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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Quick note: those are her stats... As a Great Lord(M). GL(F) has different caps.
  2. On the other side, there are the characters who are so "likeable" that you start to dislike them... *coughEmmeryncough* As long as any given jerk with a lot of character depth doesn't cross certain lines, I'd prefer reading them to reading something sweet and dry. If they do cross those lines, though, then I might spend too much time wondering why they're not a villain instead of appreciating their depth... And that's a threshold Severa is not very far from. A good deal of self-awareness can stretch those lines quite a bit, which is unfortunately also something Awakening lacks.
  3. Wait, so the modified hair stays around after saving and resetting, no? What happens if you try to send it via Streetpass? I wonder if it would work on the JP version and not the Pal/US versions...
  4. Someone PM TC and tell him we beat his hack.
  5. It's tied to your NNID, actually, so you'd keep it even through a system transfer. You can have as many physical copies of the game as you want and they'll all work just fine. Having both physical and digital also does nothing to mess up save data, so don't worry about that either (they're both completely separate). The only drawback is that since you're both using the same 3ds, you won't be able to Streetpass eachother.
  6. Well, I suppose if Hammertime looks like he's going to be a jerk, you could always just walk all the way over to the RHS after fighting the bottom on the left and go up that way... Sometimes I've actually done that just to get rid of the Knight so there's one less enemy to fight. Other idea for the top: is there any way trying to pull both sides at once (to get some foes to come around the back) would be useful? You'd be able to fight them in two waves and might be able to separate two dangerous foes, but also wouldn't be able to go in circles forever and would have to kill the side you start on before the back arrives.
  7. The trailer didn't, but JP Amazon's pre-order screenshots do: His class name is Dark Prince.
  8. The link is in that thread/his sig and also here. Next stream will be around Friday at 7pm PST. That OP is slightly outdated, though: at this point suspends are absolutely out of the question. Once you've taken a run to 5am (6am for him), The One is going to be Single-Segment. It shouldn't have to last all of that long, though. And yes, unequipping is one of the two most vital mechanics to have a firm handle on if you want to stand a chance against Lunatic+, along with clever use of the Transfer and Drop mechanics to move units far further than you would normally be able to in a given span of time. If you've seen Dondon's FE6 HM 0% growths LTC, that's the kind of long-distance fast travel you want to be able to pull off (particularly relevant in Cht.1)... Except here it's less of for saving turns and more of for running from scary enemies.
  9. Yeah, last night had all of three runs. Nothing died before Cht.2, which was pretty nice. Not as nice as getting past Cht.7, of course.
  10. Yeah, this. Chrom and Olivia's cutscene is a bit of a fake-out in that it looks exactly like the Maiden's up until after the game prompts you to save. Just continue without saving and see who you really got. I fell for this too the first time I tried to get Chrom x Olivia. It's really annoying.
  11. But all eligible females can support all eligible males. What does a generic male-female support have to do with a rarer female-female support being missing? I do think Chrom, Lucina and Morgan need expanded support sets, though.
  12. ...I have never seen a Spoiler do that before. *checks* Huh. It looks like formatting the
  13. For clarification: not necessarily. General options include kiting backwards to open up more room to fight opponents (if you have any spaces you can move to), using Galeforce to kill something and then re-unequipping and healing (keep doing this until all enemies are dead), or just healing so stubbornly that your enemies' weapons all break. You'll die soon if you just do nothing the next turn, but generally you only need to do this when you're really on the ropes and are guaranteed to die on the EP if you don't. You should watch Kuroi's stream some time if you want to see it in action, I can guarantee he's going to be in that place again some time (it's part of the planned strat for Cht.5, after all). Apo usually doesn't have a high enough enemy density for this to happen, but there are still scenarios (particularly if you're trying to pull a group of dangerous foes with overlapping ranges) where you just need to bodyblock one and this can be useful.
  14. You know that Miracle doesn't work against Dual Strikes, right? As long as the enemy's DSes damage you, you've literally got a ~5% chance of survival (DS doesn't proc) even if you somehow both manage to trigger Miracle exactly on their third lead attack and you aren't dead by then.
  15. I've been shot? *Suddenly wants to be left out of this*
  16. No she doesn't. Lucina only has female supports with Cynthia and Kjelle, she can't support with Morgan-F, Severa, Nah or Noire. She's got the same amount of supports as any other 2nd gen unit (plus Tiki).
  17. I know Lunatic+ isn't Apo, but... Kuroi's two farthest reaching resetless runs so far (and two of the only three that made it past Cht.3) have both been done in by exactly the opposite of this (failed attempts to unequip weapons). You're fighting a horde of enemies, and because you have a weapon equipped you keep killing the things running at you, causing you to fight more and more battles until you get overwhelmed and die. Without a weapon, you'll take a beating and won't kill anything back, but not enough stuff can reach you to do you in.
  18. To be fair I use whichever method happens to suit my present argument best too, so... I know his first challenge run only barred LB though (and was a proof-of-concept at that). Everything else was fair game, and he actually said "Without LB, Aggressor is pretty much mandatory for dealing enough damage to secure KOes..." Not the exact quote (it was on Gfaqs and no way am I going to look it up) but I was watching his topic and he definitely emphasized the importance of other DLC skills (at least, two years ago he did).
  19. Gaius!Kjelle stands out pretty massively from the rest of the pack, there. If you want another unit, definitely use her. She makes a great Paladin with LB/GF/Luna/Astra and your choice of Swordfaire or Lancefaire, along with a +3 Spd support (Berserker, Hero, Bow Knight). She can also be a very capable Wyvern Lord with the same set (swap out Astra or the Faire for All+2 if you want to use her in Apo). Those are her main sets, though she also has a very high Skl Assassin for 100% DS builds and a moderately speedy General.
  20. I haven't seen anyone mention hair color yet. Awakening's hair was extremely bland compared to past FEs and it makes me sad.
  21. If experience with Awakening is any indicator, I'll wind up getting both full physical and digital copies. Nothing beats grinding 99,999 Renown twice, you know... If there is a split in the localized version, Nohr's box art is better so I'll be going with that one.
  22. There's a team pointer? I wonder if it's possible to change enemy units to your team and somehow put them in the logbook from there so you can get them back after resetting. Or if there's even a point to doing that since you could just change your stats and skills to match theirs.
  23. DK: what about a pierce triangle attack to OHKO him?
  24. ^Pretty much that. Awakening deliberately has no stated canon so there's more room for players to have headcanons, it's literally what the game's aesthetics run on. You can find bits and pieces here and there that were probably inserted by biased devs who had their own pairing choices (like the set of pairs with fast support growths, and obviously Chrom x Sumia and Robin x Tharja), but overall nothing is canon.
  25. My comments for the night: [spoiler=More chat shenanigans] Anunculturedlittlepotato: Wow i'm far behind on stream D: Czar_yoshi: Hey Potato if I yelled Crit for no reason would you panic? Anunculturedlittlepotato: Yes Anunculturedlittlepotato: In my sleep deprived state Czar_yoshi: well the Mage died so it's safe Anunculturedlittlepotato: I'd have a heart attack Czar_yoshi: O.o the Myrm swam out and killed Robin Czar_yoshi: (just trolling) Anunculturedlittlepotato: WHAT Anunculturedlittlepotato: I hate you Run 1: strangest luck ever. 5 DGs in Pro, recovery from a turn 1 EP Fred miss, more Res than Def and Fred dies to a Zeal crit in Cht.1. Blue haired Avatar. Run 2: forgetting to read supports = best cause of resets. Sleepy Avatar. Run 3: bad enemy movement in Cht.1. Nothing special (other than Res being higher than Def again). Another sleepy Avatar. Run 4: Entering Par.1 around 1:50. Better than the Par.1 run by ~25 mins and worse than the Cht.24 run by ~30 mins. Kellam missed in Cht.3, triggering a yolo that resulted in Miriel's death but a safe clear- he was trying to get rid of her before she could sink the run, and is a true unsung hero. Marth survived longer than normal in Cht.6, but still sank to a Counter Cav. But then in Cht.7, accidentally backed out of the Trade window before taking all of Fred's stuff... And everybody died as a result. Chrom fought mightily to save Robin and had as good of RNG as he possibly could- many consecutive DGs in a row- but they just weren't enough to save Robin from the last Wyvern having Counter. Alas. Robin had a blonde fro.
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