you can get it? It was stolen by the physical units? I see it's blue, the same colour as weapons that are effective against swords in FE Heroes. Kaga did it first again! Those enemy monsters will be begging for mercy. Go on Sasha!
  8. I'm sorry, but the most powerful stuff I'd have taken is stuff for a tough cold. High I was not. Unless you count laughing gas or anastesia, but that was for surgery. Not exactly personal consumption. Maybe I didn't connotate indulge with getting high. :P
  9. It is a bit, but I wasn't that far off. I mean, I sold the Brave Lance for Fury at some point, Paragon was passed on a bit and he never saw a return or shield ring. I mean, he's a pretty good option regardless, Finn's solid.
  10. I mean, Alcohol. I'm a bit of a picky drinker and most of the big brand beers don't appeal to me at all, but I do like some. Other than that medicine counts as drugs right?
  11. Merry Christmas everyone. I'm betting nothing is under this tree, but what do I know? 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (I think I've gotten more than 1 Colourless orb twice this banner) 5* Eirimas (HO HO HO! FINALLY! I guess Gacha Santa was feeling generous. +Def/-Res, bit of a shame but I have had worse.), 3* Lukas (Not Shanna/10. +Def/-HP), 3* Abel (Better. +HP/-Res), 4* Silas (I finally pull him. It has been ages since he was released. +Def/-HP, let's hope I'll get better some day), 3* Raigh (That's a rotten piece of..... coal. +Res/-Spd) May your pulls be merry guys. Hopefully Christmas goes well for you aside from that.
  12. Noish is the best candidate for Fee and even is pretty decent for Sety (Well, except for the lacking magic growth) If you're going for someone else, then the next best would be Lex imo, that defence boost is really appreciated. Finn and Alec are about the same overall imo but Alec will be better for her because of Nihil and then after that I wouldn't bother in terms of who to pick.
  13. Once you promote Azel, those problems go away. Sadly he needs to promote first. Get him the Thunder tome if you didn't already, it helps a lot for his combat. Azel and best knight, good choices for bias. I will say the Barrier ring isn't too big a deal for Sigurd, but that's mostly because of it being G1. Did you get Arden and Lex's events? Yeah, Chapter 2 is one that kind of puts me off replays in all honesty. You go all out in the first few castles, then unless you are willing to have massive slowdown to get everyone together you pretty much have to force yourself to just use cavs up to the second last castle. I assume the issue for you is really wanting to play legit. If that's not as big a concern and you can get the rom, I'll just point out Project Naga as a strong translation.
  14. I would say there's only so many times before a pitybreak but I know better. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Where were these kinds?) 3* Lucius (Local man confuses neighbourhood, annoys summoner. +Def/-Spd), 4* Lachesis (More crap. A year ago I got a 5*. This isn't a better sight these days. +Spd/-Def isn't a bad nature though.)
  15. Actually, that does ring a bell. Thanks for the reminder. I mean, you kind of have to for the second anyway because of the end boss. I mean, I thought it was alright as a whole. The first is just tedious honestly. While the rewards are real nice and why I did it before the endgame, I think I'll have to agree with you there.
  16. Would if I could. Got 20 again. Let's see more disappointment. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (I just can't get more than 1 colourless) 4* Matthew (Him and Jeorge could stop. Please. Neutral.) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (See?) 3* Gordin (Still crappy pulls. +Atk/-Spd)
  17. I mean, it's bad enough that they're all considered armour units. No need to be begrudging free armours. It's still taking time to do them. I feel like I can't just do nothing. On second thoughts probably not. The last time Doom involved family the movie happened. Sure, it's not as bad as most video game movies but that's a very low bar to clear. Eh, if it means not having to see another time through the Letenna event I'm fine with them dying. I mean, I though you'd had to do more there. Shows what I know. Excuse me, is that a random dragon? Why this edit? Again, The Roger does a punch through Codha's face. I mean that would be a suitable end. Maybe it's like that theory for why units in Book II of Mystery don't carry their stats from Book I: They pretty much used up their strength in the time between the two. I mean, I didn't subscribe to that, but still. Let's be honest, neither of us want to see BB Merlinus again, do we? ....... Eugen Fuck-Ups: 1 I'm utterly surprised.
  18. Time travel. That there are chests that you can unlock in multiple time periods. Try to get all of them in the furthest forward period of time and then work backwards. Nobody shares a weapon type, magic has to be unlocked for some characters and isn't available for others. It'll not be too hard to find who does that, but just know it's not available initially. Everyone's watching you early on. Sometimes something has to be left in a place for a time and then found again in a different time. This will happen repeatedly. Two events requires the L and R buttons. If yours are broken like mine were, it won't lock your progress one one but it will on the other. The DS exclusive dungeons can be a bit long in the tooth to get through, moreso the first one because of the way it's handled. One tricky boss changes weakness. You'll have the way to change this but keep it in mind when making your party.
  19. I'll be honest, if Kliff wasn't sharing with Lukas I'd probably be on this banner. As is, c'est la vie. 3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (Of course.) 3* Jeorge (+Atk/-Spd. Stop.) Back to a lack of merry christmas. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 3* Jeorge (STOP. +Def/-HP) 4%. Stop it Jeorge.
  20. I mean, it's quite obviously Ike. I've only hit chapter 10 in PoR and he's already on royal bodyguard duty. I bet he'll just keep getting more from there and he's capable even at that point.
  21. Sorry it's been a while, but finally I got round to playing some PoR again, clearing Chapter 9. Highlights include Mia getting a great level despite my having no plans to use her, Boyd still getting speed screwed, me failing to avoid giving Rolf a kill and Titania nearly dying to a misclick with the boss while I tried to check the boss's attack as she got hit with counter and only didn't die because she's essentially god and dodged (She's got 16 speed now. Why do you people recommend against using her?). Aside from that I will say the scene with Ranulf giving us a lot of money is among the best handled, Ike's past is still a mystery and I have finally forged something: An Iron Axe called It's Ya Boyd with more might and hit. I'm also wondering if we're about to get endless boat maps. Probably not. I doubt I'll play tomorrow either sadly.
  22. ^ Has almost certainly paired Corrin with Camilla more than once. < (Referring to the v from the person above) Is admittedly not interested in going down that rabbithole. v Is wondering "why Sparx?"
  23. What banner's this, the Cavalry Fantasy? Sorry, but that's fake. More pulls for disappointment? You bet ya! 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (If I get a 5*, I think I'll snap) 4* Stahl (Much rather a lot of other units as fodder. +Atk/-Def, why couldn't any of the Nannas have been that?)
  24. Well, let's try again. Knowing my luck, we'll find only 1 colourless orb if that again. 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 4* Legault (I've gotten worse. Maybe be Klein or Sothe next time? +Spd/-HP) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Klein (Not quite wht I was hoping but hey, great fodder. +Spd/-Def) I'll be back. 3.75% still I think. @Zeo I mean, Matthew's like a bus for me. Sometimes he'll show up as a bunch in quick succession, sometimes he doesn't bother for months. I'm not exactly happy to get him but there's worse colourless fodder.
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