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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I still like Tactician -> Cav -> Paladin for both of them. Veteran and Discipline are great for getting over your hump and Paladin is a strong first promoted class with the Mov to make good use of Galeforce and no dump stats. Cav also lets you keep your Swd rank while still working on another weapon type.
  2. I like using Stahl the most, I'm currently using Libra and Ricken does one job the best. Too bad it's not a multiple choice poll (voting Stahl anyway).
  3. I don't see any missing classes, but... -Assassin: also has one of the best distributions in the game. Pretty much all the children can or do have it, and a lot of good fathers give it too. -Dread Fighter: its Mag is tied with none for the worst in the game of any Tome-using class, and 3 points below the nearest competitor (DK). It's still Tome access, but the Tomes are the selling point, not the Mag stat. -Bride: has the caveat of coming from the rarest DLC pack among players who only have some of the DLC, so its distribution could be considered poor. -Paladin: the special thing about its pairup bonuses is that it's one of the only classes (alongside GM, Valkyrie and Bride) that gives exactly +2 Spd, and it's also the only 8-Mov class to boost both Spd and Str. -Sage: not relating to the class itself but Laurent is the only 2nd gen unit in the game to have native Berserker and a +Hit skill, so he can fill that role surprisingly well (especially since Gregor patches up his Str nicely). -Valkyrie: its selling point isn't the lack of a flying weakness, it's the +1 Spd over DF. Nightmare Sniper will paste you whether you're weak to flying or not. -Falco: highest Skl 8-Mov class -> good for leading a 100% DS pair. -Monk: it's not very good. You're axe-locked like Berserker but have 10 less Str and only 3 more Skl to compensate. The pairup bonuses are also a good deal worse, giving only +2 Str, no Spd and still no Skl. And since Berserker is tied to Axefaire which you'd want to have to even consider it, it's distribution is effectively eclipsed by Berserker too (in fact, only Brady and Gerome have it instead of Berserker at base). Basically the Swordmaster of Axes. I know this wasn't directed at me but my definition of a good challenge is something I a) haven't done before and b) won't be able to do effectively by just jumping in with my current team- aka something I need to plan and prepare for. Of course, there's the inherent caveat that once I've done the challenge, it stops fitting those criteria and thus isn't a challenge (for me) anymore. Fortunately, this game has a lot of material to draw on to come up with new ones.
  4. Difficulty? +Spd is usually the best bet with Chrom x Avatar. Your flaw and class path depend on what you'll need to be fighting.
  5. Severa probably wants to do the same (pick up growth skills, then head to a good all-round class to get stats, then head to a good final class). Your individual stats really won't make a difference in what you should go to- maybe if you get extremely screwed, but then you'd probably just drop the unit instead of switching them to a different class. What you're fighting, what you have and what you've already been through are the important factors in choosing your path.
  6. I advise Tactician -> Cav -> Paladin, and Veteran is definitely worth it even with Paragon on the table (but it might not be).
  7. Try 1-range only (requires tight setups for Counter boss kills), no Rescue/GF (can't pull out of an engagement, so you need to kill everything in one go), or Enemy Phase combat only with no Vantage.
  8. Yeah that's without regard for the children. Avatar x Chrom is all about getting one pair that can do anything without regard for team synergy or anything else. Deitti: I'm seeing an unused Virion, and there's really no way that should be happening when you've got Panne x Kellam (unless you just really like that pair or something). Virion!Yarne will be a vastly superior performer to Kellam!Yarne, and you could also put Virion on Severa and give Stahl to Yarne (or Inigo). Frederick is also available as a decent option for both Yarne and Inigo. I recommend switching off of Stahl!Severa if you want to marry her because she's more about good class selections (she has a strong Hero, Sniper and Paladin) than good mods and Morgan doesn't really benefit from that. She only has +4/4/3 Str/Skl/Spd mods, compared to Vaike's +5/4/4, Virion's +2/5/5 and Lon'qu's +2/6/6. There's a lot you can do with a +5 Spd mod. Then again, I'm not too fond of Stahl!Severa (because of her hair), so take that with a grain of salt. As for Nah, you've got a free Henry and she really likes him, so I'd definitely do that. Vaike!Nah doesn't spend all her time in the back, she pairs with a Galeboy, gives him the first kill and takes the second for herself with Luna/Deliverer. Hero is actually a pretty good option because it has high Skl for DS, gives neutral Str/Mag so it can support physical and magical equally as well, and gives 5 more Spd than General (her other serious option, which has much better output in the back in exchange for a worse leading potential).
  9. It wasn't my intent to argue either side, just to point out that one does not simply do a true duo of S.Apo whether you're running Avatar x Chrom or not.
  10. I write it from memory and based on how I'm currently feeling, so each time I post it there are some differences (otherwise I'd have it in my sig). If there's going to be a master copy we need to sit down and talk about it for a while first. This is a good example of those differences- sometimes I mention Avatar-F and sometimes I don't (Chrom is definitely at the top of her list though). The obvious answer though is to have separate lists of partners for Avatar-M and Avatar-F. He thinks he's a middle ground between Ricken and Frederick, but doesn't know that's not a good place to be... If he had either something->Peg over Thief or a +3 Mag mod, he'd see a lot more action. A +2 Spd mod would also work, but then he'd fully be top tier instead of just situationally great. a) M x Lucina can't either, b) they can't true solo it with Braves anyway because turn limits, and c) if they're just doing the bulk of the heavy lifting and have other units to help with the turn limits, they can do it with no Braves.
  11. Avatar x Lucina > Chrom!Cynthia > Severa/Kjelle/other Cynthia > Sumia/Cordelia > everyone else Chrom x Sumia/Maribelle/Olivia Lissa x Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Sully x Gaius/Donnel Miriel x Lon'qu/Ricken/Gregor/Libra Sumia x Chrom/Henry Maribelle x Chrom/Virion/Lon'qu/Ricken/Libra/Henry Panne x Virion/Stahl/Gregor Cordelia x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Lon'qu/Ricken Nowi x Vaike/Stahl/Henry Tharja x Fred/Vaike/Ricken/Gaius Olivia x Chrom/Fred/Stahl/Ricken/Libra/Henry Cherche x Virion/Vaike/Stahl/Ricken/Gregor/Henry
  12. Yeah it's not very obvious. You're definitely not the first one to have missed it and then wondered why your attacks were doing less than they should.
  13. It halves and then rounds down if the damage is odd. Your confusion is coming from the fact that Grima is sitting on an Ire tile which provides +3 Def/Res and +20 Avo (same as a Gate but without healing). 41+3 Def gives 44, knocking your damage down to 3 before Dragonskin, which is halved to 1.5 and rounded down to 1.
  14. Nintendo decided to make the n3dses require you to open them up to get to the SD card for some silly reason. It's a huge pain even if you have the necessary stuff, and they only give you a 4GB SD card.
  15. Yeah, transferring the DLC from one 3ds to another requires a full system transfer. It would be waaay too piratable if it was just sitting there, free for the taking.
  16. But you also wouldn't want to be a Hero if you can't do it well...
  17. He's very similar to a working version of Donnel- requires an immediate Second Seal, comes with no weapon ranks and no real skills, and has a very limited class set. However he also has great mods, decent bases, shows up at a portion of the game where exp isn't super tight and you've had time to prepare for weak recruits, and can inherit good classes from his father. You can also sell his Beaststone to mostly cover the cost of his Seal. Still not for everyone, but he will give a nice return on investment, including on Lunatic+ thanks to native Warrior. The only units who should ever be hard supports ingame are Chrom (when paired with Avatar-F and soloing) and Owain (with a DSp+ inheritance). Not having GF ingame is unfortunate, but in no way locks a unit to the back- especially not the likes of Laurent and Yarne. Laurent is a premier lead with his good defensive skillset and high power, and Yarne likes to alternate between front and back depending on target. Keep in mind that high Atk is best kept up front ingame (unless fighting PavGis in Lunatic+) because DS rates are shaky and you're not likely to have Braves, so you're getting a guaranteed two hits instead of a random 0-2 hits.
  18. This is a slightly different context than postgame/Apo but when we were initially joking around about the feasibility of a resetless Lunatic+ run I was looking at +Skl Avatar!Yarne, who has a high enough growth to reasonably cap Skl (and Str) and a high enough cap (with Skl+2) to hit 100% DS with Vantage Olivie!Lucina in an ingame setting for sweeping, assuming she can cap too. Compared to G1 units who have poor class selections, sure. But (good) G2 units aren't really wanting for classes. Morgan's class selection is great, but it's not something other units somehow can't have (with the exception of GM and Valkyrie). The mods are what really set him/her apart. Of course, all that is in an Apo context only. Ingame Morgan's class selection really is a massive deal. Edit: actually I suppose it would also be important if you want to force units to fill certain roles (mostly if you want a lot of units doing the same thing, like Vengeance Snipers). That's pretty different to my preferred playstyle (considering each unit on a case-by-case basis and optimizing them to their personal strengths), but Morgan's classes would be a big deal there.
  19. Think about what makes Morgan good though. It's not the full class selection- you can only use five skills and one class at a time, and all the others aren't helping at that time- it's the fact that you get all the classes you need from one parent alone, allowing you to focus exclusively on mods with the other (3rd Gen Morgan is an extension of this- just more mods). So giving Morgan mods on par with a mid-tier G2 unit is kind of throwing away his/her potential, regardless of what he/she can still do.
  20. Gregor!Laurent is legend tier (most Laurents are, he's just the best). Nowi, Panne, Sumia and Cordelia are all strong 1st gen females to take along as well, so all of their kids are on the table and worth taking if you get the chance. If you want a lot of good children, I'd strongly recommend using Avatar-M and marrying either Cordelia or Nowi. There are a lot more good 1st gen females than 1st gen males and if you use Chrom x Avatar you'll find yourself with fewer children due to fewer good husbands- Gregor and Libra are the only standout ones that don't require a lot of work to get going. As for the other children, Owain is easy to get but not too good, Gerome is too hard to get to be useful, Brady is always bad and a Chrom!Kjelle might be useful (I don't care for her, personally). Dunno about Noire but there are too many good females already. Inigo is good if you use Chrom x Olivia and funnel exp into Olivia hard enough to get him GF, and otherwise bad.
  21. Future Past 1, 2 and 3 are all part of the same story. You can't play just one and be happy with it. All the other maps- including the Scrambles- have similar map themes across the pack but you'll be able to get the complete experience for each map alone, without needing the rest of its pack to do so. I was comparing Future Past to Scramble because both packs have a ton of extra convos in them- Future Past also has the overarching story though, while Scramble maps can stand alone.
  22. They're not exaggerated, they're with regard to other Morgan-Ms.
  23. I don't really think there are that many good options. There's a reason Avatar-M is preferred for making large teams, and it's not just because of two kids: it's because there are a lot more good females in the game than there are good males. I'd go Fred or a non-screwed Stahl if I had to, though.
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