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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Ricken and Libra are about equal on Brady in a vacuum. Go with whichever you prefer (Ricken gives 1 more Mag and Hit+20, Libra gives Vengeance). Avatar should -always- pass Veteran to same-gendered children who don't plan on immediately reclassing to Tactician. But... Your Owain should have pretty similar Str and Mag base growths, and will do quite well in Mag if you reclass him to Tactician/Mage/DM right off the bat. I don't think you'll have any issues makin him magical. I'd pass Lifetaker/Tomefaire and go Tactician -> GM -> Whatever, or pass Veteran/TF and go DM -> Sorc (since you've got natural Vantage...). I'm hardly in a position to weigh gameplay against aesthetics (for anyone but myself), but you should go with whatever will be more fun. I can note, though, that Aversa is only mid-tier. If you want to choose gameplay over aesthetics, there are plenty of worthier candidates.
  2. So basically you want to be able to do A x B and C x D, where A, B, C and D all support eachother, three times? Avatar x Kjelle Morgan/Nah x Owain/Brady Lucina/Cynthia x Gerome/Inigo Severa/Noire x Laurent/Yarne There are many more ways to do it than that, that's just the first one that came to mind. Basically you just split up all the boys and all the girls into groups of two (ex Owain/Brady) and then pair each group of two boys with another group of two girls.
  3. That's his "canon" hair- it appears whenever the game tries to display a Morgan-M without proper parent data. If you want to see more of them, fight a Streetpass team using an Avatar-F, recruit her, load a file where you're using Avatar-M or have an unmarried Avatar-F, look at the Streetpass Avatar's card in the Logbook, and check her pairings. If Morgan was recruited and paired, he'll show up there with pink hair. Note: I haven't done extensive testing and don't know if these are the exact steps to follow, but I've seen several by doing something similar.
  4. Assuming maingame and only the units that I use until endgame... Pretty much only Sumia, Cordelia, Nowi and sometimes Cynthia. Postgame, almost nobody (changing each playthrough). DK has the same Skl/Spd as GM, 1 more Mag and 2 more Def (and is only lacking 2 Str and 2 Res). It also gives defensive pairup bonuses, which are great in maingame. So even without the mobility advantage, DK is actually better than GM in maingame (not counting skills).
  5. You might be able to drop Lancefaire for it, but I think the average damage would still be higher with LF (I'd need stats to do a full comparison, and am too lazy to get them right now). It's definitely a good idea if Severa isn't a Wyvern, though. However, I can say that it'll take more than a 10-15 boost to reach 100%. For just Apo, I'd put Libra on Brady and Ricken on Laurent. However you'll see a lot more mileage out of Laurent outside of Apo if you use Gregor for him instead. *clears throat* I already did.
  6. ^The same thing goes for the support log, Avatar Logbook, unlocking Lunatic+, and all the other stuff that comes with your first clear of the game, by the way. It doesn't affect what DLC you own, or your Streetpass Team, though (since those are tied to your 3ds/eShop account and not your game card).
  7. If you've gotten stuck twice and are serious about finishing on this run, you might want to put aesthetics aside and choose units purely for gameplay. Avatar has a pretty hard time building supports with non-Lissa healers in Lunatic (and even Lissa has trouble after ~B). Fred will hog all the exp you're saving from using fewer units, he should be designated to hard support after Cht.6 and benched around Cht.12. Anna can't support everyone and will be stuck as a utility unit (and thus not get much exp). Olivia requires hundreds of turns of Dance Spam to not trash Lucina and Inigo's bases. There's also a noticeable lack of fliers. You should definitely have at least one of Sumia, Cordelia and Wyvern Panne (preferably two). Nowi is a very strong unit as well, and is also a good use of Fred after his time in the limelight is done. All this isn't to say Lunatic can't be done with that team- you can pull pretty much anything off if you're good enough. But when you want to get serious, you have to, well, get serious.
  8. It is official canon, but the source is super obscure and random. Vincent is a master of trivia like this and would definitely know, though (and may have even posted it in this topic a while ago).
  9. He's good, yes... But his star set (Hit+20 Bowfaire Warrior) causes Severa to miss out on 75 Spd, ruining any chance of them ORKOing Anna at range. Go Hero/Assassin instead and they're doubling again, but then Gerome's massive Str isn't being put to as good of use. If Severa wants to marry any of Stahl's children, it should be Yarne, as he can do Hit+20 Berserker. "Considered by many" doesn't always give valid results, though. Stahl!Severa is certainly good, but given that she's effectively a Gaius!Noire clone with Hero and marginally better mods (and Gaius!Noire herself is already pretty similar to Donnel!Kjelle in terms of playstyle), I consider that pairing to be a waste of a unit with massive niche-filling potential. Basically, she doesn't bring anything new to your team. It's kind of an argument over whether to stack your team full of pairs who all do the same "most optimal strategy" or make most pairs slightly weaker, but with some unique ability that makes them more than an extra turn. That's not saying that making your whole team the same is bad- my 100% DS team has 8 pairs that are practically identical clones of eachother (all 8-Mov, procless 100% DS physical single Galepairs bar Lucina/Owain who are double). But it's not the dominant strategy, nor should it be. Swordbreaker if you're not playing Apo, Lancebreaker if you're playing an Apo challenge run and marrying Yarne to Severa, Str+2 if you never plan on putting Yarne up front, and Deliverer if none of those apply.
  10. Lead Berserker Galeboys are sort of a novelty- they aren't as bad as their rarity would suggest, but they also aren't as good as they look on paper. Basically, they still suffer from Hitrate issues when in the back just like a Hard Support Berserker, but Galeboys have a very full skillset with LB/Agg/GF/Proc/Faire and can't swap in Hit+20 very easily (though Stahl!Inigo does have it). Berserker's low Skl also hurts Luna's proc rate pretty badly, it's possible for it to drop below 60% after LB and Rally. The seemingly obvious solution is to swap Luna for Hit+20, but then you run up against the issue of having neither a proc on the lead, Agg on the support, or a solid DS rate, which can possibly lead to dropping a Galeforce now and then. Is it worth it to give your double Galepair one side that's massively weaker in exchange for the other side being as good as most dedicated leads? That's up to you. Berserkers do have good Spd though. If you could get both Vengeance and Hit+20 on one (drop Axefaire), they'd be extremely effective in double Galepairs, since offensive Vengeance perfectly counters all of that set's flaws. Unfortunately only Morgan-M can pull this off.
  11. I know it was originally planned with three parts, but I don't remember anything in the designer's notes saying that there would be a generation skip between parts 2 and 3 (the last part was to be centered around the children reuniting with their surviving parents- a new generation doesn't really fit in there). Any possibility of a source?
  12. It's referring to Awakening ships. But, uh, wow, this is the first time I've seen you respond to a question about who you ship with something not involving Ike or Fred. Even though that something that has the potential to explode even harder. As for me, I always pair completely based off gameplay. If I happen to get some good supports in my team, that's cool. If I get some bad ones, I skip them. Sometimes I build a team around a support I happen to like more than others, but it's never given too much weight, never happens more than once in any team, and I can the whole idea if I can't come up with a valid gameplay justification for whatever pair it happens to be (read: something useful that only that pair and no others can do).
  13. No, I ration my exp and only train units I'll be using (and play on higher difficulties where there are more enemies and thus more earlygame exp). The only time I promote before 20 is if I'm very close and a ton of exp will go to waste otherwise (due to killing a lot of stuff on enemy phase) or it'll delay my promotion for a few turns (I have to weed out one or two enemies to perfectly cap my level). OK, that makes sense. Gangrel... Is not one of the better Spotpass units, normally (Aversa is the best by far, Walhart is second best though YMMV). He's basically a faster, weaker Henry (the two share their class set). He's certainly not bad, and unlike most 1st gen units he can get a full skillset up, but he's far from the best.
  14. Really? NS's Hit is 254, so that's the target Avo. No LB is the only restriction, but just for fun I'll also use Spotpass characters with no support ranks, and No DLC, and No Rallies. My units will be +Spd!Anyone@Assassin (Bowbreaker/Lucky 7/Avo+10/Patience/Tantivity) @Underdog Bow x Anyone with Charm@Swordmaster (Charm/Demoiselle/DSp+). Spd: 46(base) +4(mods) +8(pairup) +2(tonic) =60 Lck: 45(base) +2(mods) +6(Pairup) +2(tonic) =55 Avo: 117(base) +50(Breaker) +20(Lucky 7) +10(Avo+10) +10(Patience) +10(Tantivity) +15(Underdog) +5(Charm) +10(Demoiselle) +10(pairup/DSp+) =257. That's still overkill. True, it won't work so well for Wave 5's enemies because L7 will have timed out by then, but adding back in Rally, DLC, better mods and support bonuses can fix that. Noire can be a DF that lacks Tomefaire and it'll work out. Just give her something like Anathema or All+2 in the empty slot and she'll do fine.
  15. It's not about what those individual girls want in order to perform at their best, it's about what I want in order to make a balanced team. Strictly speaking, yes, any of the three will perform better when married to a galeboy than they will when married to an otherwise identical boy without Galeforce, in terms of kills per turn. However, a Galeboy support is effectively down two skills from a hard support (due to needing GF and a Proc) and has slightly more restrictive class choices. When it comes to thresholds, single Galepairs tend to have a much easier time breaking them (because the lead doesn't have to worry about being in a class that has good pairup bonuses and can focus on their base stats), and the difference between a single Galepair and a double Galepair isn't as big as the difference between a normal pair and a single Galepair anyway. For a different way of looking at it, check out the skillsets either of them could be using. Morgan-M will, almost without exception, be running either LB/Agg/GF/Faire/Proc or LB/V/V/TF/GF. Those are nice sets, but they're hardly exclusive to him and all he's got over Owain and Inigo is a few mods. Avatar-F is pretty much the same, by the way- she'll be running LB/GF/Faire/Ignis/Luna 99% of the time, but swap Ignis for Astra and that's what you see Noire and Kjelle doing all day. Avatar-M, on the other hand, is able to put his genes to much better use- he has the rare Hit+20 Berserker, and his mods tend to matter more (Str and Skl are very important on hard supports). He's a great DS boosting support at that, which are also very rare (Yarne is the only other hard support who can do it). Even Morgan-F, who looks pretty similar to Avatar-F, has perks: her high potential to have a large Spd mod is important, as there aren't many good male offerings for +Mag/Spd, and she can sometimes come with Aether for he procstack. So yeah, Avatar-F and Morgan-M are technically stronger, but Avatar-M and Morgan-F fill a more important niche. If you want a more solid example of hard support trumping Galeforce access, I used Vaike!Noire in my 100% DS team as a Sniper support, because her Sniper was too valuable to waste on a lead (and I wanted Donnel out of the picture, but that's not the point).
  16. Hard support. He's basically Yarne and Laurent combined, but without the need for a high-demand father. VV/hard support Sage? Check. Hit+20 Berserker? Check. +4 Skl Sniper? Check. He can support anyone but Nah exceptionally well (though he's best on Lucina, Cynthia and Severa).
  17. In general: Lucina > Morgan-F > Morgan-M > Severa/Cynthia > Owain/Inigo > Brady > Nah/Yarne/Noire/Kjelle > Gerome/Laurent. Lucina has DS+, so she wins hands down. The Morgans are fairly equal, with Morgan-M performing slightly better but Morgan-F being able to make the best use of her genes- I rated Morgan-F higher because Avatar-M does a better job of filling in-demand roles than Avatar-F does. Severa comes next because she can fill a ton of various niches without wasting any potential. Cynthia is up there as well, due to her excellent ability to compliment Galeboys and frequently having useful parents, followed by Owain and Inigo, who are more versatile galeboys than Brady due to natural Vantage and redeemable physical mods. Whether Nah and Yarne are better or worse than Noire/Kjelle depends on their fathers; either of the former fathered by Virion (or Henry/Vaike!Nah) can be some of the best supports in the game, but are otherwise somewhat lackluster. Noire/Kjelle are always pretty much the same with not much room for customization. Gerome and Laurent have DS+ going for them, but are otherwise pretty boring and outclassed by pretty much everyone. Depending on what kind of team you're building, this can change. Notable, if you're not playing with all the children, Severa and Yarne tend to trade places due to there being a lot more good females than good males.
  18. If your Streetpass team is geared toward people who haven't even finished the game yet (and thus clearly not minmaxed with LB), Spd and Def will be good assets. But why would you make a non-minmaxed team? People who haven't finished the game yet are also less likely to have the DLC required to display those classes properly. If you really are making a beginner-friendly team, don't bother with anything from the DLC. And if this actually is a postgame team, Str, Skl and Spd are your best bets.
  19. Are you trying to train every single unit you get? Normal with grinding shouldn't be giving you trouble (you'll never be able to deploy all of them at once, even in the final chapter). I usually have all the units I'll be using promoted by the end of Cht.11 (all of them that I have by that point, at least), with at least two Second Seals used already. Sacred Stones is probably the best point for jumping to the rest of the series from Awakening. It's pretty cheap, and even comes free if you have an Ambassador Certificate.
  20. Lancefaire is female only... Kjelle will probably see more damage out of Astra, but she'll be attacking with Braves more often anyway so ranged isn't that important. It sort of depends on how high her DS rate is.
  21. When you use a Second/Master Seal, your level resets to 1. If you can't buy those in bulk before you start grinding, you're going to have problems because you can't keep leveling once you've hit 20 until you use a Seal.
  22. 'Marth" is a Lord, not a Lodestar, so the no critting is most likely tied to enemy Lords (the mask certainly is). But other than that you're pretty much right.
  23. Grinding will just make your problem worse since your units will hit their level caps and be unable to reset their level.
  24. You're in the minority on this forum and in the majority everywhere else. But if you really have a problem with breeding mechanics in video games, do yourself a favor and never play Pokemon. I've seen at least two other posts from the same TC in another topic saying the exact same thing. If it is a joke, it's getting very stale. It's less about what pairings you use and more about how many pairings you use- you'll have an easier time with 2-3 random pairs than you will with a full team that's been planned out in advance.
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