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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. I find your lack of mage girls... disturbing my eyes are bleeding
  2. Holy shit man I was browsing reddit while I was pooping and i saw it and then i came back to the dinner table a changed man :(
  3. I hate those kinds of profs like they're just there cause they're a figurehead or whatever. We had Dennis liotta (creator of emtriva) lecture for my freshman orgo I/II classes and he was honestly horrible at lecturing. Our lab section prof ended up holding his own review of concepts that we "learned" in lecture cause we clearly had no background in the experiments that we were performing
  4. http://wvwinery.com/cider/ Yo have you guys had this before I had a sample when i was picking up wine for christmas dinner and I didn't buy it and now I'm super regretting it
  5. suit yourself mumu, rei, and I will drink all of this eggnog
  6. fuck man why you gotta remind me
  7. shit is whack lower: gen chem - I AP'd out lol orgo - B analytical - B biochem - C+ upper: organometallic - A physical quantum - A physical thermo - A- inorganic A- Yeah I'll say.
  8. not good enough for med school m8 farkin straya 2 much faith in me bogan grades
  9. b-b-but muh future job prospects also sGPA's are totally dependent on your major, too, since that will probably influence what science classes you end up taking. I just get super salty when people try to compare fields like environmental science to chemical engineering. Like CLEARLY one carries more gravitas (personally anyway, lol. i bet the amcas doesn't give two shits about majors), but UGH. Also "social science" classes are now included in sGPA calculation so you could literally buffer shitty orgo/biochem grades with tons of intro psych and anthropology courses?? why the fuck did i do a chemistry major lol Man I also feel like such a tool for adopting this holier-than-thou stance when I haven't even gotten in anywhere yet RIP
  10. At least jakob is a total daddy and will make me tea and crack open my windows when it gets too stuffy edit: oh shit I didn't realize this wasn't in fftf i am sorry
  11. O we're almost at 33,333 pages !!!!!! You know if we kept up with our trend of 5,000 pages/year, we would have been at 40,000 by now. >_<
  12. ahahahahahaha... you're probably fine maybe Nah I had too much pride to apply for DO/international, but if I should've elected to have gone DO for at least a couple of schools. :x
  13. It would be some really brown orange juice @____@
  14. yaaaaaaaaas tbh tho I've only ever had amaretto sours and nothing else using it LOL
  15. thai iced coffee at some stupid hipster roaster shop in atlanta
  16. ok wait holy shit that looks really cool
  17. ^highkey very jealous I haven't gotten around to obtaining a Wii U/this game yet omg what power hungry fool and beauty is a mad mistress are amazing. The out-of-place sonic palette of the harpsichord in the fire emblem music world paints a tingling sensation in the mind and perfectly sets up the character (also thinking of Light of the Seven, the episode 10 trial scene, from the Game of Thrones Season 6 OST)
  18. I've only listened to these guys jerk each other off about it but I've never actually given it a try l0l
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