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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. If you're worried about getting zerged, don't turtle. The boss is right there and a really easy snipe for a flying GF user.
  2. A +5 Brave Sword is only 3 mt behind Mercurius, actually. The only time Mercurius would ever do more is if you were doing 2 or less damage per hit with the Brave Sword, and with Aggressor that should never happen. Keep in mind that doubling with a Brave gives you 4 attacks instead of 2, and the first two come out before the enemy can counterattack whether you double or not.
  3. Dude, have you seen how fast children grow? They start semi-weak and with one chapter of investment (unless they start with no weapon ranks, aka Brady and Yarne) they're one of your best units. Even on Lunatic(+). Without Aptitude. Aptitude is just icing on the cake.
  4. The game always checks if you activate Ignis before it checks if you activate Vengeance. So if your Skl is exactly 50 (I didn't check), you'll have a 50% chance to proc Ignis and then a 50% (Ignis failure rate) * 100% (Vengeance activation rate) = 50% Vengeance rate. You'll still get a proc every time, it just won't always be Vengeance. Welcome to the forest, by the way.
  5. Prior to Valm there's nothing with Res so you can kill everything with ease (including potential OHKOes to bypass Counter if you're strong enough) and everything's super inaccurate without Hawkeye so attacks aren't too much of a threat for a fast unit. Archers similarly aren't too important because they're rare, can't 1-range Counter you, and still ~3HKO you even with Silver. Even in Valm DF is still a great class because of flying Tomes, actually. The main thing here is just to invest enough in Robin to get there in time, and to skip Peg through a promoted reclass.
  6. I don't think it's possible to get anything out of Donnel "with little investment" other than a 1-hit meat shield. By using him, you're pretty much signing a waiver that you don't care about time. I say Underdog if grinding and Sol or Aptitude if not.
  7. Nah, it's pretty easy actually. On Robin at least.
  8. Their mothers aren't force-deployed, aren't available from Cht.0, don't have DSt+ and don't have an infinite use weapon that wrecks the final boss. Also Avatar-M can't get Galeforce and Morgan-F can't be a Warrior.
  9. You can fit one more in if you want but those three will be very solid by themselves.
  10. He already knows Gregor!Yarne is good (though for a different reason...), that's why he used him. The issue at present is whether others agree that Gregor was being a jerk.
  11. I'd rather see Olivia do a Galeforce passdown myself (there's enough exp in Cht.12-13 alone to make it work with Dancer(30) -> DF iirc, but saving a Paralogue is probably a good idea anyway- saving Gangrel's squad in Cht.11 also gives her a good level). It really helps to have plenty of GF units when making a big team as they don't have to be as far ahead of the curve to both survive and be useful. To do that though you need to be really on the ball with a spare Second Seal for her ready in Cht.11, an Arms Scroll ready then as well for D Lances (get from Par.4) and a +5 Beastkiller (Renown). Noble Rapier for Chrom from Renown helps as well, and you need at least two tanks who work well unequipped for Cht.12 (so not Nowi, though she can support if Robin is good enough). After that, congrats, you have two GF kids and Olivia is so strong she can carry in Inigo's Paralogue. All for 200 turns of Dancing and two chapters of exp.
  12. Don't forget Inigo. Having a team filled with females is pretty common, actually. Awakening's ingame balance on a per-unit basis is just horribly biased against boys for some reason- all the good ingame units are female, and most of the good ingame females have daughters, and most of the sons are bad ingame units too. It's... Kind of silly. And the main reason why Chrom x Olivia is good ingame (despite his bases and hard recruitment chapter, Inigo is easily the best non-Morgan 2nd gen male in the game).
  13. The age of every single unit in Awakening is deliberately ambiguous so players can put in whatever they want in their headcanons.
  14. Nobody knows and yes you can S-rank her.
  15. Being Robin. First, they need to come at a time when there's enough exp for them to get past their hump without competing with anyone else. This could mean they have a short hump... Or it could mean they come during a long drought of new recruits. Just don't have multiple weak units who all need to be funneled to get in shape at once. Second, they need to be able to contribute from Cht.21 onward at least enough to make up for any investment you poured into them. Having a child and then getting benched does count as contributing, and keep in mind that a very low investment unit requires only a very small contribution to be worth it. Finally, they need to be a part of your plan from the beginning: know who they'll marry (or A with), where they'll train, and if they're a child who their parent will be. If they're a parent, know what their child will do and whether you'll drop them once that child arrives. Plan ahead so you're ready for them when they join and can start training them as soon as possible (eg buying Cordelia a Spotpass Short Spear helps get her off the ground in Cht.8). Once you're using them, don't drop them until they've fulfilled the role you brought them on for. Given all that, the best units fall into two categories: units who merit long-term investment (Chrom, Lissa, the Pegs, any child with good parents) and units who can be dropped in to do a job (pairup bot, staffbot, chest duty, ferry, or a low-maintenance marriage) and then retired later with little investment and no net loss (Gregor, Henry, Cherche, Basilio, Anna, Olivia).
  16. Depends what those pairs are. How many of Nowi, Panne, Sumia and Cordelia are involved, and is your Avatar male?
  17. Well, we've already got one earlygame Cav to train, and two more non-Chrom/Robin units in Sumia and Lon'qu. And frankly, given how things were going last night (2% crits aren't likely to be the defining factor of this run, but if Robin spam met with that much resistance, what will happen to the other units?), I'm a little wary of the run falling into one of Lunatic's famously unforgiving pitfalls. If Stahl and Lon'qu weren't around... Then things would be different and I'd love to see Sully on the field. I'd still love to see her, I just don't think it's a good idea.
  18. Not a true solo unless she has no pairup. 17 Def in Cht.11 happens if you're neutral on Def and have been training a lot of other units. In a highman run, Robin's exp gain slows down significantly around Cht.3 due to other units wanting in on the action.
  19. Or roster is getting really full (4-5 G1 pairs already) but you can sure try. Or just post it here if you don't want to bother with PMs, it's not like it's a secret or anything.
  20. It's Hard more, Cordelia could solo it by herself if you let her. So could Chrom, actually. I think you may be vastly overestimating what you're up against (keep in mind that raising more units tends to make the game harder).
  21. I wonder how much of that is thanks to Smash. Are there any sales figures for the DLC?
  22. Because his parent pairings were randomly generated.
  23. It's still possible to make Int's strat work (you just need a little better DS luck with the Barb, or a crit from someone if you can't double). But if you just got unlucky with your stats/support and aren't -Spd or something, it's probably early enough that you could restart for better stats.
  24. The main reason I don't care for Ricken!Owain is that he's got a cringe-worthy +0/1 Skl/Spd mod spread. But that's mostly Lissa's fault and Ricken just makes it more obvious- he's still a good option for Owain. Stahl!Owain is a very similar option to Ricken!Owain that trades 3 Mag for 3 Str and has slightly better mods elsewhere, so there is a bit of competition there for a more balanced Owain. Ricken!Gerome has +3/3 Str/Mag mods and everything he needs to run Tomefaire Sage, Bowfaire Warrior and Bowfaire Bow Knight, which is about as complete of a support selection as you could ask for for a +5 Spd Morgan (the only thing he's missing is Swordfaire for Paladin). Ricken is definitely Severa's best magical option. She only misses one Spd threshold over Virion!Severa (with a Dread Fighter support, Ricken needs All+2 to hit 75 and Virion doesn't), but gets Luna as an alternate proc option, has +2 Mag and has Lancefaire Paladin as a backup class (Stahl!Severa is the only other one who can run Paladin, and she has the same Spd as Ricken). However, she also comes with the slight problem of being almost totally eclipsed by Chrom!Cynthia, who has better Spd/Skl (enough for 75 Spd Paladin/Sniper with a +3 support and no All+2), Aether, and the same DF/Sniper/Paladin ending class set. All Severa really has on her is +1/1 Str/Mag (and Vengeance, which to you probably would be worth it).
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