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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. That sounds like messed up file paths, but I'm not sure how it would happen or where to fix it. I assume the game crashes when it tries to load something and can't find it (the character creator, maybe?).
  2. If you're not playing Apo, Manakete will do fine. If you are, you may want something better. With regards to your other pairs, Vaike!Kjelle is not great, if you can't get her Gaius (her favorite) she really wants Donnel. Vaike does not offer her anything significant he doesn't, and is missing the only thing her father can really give her. Some people also have huge issues with Stahl!Severa's hair. If you're using her and it doesn't bother you, then carry on.
  3. Lucina always, regardless of mother (don't do Sully/Maiden) wants to run LB/GF/Luna/Aether/DSt+ for maximum lead damage output. There are a few cases where you'd do something differently, but none of them apply to general play. Please tell me that isn't a Vaike!Owain.
  4. Source? I'm inclined to think that's a Vaike-specific convo.
  5. Oy, isn't this an Awakening thread? FE14 and its expies can stay in their own forum where they belong. I prefer to think of it more as Robin using their plot-absorbing Sue powers for good by negating certain spouses' negative character traits (such as Nowi talking about her age, or Cord talking about Chrom). But it definitely bears repeating: stuff "making sense" is completely subjective. My pairs from above make perfect sense to me (even though none of them are normally possible), but no matter how much I explain and rationalize, they're not going to easily do so for anyone else. Does that mean they don't make sense? No, because they do so for me. Making sense just isn't a very good metric- this might as well be a "why do you ship your ships" thread.
  6. In that case, you're going to have trouble finding something strong enough that optimized pairings are going to make a difference, so go with aesthetics whenever you can't decide on something.
  7. Hans is the translation team's only officially supported method, and since that requires having the game itself in order to play the patch, you might be out of luck. If you want to do it a different way, you'll probably have to figure out on your own (or you could just support IS and buy the game).
  8. The only thing you'll need to download is the patch and the various tools to install it, you get the game by dumping your own cart with braindump or a similar application.
  9. It's generally best to give Gaius to Kjelle or Noire, Donnel to Kjelle or nobody (Noire works, but would sometimes rather have no GF than put up with him) and neither for Nah. Don't have Robin father any of the three in the name of optimization; S supports are really important, Robin is really good and if you give him an incapable wife he'll pretty much be scuttled. Noire's best non-GF options are Ricken and Vaike, by the way.
  10. Have you tried just getting the normal patch to work without the DLC? Building .cias is a lot more complex and unnecessary for just Nohr/Hoshido.
  11. Neither of them make exceptionally good DFs, actually. More often they're Snipers or Paladins. If you do want to use one as a DF, try to get a Grandmaster Robin support.
  12. LB/GF/Agg/Proc/Faire for Galeboys, LB/GF/Faire/Proc/Proc or All+2 for girls, LB/Agg/Faire/+Hit/+Hit or All+2 for hard supports. Lucina replaces a Faire with DSt+. Those combos are tried and true for stuff strong enough to warrant it. If you're fighting things that are doomed no matter what, critstacking is a fun way to go, and you're better off piling on mobility and utility skills than raw damage boosters.
  13. Thank you so much! Does... Does he have a nosebleed?
  14. About the bugs and roaches: that's just character consistency across multiple convos. Everyone does it, bugs are just one of Morgan-M's character quirks.
  15. Because she has terrible Mag growth? I'm not saying Gregor and Sev sharing a starting class isn't a reason, just that it isn't any more of a reason than for any other pair where the father and child share a class. I mean, if Gregor wasn't her father, she'd still have some other reason for being a Merc, and when she is, what do you expect her to say? "Sorry Dad, my being a Merc has absolutely nothing to do with you"? Never mind the fact that, being Severa, she probably would say that... ...And for what it's worth, Inigo says exactly the same thing to Gregor about being a Merc because of him.
  16. Cordelia's current role is extremely similar to FE3 Catria. They might have just changed her hair to make Cord slightly less of an expy.
  17. What, the same Nintendo that put Tharja, Nowi and Olivia in Awakening?
  18. FP is different from the maingame supports; all the father convos are unique. That line is only there for Gregor.
  19. I assume there are, but that's not really a question for this topic. This thread is about making, applying and improving the translation patch, there's a whole subforum dedicated to the game itself.
  20. Are you sure stuff can fly across those walls? I'm pretty sure fliers can't cross the walls in Par.1.
  21. Robin-F x Cervantes Chrom x Stahl Miriel x Grima Cordelia x Inigo All G2 girls x Severa (unrequited by Sev) No explanation needed!
  22. Because everyone's already familiar with those. Same goes for things like weapon names.
  23. She's got plenty of room for Deliverer, so doing that's a good idea.
  24. Public service announcement: There's a very high chance that Nintendo is releasing a 3ds firmware update tonight. It's unclear exactly what it's going to break, but it's probably going to break a lot. Turn off your wifi, use Tubehax DNS, do whatever to stop it until the effects are known, even if you're on emunand (if you are on emunand and want to update anyway, back up your current one first so you can restore it if it becomes unstable). Haven't seen it mentioned yet here, so I thought I'd let y'all know.
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