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Rules on Necroposting

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At the moment it's considered a warnable offense to bump a thread without adding any new or relevant information because it's spam. Outside of that, there hasn't yet been a decision on how old a thread can be before it should not be bumped, but yeah, four months is a bit much. What do you think might be a suitable expiration time?

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Thirty to sixty days seems like a good limit to me.

And I think the topic creators of galleries, stories and hacks are allowed to update their galleries, stories and hacks if they decide to pick up their work again. (and the same goes for debates, if you ask me).

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And what penalties will be enforced to those who violate the forest laws? Warnings, bannings? XD

Dont get me wrong, I dont revive old topics, but I do hate it when I see them revived. Why not just make a new topic or somn.

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And what penalties will be enforced to those who violate the forest laws? Warnings, bannings? XD

I'm assuming just the usual. Warns when they get serious, and bannings if they're crazy enough to continue, like... 10 times.

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I think Necro-posting is fine.

I mean, yeah it's annoying for people to just "Bump" a topic from months ago just because they can, but if it's somewhat relevant to what the person has to say about the topic, then I think it's fine.

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I mean, yeah it's annoying for people to just "Bump" a topic from months ago just because they can, but if it's somewhat relevant to what the person has to say about the topic, then I think it's fine.

I don't really like people bumping "favourite ___" topics from like months ago only to add their opinion.

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I think Necro-posting is fine.

I mean, yeah it's annoying for people to just "Bump" a topic from months ago just because they can, but if it's somewhat relevant to what the person has to say about the topic, then I think it's fine.

Necroposting is certainly not fine. When you have a topic that's like 4 months dead or more it should stay dead since it looses all it meanings and peoples point of view may have change then. Which people don't want to talk about. Suffice to say, if they want to talk about something they may as well make a new topic.

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Necroposting is certainly not fine. When you have a topic that's like 4 months dead or more it should stay dead since it looses all it meanings and peoples point of view may have change then. Which people don't want to talk about. Suffice to say, if they want to talk about something they may as well make a new topic.

The bolded part is another reason for me. I've seen topics necroposted where I said something that I no longer agree with or no longer about. A new discussion is better than one four months old.

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If you want to talk about something, I'd say it's better to create a new topic than it is to hunt down an old one and recycle it. Personally, I'd rather post in a fresh topic than one filled with stale posts that may no longer be relevant.

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As long as you have something to contribute to the discussion, why not Necro Post? I mean, personally, I find it better to continue the use of an old topic, instead of starting a new one. It's like recycling. :P

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I don't like the idea of coming up with a cutoff for necroposts. It's understandable that there are situations where bumping old threads is just annoying, but I think an occasional bump from a member is fine; maybe there should be consequences for consistent necroposts.

Worthless necros can be dealt with just like any other spam. Making necroposting itself a rule violation can punish members for making decent posts. In my forum experience, it definitely happens.

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Why not just delete old threads then (except for those in Creative and Rom-Hacking sections)?
Old threads are often useful resources. Autopruning threads can delete good discussions & information, and having mods delete threads is wasting their time with cleanup duty.

Does deleting posts affect postcount, btw?

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Why not just delete old threads then (except for those in Creative and Rom-Hacking sections)?

I agree with YK, they're useful resources.

However, if possible, auto-closing/locking could be great.

Edited by TheEnd
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I don't see what's wrong with it. If the poster has something relevant to add to the topic, then it's all good. What's the point in making a new topic on a subject if there's already one floating around elsewhere?

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I don't see what's wrong with it. If the poster has something relevant to add to the topic, then it's all good. What's the point in making a new topic on a subject if there's already one floating around elsewhere?

What use is it if someone bumps a 5 month old thread just to say he voted for Fiona in a "fav female cav" poll? Relevant, sure, but also quite useless.

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Thirty to sixty days seems like a good limit to me.

And I think the topic creators of galleries, stories and hacks are allowed to update their galleries, stories and hacks if they decide to pick up their work again. (and the same goes for debates, if you ask me).

I believe those should be the only topics allowed to be bumped, and possibly some pinned topics.

The whole, "it's in the far from the forest section!" argument is rather pointless. Sure it may not bring up post count, but it clutters the already cluttered section.

If a topic is two months old, and no one has said anything, you feel the need to talk about it again, just make a new one in the Far From the Forest section. That way it doesn't up post count, and you aren't necroposting.

Edited by Cynthia
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