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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Yes, but it'll be harder than just doing it with no DLC and no grinding. Lunatic makes extra (non-DLC) sources of exp more trouble than they're worth. The whole mode is really easy in general once you know what you're doing though so it's possible to beat it with a lot less than that.
  2. Whether or not weight is even a good thing is already a pretty controversial topic. I think it's gone because it's just another calculation and the devs wanted to remove it to make the game more accessible.
  3. The sprites and cutscenes are identical but there are a few reasons besides laziness why they would have done it the way they did regardless: namely, it would have been really confusing to the player to have them change. Alternately, it's quite possible that it was a plot hole at first, and when they added the "10 years later" thing to patch it up, they simply forgot to do anything about the Premonition. Besides, nobody gets visibly older between the 2-year timeskip either (on the younger units especially, it would have been quite noticeable) so there is a precedent. And even with the resources they had, I seriously doubt they wanted to make an old version of every single one of Avatar's builds (and back to the confusion point again, you just created your Avatar and this is the first time you get to see them in game, having them look completely different from what you made for no apparent reason is pretty bad game design). So I don't think it matters much and changing it would leave the game in a worse place than it is now. In Cht,13, Lucina states that the events surrounding Grima's resurrection happened "more than 10 years hence". That's the basis and the rest is the most logical extrapolation. I believe it's further elaborated on in a lot of JP-only supplemental materials, but obviously can't confirm/cite that myself. SoC or Vincent would probably know, though.
  4. It's not for Anathema, it's for getting the DF reclass in Par.4. Also not being a DM in Par.1 means no forged Flux which in turn means no Barb OHKOes, which means there's a much bigger chance for 1-range Counter to sink the run (or at least cost you the Killer Lance).
  5. Due to Emmeryn not being able to sacrifice herself to stop the war in Plegia (due to being dead) that war dragged on, then Valm invaded in the middle of it and the whole thing basically took 10+ years to resolve to the point where the Grimleal could make their move. Cht.23 didn't happen in the original future timeline for a very long time.
  6. It has limited viability everywhere. You're not getting 100% DS ingame from any build without grinding, period (even 100% AT is pushing it). But it's also so weak due to sacrificing a bunch of damage skills that it won't be able to get many kills (other than Lucina and Morgan) in Apo either. That team was solely to meet your specs- it'll perform very badly in practice. If you get Vaike!Nah ingame she'll be a lead. Manaketes always want to be up front ingame. I was actually thinking of adding another GF/AT unit into that team and then making it decent for both ingame and Apo, but scaling it down to two pairs can work. What would be much better though is if you just dropped the GF/AT condition entirely and settled for a small number of Galepairs (single or double) and used AT where you have it and have room for it (it's pretty rare to use it in Apo). Two good bases for starting this are Chrom x Sumia and Avatar x one of their kids along with Chrom x Olivia and Avatar x Sumia/Cordelia: both give you a lot of concentrated power with two open, very powerful females and a completely open set of fathers for their two husbands. Anyway I'll add the 7 units team after dinner. GF/AT on the lead and AT on the support in game... Isn't that big of a deal either. Realistically, you cannot get GF on anyone other than Sumia, Cordelia, Avatar-F and all their kids ingame on Lunatic. Maybe add Inigo and Kjelle with heavy favoritism. Once you've got a bunch of those GF units and get their weapon ranks up high, other things- like AT, S supports and even stats- tend to stop mattering. So if you pick up AT on some of those units, it'll be nice, but they won't really care and would much rather have GF several chapters earlier (or stay in a promoted class to use it). Now what will probably happen if you get a bunch of units like that is that you'll start favoring the AT ones (since they cost less money). And at that point, you might as well just plan to use only the ones which can get both easily on the same pair... Which means Avatar x Cordelia, Veteran/GF passdown to Severa and AT/GF passdown to Morgan (Morgan reclasses to Tactician, Severa reclasses to Cav) and then stomp the game with those two pairs and maybe Chrom x Sumia (Sumia Staffbotting as a Falco and keeping Chrom safe). Since you want both GF and AT on Cordelia, she'll have to go Peg -> DF -> Merc -> Hero which takes a lot of exp and effort to do safely. If you don't want to do that, then just use what you get. Avatar can take down Vanilla on his own anyway.
  7. There are enough units to generate new events for... But what happens if the game has an event queued up for unit 14, and then enough units die so there are less than 14 units (and thus no unit 14)?
  8. I think you're overthinking this to a rather absurd degree. First off, nowhere does it say Lucina managed to return to her own timeline. It says nobody knows whether she did or didn't, and in Summer Scramble she's very open to the possibility that she can't go back, doesn't know for sure and just plans to go into hiding if all else fails. As for Morgan, 3rd gen is from a different timeline than the rest of the children. It's a failure timeline (like ALttP's official one) where you fail in Cht.23, Chrom dies and your Avatar becomes Grima, and seen in The Future Past. Since the kids were already around in that timeline, there's no reason why one of them couldn't have been Morgan's parent.
  9. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from Skyward Sword taking stuff that's obviously meant to be optional and forcing you to do it at strange moments as part of the main story. Awakening is awkward when it prompts/allows you to go to Paralogue 4 to fight some random bandits in Ferox in the middle of escaping from Gangrel, imagine how much more awkward it would be if that little expedition was forced. When considering how full the main game (what's strictly required to reach and beat Grima) is, it's fair to compare it to other, past FEs (aside from Gaiden and Sacred Stones) that had similar linear paths to the finish, but also didn't have much for you to do aside from those paths. Is Awakening's more lacking? Its story certainly is (granted, watching cutscenes also falls into the bin of being optional), and it certainly takes less time to complete (partially due to the engine and menus simply being really good), but how does it stack up to the campaigns of past FEs? I'm not in the best position to answer that (having only played a limited number of past installments) but at face value it seems fairly similar. Regarding "it's optional so who cares"... In limited amounts I can agree with this (for example, I'd totally say it to a shipper who is mad that other waifus besides their own have confession scenes too, and I completely feel this way about Double Duel), but if it's used against things that you would actually notice skipping... I mean, saying pairup is optional may technically be true (you can beat the game without it) but the game is definitely balanced around it and it's kind of expected that you use it. I can beat 99% of OoT without using my sword, but does that mean if someone thinks the sword controls are bad or something they can just say, "hey, the sword is optional so who cares"? I don't think so. The same applies to when it's used to brush off dud aesthetics. The support conversations may be entirely optional, but they're a pretty big part of the game and have (or are supposed to have) the bulk of the units' characterization riding on them, which is important in a character-driven game (again, not necessarily what Awakening is, but something it wants to be). Pick and choose which ones you see? That's a good example of optional. You shouldn't have to (and sort of can't) see all of them in one playthrough. See none of them because "they're optional"? Nope. If they all stank (there are a few good ones), I couldn't just brush them off as optional- I'd be really miffed that such a large part of the game was bad. Anyway, I think the best way to integrate some structure into the optional content would be using a similar structure to Part 2 of the (real) Mystery Dungeon games: after the main story is over and the world is saved, you've got generally free reign to do what you want with minor/random things, and there's also a way to progress a second plot which isn't all grandly linked together story-wise but presents you sequentially with larger missions with greater rewards and more intricate, if self-contained, stories. And one finale at the end. Between the Scramble, Challenge and Future Past packs Awakening has a lot of material to make something like that work, and if all the DLC were made at launch so it could be properly integrated into the game I would have loved to see something like that happen.
  10. No, you're definitely not imposing. I like answering questions. If you care about convenience... Marrying your Avatar to anyone other than a 1st gen unit isn't very convenient for ingame Lunatic. You're going to have to sacrifice something, and it can either be a bit of ingame performance (it's Vanilla, you can still get by it easily with just A ranks and no children if you know what you're doing) or a bit of postgame performance. Getting GF and AT on as many units as possible is a goal that comes up fairly often, but here's the thing: you actually have very limited variance in what units will have all these. As in, you'll get the same units with them each and every time and pretty much all teams will be within 1 GF unit and 1 AT unit of eachother. That means that you're going to wind up with a similar distribution whether you aim for it or not. You start with Morgan, Inigo and Severa, who all have access to both from just their mothers. There aren't any AT kids who both don't start with and can get GF, so they don't matter. Possible AT dads for 2nd gen units (so excluding Avatar) are Donnel, Gregor and Vaike. Donnel also gives GF so you can put him on Kjelle or Noire and get both, but his mods are so bad it may or may not be worth it. Gregor gives AT to anyone but there aren't many GF units who like him as their dad- he can't go on Cynthia, Severa already has AT, Kjelle/Noire/Nah won't have GF from him, and Owain/Inigo need procs which he doesn't give. You could put him on Brady for another GF/AT pair (your best option if AT/GF is all you care about) but Brady doesn't get anything else notable from Gregor, compared to the likes of Ricken (lots of Atk) and Virion/Lon'qu (bump him up to the highest Spd threshold when paired with a Dark Flier). Finally, Vaike only passes AT to females so he's in the same boat as Gregor but without an easy out in Brady, meaning it's impossible to use him to complete any GF/AT pairs. Thus you're looking at Morgan, Inigo, and Severa for free, and possibly Brady and one of Kjelle/Noire. That's five units. You could get a little more out of the deal if you used Avatar-F x Chrom, though. Morgan would still have GF/AT, Lucina would gain it and so would Avatar, pushing you up to 7. It's also a good pairing for ingame. Up to you if you want to do it. Anyway, as for the rest of your planned pairings: Your Avatar's asset (assuming you stay with Avatar x Lucina) depends pretty much entirely on what Morgan wants to do, since he's quite self-sufficient and mod independent back behind Lucina. +Mag will give Morgan an excellent Valkyrie leading a Sage, while +Str/Skl will be more helpful if she decides to take the Wyvern route. Kellam gives Noire neither GF nor AT. Similarly, Gregor!Laurent does not have GF. Finally, I see your 4 pairs of 100% DS and 6 GF/AT units and raise you: Chrom@whatever x Olivia@whatever (DSt+ for 100% DS) Olivia!Lucina@Bow Knight/Assassin (Falchion for AT condition, DSt+ for 100% DS) x Morgan@whatever Virion!Severa@Sniper (LB/GF/AT/All+2/Skl+2) (Skl: 79/87) x Gregor!Brady@Assassin (LB/GF/AT/All+2/Defender) (Skl: 77/83) = 162/164 Skl +Skl/-Def Avatar-F@Sniper (LB/GF/AT/All+2/Skl+2) (Skl: 78/86) x Chrom!Inigo@Sniper (LB/GF/AT/All+2/Skl+2) (Skl: 77/85) = 163/163 Skl Dun ^_^ that's four pairs at 100% DS, three of them made up entirely of GF/AT units. You've got a few Skl worth of room to play around with the non-DSt+ ones- not enough for much of a class change, but you could drop a Skl booster in favor of a proc here and there. Chrom and Olivia can do whatever they want, and so can Morgan and Lucina as long as Lucina has Sword access. That team is still pretty bad, though, because it throws all else to the sidelines in favor of just those conditions. Go ahead, challenge me to improve it. She'll be fine as either (running LB/GF/DSt+/Aether/Luna). If you take her physical, I'd recommend Bow Knight (she's not getting into any higher speed bracket even with Assassin, so you might as well go with the 8 Mov).
  11. Hawkeye will generally wreck attempts to do this by throwing in enemies that simply can't be avoided. Ignoring that, the highest non-Hawkeye enemy Hit in the game (outside Streetpass and possibly Double Duel) is 249. You can get that much Avo without any time-dependent skills (such as Quick Burn or Lucky 7), but it generally requires Breakers.
  12. I'd hazard a guess that it would wrap around back to unit 0. It's probably already generating huge numbers and just having them wrap around hundreds of times until it settles on some unit (that's how RNGs typically work, at least). ...Actually that would mean that just one unit dying would completely scramble the whole list, so it's easy to check.
  13. GF on Noire: you'll notice if it's missing, but you'll also notice if you use Donnel and she's consistently performing slightly under everyone else. It'll be most noticable in the non-Apo DLC maps, and Deliverer can make up for a large part of the positioning advantage you lose from it. Without GF, Noire and Nah both serve completely different roles and it just depends which you'd rather not have: Noire is a Vengeance Longbow Sniper for poking strong/scary stuff, Nah is like a standard female lead but with a ton of extra skillslots to play around with (but she's also slow). Hero Nah isn't a physical support, she's neutral. She gives neither Str nor Mag. Keep her in the back, and it makes absolutely no difference whether she's paired with physical or magical- she'll give the same boosts to both. It's a big part of why Vaike!Nah is a thing, as opposed to her mostly magical counterpart from Henry. She'll get backwards boosts when she's up front, but also doesn't care then because her support has Aggressor and that's what matters. Dread Fighter Brady will work nicely with Hero Nah though. If All+2 makes the difference between hitting 75 Spd and not hitting 75 Spd, then it also makes the difference between doubling everything and missing three doubles, which in turn makes the difference between your pair being able to do everything you might ask of any given pair (that any others can also do) and having limits that others can do but they can't. Basically it increases your ability to do what you want when used in the right places. Outside of that scenario, it's a general buff of +2 Atk, +4 Hit, and +0.5 DS%, which is relatively minor all told but also a good general purpose buff (and there aren't many support skills that can compete with it- most just add one or less of those buffs).
  14. Funny, when I first found out I felt like an adult who discovered that Santa is in fact real. Credit goes to Tables for figuring this out, by the way. It has to do with how the game stores unit information- it can't actually say "find Vaike" and just be given Vaike's stuff (without asking every unit "are you Vaike?"), but it can look at a certain position in the team roster and say, "this is Vaike, here's his stuff". So it's easy to keep track of two positions and just call the units there to an event, it's more complex to keep track of two different units and find their positions later in order to call them to the event. Why didn't they program it differently? I'm not on the staff and don't really know, but it was probably set in stone long before the Barracks was a thing and nobody wanted to completely scrap the system (which would render pretty much all their existing code useless) to re-implement it in a new way that would be more friendly to this. So as-is what they'd have to do to fix this is actually make a separate array of pointers to the units that stay in the same place and never move around, and assign the events to those (actually storing the event data in the unit data is a huge mess). That, however, takes extra work, both because you'd have to create the thing and then you'd have to implement ways to deal with units who are dead or not recruited yet (the Roster is a list and handles all of this automatically, so it's not an issue there). Basically more work for no payoff, considering as they probably thought their current system works fine. All that's just an educated guess, though. I'm no an authority on this.
  15. If you've been hanging onto your Seed of Trust, have a little luck with Event Tile support boosts and maybe do a little Barracks manipulation (easier than it sounds, but still semi-random), you can actually get that S support in 4 maps. Assuming you don't get bitten by this jealousy/support decay system. It should take 1 seed/support boosting event + 1 map of full combat to get the C/B supports and 2 seeds/support boosting events + 1 map to get the A/S supports, so if you're on the ball with those they're very in reach.
  16. The game time listed on your file doesn't count resets- I'd hazard a guess your real time is quite a bit more than that. Congrats though!
  17. What's the status of that mug of you that's been floating around in past submissions? Will it be making a return?
  18. It's not a reskin, they have to be separate classes in the game data for it to work. Sharing a lot of resources is still possible, though- a lot of classes share animations.
  19. I tend to lump WRB and weapon mt together also, actually. You have to watch out for times when you're fighting against WTA (WTD removes your WRB) or doing effective damage (WRB's boost isn't tripled) but in general it's just one less number to track and thus a little cleaner. It helps that all three physical Braves are within 1 Atk of eachother with it applied. Do remember to note forge values so nothing like that happens again. Speaking of which... You know you said forge. Don't be petty. Laurent will stick to the back unless he's paired with Lucina and using VV/DSt+ (a strat that I generally consider to not be worth the time, though it is quite powerful). That means damage boosting skills and (optionally) Hit boosting ones as well: LB/Agg/TF are pretty obvious, All+2 is good filler and Hex, Anathema, Mag+2 DSp+ are nice in the last slot (or last two, if you decide you would rather have two +Hit skills than All+2). You're not going to get a good GF Noire from anyone, but she can still be OK without it. Vaike, Fred, Gregor and Ricken can all make her a good non-GF lead like Nah: basically pair her with a Galeboy, let him take the first kill and her take the lase. She'll want to go physical for all of those except Ricken- Sniper is generally a great option, and Vaike's Hero (with an Axefaire passdown) is nice too. She'll need LB and a Faire, one of Luna/Vengeance (both Luna and Astra if using Gregor), and then has plenty of room for utility skills: Anathema is always nice, Fred's Deliverer is useful, and if she's not using Vengeance Lifetaker might find use too. Vaike!Nah does the same thing; her set of choice will be Hero with Axefaire and Luna. Libra!Inigo has +1 Str and +2 Mag, and two physical Faires to boot- he's not constrained to being a Sage. Usually I run him mixed, he's a great Dread Fighter and can do Dark Knight well also. Or you could run him as a straight up physical class, he's got some good options in Hero, Assassin and the rare Galeforce Berserker. Yes, Owain!Morgan will work well with Lucina.
  20. It could be a +3/25 forge instead. That with WRB would have the same atk as a +5/15 with no WRB.
  21. Assuming you're using +3/25 forges on both weapons, yes that is correct. However Miracle can't activate on Dual Strikes so you've got some significant headroom there (I'd recommend dropping Bowfaire on Lucina). Also consider that a Longbow isn't totally necessary there; since he only has Vantage and not Vantage+ you can get the same number of attacks in with a Brave Bow before being hit (which won't happen if your kill is guaranteed).
  22. Dude you know what he means, come on. This is about quality, not money.
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