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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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7 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Sorry, I don’t want to go into details but there’s out of game reasons for these things.

I can accept out of game reasons for coming back and losing WIM, but not for asking bad questions that lead nowhere and keeping doing it without learning anything or caring that you're not learning anything

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Then stop making it sound like I consciously or knowingly went after Makaze over "bad" play instead of scummy play. You and BBM and whoever else are free to think that Makaze's play is bad instead of scummy. That's your right. But you don't get to imply that I saw his play as bad instead of scummy and chose to attack him over bad play instead of scummy play. I'm going to say this once more and only once more: I legitimately considered Makaze's D1 play to be scummy. I genuinely thought it could be coming from someone who thought they could get away with it as scum.

Now clearly I'm not some objective arbiter on matters either and what I consider scummy can be just merely bad to others. Fine! But nobody but me gets to tell me what I'm thinking.

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Automated Votecount

Duskfall98 (5): Shinori (66), WeaponsofMassConstruction (33), Sunwoo (15), Snike (24), Bluedoom (34)
Bluedoom (2): RADicate (22), Makaze (60)
Snike (1): BBM (20)
Shinori (1): Rapier (13)
Not voting (4): Ichigo (7), Duskfall98 (32), Percivalé (35), j00 (13)



Page 48:
#1180: RADicate voted for Bluedoom

Page 49:
#1207: Shinori voted for undefined

Page 50:
#1228: Shinori voted for Duskfall98
#1229: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Duskfall98
#1232: BBM voted for Shinori
#1241: Sunwoo voted for Duskfall98
#1245: Makaze voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 52:
#1280: Snike voted for Duskfall98
#1298: Bluedoom voted for Duskfall98

Page 54:
#1338: Makaze voted for Bluedoom

Page 56:
#1385: Rapier voted for Shinori
#1396: BBM voted for Snike

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On 5/27/2024 at 7:45 PM, charlie_ said:

Still not interested in Weapons, I would like to see them come back for longer but their first pos last night felt like they were just trying to get their thoughts out without a ton of time and they managed more substantial content a bit later so it just seems real. I guess with j00 switching off he is not really in any danger of actually getting lynched through. Would consolidate on Refa, I don't have a strong read here but it feels like they mostly show up with okay content but aren't ever around to elaborate and mostly play catchup which is vaguely how I remember demotivated scum!Refa being. Need to see more like, prolonged engagements with anyone from them.

I have more to post but this is getting way too long and also I see Rapier has just cut me.



On 5/28/2024 at 9:46 AM, Refa said:

Because it looked like that's what you were hinting at and it made no sense to me, I was wondering if you were seeing something that I wasn't.

I already read all of their content and didn't get a notable read out of it at the time. Shinori/BBM I had reads on but not strong enough feelings to put them as Town/Scum. No, I don't think his defense of you means anything. It's not something I think he can only do as one alignment. I never even noticed that from Shinori, so of course I wouldn't mention it lol. If Shinori scumread either of you, I think I'd be more bothered than if he says it's town/town. I would also not give a fuck about mentioning a town/town read unless one of them was under pressure.

I don't think SB having me as a scumlean and sharing reads on me is inherently problematic, but I think Town!SB would at least reflect on this and mention it in their read on me. The fact that it's ignored is the bigger issue here, and I don't get why SB would do that.


On 5/29/2024 at 1:07 AM, charlie_ said:

1000 fucking posts. Guys.


I feel like my brain is leaking out my ears but wrt wagons my priority is probably Makaze > Refa > Rapier > Weapons atp. I'm going to be real I still don't like Rapier's content that much BUT I do think the VT claim is unlikely to come out of mafia in this position unless someone is pushing it as a gambit? Or if he is being super bussed. It's such a bad way to actually save them. I agree with Weapons that these wagons feel dead-endy and don't think writing off counterwagons here is good maf play. I think giving Refa a day is fine but realistically they are just going to get/claim Roleblocked right? Regardless of what alignment they have so it's kind of a whatever lynch at this point. The only thing really in Refa's favour here is like, the calmness they have is maybe unrealistic for mafia with how long they've been a main wagon but idk if I have any other point of hesitation. Like their content's fine but I don't townread them. This lands with Makaze at the top but idk if this is just where I want to end the day just by default. I will say that the way they are backtreading on their Weapons read after Refa claimed a power role makes me nervous though.

Cam's initial catchup was fiiine but the Refa vote=>unvote is really throwing me - mostly because I can't see why they went for Refa in the first place if not for a reaction and then uh, unvote to nothing. Cam where are you at now? Would you still be voting Weapons here?

My read on Snike is souring ftr. Snike, even if you can't finish an ISO on Rapier I really want to know what your read is on him right now because it looked like you were still townreading him like, 12 hours ago and now you're down to consolidate on him off of what I think is one post? Is there more I'm missing? I'm also not super keen on the extended Marth push and think I might've given this slot a pass for too long? Admittedly I skipped the Makaze ISO because it made my eyes glaze over to try and catch up.

I am pretty sure that I got pinged for a bunch of stuff but I am kind of wiped out and just want to get this post out. 

I'm quoting these posts just to show what I'm seeing wrt the SB/Duskfall slot here. The bolded are a dead giveaway imo. Right after this post SB votes makaze anyway and then vanishes, and I feel like town!SB has a sense of urgency to determine which of makaze/refa is better to vote eod because you don't want to deal with a misvote, and saying that you're not sure if you want a makaze vote is already hinting that you're reconsidering pivoting to refa. Then not doing so looks really bad.

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Like I haven't even got into their reads lists where they don't even list each other lol; they omit stating reads on each other

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Posted (edited)

Phase ends in under 10 hours

Hammer is 8 votes (13 Alive * 2/3 = 8.66 rounded down is 8 )

Minimum to Eliminate is 4 votes (13 Alive *1/3 = 4.33 rounded down is 4)

A bit busy atm so official votals will come in a bit -- unless you achieve hammer, in which DM me please.

Edited by Iris
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I just had an epiphany but it requires me to go through a player's ISO and I have a migraine so bad I went home from work early so it will have to wait. hopefully I wake up in time

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Boron, I don't have a problem with your d1 Makaze stuff as much as your d2 Makaze stuff. I think calling for someone you think is town to be vigged is really really bad (this applies to weapons too).

I was kind of waiting for duskfall to come back and give a bit more but honestly don't see things changing any at this point given I don't feel there's a realistic other candidate to switch to at this point. Tbh I'm fine with an early hammer cuz zzz but I'll leave it to others if they want to just wait for EOD

##Unvote, ##Vote: @Duskfall98

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Actually wait, we should not early hammer. We're not going to change our mind on Duskfall BUT we should give Rad until the end of the phase to do something, otherwise he should be vigged imo.

Gives Ichigo a bit more time too

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Automated Votecount

Duskfall98 (6): Shinori (67), WeaponsofMassConstruction (33), Sunwoo (15), Snike (24), Bluedoom (36), BBM (22)
Bluedoom (2): RADicate (22), Makaze (62)
Shinori (1): Rapier (13)
Not voting (4): Ichigo (7), Duskfall98 (32), j00 (14), Percivalé (36)



Page 48:
#1180: RADicate voted for Bluedoom

Page 49:
#1207: Shinori voted for undefined

Page 50:
#1228: Shinori voted for Duskfall98
#1229: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Duskfall98
#1232: BBM voted for Shinori
#1241: Sunwoo voted for Duskfall98
#1245: Makaze voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 52:
#1280: Snike voted for Duskfall98
#1298: Bluedoom voted for Duskfall98

Page 54:
#1338: Makaze voted for Bluedoom

Page 56:
#1385: Rapier voted for Shinori
#1396: BBM voted for Snike

Page 63:
#1562: BBM voted for Duskfall98

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8 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, I think Makaze's play is bad, yes, but I also legitimately think it's scummy. That is neither here nor there though since he's obviously not getting lynched.

Ok, bad play can be scummy so it's not always a dilemma, but in your cases I don't really get what is particularly scummy from the bad play. And since we're looking more at content from a qualitative pov, I don't see how this focus on bad play helps town identify and lynch scum versus miselim town or third parties (which I believe Makaze is) that are playing badly.

Speaking of

##Vote @WeaponsofMassConstruction

Weapons, I just want your opinions about SB and Snike, at least. Also, how are your reads currently? I don't remember you updating on them after D2 but correct me if I'm wrong.

I think Weapons is more likely as town than scum after Refa's flip, but I still dislike how he's been coasting in the thread, barely saying things and not pushing for anyone (or even interacting with anyone). This coasting isn't particularly helpful for town, although I think scum wouldn't want to sit around and let town dominate the discussion on D2 too.

I think this can be justified by Weapons being almost lynched, so it'd make sense for him to stay out of the limelight, I guess, but it's weird that he kept his vote on Prims for so long when Refa was likely to be lynched for the entirety of mid D1/late D1.

He switched his vote from me to Prims as soon as his wagon had less players, yes, but made no attempts to help set someone else as as scapegoat for Refa.

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imo if SB flips scum rapier is prolly scum and we chalk d1 scum disorganization up to multiple scum wagons that made it so that scum didn't have a solid strategy and got caught in a no man's land between consolidating on a counter wagon and bussing

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4 hours ago, Makaze said:

I can accept out of game reasons for coming back and losing WIM, but not for asking bad questions that lead nowhere and keeping doing it without learning anything or caring that you're not learning anything

These questions are helpful to my understanding of the game. Often times they aren’t that important and maybe not that easy to answer so I’m like 🤷‍♂️ if I don’t get a response. But they are about things that bother me and responses do help me understand people’s mindsets wrt to things. You can ask me about any specific question I’ve asked and I can tell you about my mindset at the time and what a response would’ve changed/did change. Also I think you’ve taken some of my joke posts and just ran with them, I am not being particularly lazy about the game, it is just that solving the game at the depth that I would like would require more energy and effort than I truly have, and so many items get mentally cut from the “I will think about this seriously” list. On top of this, figuring out how to explain my thought process is a whole different beast altogether, one that I can not really explain why is, but can identify that you as a think out loud player would have a very difficult time identifying with. As such, a good amount of my play this game has gone towards self-pres, as that is the one thing I can be certain about and know will help advance village wincon 

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5 minutes ago, BBM said:

imo if SB flips scum rapier is prolly scum and we chalk d1 scum disorganization up to multiple scum wagons that made it so that scum didn't have a solid strategy and got caught in a no man's land between consolidating on a counter wagon and bussing

Thia seems unlikely

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How likely do you think its scum was disorganised vs scum organised but failed to pull up a counterwagon @BBM? I've been thinking about this too and I think I buy your world where they were disorganised instead of trying to fight the lynch 

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Ehh, I don't think Rapier is scum. Disregarding my subjective views on vibes, he offered himself up for lynch over Refa but why would he do that of they were both scum? It would just guarantee that Refa got lynched the next phase.

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2 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

These questions are helpful to my understanding of the game. Often times they aren’t that important and maybe not that easy to answer so I’m like 🤷‍♂️ if I don’t get a response. But they are about things that bother me and responses do help me understand people’s mindsets wrt to things. You can ask me about any specific question I’ve asked and I can tell you about my mindset at the time and what a response would’ve changed/did change. Also I think you’ve taken some of my joke posts and just ran with them, I am not being particularly lazy about the game, it is just that solving the game at the depth that I would like would require more energy and effort than I truly have, and so many items get mentally cut from the “I will think about this seriously” list. On top of this, figuring out how to explain my thought process is a whole different beast altogether, one that I can not really explain why is, but can identify that you as a think out loud player would have a very difficult time identifying with. As such, a good amount of my play this game has gone towards self-pres, as that is the one thing I can be certain about and know will help advance village wincon 

I think what would be helpful, is that if you can't find scum, a detailed explanation of your townreads, because it gives us an idea of the lens through which you're viewing the game. This probably would've been more useful during d1 but it still helps during d2.

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Well my performance has not been too hot so far, I guess I will catch up with the game after all. Over the night though.


For now I've read Duskfall posts. Or skimmed at least, I am missing some context so the play by play style is not very interesting to me as I don't know what is going on. I don't have strong feelings. I think it is hard to read into a slot that is being pressured for reasons out of their control like this. Other players have highlighted charlie_ posts that look bad with the last mafia flip.

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On 5/29/2024 at 3:52 PM, RADicate said:

voting the scum then getting back to reading the thread 

(feel free to take guesses on how many pages i have left to read <3)

##vote @Bluedoom


gottem sorry marth

Was this vote based on something Rad? I don't think you elaborated when you hopped back on.

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Just now, Ichigo said:

Was this vote based on something Rad? I don't think you elaborated when you hopped back on.

just woke up at my keyboard and hopped back into thread, ik makaze asked me my current opinion the charlie wagon which im like, meh on. like, the slot seems fine--->slightly townie.

i wanna ask @Duskfall98 to elaborate on the readslist they posted earlier but i've got more pressing issues (isoing charlie and reading through EOD in its entirety).

i wound up falling asleep right around page 35 so i was gonna hop on aforementioned pressing issue. i also dont know how iso works on this thread ik there's a script or some shiz but myeh.


anyways the bluedoom beef was that basically all of the shiz between refa/bluedoom from bluedoom's pov felt super awkward to me????????? i don't quite wanna say manufactured and i havent played noc in like 4+ years but its pinging tf out of me as not town v scum vibes. i felt slightly better about the slot as i continued reading the day so its probably gone from hard SR to SL since then so im not tunneling but ye

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I do feel bad for dusk and would've been excited to play with him under difference circumstances but uh, what to do?

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