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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. IS could pull it off if comedy is the basis of the game (go ahead, make a PM from Bowser's perspective. It'll be fabulous), but it wouldn't work in anything resembling a conventional FE. They'd have to tone up the lightheartedness of the story considerably (to the degree where war wouldn't even be involved) for it to work.
  2. Def doesn't even lose that. Just 3 Def, 1 Lck and 1 Res. Defensive modifiers are completely meaningless in Apo if played right (you would need <30 Def to be OHKOed by Thronie; the strongest non-Vengeance hitter in the game, and with LB/Rally that's practically impossible to fall under), and they don't even have an effect in the back of a pairup (well, fractions of percents of Dual Guards, but those mean nothing either). The only thing -Def does that will actually harm your performance is cost you 0.5 Hit due to lowering your Lck, which may even be rounded down to 0. Lck hurts both your offenses, as well as lowering Lck more than Def does. It's only superior ingame on higher difficulties as having a Def-gimped Avatar is a big pain for Lunatic(+). The only postgame pairing I prefer +Skl/-Lck on is Avatar x Nowi, because with Skl's Def boost and no Def penalty on Avatar, Morgan/Nah's Def is good enough to be an asset on non-Apo maps.
  3. It does come from Elibe, and it's likely that dark magic doesn't work exactly the same across worlds. However, when something is completely not explained, I prefer to default to past series canon (that hasn't been explicitly confirmed not to apply here) than to pull out new theories. Magvel does actually talk about Dark Magic (Knoll's supports with Natasha and Duessel) but it's system seems to work completely differently from Awakening's (it's essentially Science compared to light magic's Magic there, but in Awakening the roles are reversed (Miriel goes on and on about science with her Anima, Tharja goes on and on about brewing nasty things in cauldrons)).
  4. Avatar-M is a much better character than Avatar-F on the basis of their Chrom supports (C-A) alone.
  5. The reason I drew the distinction there is because the Pegs get good procs for leading, and the other three don't. The benefit doesn't go to Nowi, it goes to Nah. And yes, she is the child that benefits most from Avatar's genes, though it gimps Avatar and Morgan in the process so isn't always worth it. +Skl/-Def, No Barracks. LB/RK/Aegis/Pavise/All+2. Assassin. 48(base) +6(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +8(pairup) +10(RK) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +5(Mystletainn) =101. So yes, 100% PavGis... At the cost of losing both Galeforce and a Brave. Not worth it in my book. Lucina gives a free 100% Dual Strike to whoever she S ranks with, which is such a huge advantage in terms of reliability that her pair instantly becomes the team's MVP (assuming she's not Sully/Maiden!Lucina). Naturally, you want to put her with the best person to take advantage of that... Which is either Avatar-M (also gives Morgan great mods and Aether) or Morgan-M (slightly higher mods than Avatar and thus more threshold-breaking potential). She can go fine with several others, but those two are her best.
  6. Skim starting from here and going back. This thread is over a year old and the metagame has changed significantly since then. Basic cookie-cutter pairings: Avatar-M x Lucina > Chrom!Cynthia > 2nd gen with Galeforce > Sumia/Cordelia/Aversa > Nowi > Lissa/Maribelle/Olivia > everyone else Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Lissa x Ricken/Libra/Henry Sully x Donnel Miriel x Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken/Gregor Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Fred/Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Kellam/Gregor/Henry Cordelia x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry Tharja x Gaius Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Gregor/Henry
  7. Well, the DLC makes it pretty clear that Cherche at least knows who Minerva is. I personally think it's a little unlikely because of the timing- Michalis would either have to fail, and thus not become a legend, or defeat Alm and cut short his reign, preventing it from becoming legendary (or at least legendary enough to warrant the continent being renamed after him).
  8. Canas: …I do believe this is the last surviving copy of this book. …As I told you before… Knowledge of the ancient magics has been passed down in our family for generations… Even this book…was to be passed to one of my three brothers. Pent: And all three are now dead!! Good, Lord, man, you must be… Canas: Oh, no! They are alive! But…barely. They merely subsist… As you know, elder magic is based on the forces of darkness… It is even more powerful than nature magic, which is often called anima. But to use this magic, you must invite the dark forces within you. The temptation to submit to the darkness is…great. …Unfortunately, the darkness took my brothers… They live…and breathe…their eyes open and close… But…they do not move. And they do not speak. Pent: …… Canas: There is no guarantee that I will not join them… …… Truthfully, it scares me… However, I must see the other side. My curiosity pushes me ever deeper. It will be my undoing.
  9. Gameplay? Because Mages/Sages have better important caps and DMs/Sorcs have better useless caps. Canonically? Using the dark arts causes you to lose part of yourself. And possibly go insane. Real reason? Using dark arts causes you to lose part of your clothes.
  10. It's important, it just doesn't mesh well with other strats. Maybe go for it on one pair and leave the others as standard skirmishers? Gerome doesn't get any physical Faires, which is unacceptable. Pair Cherche with Virion/Stahl/Vaike/Gregor/Henry for best results.
  11. Doesn't that kind of defeat the point of a PMU topic?
  12. Probably. Morgan will want to drop AT, Inigo will have to drop AT and a Faire. And a minor correction: nobody has room to tack on DS+. If you make it your primary and only goal, then it's quite achievable. It only becomes a problem when you want to take a normal pair and boost their DS to 100%. In my 100% DS team, nobody has any procs, and some of my leads lack Faires as well.
  13. If you're requiring LB/Agg/All+2 on males, they'll have to make do with Proc/GF in their last two slots. If you want more skills than that, you'll have to eat a major drop in KOing power.
  14. Yeah, one of the problems with Avatar x Nowi are that Nowi's stats are a bother to come up with a good asset/flaw for. The standard +Spd/-Def can be used, but that leaves Morgan/Nah with no mods above 3... The best I've been able to do is +Skl/-Lck, as it allows the children to keep enough defenses intact that they can be an asset outside of Apo, while giving Avatar enough Skl to reasonably reach 100% DS with Sumia!Lucina (applying the same combo to Chrom!Cynthia with an S support was, in fact, what started my efforts to make that 100% DS team).
  15. Manaketes: the best possible scenario here would be to change your Asset to Str/Skl (-4 Spd) and go DF (+3 Spd)- you'd be in the same threshold bracket, but with a more useful Avatar and better other stats. If that's not an option, DF is probably still worth it. I prefer Vengeance when there's only room for one proc and it's available, but you can swap in Ignis if you have a hard time taking enough damage if you want.
  16. 69 for doubling Thronie, 66 for not being doubled by Anna, 65 for doubling Invinciorc, 64 for doubling all non-bosses (except the Forseti Sage), 60 for not being doubled by Thronie. Below 60 is pretty bad and you start losing your ability to double lots of stuff. Various magical Inigos are my go-to DFs (especially Henry!Inigo, if you can spare him).
  17. It has a massive case of early-installment weirdness. There are plenty of features from it that never returned in normal FE games, several weapons that share names with more commonly known ones (like Falchion) despite obviously not being the same, the pacing on the plot is very random and the villain's goal and plan don't mesh very well. The Prologue is about fighting bandits. The scene before it is called the Premonition. Streetpass is known to be buggy, so it's not unreasonable to pass it off as another glitch.
  18. VV sets aren't team players. They're mostly good for mopping up mooks on challenge runs, and sometimes for taking down bosses, but they do tend to render large teams obsolete, especially when playing No Holds Barred. Offensive Vengeance enters battle at full health, deliberately takes damage by charging Counter or attacking in range of the foe's weapon, and then uses the Vengeance boost to make sure they die on the second round, then get healed by a Staffbot. They never enter battle while hurt unless they have a guaranteed KO (or no chance of death, but you should never enter a battle where you can die anyway). Check the Manaketes' Spd. If DF's +1(3) allows them to break any thresholds, it's worth it. You also may want to run one as a Manakete and one as a Bride, just for team diversity. Agg goes on all males, standard sets are LB/GF/Agg/Proc/Faire and LB/Agg/Faire/All+2/+Hit skill. All+2 goes on hard supports who don't want two +Hit skills and female leads over the second proc if they have Vengeance as their primary (or over the Faire if they have a procstack but need the Spd/Skl boost for thresholds).
  19. Secret Apo, every normal mook has 55, Bosses and the Counter Snipers have 60, Anna and Thronie have 65, Invincisorc's mooks have 70 and Invincisorc has 99. Let's say you've got 31 base crit (Valkyrie), a 3/15 Celica's (20), Wrath active and an Anathema boost- your crit looks something like 26 in the back and 36 up front on mooks- nothing to rely on, but still a very nice random boost. Assuming LB/TF/Wrath/Anathema/Venegance here.
  20. Normal: Anything works. Absolutely anything. Normal is for learning how to play the game, and it's not really possible to optimize because there's nothing to optimize for. Sure, you could break out *insert Lunatic-breaking strat here* and it'll wipe the walls with mooks, but so will anything else that's not base level. So really Normal is based more around ingame strategy- as in, raise units that you want to use. Which units they are doesn't matter. Hard: Mostly like Normal, but just difficult enough that some combos start to outshine others. I'll vouch for Avatar x Chrom, Chrom x Sully, Fred x Sumia, Chrom x Sumia, Vaike x Cordelia, Avatar x Cordelia, Gregor x Nowi, and Avatar x Nowi, as well as Panne or Lon'qu as a Wyvern Rider (doesn't really matter who they're paired up with, though Sully/Stahl work). Lunatic: Avatar x Chrom trumps all else. No female Avatar? A support is fine. Field two units, grab Nosferatu and go. You can go with more units here, but it's not optimal and if you're going for optimal... Most of the pairings that are good on Hard also work here if so, as long as fewer are used and more care is taken to get them going. Luantic+: Completely based around ingame strategy again. Avatar's Asset/Flaw matter (Asset should be Spd or Def, flaw is usually Skl), not going overboard on team size is important, and Bow users are better than those without Bows, but it can't be solved with a magic pairing button.
  21. I think you can also get to it with Severa's.
  22. The Luna boost usually isn't too huge either. Combined with the extra attack, you can sometimes get more than double the boost you'd get for a plain Luna. Here's some math. Using Sumia!Lucina@DF leading, with a generic Sage support vs Throned Anna with the standard set (LB/GF/Aether/Luna/DS+). Mag: 42(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +9(pairup) +2(tonic) +11(Celica's) =85 Atk. Anna has 55+3 Res, 13 base, 27 Luna, 40 Aether. Not bad. PavGis doesn't actually change things, Thronie will take 6/13/19 damage total which is pretty much the same proportionally. When you get to be doing 20+ damage with your attacks, then Aether's boost is enormous. Gregor!Laurent: technically Lon'qu!Laurent edges him out by 1 Mag/Skl, but I prefer G!L because Gregor's availability is better, he has AT for maingame (and is superb in Lunatic+) and doesn't miss any important thresholds that I know of. Morgan x Nah will give you a more even power spread, Morgan x Cynthia will concentrate it a bit more.
  23. The support log sticks out as the other big thing that needs doing. I've also got a lot of free time and would be happy to help.
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