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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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12 minutes ago, Snike said:

Yeah to be clear prio off those 3 was Rapier >>> Percivale ~ Sunwoo

What do you think about the marth waver by Rapier?

What do you mean about this exactly? I might be missing the point, are you talking about:


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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

What do you mean about this exactly? I might be missing the point, are you talking about:


No that's later in the phase. Quoting and  adjusting  from ISO notes I dumped at start of day:

Rapier reads Sunwoo vs Marth as T vs T0 page 17 (405). Still has vote on Marth.  This seems to flip from previous position on Marth? marth Madn't posted between 357 where read was static and 405 where the read switched to town. Says need to reread but still significant shift.

-Goes back to not liking/  being unsure on Marth 2 posts later.

-512, back to thinking marth better, which, ok, marth had a spree of posts. Likes BBM less but vote parks on Marth.

- later goes back toNeutral on Marth;

-moves to shade marth in 636 despite neutrality.

So around the middle the read kind of changes without a real explanation, Specifically in response to your comment about Page 13. Despite that, the vote didn't move until like 513.

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Just now, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

##Vote: @Duskfall98

I do think this is probably simplest. I was actually Shinori/Makaze scum team last night but Cam flip really throws that off.

How would the Cam flip affect that read?

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rolecop and alignment cop aren't the same thing though. scum knows who the town/scum are and can fake alignment cop easily, they can't fake rolecop at all without an actual rolecop. anyways idk i guess would like to hear from someone other than shinori because:

I'm going to ignore shinori's crumb because he's perfectly capable of blustering his way out of attention, particularly given he's out 2 buddies. I skimmed shinori and snike's isos and thought shinori had the worst interactions with refa. he spent most of the day having very little interaction with refa in terms of actually analyzing refa's posts, he just said stuff like "hmm i don't know about refa" or talking to him in ways that were just general game events. once refa claimed he was the most vocal person trying to argue against the lynch

##Unvote, ##Vote: @Shinori

i'm also clearly not scum lol, if i was refa wouldn't have been lynched

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1 minute ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Because I thought he was town and that the game was hard, and so there would big wolf plays, but it just seems like a straightforward game now,

what is the straightforward scum team

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4 minutes ago, BBM said:

rolecop and alignment cop aren't the same thing though. scum knows who the town/scum are and can fake alignment cop easily, they can't fake rolecop at all without an actual rolecop. anyways idk i guess would like to hear from someone other than shinori because:

I'm going to ignore shinori's crumb because he's perfectly capable of blustering his way out of attention, particularly given he's out 2 buddies. I skimmed shinori and snike's isos and thought shinori had the worst interactions with refa. he spent most of the day having very little interaction with refa in terms of actually analyzing refa's posts, he just said stuff like "hmm i don't know about refa" or talking to him in ways that were just general game events. once refa claimed he was the most vocal person trying to argue against the lynch

##Unvote, ##Vote: @Shinori

i'm also clearly not scum lol, if i was refa wouldn't have been lynched

 I do agree Shinori does have very bad Refa interactions and the Rapier/percy pushes feel a bit demonstrative. I'm pretty sure Rapier is town at this point.

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4 minutes ago, Snike said:

No that's later in the phase. Quoting and  adjusting  from ISO notes I dumped at start of day:

Rapier reads Sunwoo vs Marth as T vs T0 page 17 (405). Still has vote on Marth.  This seems to flip from previous position on Marth? marth Madn't posted between 357 where read was static and 405 where the read switched to town. Says need to reread but still significant shift.

-Goes back to not liking/  being unsure on Marth 2 posts later.

-512, back to thinking marth better, which, ok, marth had a spree of posts. Likes BBM less but vote parks on Marth.

- later goes back toNeutral on Marth;

-moves to shade marth in 636 despite neutrality.

So around the middle the read kind of changes without a real explanation, Specifically in response to your comment about Page 13. Despite that, the vote didn't move until like 513.

Based on Rapiers reads on me and how a large portion of day 1 ended up going I think this lines up with rapiers train of thoughts in general.  There read on me bounced around a lot as well I think.  It reads to me kind of like indecisive town-ish at the moment.

3 minutes ago, BBM said:

rolecop and alignment cop aren't the same thing though. scum knows who the town/scum are and can fake alignment cop easily, they can't fake rolecop at all without an actual rolecop. anyways idk i guess would like to hear from someone other than shinori because:

I'm going to ignore shinori's crumb because he's perfectly capable of blustering his way out of attention, particularly given he's out 2 buddies. I skimmed shinori and snike's isos and thought shinori had the worst interactions with refa. he spent most of the day having very little interaction with refa in terms of actually analyzing refa's posts, he just said stuff like "hmm i don't know about refa" or talking to him in ways that were just general game events. once refa claimed he was the most vocal person trying to argue against the lynch

##Unvote, ##Vote: @Shinori

i'm also clearly not scum lol, if i was refa wouldn't have been lynched

Role cop and alignment cop aren't the same thing, but initially they only claimed 'cop' making it alignment cop in their claim to town is more likely to get them past the day phase, because they can just claim blocked afterwards.

What crumb?  And to correct you, most of the day I was town reading Refa, I even stated that multiple times.  To add on to your points though, I believed we had at least 1 scum in the top 3 wagons yesterday even though I was scum reading Refa.  I assumed even if I was wrong about rapier and potentially weapons that the rest of town would hopefully be right about refa who I was town reading.  This probably makes part of your point stronger but I'm gonna state it anyway.

I also literally have it in my notes about how you're bottom of my priority list in the 3 people i mentioned because you have some specific stuff EoD with refa that makes it so I think you are unlikely to be his buddy.

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3 minutes ago, Makaze said:

what is the straightforward scum team

I'm guess I'm just working from PoE. I feel Marth, Boron, Percy, Rapier, Prims are probably town, and then probably more I'm forgetting atm. I'm also giving Elie slight town cred for EoD. Snike I would've put as a 4th with you/Shinori, but I don't feel the need tinfoil anything. Hold on lemme actually look at the player list.

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Oh j00 and BBM, both of which felt pretty pure to me yesterday. Admittedly I was also townreading SB, but I think that's cause he was townreading more than any objective reason, gotta watch out for those pockets! @BBMI did feel like you were mostly stuck on Rapier/me yesterday. Did you decide to spend most of your effort looking at just us, or did I miss more about what you had to say about the rest of the game?

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I'm rather annoyed at myself. I felt Refa was playing similarly to Yume Nikki and never followed up on it because it was old meta, but I also got distracted by stuff in-thread and never ended up trying to figure out why I felt bad about Refa. Ugh, whatever.

Marth is probably town, barring some super damning report, because he and Refa's interactions didn't feel like scum/scum.

Prims/RADicate is most likely town. Prims' push to get Refa lynched at the end of the day doesn't read like a bus. (I will be very shocked if Prims is Refa's scum buddy.) I thought Prims was gonna be the N1 kill before he subbed out, honestly.

I guess Elie voting Refa at near deadline instead of voting Weapons and tying the wagons looks good? It's not as indicative as some other things because, well, regardless of what alignment he is tying the wagons would look really bad and voting for anyone besides those two is pointless? Like, I'd say it looks better than not because he could've not voted, but it's a weak read. Elie also didn't have a lot to work with, that doesn't help.

Leaning town on Shinori and Quote just based on tone.

I'm going to ignore Makaze forever. (Probably not scum based on interactions, whatever.)

Didn't expect Cam to flip scum, I don't actually remember much of what he said off the top of my head, so I'm going to look through his posts and see what I can get from them.

##Vote: @Duskfall98

I've felt iffy about SB's slot for a while, and they could reasonably be Refa and Cam's scum buddy. I'll try to have a more concrete case later, but I just woke up from a nap. If you guys want me to answer something specific, please ask me directly because I'm probably not going to be very active until tomorrow afternoon.

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10 minutes ago, BBM said:

i'm also clearly not scum lol, if i was refa wouldn't have been lynched

do you mean because you would have forced a tie? because that would make you look super bad after the refa flip and it's not something I'd expect from scum unless they wanna be really ballsy but it's a huge risk. refa was going to die if not tonight they would have died tomorrow. if weapons flipped town I'm sure vig (if that's what the second kill was) would have grabbed refa. and tomorrow I might have been able to catch them with my role. I really dont think at that point they were worth saving except to use their rolecop before dying (which makes me look bad because it probably seems like I was trying to do that LOL but no I was trying to see if we could get an alignment scan tonight. I won't claim but I've been crumbing my role pretty hard)

but yeah im not sure what guarantees you town in this situation specifically 

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because refa was very bussable

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now I'm forced to read things again

so far, Shinori grew substantially as a scumread for me. His desperate attempts to not lynch Refa, his aggressive push towards me after I questioned his 3-4 pages long interactions with Makaze over the latter questioning him with wacky reasoning and his over aggressiveness when defending himself puts me off a lot. And besides his interactions with sb, I still don't see anything really productive content-wise, despite being on the top posters and having ~150 posts total

will make this a better read post once I feel like it. I just want to enjoy myself a little tonight and friends are calling me for Vermintide 2. fuck's sake i hate being a tired dumbfuck with 0 energy

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Refa was bussable, but weapons was also very lynchable and one person swinging towards weapons could have swung the vote towards weapons instead of tying it.

I want to believe that SF as a whole would have avoided a tie since it would result in no lynch.  A tie that results in a rando lynch is something that i think could have happened, but a tie that results in a no lynch I highly doubt actually happens for us.

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also I'm aware you don't know what my role is I mentioned that as in like, a lot of roles were gonna be on refa tonight if they didnt die so. yea

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Maybe I claim because I have night phase info that could effectively help remove people from casing me and just save us all time as a whole if people are still going to case me.

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

Refa was bussable, but weapons was also very lynchable and one person swinging towards weapons could have swung the vote towards weapons instead of tying it.

well I mean this is true, but I'm operating under the assumption weapons is town--BBM would have looked SUPER BAD swinging the vote towards weapons last minute. I guess this doesnt apply if weapons is also scum but I dont think he is

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