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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. +2/1/2 Str/Skl/Spd is not decent. It's really bad. And he doesn't have the classes or skills to back it up, either, so they're all he's got.
  2. I'd go for one of the Scramble Pack maps. They have a ton of content in the form of extra convos, but without Future Past's story that'll make it hard to play just on eof them. Harvest Scramble will give you a reliable source of Master Seals, but the other two will give you extra fanservice artwork and slightly more convos. It's up to you.
  3. Vaike!Owain is really, really bad. Stay away from him. His mods stink, just like all Owains, but unlike Stahl, he doesn't have the classes to remedy them- Vaike just gives him Hero and Trickster (which is bad and doesn't count). Hero is good, but it's not what Owain wants or needs.
  4. Male Wyvern Lords are typically good before you start doing the DLC, getting skills like LB and maxing the stats on your entire team. Once you do that, females are much batter. Without DLC, you'll want your skillset to be: -Armsthrift (keep the Gradivus, your best weapon, intact as it's hard to get more) -A healing skill: Renewal for running away, Sol for tanking -A mobility skill: Pass or Deliverer depending on the map -A defensive skill: Aegis or a Breaker, depending on what the enemy team looks like -Veteran (if you haven't capped all your stats), a damage booster (like Ignis or Vengeance) or a support skill (Anathema or Solidarity) You need to change it up for pretty much every battle but it's strong enough to take on pretty much anything outside of the DLC. Once you're playing the DLC maps, offense becomes far more important than defense because enemies typically have high offense and low defense. You'll want to use LB, Aggressor (Dread Fighter Lv.15), Axefaire, maybe All+2 and Hit+20, and constantly stay in the back and support your wife. You can use the non-DLC skillset instead if you like (LB in the fifth slot), but this one will be far more effective.
  5. Depends on how big you want your team to be. Avatar-F is a one-woman army and more suited to small teams where she can carry all day, Avatar-M is a utility juggernaut who's good at getting others going and more suited to medium and large teams.
  6. Last I checked we've done Cht.5 and are about to start Par.1. Unless I missed a stream, which is unlikely as I've kept the tab open the whole time and don't see anything in the chat... It would be worth deploying a trained Taguel Panne and using her to fight... It definitely wouldn't be worth keeping her in Taguel that long. Enough that there aren't really any safe spots for her to take an enemy phase. You don't see them in the L+ runs because Kuroi is constantly running from them and doesn't have to fight any, but they're there. It's the most Beastkiller-heavy chapter in the game. Being a Wyvern actually would help because a) she has Hand Axes to kill them from range and Hammers to OHKO the Knights with them, b) she has WTA so they miss more, c) she has Def so they're slightly tankable, and d) she has enough Mov to outrun them and shouldn't get cornered. She's strong enough to take on Fighters in Cht.6 and actually do really well against them with a support, and Cht.7 is filled with inaccurate Wyverns and mountains to tank on. If she's not competing with Chrom for exp, she can usually get enough levels out of those two chapters alone to reclass with only moderate funneling. Once she reclasses, she can feed on pretty much anything.
  7. Swap Lon'qu and Libra and you'll be good. If you want to take advantage of Severa's Str (she's only got +2, so it's not too big of a deal- DF's Lance damage output will still be way lower than its Tome output), be a Wyvern instead. Going DF over Valkyrie isn't worth it for Lances (you'd normally do it for the extra Skl).
  8. Try Stahl for all your mixed Owain needs. He's got Sniper and Paladin as strong new physical classes, Hit+20 for hit Berserker, and positive Str/Mag. Lissa's mods are just terribad so Owain's mods will smell no matter who his father is (barring +Spd Avatar-M, who will actually make him pretty good). You just have to look past them and focus on his class set instead.
  9. The postgame consists of any of 23 Paralogues you haven't beaten yet, 25 DLC maps (in particular the Scramble Pack, Challenge Pack, Future Past and Apo, but also all four Spirit Talisman packs if you don't have them yet... Pretty much everything except the Golden Pack, although you'll likely do that a lot too...), 120 Spotpass teams to fight at your leisure, potentially infinite Streetpass teams and Risen to fight, daily Barracks events, a whole lot of A supports and the collection and minmaxing of all your units. Even without the DLC, it's really massive. Anyway, the reason you get a bunch of characters who are all supposed to be dead is because the GBA FEs started a thing where you could recruit major NPCs and villains for use in a few postgame "trial maps", where they were unlocked by beating the game enough times (of in Sacred Stones' case, beating a certain map enough times). There was no fanfare, no story to go along with them, and they were just there because some of them had insanely cool battle animations that the devs wanted to let you have for yourself. Since Awakening is really into bringing back mechanics from past FEs, it decided to also let you recruit a ton of dead guys after you finished the game. The only reason you don't have to wait until after Grima is that your file doesn't save that chapter's completion... If it did, you'd probably be able to recruit Grima too). Unlike past FEs though, they tried to justify it in the story. Personal opinions on the quality of the justifications notwithstanding, they probably did it because they wanted you to be able to marry them. And there's also Priam, who's completely irrelevant and just Tellius fanservice.
  10. GM doesn't suffer from being outshone by Dread Fighter, it suffers from being outshone by Paladin. I don't think giving DF extra Mag would have too much of an impact on GM's viability.
  11. For example, 40(Sniper base) +5(mods) +20(LB/Rally) +8(Berserker support- Berserkers give a total of 3+2+3) +2(tonic) =75.
  12. Henry!Cynthia and Henry!Nah are too slow to hit 75 with it. Morgan-F (and her siblings) are the only children who can get it with a +5 Spd mod, period, never mind proc/GF/TF. Nah still uses it as a +Spd/Mag support class, but for all intents and purposes it's Morgan's personal class. ...I really wish Virion's Mage became Troubador for female inheritance. He could still pass down Tomefaire, and it would let Virion!Severa fill her secondary role as a magic user that much better. It would affect pretty much her only (and Nah and Noire, who would benefit too), has no downsides for any of them (Severa and Noire already have DK and don't want to be Sages anyway), and would be cool in general. And while we're on balance wishes, I wish Dread Fighter had 42 Mag. That would put it on par with Dark Flier and Valk, and make it an actually appealing option for getting +5 DFs to 75 without All+2. As-is, it does that, but at the cost of unacceptably weak DSes (I know it's only the same difference as between Berserker and Hero, but physical weapons have much higher mt and Str-based classes typically have more Str than Mag classes have Mag, so it hurts far more).
  13. There's still stuff you can do with it but in general +7 is enough to use all the best classes, and classes that benefit from >+7 have other things holding them back as well that the +7/5 classes don't. I mean, +7 gives you procstacking Wyverns and Valkyries, there's not much better you can do.
  14. The ones that haven't been covered so far are 220 Hit (100 listed on all non-Boss mooks before WTD) and 160 combined Skl (100% DS). The former is something you really should be aiming for (~5 off is fine, 20 or more off is bad), the latter can only be gotten through dedication except in very rare circumstances so don't sweat it if you don't have any units who can. It's not a significant threshold. You do get Invincisorc but they're not tanky enough to warrant any investment dedicated to them alone, and stopping at 65 when you could go on to 66 is kind of silly. The next significant one below 66 is 60, which prevents you from being doubled by Thronie (the Helswath Berserkers), which is a guaranteed 2HKO on every single unit you would want to field for Apo. Falling below 60 also means you start dropping doubles on standard mooks, which can be annoying. Every single one of them. The better units are those who can get there without making any sacrifices. Class choice and father Spd mods are very important for this. Here's a few different common ways to get various Spd mods to 75: +3: Paladin/Sniper with All+2 and a +3 support, Hero/Sage/Dark Flier with no All+2 and a +3 support, Dark Flier with All+2 and a Dread Fighter support. Notable +3 units: Chrom x Olivia's kids, +Spd Avatar x Nowi's kids, Virion!Brady, Ricken!Severa. +4: Wyvern with All+2 and an Assassin support, Paladin/Sniper with no All+2 and an Assassin support, Bow Knight with no All+2 and a +3 support, Hero with no All+2 and a Paladin support, Falco with All+2 and a +0 support, Assassin with no All+2 and a +0 support. Notable +4 units: Avatar-F, Gaius/Virion!Noire, Vaike!Severa, +Str/Skl Gregor!Yarne!Morgan. +5: Wyvern with All+2 and a +3 support, Paladin/Sniper with no All+2 and a +3 support, Valkyrie with All+2 and a +0 support, Dark Flier with no All+2 and a Dread Fighter support. Notable +5 units: Chrom x Sumia's kids, +Str/Skl Sumia!Lucina!Morgan, Virion!Severa, Gaius!Kjelle. +6: Wyvern with All+2 and a Paladin support or no All+2 and an Assassin support, Hero/Dark Flier with All+2 and a +0 support, GK with All+2 and a +3 support. Notable +6 units: Lon'qu!Severa, Gaius!Kjelle, +Spd Avatar x Chrom's kids. +7: Wyvern with no All+2 and a +3 support, Valkyrie with no All+2 and a +0 support, General with All+2 and an Assassin support. Notable +7 units: +Mag Sumia!Lucina!Morgan, +Spd Avatar x Cordelia's kids. The two most important thresholds in there are +5 and +7. Hitting +5 officially qualifies you as fast and gives you a lot more freedom with Snipers, Wyverns and Paladins, and Valkyrie in the case of Morgan (since it's pretty much her personal class). +7 is officially Morgan tier and only Avatar's children can get in- which does include kids from any +2 or better mother (coughCordeliacough). Funny how one of the children who's already top tier benefits the most from Avatar inheritance. Actually getting +7 lets you throw around powerful 8-Mov classes with no extra investment whatsoever, freeing up plenty of room for a Faire+Procstack. If your Spd mod is below +3 though, you're not very fast and are better off aiming for 69 and shoring up your offenses instead. Notable slow units include non-+Spd Avatar-F, all Owains, all non-Chrom Inigos, Nah and anyone fathered by Donnel. Spd never matters on Laurent, Yarne and Gerome, except in the event you want any of them to father Morgan. In similar fashion it never matters on Avatar-M, except he always has Morgan so don't take less than she wants (always aim for +5 or better for her).
  15. Yeah that's why I always go Cav, Discipline is a fantastic skill for getting going quickly. I haven't used BK too much outside Lunatic+ and Apo, but it's probably a good option. If I ever get around to doing Chrom x Sully again (vanilla Lunatic) I'll definitely try it. Assets and flaws boost/lower other stats besides just the one they're labeled as (full table here). So -Res will lower your Spd by 1, which is unfortunately just enough that Nah needs to upgrade to Assassin to get you to 75... And she doesn't have either Faire for it with Vaike. If you want to stick with -Res, change Nah to a General instead- you'll lose 5 Spd over Hero, which will put you perfectly at the next threshold down while giving +8 Atk. Fun fact: I've heard rumors that Fred x Cherche was started as a joke by Endgame to troll bandwagoners, and it still hasn't been cleaned up. No problem and gl with your run.
  16. +Mag/-Str or Def. Assuming you're going for that gimmick and that gimmick alone.
  17. Well, I guess that's that. 44 Spd? Have you got a Mag/Res flaw? He should have 45 (38+7+10+10+8+2 =75), and Hero Nah will give +8 total. If you need a bit more Spd and don't want to sacrifice your Mov, that's what Paladin is for. Severa and Kjelle's husbands are pretty swappable. The only reason you wouldn't want to is if Kjelle is a Paladin and her +Spd bonus lets Inigo hit a threshold (he's a galeboy so he'll be coming up front, Yarne never will). Of course, a Wyvern with All+2 will have much stronger Dual Strikes than a Paladin without, so there's a good reason to give the Galeboy a Wyvern too. Yeah, you can swap them however you like. You do get two pairs of Boots and there's no benefit to keeping them unused. If you have enough 8-Mov units that you can use them to get your entire team to 8 Mov, I recommend using them that way. If you can't and will have 6-Mov units regardless, then just use them on units you'll want to be using more often (probably double Galepairs and/or AT units). Once I got her into Wyvern the loss of P.Falchion hit her and she was stuck with nothing but Silver Lances to attack with. Usually I send her to Dark Flier (even though she already has GF) for the flying Tomes, but now was stuck with just Silver Lances and Javelins (wasn't using Spotpass on this run, so no Spears). She was still able to get picks well but eventually just fell behind and I transitioned her to a support. She hit Lv.15 around Cht.22 anyway (so her stats were pretty good) but I didn't really know what to do with her after that because she lacks all my usual ending classes, so I just put her back into Paladin for endgame. She didn't do bad, per se, and still got two promoted reclasses. She just didn't do as well as I expect Lucina to do (she's usually one of my best units). If there's some other ending class I'm overlooking that makes her much better, please let me know (I know Wyverns are usually good but when I use them they're always begging for Falco supports and Kjelle was unable to fulfill that role). Kjelle herself was mostly my fault for thinking maybe Swordmaster would work this time around, but I doubt she'd do better than Lucina even if they both got proper treatment.
  18. Wow Knu, your Sully!Lucina needs inheritance to patch up her hitrate? That's not really selling me on her. At all. You also might want to rethink your reason for playing the game if your only goal is to finish as fast as possible so you can do something else. Magical x magical and physical x physical is a nice way to keep it simple, but keep in mind that classes like Hero don't give any Str or Mag on pairup, so you could have them support either a physical or magical unit with the same performance. Laurent will want to be a Sage. He can take or leave VV- I don't use it, myself- but his class will stay the same. Gaius!Kjelle can also be a Paladin with similar performance to a Wyvern. You'll lose flight and 4 Str, but you gain 2 Spd so you can take off All+2 (so -2 more Str) and hit the same Spd threshold, letting you use both Luna and Astra. There's no strictly superior option, it's a matter of taste. The one thing to watch out for with male Wyverns is that they don't have room for All+2 (because of Agg) and they can't S with Berserkers. In Morgan-M's case, he'll need +7 Spd (Spd asset) and a Hero/Bow Knight support to hit 75. Nah can do that best with Vaike as her father (Axefaire inheritance). Inigo should be Kjelle's husband over Gerome. You'll get more bang for your buck that way. He's Chrom!Inigo, right?
  19. You can put a Bolt Axe on a Berserker, but it'll be extremely weak. I'd strongly recommend some Atk boosting skill over AT since you can just buy more Bolt Axes (spotpass FE8->L'Arachel).
  20. I'll probably play it more than If after the initial two playthroughs.
  21. OK, let's say you marry Nowi with the end goal of getting GF on all three of Kjelle, Nah and Noire, and you succeed. But because you married first gen, you have one more girl than you have boys, so you have to bench one... And because they all have GF, you have to bench one with GF. Now you've just lost any GF advantage you may have gained from picking Nowi. This won't sink your team, but it's a big reason why people typically don't use Avatar x Nowi for optimization/minmaxing much anymore. Maximizing classes is nice for playing around but at the end of the day any classes you have that you aren't either in or using a skill from aren't helping you. Prioritizing classes you're going to use is important- equally so to mod thresholds, because they determine what classes you'll be able to end in while being at maximum performance. Everything else is just extra (they still matter, just not as much). Fortunately, there are a good number of children who are stronger than their parents too, so I should be all set. ...I'm not quite sure what's so great about Sully!Lucina though. I've used her several times and she falls off hard once my Staves/Tomes/GF core gets rolling (much later than it should because her, her sister and her mother are all unable to contribute) by virtue of not being able to keep up. Quick Burn? It's a dodgetanking skill, and... Dodgetanking starts to fall off around where children show up thanks to forges and Hit+10. Definitely not as good as an early dodgetank *coughSumiacough*. The draw of Chrom x Sully is pretty obviously the two chapter head start on Sumia in support, which combined with the +Def from Sully's Cav lets Chrom wreck face in Cht.5 and get much easier training for a strong start. It's all about that strong start, and once you hit midgame it's about making the best of what you have (still might be pretty good, not denying that) instead of transitioning into something better. Responses to everyone else coming after I get to class.
  22. Maybe. The thing is, in addition to the kids, you have to think about how well Avatar performs- (s)he is one of your best units, so you want to give them a spouse capable of doing well in combat. In Avatar-F's case, she's completely self-sufficient and the best one-man army in the game (except Chrom in certain cases). Avatar-M is better at specialized roles, but he relies on teamwork from his wife a lot more. In Panne's case, the duo will do very well ingame, Morgan will do comparatively poorly ingame, Yarne will do comparatively well ingame, Panne and Avatar will do poorly postgame, Morgan will do well postgame, and Yarne will do normally (for Yarnes in general, which is very well) postgame. The other thing to keep in mind when choosing who to marry is that S supports are a lot better than A supports, but there are only 13 kids, which is an odd number and means someone's getting benched unless you marry G2 (and thus don't pass your classes to anyone). Obviously, this doesn't matter in the slightest if you weren't planning to use all the children in the first place, but if you are, it's really important. Additionally, with some planning ahead most of the children are capable of getting everything they could ever want without Avatar's help in the first place- this is particularly true for Yarne and Laurent. As for where he can be put to use, Nah makes the best use of his classes (at the cost of a very bad postgame wife in Nowi), while Severa makes the most of his mods postgame (+Spd/-Def), and also gives him a very good wife (Cordelia is one of the best 3 first gen units to marry for postgame optimization).
  23. He's a) almost strictly inferior to Yarne as a parent for Morgan (nobody wants Cherche's -1/-1 Skl/Spd when Panne's +2/3 are on the board), and b) unable to get Hit+20 and Berserker. So not actively bad, just eclipsed by someone else. Avatar-M can pass his classes on to all his kids, so if he marries someone who already has a kid tied to them, their kid gets to cash in. Lucina is the only child tied to their father instead of their mother, so if you want Avatar-F to pass on a ton of classes to someone, it has to be her (since that's the only way for Avatar-F to have two children).
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