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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Sort of. You'd have to modify it a bit since you have no Rally Heart- Sage@WW gives +5, putting you at 66. You could then drop both Heart and a +Skl pairup (so DK would work) and still hit the 60 Skl required for it to work. That build can sweep all of Wave 1, Wave 2's Tricksters, Ikeadin (I think I forgot about him when making my initial calcs, as he takes 2 more Atk to KO than Forseti Sage who I listed as the toughest target), Wave 4's Pavise Soldiers, and Wave 4's Sage squad. Are those targets worth enough to you to dedicate a Morgan pair to taking them down?
  2. If the Sages are an issue, you could pair one with Laurent, have him use my 100% crit VV strat to wipe the floor with them, and then SS him back to Berserker for Wave 5. His Hit might be an issue since he won't have room for Lancebreaker on the crit build, though.
  3. Use 60 Spd so you don't get doubled by Thronie, and fight at range. He's only got 99 Atk so you'd need less than 30 Def to die, which isn't happening even without Rally. Surviving him is no biggie, it's killing him that's the problem. Anna goes down either to dodgetanks (mostly used to get her off her Throne) or Vengeance Longbows. She has only 55 Def and no shields so she goes down pretty quickly even with no DLC/Rally. If you're using Rally but no DLC, then it's pretty simple to hit Anna's survival thresholds as well (for no doubling and one Aether). It's also possible to get doubled and survive two Aethers with 76 Def, something Manakete Kellam!Nah!Morgan is able to reach in a no DLC/Rally setting with a General support and Def tonic (Def+2 and Defender are still on the table so plain Nowi!Morgan could do it too with both of those, and Donnel!Nah!Morgan can do it with just Def+2). However Manaketes aren't so good at striking back, so I don't recommend including one (and using up Avatar making it) unless you have additional uses for a Deftank.
  4. It's as well-known as it is because a long time ago some now-famous players used it to own the scrubs on Gfaqs who were pushing the old meta and blew everyone's minds.
  5. It does indeed stop and go back to 0 at turn 16, which is really stupid. You can but two skillslots for +15 Hit/Avo that only lasts for 15 turns is... Underwhelming, especially since you're not likely to get both on one character.
  6. I think this counts as a project thread so you should be safe.
  7. Thought Elie was doing it on Lunatic. My bad.
  8. Falchion still only does ~11 damage in the back and has ~60 listed Hit. Against Grima's 99 HP, that's not much. Also doubling Grima in an unpromoted class is kind of stretching it when it's already a huge deal to just not get doubled.
  9. I recall Int wanted to quick-promote Gregor to Hero since he didn't provide a good return on investment as an Assassin, but am not 100% on that. His bigger regret was on Miriel's class path- he wished he had taken her through only two of her base classes instead of all three (I think he wanted to skip DM, but again am not certain and know he loved still having her as a DM in Cht.6). That Def is really high, though. You've got the stats to use Int's Cht.2 strat, but probably could also just facetank it with luck and resets if you want to funnel a bit more exp into Robin. Skill distributions: if they're all equal then it should be an exactly 2/7 chance that any one skill appears on any one unit, but nobody's ever done anything to prove that they are equal. There's a decent amount of personal experience saying they don't (I know I've had bad luck finding a non-Pass Archer in Par.1 for Donnel to poke), but confirmation bias makes that worth nothing.
  10. It's banned to a tier that nobody in their right mind would play?
  11. Asset: +Spd on Morgan with All+2 will give you that 75 Spd Valkyrie with a +0 support, and you can also have a 75 Wyvern or non-All+2 75. On Owain's side, he gets to 75 as a Grandmaster with a DF support and no All+2, while getting Lucina there as well. +Mag, on the other hand, removes Morgan's +0 magical options, but Hero/BK Owain can still get her Sage/DF to 75 with no All+2. Owain takes it much better, still having enough Spd to hit 75 as a Sage with a DF support and no All+2. Flaw: -Def is the obvious choice, but it is worth nothing that +Spd/-Str will give Owain and Morgan a +5 Lck mod, which means 100% AT with no LB, if you care about that during early postgame. -Str however will give them -4 Str mods, which are completely unpalatable as Paladins and the like, locking them to magical classes and lowering Owain's potential as a Grandmaster. Lucina: will see much more average damage from dropping TF and using both Luna and Aether, even considering that they don't work in the back. Cynthia: it's hard to find someone more suited to Sniping than someone with an Aether/Luna procstack and a Sage husband... Laurent: will want his Berserker if Severa brings out an All+2 Paladin or Sniper (Paladin is worth considering because you don't have a lot of good 8-Mov candidates here). In the event DF x Sage is ran, All+2 won't change Severa's Spd bracket (she'll have 70 without it). Gerome: since you're stuck with a bad pair, you might as well make the most of it and play it how it used to be played- Sol, PavGis, DG+, LB, and have Noire take a kill with GF, then switch to Gerome to tank EP. Seriously though, make him a General and give him as much Atk-boosting stuff as possible. Nah: her Spd is regrettable, but she still hits 69 cleanly as a BK with no All+2 and a Berserker support- I'd say that's her best bet at physical. Kjelle: nope, don't use her. You need space for staffbots in case Noire or Nah derp and since you're short on Mov, anyway.
  12. That's the game's fault in general for giving you poor earlygame options. Vanilla Lunatic too is Robin snowball or bust.
  13. Berserkers aren't that fun to use, and neither are +Hit skills though. I don't get the impression he wants a strong team so much as one that can do a lot of different things.
  14. When does one ever put those to good use on non-Dragonskin enemies, though?
  15. For Gerome? He wants Virion or Stahl for maximum ingame versatility. Your Stahl is currently busy, but Inigo likes Fred too so you could swap Virion and Fred easily. You could also swap Fred onto Owain and give Gerome Ricken. The mods will be pretty strange but the ending classes work out nicely.
  16. I was more thinking that there are five children there, which is an odd number (aka one with a parent support). You'll want to know in advance how to do that. In general I go for the S supports when I can and grab Owain if I need a spare support, but Lucina and Cynthia can use DSt+ and be even better together than a married couple. Combine this with two daughters for Avatar, and you can make a totally balanced team with either one extra boy (and Avatar supports his other daughter, benching his wife- more likely in Nowi cases), or two extras and keeping Avatar and his wife on as a pair (more likely in Cordelia cases).
  17. Iron Mans are interesting and totally doable (including with death on anyone = full restart instead of merely losing them), but if you've never done Apo before there are still one or two things that could sneak up on you, especially if lowmanning. I'd advise doing it once first just to get a feel for that, and then it would definitely work. Well... Only if you really want a VV unit. They're not required and actually tend to be fairly poor team players outside of a few fairly specific challenge run brackets, since typically your stats are either high enough that you don't need to do an EP sweep to get rid of units (Apo has very few enemies per wave, and they're very spread out, so you can't just soak up kills like RaR3 or something), or you can't meet the thresholds for making it work. Typically I advise not using them unless you know what you want them for and that they'll work. They're not plug-and-play. Just a warning, Fred!Gerome is... Kinda useless. If fun builds is your goal, he's not your friend. What people find to be fun is pretty subjective, but I prioritize high movement for casual play. The more places on the map you can go, the more options you have, and options are fun. Galeforce is in the same boat since it effectively doubles your movement range, and Armsthrift is similar too because it lets you spam flashy legendary weapons that are a pain to replace. Anyway, I see Lissa, Miriel, Maribelle, Tharja and Olivia still free. Of those, I'd advise using Ricken x Lissa, Lon'qu x Miriel, Henry x Maribelle, Libra x Tharja, and Virion x Olivia, though Virion and Libra can be switched easily if you like. I'd love to stream Awakening too, but unfortunately my capture card is broken and I'm too lazy to get it fixed. Loopy's even offered to do it for free (and do it while they're still out of stock for everyone else), but I haven't gotten around to sending it in. Even if/when I do get it fixed, I've already got a DK64 101% run in the queue for streaming so I wouldn't start until that's done and over with. And that could be stuck there for quite a while because my home internet is bad and I might not be able to do anything with it over the summer. There's very little you can outright 2HKO, especially without LB. The draw of unpaired V(V) is that there's no DGs that can mess it up, so you can use it for things like taking a hit on EP to set up, then striking back to soften up something else for the kill next PP. It's a lot harder to work with than regular VV because you can't just leave your HP at 1 for the whole map so easily and have to be able to set it up on the fly, but it's also extremely versatile and has a fairly low opportunity cost to your team since it only takes one unit slot to use, and can double as a Staffbot when not VVing. I haven't used them much with everything on the table since kills never require setups and enemies never survive, but the moment reasonably high kill rates are off the table, it becomes a thing. Also unlike VVDSt+ units, they're great team players too. The only barrier really is that they take the most in-map work out of pretty much anything you could field in Apo to use.
  18. That's kind of the point, though. The whole purpose of Lunatic+ is to make a difficulty that you can't beat using the same exact moves every time. A more accurate metaphor would be going up against a Baton Pass team, I think (for each chapter). You see it coming a mile away, but if you don't react immediately and stop it on turn 1 it becomes instantly unstoppable. Once you gain that initial map control/break the chain, you're safe unless you do something stupid. The main difference is that you choose to fight Lunatic+, while BP randomly turns up whether you want it to or not. And it's played by a real person who will laugh at you if you lose.
  19. Sol doesn't really do much postgame. By far the best way to stay healthy is to pack a Staffbot dedicated to Fortify, and to pick your battles smartly. I prefer to bench Donnel as a father because Gaius!Kjelle is top tier and I don't consider Galeforce on Nah or Noire to be worth what Donnel does to their mods (if either is to get it, Noire would be better). A lot of people ask things like "how can I optimize my pairings for the most AT units", but since you can't get AT on everyone and there are quite a few different pairing combos that produce the maximum number of AT units, I've started advising prioritizing AT for units with more expensive weapons whenever it comes into question. It's true that in the end you either have it on all your fielded units or will eventually have to get more gold, regardless of when or how much. Lucina with her own husband, not one of Avatar's girls. She'd never be able to hit 100% DS with an A support and no LB. Cord is already an Aura bot but it's probably a good idea to put one of them in Gerome's filler slot anyway (I'd run one aura alongside the Breaker, personally).
  20. I like Lunatic+. Here's the thing about all that extra "RNG" that's present over Lunatic: it all takes place before you make your first move. Once the map has started, there's no extra RNG to be seen- every new skill either has a 100% activation rate or does absolutely nothing, depending on how you approach it (PavGis are the most straightforward examples of this, but it applies to all seven). Because of that, it's possible to compensate for all that through tactics alone, without having to rely on any mid-map RNG (that wouldn't have been present in vanilla Lunatic, of course. Shaky hitrates, random enemy movement and Gamble are random threats there too, and I'd much rather face Lunatic+'s skills than them). It's flawed, all right, but not in the way you think. Lunatic+'s biggest flaw- the biggest- is that while general strategies exist that can bring those skills to their knees, the other three difficulty modes of the game do absolutely nothing to teach you them, and even reinforce strategies that will get you blown up in L+. The only way to find those working L+ strategies is through hundreds and hundreds of resets worth of trial and error in which you deliberately try conventionally stupid things (like unequipping your weapon) looking for some way to get on top of the enemy horde. Or by talking to someone who's already done the work and is willing to share, which is a much better way to go about things. Similarly, it's a lot easier (but still very hard) to brute force conventional strats through resetting for favorable skills than it is to find those strats, even if you know they exist. It's more rewarding in the end for subsequent playthroughs/showing off, but really can't help you on a first clear. At the end of the day it's definitely not a difficulty that's for everyone and a lot of the things needed to beat it run counter to other things needed to get the "full" experience from the game. However, it's insanely rewarding (when played properly) and a good test of one's ability to think on their feet, and I thoroughly enjoy it. If you're extra salty toward it for any reason, you can watch it get paid back in the manliest way possible here. The next stream is going to be tomorrow (two days from now? Friday) evening. Wrt vanilla Lunatic... It takes a lot to stop my snowball with just punishing enemy growth curves, much more than the regular chapters have to offer. Fortunately, Lunatic has Risen who are able to keep up with even that, so I fight them in a no-other-grinding setting (with Nos banned as a courtesy to the Risen... Though I'm not sure it would do me much good if I had it) when I want a pure high-stats based run.
  21. Stahl!Laurent is a good bit better than Kellam!Laurent. Don't regret it unless you needed Stahl elsewhere.
  22. I'd put Libra and Kellam!Nah around the same utility. Both will likely be hard supports if used. If trying for low turn counts, high Mov is pretty much at the top of your to-have list, along with lots of Falcos and Galeforce.
  23. Who do you think is worse than him, then? Donnel and Gregor suffer from similar flaws, but at least have good ingame utility due to giving him a Merc reclass which is a strong option right off the bat (since ingame Owains are usually hard supports). Fred and Kellam give him Luna. Virion and Lon'qu give him Wyvern and something resembling Spd. Gaius... Well, he's pretty much the same. And nobody's going to argue Ricken, Stahl, Libra and Henry.
  24. Yeah once they've got some stats and skills built up definitely go into a more mixed class. This is just for getting as fast and strong of a start as possible.
  25. I see a Sumia!Lucina@GL with 59/48 Spd/Def before pairup bonuses and wonder why you don't just use her and her free 100% DS to greatly simplify fighting Anna (well, not free, but 120 Skl is pretty easy to hit with Rally on the table). She can do enough to give your DKs a much greater chance of KOing. Context for what you want these for? Ingame, postgame or Apo? Kjelle: no, that one's not really popular. Vaike!Nah and Vaike!Noire are far better choices for non-GF females. Yarne: postgame he's a hard support and ingame Paladin is better as a class than it is for Aegis and you don't want to go through General just for Pavise, so you won't see much use of him in that role. Fred is still a good filler dad on Yarne, but more for the mods, growths and availability than anything else. Nah: GF doesn't work well on Manaketes, especially ones that lack additional offense like Ignis or Luna (because they keep dropping KOes). AT is also somewhat wasted on Dragonstones because they can't be forged, and are thus one of the cheapest weapons around to get in its most powerful form- you'd be better off using it with something that costs 10k+ G. Noire: not exactly what I'd call popular either, but still good.
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