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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Went ahead, got a bunch of orbs and bought the bonus on phone credit. Let's see if I can get WintEirika. 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 3* Matthew (I'd like more Klein. +Atk/-HP) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Serra (I mean it, better please. +HP/-Def) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Nanna (I kind of jumped for a second. +Def/-Res, Can I get one without +Def?) I'm at 3.25% by this point because of before. 2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless 3* Niles (Iceberg. +Res/-Spd) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Wrys (Humble, but not what I'm looking for. +Atk/-HP) 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (Crap.) 4* Soleil (Well, Could be worse. +Res/-Spd) 3.5% 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green (Stop it IS) 4* Est (Trash. +Def/-Spd) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless (Where are the Colourless orbs?) 3* Jeorge (I could do with so much better. +Atk/-Res, I'd say finally but he'd prefer -Def.) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Matthew (You need any more Zeo? +Spd/-Res, almost seems like a great nature too.) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (Really IS?) 4* Legault (Hey look, more decent fodder. +Def/-Res) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Serra (You're the last person I wanted to see. +Def/-Res) 3.75% 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (Thanks.) 3* Eirika (WRONG EIRIKA! +Atk/-Spd) So that was a shitshow. You know, I want more launch units out of the game than I want demotions. Hint hint on the skill shop resources IS.
  2. Well, I see that someone wanting to cut loose doesn't sit will with you.It's not like her design's bad, it's just the fanservice isn't it? Prude. I mean, I can't pretend like I hadn't noticed, but she's a free unit and I'll take it. Look into it. This and Ippei's Arden meme work are just stellar. (Oh yeah, he also did Arden. And Garon. And Walhart. He got a lot of meme characters actually. And Walhart.) Aside from that he's done some other characters like Dorothy as well, Ippei's a fan favourite even if he wasn't best artist as chosen by the subreddit.. Well considering you're taking the time to make these edits might as well do something back. Honestly, Codha wouldn't be there to give the order and most of those who would have followed it are also dead at this point, so Roger was probably good. I mean, once he hears what that Morgan did. He's willing to take families hostage and put them to the sword, Codha seems like he'd do that to Guilt!Morgan's family if he got the chance. I was more thinking along the lines of Der Fuhrer, but eh what do I know? Never! I'm only a few centimetres taller anyway (between 192 and 193, or about an inch taller for imperial units). Whoops. I'll be honest, I though that the cape just wrapped around the arms. Poor Doomguy's cousin, forced to fight with just a sword. Doomguy would be pissed. "You whippersnapper!" A really nice new sprite for Ruben? I actually like it more, the extra colour isn't quite fitting but the higher saturation on character sprites would have been to the game's benefit imo, it feels like I'm looking at SD with this map artwork. Okay, I'm loving that swing. Are we sure he doesn't have magic? Garo the Spell Pirate sounds like a character I'd watch. Guy nearby: "How could you miss, he was three feet in front of you?" Maruj is that one kid whose parents try to avoid telling anything and he still learns about it anyway. He's at least good at information gathering. Maybe he'd get spy work? So Eisenbach approved of the elopement. I assume now that Eisenbach was telling him all this stuff as he got Wundergust ready for Maruj. Reinhardt objects. That is actually broken. I'm not so sure she isn't above Brigged. Well, Speed would have been nice too but hey he got one of the big three and some others. So wait, Sasha knew her mother was a pegasus knight. I think that means Wellt just doesn't care for flying units. Maybe that explains all the playable archers. Well, the Brigadier is a pretty convincing guy actually. Shame what happens to him. He's like a less horny Roger. No, not The Roger. It didn't. I might not think he'd be all that good, but he could be worth deploying over the cavs. It's defence at least alongside some others. Not amazing but it's not nothing either. Hey, Runan got speed! Use him more if he's going to bother levelling stuff. .....How far did you go with this? Ruben: Tripping over a world too small for him.
  3. Eltoshan Kadath already covered the sane ones. The insane ones will do it with someone like Hannibal or a substitute. Me, I'm not that insane and finished with Faval (sadly not Seliph as he didn't have a power ring)
  4. Armour was the easiest and I didn't even have armour march. Hunktor, Hectet, Tharmas and FrankenJakob were chosen and had an easy time of it with Bravtor doing most of the work. Askrtrio cleared with Genny. First off everyone moves to the north in such a way that Sharena is in range of the dagger and manakete while Anna's next to her and Alfonse is to the south of Anna. The manakete dies on EP, Sharena also takes out the dagger while Genny hits the sword user with Gravity (Trapping Linus as well), Anna moves next to Sharena and Alfonse drags Genny back. The next turn, Anna 1-rounds the mage who failed to beat Sharena, Genny hits Linus and Alfonse finishes, with Sharena moving near Alfonse, which give Alfonse just enough speed to not be take out and I can finish with anyone except the out of range Anna. Linus beat Linus with Canas, Lyn and Ishtar. It took a while to figure out, but Ishtar and Canas go north for Ishtar to 1-round the manakete while Linus and Lyn wait nearby. Ishtar survives and because the dagger is north of the tree I have her drag Canas back while Lyn waits for the sword to come in range. Linus continues to move for Ishtar while the mage is now in position for Linus next turn. Lyn finishes off the sword infantry she fought, Linus 1-rounds the mage and Canas finishes the dagger while also being in place for Linus to fight and doing enough damage for Linus to finish..
  5. Eh, not necessarily to be honest. It's the least centralised overlord in existence. Well, it already happened. Guess I should take some time to prep for those bonus bosses after I do some other things. I'm telling you, Ippei's the best Heroes artist because he pulls shit like this now and again. He did a whole series of images when Sigurd or Dorcas were in the same voting gauntlet (Never forget Orcas). He's old, likely did it in advance. Since it's just Maruj's to use I assume it was something he wasn't doing right there and then, he could have keeled over any day after all. Maruj is shouting at Enteh like: (The fire is metaphorical). In all fairness I bet he could have done that and gotten away with it. Dead mother spoilers: I mean, with the way Codha is his family's likely dead now. Jeez, I feel bad for this Morgan. I mean, maybe it's the moustache. I'm still taller though. No complaints on the art here honestly, if it's the middle ages of anime let him tower! That's the exact way to raise an army of tragic soldiers. What if everyone you'd fight is like that? Yeah, I still can't say what I'd want to. I love this mighty chin. Fitting and unfitting at the same time. Then where's Wys? Also, it appears I'm not alone in saying Christ on a Bike. Even if I don't say it much at all in English.
  6. I couldn't be asked to touch FF1 ever again after playing through it. Unlike most games where I don't feel like I need to replay the experience but I could possibly be convinced, FF1 is a game that doesn't remotely interest me for a second playthrough. It feels its 31 years, despite it being a classic the status of relic doesn't make me want to go through it again, even if it can be easily completed in under 12 hours. I would say FF2 but I couldn't bring myself to finish such a bad game. FFTA also counts because you play the villain and holy fuck I did not get through that game the way I should have. I could probably give more: most titles I feel aren't something I'd play more than once usually. If I do it's the exception (like aLBW or most recently Radiant Historia). I mean, I only got three endings for Chrono Trigger, a game considered to have great replay value because I didn't consider it worth the dozen playthroughs.
  7. What happens when your +10 is a bonus unit: BULK IS EVERYTHING
  8. Lucina and Chrom: Jumping spin attack for their final smash or an aerial.
  9. Well, I would have passed on this banner. After all, I have plenty of Christmas units. But no, we had to get a staff armour. Least I have plenty of orbs because Hero Fest went pretty well. 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 4* Gaius (Things that suck: him. +Atk/-Def, he is the nature I was looking for though.) 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue 3* Wrys (Humble, but meh. Neutral), 3* Kaze (Eh. +Atk/-HP), 3* Matthew (Ugh. +HP/Atk) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Azama (Man, asshat always likes showing up. +HP/-Atk, could be the good option) 3.25% 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Clarine (Still no idea what would work for her. +Spd/-Atk, not that.), 3* Klein (Oh how cute. Also nice, some decent fodder. +Res/-Def) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 5* Jaffar (FUCK! DAMMIT ALL! +HP/-Spd, USELESS!), 3* Jagen (Another merge. +Atk/-Res), 3* Mathilda (Could really have been better. +Atk/-Spd) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 3* Serra (Bleh. +Def/-Res) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Rebecca (Eh. +Atk/-HP) 3 Green, 2 Blue 3* Roderick (That's not great at fodder. +Atk/-Res) 3.25% 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red (It's like the game's trying to piss me off.) 3* Laslow (Axebreaker? +Spd/-Res) 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 3* Klein (Hey, he showed up more than once! That never happens! +Res/-Spd) 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green 3* Lachesis (3* Colourless is hell. +Atk/-Def), 4* Lissa (Meh. Neutral) 3 Green, 2 Colourless 4* Matthew (Eh, He's not really common for me. +Def/-Spd), 4* Legault (Good fodder! +Atk/-Res, great nature.) 3.5% 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (That's three times this shows up) 4* Nanna (Oh look! +Atk/-Spd, if only she were -Def) 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green 4* Jeorge (Eh. +Def/-Res), 4* Niles (Bleh. +Def/-HP), 3* Felicia (Better than a lot. That's sad. +Spd/-Atk) 3.75% 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red 3* Clarine (Time was she'd be a regular 4*. +HP/-Spd), 3* Sakura (Sakurnah. +HP/-Spd) 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue 4* Azama (Asshat. Stop. +HP/-Atk. Be +Spd for once), 4* Setsuna (Not much better. +Res/-Atk), 3* Serra (Serrnah. +Spd/-HP) 4% 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Maria (Marinah. +Res/-HP), 3* Klein (Nice. +Res/-HP) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Jeorge (I wish there was less bad fodder. +Atk/-HP, maybe the new base?), 3* Felicia (Can you at least be good. +HP/-Spd, Nope.) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 3* Gaius (More crap. +Atk/-HP), 4* Wrys (WRYYYYYYYS +Def/-Atk) 4.25% 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Virion (I thought I'd avoid him. +Spd/-Res. I have better) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Priscilla (Priscillnah. +HP/-Spd), 3* Virion (That wasn't an invitation. +Spd/-HP) 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 5* Nanna (AH FUCK! AGAIN! +Def/-Spd, JUST MY LUCK TO GET ANOTHER BAD NATURE!), 4* Oboro (Obono. +Atk/-HP), 4* Reinhardt (Rein I guess. +HP/-Atl), 4* Bartre (This seems like fate. +HP/-Atk), 4* Nino (Ninah. +Atk/-Res) I hit over 180 there. I got 2 pitybreakers in exchange. And after how well Hero Fest, this banner had to remind me of Gacha being the 10th circle. Anyways, last year's is up too. I'd like a free Chrissa. I might forgive this misery if that happened. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Barst (Hey, not bad. +HP/-Atk) Still the 10th circle though.
  10. It was not taken as a joke, nosiree. "Alright class, before class I'd like to remind everyone I'm arranging sword lessons during lunch time. Those who are interested signed the indemnity forms right?"
  11. Abbreviated and paraphrased speech given by an actual lecturer: "I'm not your teacher so I'm not going to correct you, I'm not your parents so I'm not going to check you, I'm not a guard so I'm not.... (And so on until)..... and I'm not your priest so I'm not going to fuck you." This was a real speech given to us in 2012. I'm pretty sure he wasn't let near undergrads after that because saying that to a full room who were there to try to understand your material for your exam isn't the best way to express that college isn't the same as a school environment.
  12. I feel like you're wrong there. I wouldn't say CoD's was anything special or much beyond dressing (as someone who only played 4 and MW2, don't ask me about the others), but GTA has had its moments. I'd have to play 5 to talk about it in better detail, but San Andreas in particular would be pretty good actually and while I wouldn't say that the others were all that great on it (4 tried but it didn't quite click and 3/Vice City are admittedly minimal) I wouldn't say there's no story progression at all. I'm not saying that they're classics of their time for storytelling (definitely not in GTA4's case), but to say there's nothing is imo incorrect. And the thing about games focusing on their gameplay over their storyline is something shared across the industry: they're focusing on the core thing people are going to be dealing with.
  13. So, it's Monday. I took all the tickets and am now ready to try for Lewyn with those, my free summon and over 200 orbs. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green 4* Merric (+HP/-Def, that sucked.) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Libra (I'm still wondering what nature works for him. +Def/-Spd, pretty sure I have that) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (I don't want Ophelia game) 4* Soren (I never need one again game. Stop. +Def/-Atk, STOP) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 5* Eir (I'm not even mad honestly. +Atk/-HP, could e better or worse.) I hadn't got a percentage yet, so let's roll again. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 5* Deirdre (Okay what the fuck I love this banner. Never got her before! +Spd/-Atk, unfortunate), 4* Sheena (If this had been Lewyn all my salt would have burned away. +HP/-Def) 3 Red, 2 Blue 4* Lukas (Just one Shanna game. Please? +Spd/-Res) 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 3* Sheena (The streak ends. +Def/-Atk) 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Cherche (Man, not what I might have hoped. +HP/-Spd) All my tickets got me 2 5* units. Time for the salt I guess? 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Raven (+Atk/-Res, I think I might make this my base.), 4* Libra (Well, it is another one. +Def/-Atk, Libra wants that defence.) 5.31% 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Where are my greens?) 4* Lissa (I wish I could pull more Chrissas. +Def/-Res) 3 Green, 2 Red (Here we go!) 5* Lewyn (That's the game boy! +Spd/-Atk too sadly, I keep getting that with 5* Green mages apparently), 3* Camilla (Not worst Camilla. +Spd/-HP), 4* Fae (Renewal. +Def/-Spd), 3* Marth (I wish he was better fodder. +Atk/-Def, better than -Res?), 4* Tharja (Eh. +Spd/-HP I spent about 40 orbs. I'm not complaining, though Eir might go to Canas. Try to stop me.
  14. Happy as this Eevee is, it's still an Eevee. I'd be more concerned for it being groomed by children, because if experience has taught me anything that doesn't end well.
  15. Stupid idiot.... making me climb all the way up a hostile mountain.... to rescue his dumb ass..... Why can't he...... save himself for once?
  16. That's not the biggest issue (unlike the current devices I'm using, these hypothetical replacements aren't replacing (completely) broken tech), though I'd like to hold out for a few months to see if things get any cheaper (and see if they last 4 years in a row). I mean, they once had Nintendium. Of course they'd argue that. And yes, stop the internet. Humanity created a monster in the long run. Alright, that explains it. Oof, that doesn't sound nice. I mean, other bosses can be tricky but every single giant spider boss is a go fuck yourself in disguise unless you're powerful enough. I could have played it, but no, I decided that I was okay going to the capital for a concert because apparently I'm not just some bot. I mean, I wasn't being entirely serious. One's usually Red and the other usually Green. :P I choose Butz. Honestly story Xander's more of an asshole, but whatever. Camilla's one of the many examples of wasted potential that game has. Fates has many of those. In other words, more like how Obi-Wan did in The Phantom Menace. Also some images of his appearance in MotE. I would use this as my avatar this second but I needed to put a hat on. It's the new Perceval I see. Of course you'd object to his existence. I have so much to say that would spoil. He'll be back. So wait, Fairies are all called Azoth then? Navi must be offended. "HEY LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! WE'RE NOT ALL THE SAME GUY ASSWIPE!"
  17. Really did not like it. It doesn't even seem like it's all that good as a song (I don't have a massive point of reference for death metal to be fair). It doesn't match the series much at all and Book Three's not going far enough out there for an intentional clash between the music and visuals. I am absolutely not interested in hearing more FE death metal for the main series. FFS AMVs with other music have been better.
  18. I'm likely replacing my current phone at some point in 2019. It's kind of my hardware replacement year right now (That and hopefully a Switch). They've been very serious about cracking down on them for a long time. Ninty tries to maintain control a lot, even as they're opening up on video content with their games hacks are still a No no for them. I'm just wondering how you know of it. I'm not an arachnophobe. But those spiders are scarier than any spider here, because they are all brutal to fight and one of the bosses left to fight is one.. I mean, when have the Christmas cavs been different? :P Because referring to a female archer as one is out of place? Compromise on using Butz? I give Fates a lot of shit. In fairness, at least some is undeserved. I didn't pretend to be. Eugen gives no fucks: I'd say we're at 10 right now? I see you're utterly speechless. Well, I can't not see this now: RIP Decent Gotoh. As an aside, the best FEH artist drew Wrys.
  19. So I got Fae leaked. Fae's an armour because she's wearing red and has reindeer horns, has a new skill in Def/Res Bond (and now the trailers indicate new skills. Neat), has Vengeful Fighter and Armour March and her breath has an Owl effect. She even has the reindeer horns on when transformed. If only she kept the duck while transformed normally. Ephraim is an armoured lance (Joy.). He has another Seigmund which gives him Spectrum Solo on top of the new Atk/Def Solo he has, Bold Fighter and Close Guard. Eirkia's a Staff Armour (WELL FRICK I THOUGHT I WAS SAFE). Her Staff gives allies with the highest attack +5 Def/Res (Well that's neat), she has Restore (Perfect with her attacking staff honestly), Dazzling (So worth it as fodder too) and her new skill gives +6 Atk to the unit with the highest attack (Well that syncs up well.) Also Cecilia's a colourless armoured dagger. Can't say much barring her being likely free. I can't say I'm not tempted by Eirika. Other than that this is a pass from me. We'll see how I am after Hero Fest on Monday.
  20. Class? I have no idea what the fuck we're doing, you're on your own.
  21. 1. I play on my phone. 2. Does Bluestacks even work on Linux? 3. I thought that had been cracked down on by Ninty by now? 4. How do you know what Bluestacks is? Apparently so. Though I'd edited it, so you had the first version of the post the whole time! When I get back to it. That game is horrible for arachnophobes though. Look into the Berwick comparisons with Tellius and do that. But of course. Drop a decent unit entirely because of a different game entirely. Wait, Arkis can get a good level. Huh, strange world. Nah, he looks too.... refined? to go throw someone like that. He's bloodthristy, but heaven forbid him being too forceful. Eugen just excuses himself to head off for some random woman in the army. Of course he does. I mean, it was called Emblem Saga. He was either being vindictive or just couldn't let go. She's perfect for Jeiganing! See, this is the kind of unit I wish showed up more. It's a shame this hasn't shown up elsewhere. Also Kaga's apparently able to change gender at will. Bartz has a lot more to do though I'd argue to secure that. See, moments like this.... Man, imagine if Kaga never left. We might not have gotten the remakes, but Fates? I think we could live with what replaced it. Delete this. Marlon's a bit of a condescending asshole, isn't he? Liza wasn't a knight of Wellt though. This isn't inaccurate. Well, that's one way to name it. Not mine though.
  22. Wouldn't you? Maybe he considers her mature for her age. It's also not that long ago that Grado hadn't gone crazy, so it could have been in the last year. Glen was a general of Grado before the events of SS after all. I'm finding the idea of Valter climbing on rafters atop his wyvern while snooping on conversations funnier than I should. He has 10? Pablo of all people? Really? Well that sucks. It also sucks Vantage and Wrath can work together, sounds like something this game will do. Well this is all and good to see, though is Raigh good mainly because he'd have a Wind Edge? He'll get at least 10 move on promotion. The horse must have decided it wanted to be useful. Wait, what? Why- Well there's the answer. How will this link up with the next two chapters on Eirika's route then?
  23. Mine's a spinoff of my previous online handle, with one part from the old one and the other added on. Used this first here but initially manly used this on Paradox Interactive's forums. I'll let you guess the previous one, though my ones before that were Lord_From_Hell (1. Yeah that's what I call edgy. 2. Shoutout to anyone who recognises it from Renaissance Kingdoms. It'd be a decade ago now though.) and my name and age when I made a Runescape account (I did not use it elsewhere).
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