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Posts posted by Kobazco

  1. I thought that might be it, since other people had troubles along those lines. I'm definitely running 3.4, but I had installed (and then uninstalled) 2.7 prior to that, so there might be some clingy files for 2.7 that are messing up 3.4. I'll see what I can do to scour those out.

    I'm just thrilled this exists, because I'd been hoping for one ever since the old Pokemon randomizer came out, so thanks a ton for making it a reality. All else failing, I'll just bribe my friend to randomize it for me, lol.

    I can randomize it for you with monster classes included :D

  2. I've figured out how to randomize FE8, but every time I do it, I get the same classes! Am I doing something wrong?

    Same classes as in, original classes, or the same randomized classes everytime you try to re randomize. Ex: seth is a swordmaster everytime you randomize ect

  3. Did someone say Nightmare 2.0? Theres your problem right there D: I could never even get that thing to really work lol. Although I think as a mac user thats your only option for nightmare unless you want to boot it through wine or something

  4. Bad news anyone that was following this (noone) I got my computer factory reset forgetting that I had shit tons of data for almost everything i do Rom hacking wise... I was working on this but now im back to this latest patch and now greatly behind. The great postpone. Also RIP Project Juan rebirth

  5. I edited a download for a HHM save file in the OP.

    I may or may not do one for FE8 eventually.

    If I make a randomized list of characters will you do the stats. Idk how to do that.

    EDIT; so i randomized FE8 and got this. Garcia is the prince of renais or something and must run away with his bodyguard cormag. GG

  6. Yeah, I started with FE8RR. Others made FE6 and FE7, I think Paperblade and Seven Deadly Sins. I do not know who made FE11, sorry.

    Yeah, I can't find the FE11 one anymore D: It looked really cool and you started with Gotah or w/e his name was. I saw that General Horace was making one a long time ago but all of his data got deleted D:

  7. Hey guys im coming back to dis topic. I've started putting custom classes into the randomizer cause I was bored. Classes like sword pirate axe cav and trainees ect. Also I was wondering for all of the monster classes I added in a while back, how could I get them to start with monster weapons? Right now i have free claws and stuff in the first shop u go into lol

    Oh god what have i done Seth stop


  8. spriting is hard work, asm hacking harder, weapons need to be made, maps and events for each battle to properly convey what is going on, no one is going to take on you prject when they just do their own, it might sound mean but thats the truth

    I've seen you all over the forums, and I don't mean to me mean (hehe) but you are kinda annoying. Please don't necro post tho.


  9. I followed the tutorial yet the sprite remains the same. I assume the sprite id for the playable tacticians is different from the one the vanilla tactician uses but for the life of me I can't seem to locate the correct sprite id

    Any suggestions?

    You could just use nightmare to replace the tactiician map sprite with a female mage one lol. It's very simple :D. This hack uses the tactican (prince class) for you character btw :D.

  10. It's a community project from fire emblem fans on 4chans /v/ board.

    Am I allowed to link files here? If not feel free to remove.

    You can post links as long as its not a link to a ROM. Patches are ok :D.
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