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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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I ... um.


I know I just posted about voting and shit, but the switch to Refa kinda rubs me the wrong way, since he just put Refa at deadline lynch when we still have almost a day left in the game.

Also, it's just so damn weird that despite replying to BBM defending his stance on votes, he immediately switches over after my post. Like how he tabled going after BBM after I told him he looked like he was tunneling.

I feel like I'm tunneling now, but I just don't feel better about Makaze. His behavior doesn't really make sense for either town or scum, but considering that people are kinda letting him get away with it I could still see this as coming from scum.

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3 minutes ago, BBM said:

yes marth could be making a suboptimal play and that's something to consider in terms of like, whether you want to exclude that from his record, so to speak, and focus on other scummy things. that doesn't mean that the non-scummy play is actively scummy

claiming that i'm not trying to make cases on anybody is pretty egregiously wrong and i'm getting quite frustrated with you atm so will exit the thread for now and think about it later in terms of your alignment

i am sorry, i am not sure why i am so insufferable today

i now have bbm as a town read, and this post is my evidence, this frustration feels genuine and unlikely for scum to walk away from

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Right, Cam is also voting Weapons, so he has 3 votes (the VC bot isn't picking up on it but Iris said she's counting votes normally instead of by bot, so the VC bot is misleading).

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2 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Why the vote?

idk I'm not posting content right now

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8 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

I remember you were pretty gung ho about things as town and struggled to be as active as scum. More of like a "I'm town, bitch" vibe which in general is hard to replicate. Also, but less significantly I remember you relied more on walls and list posts in a specific scum game, though I even believe that was OC. What was the reasoning behind the Rapier shift?

That's 100% true, I hate playing as scum. I will push back on me being less gungho; this is just a result of having less time and energy for mafia in general; you'll notice in my most recent town games even I've had less energy. I think the one time I was scum in OC didn't make any posts in a thread, but it's been a while.

My Rapier townread was based on his early D1 content and gradually faded over time. His reads in general have felt lacking to me and while I can respect not having the energy to reread me/the thread, it kind of bothers that he didn't get any impressions from what he did read. If it was just me he had no opinion on it'd be fair but it feels like half of the game is wagoning me and he should have an opinion there.

@Sunwoo I thought hammer was 10?

I think I have the information I need.

##Vote @Rapier

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1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:

I ... um.


I know I just posted about voting and shit, but the switch to Refa kinda rubs me the wrong way, since he just put Refa at deadline lynch when we still have almost a day left in the game.

Also, it's just so damn weird that despite replying to BBM defending his stance on votes, he immediately switches over after my post. Like how he tabled going after BBM after I told him he looked like he was tunneling.

I feel like I'm tunneling now, but I just don't feel better about Makaze. His behavior doesn't really make sense for either town or scum, but considering that people are kinda letting him get away with it I could still see this as coming from scum.

I don't know what deadline lynch means and I think that ten means hammer so I don't know what this means

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3 hours ago, Iris said:

The player with the most votes at the end of the Day phase will be Eliminated! With 16 alive, it takes 6 votes minimum to Eliminate a player and 10 votes to Hammer the phase early! Day 1 ends at 8:00 PM EDT on May 28th.

Hammer is 10 and ends the day instantly, but it takes 6 votes minimum to have a lynch at deadline.

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Boron, who are your alternate lynch preferences if not Makaze? In particular how are you reading Rapier right now?

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2 minutes ago, Prims said:

Boron, who are your alternate lynch preferences if not Makaze? In particular how are you reading Rapier right now?

Weapons would be my next priority. I wouldn't oppose Marth/Refa/SB, but I'm not interested in pursuing them myself at the moment because I don't have a solid reason for why I don't feel good about them. It's just all gut feelings I can't explain properly.

As for Rapier, I'm not reading him tbh. I know I was town reading him earlier, but I just sort of skimmed over his posts and haven't processed them. There was nothing that particularly concerned me, I'll try to reread him and get an opinion on him.

If Makaze didn't notice deadline lynch threshold I'll retract that point, but the second one still stands. Also, I feel like Makaze might have expressed suspicion of Refa earlier but fuckit if I remember why or if I agree with it.

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2 minutes ago, Prims said:

@Makaze How likely do you think it is for Refa/Weapons to be unaligned or not?

I would have to read into it specifically, but I don't think it makes sense from either angle. This post feels unaligned from Weapons: 

And this post feels unaligned from Refa:

I'm pretty confident but it's nothing I couldn't be tricked on

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Weapons would be my next priority. I wouldn't oppose Marth/Refa/SB, but I'm not interested in pursuing them myself at the moment because I don't have a solid reason for why I don't feel good about them. It's just all gut feelings I can't explain properly.

As for Rapier, I'm not reading him tbh. I know I was town reading him earlier, but I just sort of skimmed over his posts and haven't processed them. There was nothing that particularly concerned me, I'll try to reread him and get an opinion on him.

If Makaze didn't notice deadline lynch threshold I'll retract that point, but the second one still stands. Also, I feel like Makaze might have expressed suspicion of Refa earlier but fuckit if I remember why or if I agree with it.

I did not notice it, and this scene from the office came to mind immediately



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2 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

I do feel a bit less good about Makaze overall from the last page or so. I think the number of reads I just very much don't see is stacking up. @Makazewhat do you think of Marth's effort to game solve? Or would you disagree that he is putting in effort

I would say it feels like he is playing the people, but not like he is solving alignments

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As a side note I write all my long posts in notepad++. You can put a link to a post in brackets as a placeholder and replace it with a quote in the editor when you're done

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The PoE I am left with is:


@charlie_ I need to read seriously, but he is in the PoE

People I need to sort but felt good tone from include:

I am focusing too much on active people and I am probably wrong about one of them, we'll find out in lategame

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7 minutes ago, Prims said:

As a side note I write all my long posts in notepad++. You can put a link to a post in brackets as a placeholder and replace it with a quote in the editor when you're done

How did you convert to a quote later?

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I forgot about Weapons, but he is feeling better the more that I read him, even if he is as lazy as can be

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When you click the + by Quote it stores the quote, then when you hit that on everything you want to quote it will add them to your post and you can drag and drop them over the placeholders.

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1 minute ago, Prims said:

When you click the + by Quote it stores the quote, then when you hit that on everything you want to quote it will add them to your post and you can drag and drop them over the placeholders.

I still hate the interface with a vengeance, but his is better than nothing,

I also made the multiquotes work the ISO, it was broken until recently

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The biggest thing that gives me pause about Prims is his interactions with Marth from like, page 12. I don't like the OMGUS vote, it feels overreactive, but I'm trying not to tunnel.  Things are probably hinging on the Makaze slot. I actually totally get now what someone said about him feeling submissive lol.

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