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Speculating the next New Heroes Banner(s)


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I know it's pretty early to post this since the next New Heroes Banner is in almost a month, but I decided to do this right now anyway, because it was now that I was looking throught the patters of the past New Heroes Banners and checking which characters from each FE are left to get an OG alt in in FEH (yeah, I had nothing better to do). I figure I might start to do this every month too, as I like to think about this sort of stuff.

 Anyway, First I was checking which FEs were featured in each New Heroes Banner back until january 2020 (below it's the list with which game was on each month, I'm just spoiler tagging it to not use too much space):

 - Noting that, (according to the filters in the unit selection menu and on ressonant battles) FE1/FE3/FE11/FE12 all count as one title, and 3 Houses  and 3 Hopes count as only one title too.


2023 (up until now):

 December: ...

 November: ...

 October: Valentia

 September: FE4

 August: (CYL)

 July: Engage

 June: FE6

 May: (Fallen)

 April: 3 Houses

 March: FE8

 February: FE10

 January: Engage

  • Titles featured in 2023: Valentia, FE4, FE6, FE8, FE10, 3 Houses, Engage(x2).
  • Titles not featured yet in 2023: Archanea, FE5, FE7, FE9, Awakening, Fates, TMS.



 December: Fates

 November: Archanea

 October: Awakening

 September: 3 Houses

 August: (CYL)

 July: Valentia

 June: FE7

 May: (Fallen)

 April: FE4

 March: FE5

 February: FE6

 January: FE7

  • Titles featured in 2022: Archanea, Valentia, FE4, FE5, FE6, FE7, Awakening, Fates, 3 Houses(x2).
  • Titles not featured in 2022: FE8, FE9, FE10, TMS.


 2021 (there were only 11 New Heroes Banner, at least according to Game8, I couldn't find anything on other sites about a banner in december of 2021 too so I'm assuming that's how it was):

  November: FE9

 October: Archanea

 September: 3 Houses

 August: (CYL)

 July: Fates

 June: Valentia

 May: (Fallen)

 April: FE7

 March: 3 Houses

 February: FE4

 January: FE5

  • Titles featured in 2021: Archanea, Valentia, FE4, FE5, FE7, FE9, Fates, 3 Houses(x2).
  • Titles not featured in 2021: FE6, FE8, FE10, Awakening, TMS.


 2020 (Apparently there were 13 New Heroes Banners, 2 of them in january): 

December: FE8

 November: FE6

 October: 3 Houses

 September: FE9 

 August: (CYL)

 July: Archanea

 June: Awakening

 May: (Fallen)

 April: Fates

 March: 3 Houses

 February: FE7

 January (1): TMS

 January (2): FE4

  • Titles featured in 2020: Archanea, FE4, FE6, FE7, FE8, FE9, Awakening, Fates, 3 Houses(x2), TMS
  • Titles not featured in 2020: Valentia, FE5, FE10.

So according to this list, we can notice that since 2020:

 - They only repeat ONLY ONE title per year on the NH banner, but there's always one that repeat, and it's never two months in a row (in 2020 it was 3 Houses, in 2021 it was 3 Houses, in 2022 it was FE7, and this year it has been Engage).

 - They don't mind putting two titles of the same world one right after another (as seen with FE4 and FE5 in 2021, and then FE and FE5 and 5 again and also FE6 and FE7 in 2022)


This would make me guess that, since they already repeated a title this year (Engage), we are left with Archanea, FE5, FE7, FE9, Awakening, Fates and TMS. Two of these (different from one another) will be featured on the banners of November and December. Also, I figure that November's banner will have Ginnungagap as the rearmed because, as a woman, she won't get the Fafnir treatment, so it'll be only 3 unit of the title chosen (one character having to be the ascendant of course).

 Which title you think that will be featured on the next New Heroes Banner? And which characters you think or want to be part of it (I was thinking about making a list of every playable character left to be added to the game, but I won't have the patience to do this now...)? Also I wonder if they'll try to put an Attuned hero on every banner or if they'll try to rotate between Ascendeds, Rearmeds and Attuneds. 

 You can speculate about weapons, colors, and whatnot too, or who'll be the ascendant, etc. Also I realize that they can change the pattern at any time (in 2019, for example, we had 3 titles repeat on New Heroes Banners, although 3 Houses was because it was it's release and FE10 was because they were introducing laguz units, but still) but it's fun to speculate using what we have.

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 Sorry for double posting, I wanted to leave my more... baseless guesses on a second post (also to not have the first post of the thread be flooded on me babbling my opinions):

If I had to guess, I'd say that one of the two remaining New Heroes banners this year will be either Awakening or Fates, as they're among the most popular titles nowadays and it seems that at least one of them is always featured per year (I mean, was there ever even a year where one of them wasn't there?). Probably now in november it'll be one of the Nohr/Hoshido siblings (or Azura) as the ascendant, or Robin/Tharja if it's from Awakening, then  Ginnungagap as the rearmed, and then 2 more random characters on the banner (and likely a villain or non playable character as GHB) to avoid emptying the roster of possible people to add.

OR: rearmed  Ginnungagap + a rearmed character from TMS + two other TMS characters (or again, to avoid emptying the roster they could do an Ascendant instead of rearmed, which would require them to only add 2 new TMS characters instead of 4, leaving characters for another TMS banner on the future, that will have to wait almost 4 more years for again).

 And then on december they'll pick another title that has a roster of characters that is further from ending (like FE5, for example) and do the 4 (or 3, if they pick someone that is already on the game as the ascendant/rearmed) new characters. Or even 1 character less, if they shove the next book's freebie as a mythic there again like they did with Seidr in december of 2022, if that was the casse then they could use 2 titles (one in november, one in december) that have only a small amount of people left to add on the game and close it for the year like that (though I gotta admit that I really want an FE5 banner 'til the end of the year...)

Of course, if they start putting attuned heroes in every banner now, I'm not sure how's that gonna work.

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18 minutes ago, Othin said:

We gotta get Thracia soon. It used to be right before FE4 in the cycle, I've been expecting it since July. Blazing Blade is overdue as well.

 Yeah, personaly I'd rather get these two than something like Fates and Awakening, specially now that I'm starting to get obssessed with the world of Jugdral... the best thing would be an FE5 banner, but at the same time I'm not sure if they'd be willing to NOT do neither a Fates or Awakening banner for a year (Well, or maybe they WOULD since these two got seasonals while at least FE5 didn't, except for like Khadein Sara...).

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Here's the listing of banners by origin mark ordered by how long it's been since the most recent New Heroes banner:

  1. TMS (January 2020)
  2. Path of Radiance (November 2021)
  3. Thracia (March 2022)
  4. Blazing (June 2022)
  5. Awakening (October 2022)
  6. Akaneia (November 2022)
  7. Fates (December 2022)
  8. Radiant Dawn (February 2023)
  9. Sacred Stones (March 2023)
  10. Fodlan (April 2023)
  11. Binding (June 2023)
  12. Engage (July 2023)
  13. Genealogy (September 2023)
  14. Echoes (October 2023)

TMS is obviously unlikely.

Path of Radiance is starting to run low on remaining playable characters, but not so low that it can't fill out several more banners without entirely scraping the bottom of the barrel. Remaining playable characters excluding Laguz, who are all counted as Radiant Dawn, and characters that are already in the game, but counted as Radiant Dawn:

  • Boyd (has seasonal alt)
  • Rolf (has seasonal alt)
  • Rhys (has seasonal alt)
  • Kieran
  • Brom
  • Calill
  • Largo
  • Devdan
  • Makalov
  • Stefan

Thracia has a huge chunk of its cast still available.

Blazing is also starting to run low, and is arguably closer to the bottom of the barrel than Path of Radiance. Remaining playable characters excluding characters that are already in the game from Binding:

  • Oswin
  • Wallace
  • Wil
  • Harken
  • Isadora
  • Marcus
  • Lowen
  • Dart
  • Vaida
  • Geitz
  • Renault
  • Athos (likely Mythic)

Awakening is basically out of playable characters:

  • Vaike
  • Kellam (has seasonal alt)
  • Inigo (has seasonal alt)
  • Laurent
  • Severa (has seasonal alt)
  • Noire (has seasonal alt)

Akaneia has a ton of remaining playable characters, but only a handful that people would actually give a shit about.

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4 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

(I was thinking about making a list of every playable character left to be added to the game, but I won't have the patience to do this now...)

I had the patience, and I update it each month (wow, a whole one character in October). Have a peruse and tell me if you notice any errors.


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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Here's the listing of banners by origin mark ordered by how long it's been since the most recent New Heroes banner:

  1. TMS (January 2020)
  2. Path of Radiance (November 2021)
  3. Thracia (March 2022)
  4. Blazing (June 2022)
  5. Awakening (October 2022)
  6. Akaneia (November 2022)
  7. Fates (December 2022)
  8. Radiant Dawn (February 2023)
  9. Sacred Stones (March 2023)
  10. Fodlan (April 2023)
  11. Binding (June 2023)
  12. Engage (July 2023)
  13. Genealogy (September 2023)
  14. Echoes (October 2023)

TMS is obviously unlikely.

Path of Radiance is starting to run low on remaining playable characters, but not so low that it can't fill out several more banners without entirely scraping the bottom of the barrel. Remaining playable characters excluding Laguz, who are all counted as Radiant Dawn, and characters that are already in the game, but counted as Radiant Dawn:

  • Boyd (has seasonal alt)
  • Rolf (has seasonal alt)
  • Rhys (has seasonal alt)
  • Kieran
  • Brom
  • Calill
  • Largo
  • Devdan
  • Makalov
  • Stefan

Thracia has a huge chunk of its cast still available.

Blazing is also starting to run low, and is arguably closer to the bottom of the barrel than Path of Radiance. Remaining playable characters excluding characters that are already in the game from Binding:

  • Oswin
  • Wallace
  • Wil
  • Harken
  • Isadora
  • Marcus
  • Lowen
  • Dart
  • Vaida
  • Geitz
  • Renault
  • Athos (likely Mythic)

Awakening is basically out of playable characters:

  • Vaike
  • Kellam (has seasonal alt)
  • Inigo (has seasonal alt)
  • Laurent
  • Severa (has seasonal alt)
  • Noire (has seasonal alt)

Akaneia has a ton of remaining playable characters, but only a handful that people would actually give a shit about.

They can always keep adding villains (and non playable characters like Leila, Nyna or August) too, so in reality the number of options are a little bigger than that, and of course, as another strategy to make the numbers go down even slower they've been putting characters that  already are on the game as an ascendant or rearmed (like they did with Florina, Tana, Ophelia) and sometimes managing to shove an OC (like the TT+ characters or Seidr in december 2022) so instead of needing 4 new characters they can put just 3 or 2.

I figure that they'll soon start to put the games that have the least amount of playable characters left on banners that fall on the same months as the TT+ OCs or as random OC Mythics (like Seidr, and I think Mirabillis too?) so they'll only need 2 characters at a time (and they might even try to make one of them be a non playable), while games like Thracia or FE6 would get on banners that fall on months that have no one else shoved in, perhaps they even started doing that already and I didn't notice.

 I mean, we have 11 FE7 characers left (I'm not counting Athos since I think he'll be a mythic too) but they'll probably do something like squeezing Oswin with Uther (maybe being accompained by some sort of ascended Hector + random OC) or something like that, doing a whole banner but only using one of the options for playable character.

 Also lol, I had no clue that Awakening was so short in characters by now, but I should have figured it when they did that other banner with that pegasus knight and Gregor.

 About TMS being unlikely, I was even gonna mention it on my other post here, but I gave it a thought and maybe it's more and more likely. If it doesn't happen until next year's CYL voting days, then I bet Touma or someone else from TMS will be flooded in votes again (which, yes, by itself might not be a motive for IS to add him, but might make them consider adding a banner or two of TMS when they start running out of options). I think that when we get really close to ending the rosters of most popular games, they'll do some TMS and a bunch of gen 2 banners to give us an illusion that we're not having the same titles on New Heroes Banners over and over again (and probably will start to repeat the same titles a few more times a year and push the most used titles only to the seasonal banners so, again, we won't feel like they're not showing up).


51 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I had the patience, and I update it each month (wow, a whole one character in October). Have a peruse and tell me if you notice any errors.


 Wow! This is gonna be pretty useful! I actually tried doing this a few hours ago but after doing it for FE7 and FE4 I got tired (FE4 has way more characters left than I figured it would, even not counting the substitutes). I'm even gonna save the link to keep the track of it! I gave it a look and the only error I noticed is that you marked Holst from 3 Houses as not being added but he was added on the game on september as the GHB, aside of that, I think it's flawless, unless someone slipped my eye, thanks for having the pacience!

 I had absolutely no clue that Engage had that many characters, the way I normally see people talking about the game (only talk aboout or make fanart of the same characters, I've seen some people complaining that most of the recruitments are unimaginative because "it's always: you recruit a royal, then their retainers",...) made me have the impression that the cast was pretty small.

 Tought of one thing while checking the list (after realizing that we don't actually have FE7 Bartre on the game when I thought we did because his FE6 self is te same shit but with a mustache), I wonder if they'll do more than one OG version of characters that show up with more than one age, like Merlinus, Marcus, Bartre, Finn (not that he changes all that much either way), Hector, Travant, Arvis, Karel,... This would really add some more options of units.

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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I have a feeling November will be either Fates or Blazing Blade: Blazing Blade because it has been almost a year and a half since the last banner for it, and Fates because I can’t fathom FEH going an entire year without a Fates banner and there still are a good number of at least modestly popular playable characters left to add. If there is going to be a third Engage banner this year (which I hope not,) I could see it kicking off Book 8 in December.

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6 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

They can always keep adding villains (and non playable characters like Leila, Nyna or August) too, so in reality the number of options are a little bigger than that, and of course, as another strategy to make the numbers go down even slower they've been putting characters that  already are on the game as an ascendant or rearmed (like they did with Florina, Tana, Ophelia) and sometimes managing to shove an OC (like the TT+ characters or Seidr in december 2022) so instead of needing 4 new characters they can put just 3 or 2.

I figure that they'll soon start to put the games that have the least amount of playable characters left on banners that fall on the same months as the TT+ OCs or as random OC Mythics (like Seidr, and I think Mirabillis too?) so they'll only need 2 characters at a time (and they might even try to make one of them be a non playable), while games like Thracia or FE6 would get on banners that fall on months that have no one else shoved in, perhaps they even started doing that already and I didn't notice.

 I mean, we have 11 FE7 characers left (I'm not counting Athos since I think he'll be a mythic too) but they'll probably do something like squeezing Oswin with Uther (maybe being accompained by some sort of ascended Hector + random OC) or something like that, doing a whole banner but only using one of the options for playable character.

 Also lol, I had no clue that Awakening was so short in characters by now, but I should have figured it when they did that other banner with that pegasus knight and Gregor.

 About TMS being unlikely, I was even gonna mention it on my other post here, but I gave it a thought and maybe it's more and more likely. If it doesn't happen until next year's CYL voting days, then I bet Touma or someone else from TMS will be flooded in votes again (which, yes, by itself might not be a motive for IS to add him, but might make them consider adding a banner or two of TMS when they start running out of options). I think that when we get really close to ending the rosters of most popular games, they'll do some TMS and a bunch of gen 2 banners to give us an illusion that we're not having the same titles on New Heroes Banners over and over again (and probably will start to repeat the same titles a few more times a year and push the most used titles only to the seasonal banners so, again, we won't feel like they're not showing up).

The fact that we haven't even got a seasonal from TMS yet (and the TMS characters would certainly be suitable to play dress up) makes me think the lack of a second TMS banner might actually have some legal hoops they're not willing to jump through.

6 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Wow! This is gonna be pretty useful! I actually tried doing this a few hours ago but after doing it for FE7 and FE4 I got tired (FE4 has way more characters left than I figured it would, even not counting the substitutes). I'm even gonna save the link to keep the track of it! I gave it a look and the only error I noticed is that you marked Holst from 3 Houses as not being added but he was added on the game on september as the GHB, aside of that, I think it's flawless, unless someone slipped my eye, thanks for having the pacience!

Dang. I did have him added to the CYL tab though.

6 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 I had absolutely no clue that Engage had that many characters, the way I normally see people talking about the game (only talk aboout or make fanart of the same characters, I've seen some people complaining that most of the recruitments are unimaginative because "it's always: you recruit a royal, then their retainers",...) made me have the impression that the cast was pretty small.

Engage's cast isn't small, but it is the third smallest. It also got an additional five characters from DLC to bulk it up (it was actually the second smallest before that, as Shadows of Valentia with it's DLC characters outnumbered Engage without it's DLC characters).

6 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

 Tought of one thing while checking the list (after realizing that we don't actually have FE7 Bartre on the game when I thought we did because his FE6 self is te same shit but with a mustache), I wonder if they'll do more than one OG version of characters that show up with more than one age, like Merlinus, Marcus, Bartre, Finn (not that he changes all that much either way), Hector, Travant, Arvis, Karel,... This would really add some more options of units.

They give them different voting tallies in CYL, so I think so, yes.

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I'd like the November and December banners to be Blazing Blade and Thracia 776, but I'm skeptical. It's hard to imagine them going a whole year without an Awakening or Fates banner. Plus, with Ascended Ced being labeled as a hero from both Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776, it makes me nervous that they're just gonna say "here's your Thracia unit now shush."

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35 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I'd like the November and December banners to be Blazing Blade and Thracia 776, but I'm skeptical. It's hard to imagine them going a whole year without an Awakening or Fates banner. Plus, with Ascended Ced being labeled as a hero from both Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776, it makes me nervous that they're just gonna say "here's your Thracia unit now shush."

Who will they even pick for Ascended Thracia if they do a banner now that Ced has been taken? Galzus? Miranda?.... It'll probably be Reinhardt.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Who will they even pick for Ascended Thracia if they do a banner now that Ced has been taken? Galzus? Miranda?.... It'll probably be Reinhardt.


I wouldn't really complain about Reinhardt getting an Ascended (since they gave Ishtar one some time ago ...) since his alts are all pretty outdated at this point but eh.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Who will they even pick for Ascended Thracia if they do a banner now that Ced has been taken? Galzus? Miranda?.... It'll probably be Reinhardt.

Personally, I'm partial to the idea of Ascended Brigid / Eyvel. It would her after regaining her memories and she could also be a FE4 & FE5 unit like Ascended Ced is.

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16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


Cute Loli that should have been creepy Loli, yeah that'd probably well alright.

16 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Personally, I'm partial to the idea of Ascended Brigid / Eyvel. It would her after regaining her memories and she could also be a FE4 & FE5 unit like Ascended Ced is.

Be a bit weird to call a Thracia banner character Brigid though...course it would follow Heroes theme of refusing to actually give us base Brigid.

Another actual decent possibility would be Leif. I know people didn't really like Ascended Celica, but Leif's legendary version was already more Genealogy inspired. He could get a more Thracia inspired Ascended using the Blaggi Sword.

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5 hours ago, Jotari said:

Who will they even pick for Ascended Thracia if they do a banner now that Ced has been taken? Galzus? Miranda?.... It'll probably be Reinhardt.

They could always just put a Rearmed Hero on it with no Ascended Hero. Six of the last 9 New Heroes banners (starting from Ophelia's banner and excluding the fallen and CYL banners) have had a Rearmed Hero on it with no Ascended Hero.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

They could always just put a Rearmed Hero on it with no Ascended Hero. Six of the last 9 New Heroes banners (starting from Ophelia's banner and excluding the fallen and CYL banners) have had a Rearmed Hero on it with no Ascended Hero.

Well then the question is who would the rearmed Hero be? Because I don't really see a huge difference between the two when it comes to banner choices. Obviously there's a big difference in terms of mechanics, but the only way that really influences is that it's slightly easier to predict rearmed heroes since you can go off what weapons they haven't given us yet.

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Way I see it, there's a lot of different relevant eras of Brigid to depict. Brigid who only remembers being a pirate, Brigid who's reunited with her sister, Brigid who only remembers being Eyvel, and Brigid who remembers being both Eyvel and Brigid. So far we've gotten the first and third. It makes sense for Thracia to get an Ascended/Rearmed Eyvel to cover that fourth spot, and also for Genealogy to finally get a regular Brigid to cover the second.

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5 hours ago, Jotari said:

Well then the question is who would the rearmed Hero be? Because I don't really see a huge difference between the two when it comes to banner choices. Obviously there's a big difference in terms of mechanics, but the only way that really influences is that it's slightly easier to predict rearmed heroes since you can go off what weapons they haven't given us yet.

Given that both of the Engage Rearmed Heroes are "normal" versions of the character, making any of the characters that aren't already in the game into a Rearmed Hero is a completely viable option, which so far hasn't been the case for Ascended Heroes.

And we still have plenty of weapons left in the existing archetypes without the need to start overlapping or making new weapon archetypes:

  • With guaranteed follow-up:
    • Axe
    • Dagger
    • Colorless tome
    • Staff
    • All beasts
  • With Null Follow-Up:
    • Axe
    • Dagger
    • All tomes
    • Staff
    • Dragonstone
    • All beasts except cavalry
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5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Given that both of the Engage Rearmed Heroes are "normal" versions of the character, making any of the characters that aren't already in the game into a Rearmed Hero is a completely viable option, which so far hasn't been the case for Ascended Heroes.

And we still have plenty of weapons left in the existing archetypes without the need to start overlapping or making new weapon archetypes:

  • With guaranteed follow-up:
    • Axe
    • Dagger
    • Colorless tome
    • Staff
    • All beasts
  • With Null Follow-Up:
    • Axe
    • Dagger
    • All tomes
    • Staff
    • Dragonstone
    • All beasts except cavalry

It's something they've done for Engage specifically, a game that's only just started getting heroes. They couldn't have featured an Engage alt on the January banner, and couldn't reasonably have featured one on the July banner. I don't think they're interested in going that route for games that do have significant existing lineups, especially ones where the remaining characters are as obscure as Thracia's.

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On 10/24/2023 at 11:13 PM, Jotari said:

The fact that we haven't even got a seasonal from TMS yet (and the TMS characters would certainly be suitable to play dress up) makes me think the lack of a second TMS banner might actually have some legal hoops they're not willing to jump through.

But they're still options for the CYL, if there was some possible legal problems they're not willing to deal with then they'd probably not even let the TMS characters be votable, I think.


On 10/25/2023 at 3:04 AM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I'd like the November and December banners to be Blazing Blade and Thracia 776, but I'm skeptical. It's hard to imagine them going a whole year without an Awakening or Fates banner. Plus, with Ascended Ced being labeled as a hero from both Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776, it makes me nervous that they're just gonna say "here's your Thracia unit now shush."

Sheesh... I haven't even noticed this, but maybe it's just because this banner featured the version of Ced that is confirmed as Lewyn's son so they labeled it as Thracia too since that's the case there (yes, I'm choosing to illude myself). If they don't make a Thracia NH banner this year then I'll hope they'll at least dedicate them a seasonal (or will backpack Khadein Sara serve as the "here's your Thracia unit now shush" too?)

On 10/25/2023 at 3:41 AM, Jotari said:

Who will they even pick for Ascended Thracia if they do a banner now that Ced has been taken? Galzus? Miranda?.... It'll probably be Reinhardt.

 Maybe it could be Eyvel with Yewfelle or something (although I think there's a point where she mentions not having the crusader's mark on her body anymore as Eyvel) or just with any other sword, or like Olwen or Finn, perhaps Lara (as going from thief to dancer), Mareeta after setting herself free from the Shadow Sword curse, maybe Saias (they could even give him some fancy version of the Valflame tome, that he should be able to wield since he had major fjalar blood), I guess Leif and Sara as other people said are also fair game... Some of these are kind stretches I guess but some of the Ascendants we already haeve already sort of are (I mean, Ishtar is just her saving children and she already did that anyway, and Florina is what? She's not very embarrassed of talking to men anymore and now has a bow like Lyn or something?), could also be villains, like.... yep, Reinhardt (who am I kidding? It's absolutely gonna be Reinhardt). 


 I wonder if the fact that Fates and FE7 got a whole seasonal dedicated 100% to themselves could mean they have somehow less chance of being featured on a NH banner this year (specially since, maybe Fates will get some characters on the Ninja banner again, I wouldn't be surprised if they made a ninja Ryoma or something).

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8 hours ago, Othin said:

It's something they've done for Engage specifically, a game that's only just started getting heroes. They couldn't have featured an Engage alt on the January banner, and couldn't reasonably have featured one on the July banner. I don't think they're interested in going that route for games that do have significant existing lineups, especially ones where the remaining characters are as obscure as Thracia's.

Thracia hasn't had a New Heroes banner since the release of Rearmed Heroes (its last banner was Ascended Mareeta), and Engage is literally only one and a half banners behind Thracia in terms of the number of playable characters represented in the game that have a "normal" version.

And even with obscure characters, it's not like they've already run out of easily marketable characters that haven't been released yet. Lara is a dancer that could be used for an Arcane dagger, and Linoan could be used for an Arcane staff.


And that's not to mention the option of it being an Attuned Hero instead. The name of the unit type isn't sufficiently descriptive enough in Japanese to really put any restrictions on what characters would quality for the unit type, which gives them the freedom to use it for pretty much anything. (This is also the situation they're in for Rearmed Heroes where the name in Japanese gives them little to no restrictions on what would qualify, and the only real "restriction" is the lore that got almost immediately tossed out with Alfred.)

Basically, while they do have the option to put an Ascended Hero on the next Thracia banner, they absolutely aren't required to pull from the tiny pool of existing characters and could easily just have the special-unit-type premium unit be a brand new character.

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52 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

But they're still options for the CYL, if there was some possible legal problems they're not willing to deal with then they'd probably not even let the TMS characters be votable, I think.

Why not? Legal troubles don't mean insurmountable legal troubles. And CYL lets them gauge how popular the characters are (which is actually pretty popular, probably because they haven't had another banner) if they ever do decide they want it back. It just can't be a coincidence they haven't shown up once since their initial debut under any guise, official banner or not.

52 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Sheesh... I haven't even noticed this, but maybe it's just because this banner featured the version of Ced that is confirmed as Lewyn's son so they labeled it as Thracia too since that's the case there (yes, I'm choosing to illude myself). If they don't make a Thracia NH banner this year then I'll hope they'll at least dedicate them a seasonal (or will backpack Khadein Sara serve as the "here's your Thracia unit now shush" too?)

 Maybe it could be Eyvel with Yewfelle or something (although I think there's a point where she mentions not having the crusader's mark on her body anymore as Eyvel) or just with any other sword, or like Olwen or Finn, perhaps Lara (as going from thief to dancer), Mareeta after setting herself free from the Shadow Sword curse, maybe Saias (they could even give him some fancy version of the Valflame tome, that he should be able to wield since he had major fjalar blood), I guess Leif and Sara as other people said are also fair game... Some of these are kind stretches I guess but some of the Ascendants we already haeve already sort of are (I mean, Ishtar is just her saving children and she already did that anyway, and Florina is what? She's not very embarrassed of talking to men anymore and now has a bow like Lyn or something?), could also be villains, like.... yep, Reinhardt (who am I kidding? It's absolutely gonna be Reinhardt). 


 I wonder if the fact that Fates and FE7 got a whole seasonal dedicated 100% to themselves could mean they have somehow less chance of being featured on a NH banner this year (specially since, maybe Fates will get some characters on the Ninja banner again, I wouldn't be surprised if they made a ninja Ryoma or something).

That's the one they've done already.

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28 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Why not? Legal troubles don't mean insurmountable legal troubles. And CYL lets them gauge how popular the characters are (which is actually pretty popular, probably because they haven't had another banner) if they ever do decide they want it back. It just can't be a coincidence they haven't shown up once since their initial debut under any guise, official banner or not.

That's the one they've done already.

Oh crap! Forgot Mareeta already has an ascendant... Either way my point thay they do have a bunch of options still stands, they just have to stretch it a bit in some cases (as they already do sometimes anyway).

 About the TMS... yeah it makes sense, perhaps they let them on the CYL to try to decide if they're even marketable enough to one day be brought back or something (and to to go through the hassle of putting more of them on the game, in case there's really a chance of legal troubles), because it really is odd that they didn't get even a single seasonal. Are TMS rights owned by a different company or something of the sort? I've never considered it before up until you brought up that perhaps they might have legal problems using them, it's actually sorta hard to think of another reason for why this(TMS not getting even seasonals) would happen.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Basically, while they do have the option to put an Ascended Hero on the next Thracia banner, they absolutely aren't required to pull from the tiny pool of existing characters and could easily just have the special-unit-type premium unit be a brand new character.

Yeah, if they for some reason on the world think that no one is worthy of an ascendant or rearmed right away, they can always just put any new character as the OG version and make it a rearmed like Alfred and Alcryst, while for now it is a thing they've done only with Engage characters, I think nothing stops them from doing it for other titles, specially FE5 since it still has so many characters still not on FEH.

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4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Thracia hasn't had a New Heroes banner since the release of Rearmed Heroes (its last banner was Ascended Mareeta), and Engage is literally only one and a half banners behind Thracia in terms of the number of playable characters represented in the game that have a "normal" version.

And even with obscure characters, it's not like they've already run out of easily marketable characters that haven't been released yet. Lara is a dancer that could be used for an Arcane dagger, and Linoan could be used for an Arcane staff.


And that's not to mention the option of it being an Attuned Hero instead. The name of the unit type isn't sufficiently descriptive enough in Japanese to really put any restrictions on what characters would quality for the unit type, which gives them the freedom to use it for pretty much anything. (This is also the situation they're in for Rearmed Heroes where the name in Japanese gives them little to no restrictions on what would qualify, and the only real "restriction" is the lore that got almost immediately tossed out with Alfred.)

Basically, while they do have the option to put an Ascended Hero on the next Thracia banner, they absolutely aren't required to pull from the tiny pool of existing characters and could easily just have the special-unit-type premium unit be a brand new character.

Thracia has been so slow to get characters because IS does not have a lot of confidence in their marketability.

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I am not that great in speculating new heroes banners, because I would never guess this month's banner would be Echoes themed, and it would only have 2 Echoes units in the banner itself.

As always, I wish Radiant Dawn with the Dawn Brigade units on it. Makes no sense being at the end of the 7th year of the game and still only having Micaiah and Sothe from the brigade.

This final new heroes banner will probably have Ginnungagap on it... I wonder what title will they want to go with her. I guess it's been a while since we had Blazing Blade...

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