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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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If Weapons is being truthful about his role claim, he's probably not so much a universal backup as he is a deputy or nurse or one of those types of roles. Like Poly becoming a full time cop in Healer mafia after the original cop died. 

But this is also super non-alignment indicative. Not only because it's easy to fake in general, but because this type of role has historically existed as scum too. Like in Xenoblade mafia, where lynching a certain role before another would transfer the first role's full abilities to the second. And I'm pretty sure I made a role that would copy only a specific teammate of theirs in AM/PM 2.

I could also see Weapons being the backup for a hypothetical doctor after we all joked in the discord about how we're gonna have a D1 doc lynch

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The only reason Weapons has to not reveal which roles they can back up would be to claim "not then one" when he is asked to prove it. I am still leaning anti-town overall

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It would be ironic in hindsight if a scum universal backup simply gets Refa's role and continues rolling with it anyway, making Weapons the most important guy to keep away from being lynched.

I want to see this endgame.

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Just now, j00 said:

TBH if there is a vig I'd probably go with Weapons to clear the wifom. 


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5 minutes ago, j00 said:

TBH if there is a vig I'd probably go with Weapons to clear the wifom. 

I disagree.

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Snike, are you pulling an eclipse and trying to get yourself killed for information

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4 minutes ago, Snike said:

If you actually expect to die, you should claim

If you actually want to die, you should still claim

If you expect to make use of your role, keep playing

I'm going to be studying

I'll be here for EOD

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Automated Votecount

Duskfall98 (6): Shinori (99), WeaponsofMassConstruction (55), Sunwoo (24), Snike (38), Bluedoom (64), BBM (30) (L-2!)
Shinori (1): RADicate (51)
WeaponsofMassConstruction (1): Rapier (33)
Bluedoom (1): Makaze (86)
Not voting (4): Percivalé (39), Ichigo (10), Duskfall98 (42), j00 (26)

Phase ends in under 2 hours!



Page 6:
#127: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Sunwoo
#135: Rapier voted for Bluedoom

Page 47:
#1168: Iris unvoted

Page 48:
#1180: RADicate voted for Bluedoom

Page 49:
#1207: Shinori voted for charlie_

Page 50:
#1228: Shinori voted for Duskfall98
#1229: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Duskfall98
#1232: BBM voted for Shinori
#1241: Sunwoo voted for Duskfall98
#1245: Makaze voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 52:
#1280: Snike voted for Duskfall98
#1298: Bluedoom voted for Duskfall98

Page 54:
#1338: Makaze voted for Bluedoom

Page 56:
#1385: Rapier voted for Shinori
#1396: BBM voted for Snike

Page 63:
#1562: BBM voted for Duskfall98
#1565: Rapier voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 65:
#1610: RADicate voted for Shinori

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Snike, are you pulling an eclipse and trying to get yourself killed for information

Now why would you say that?

Jumping back to Jackspec again because I think that's a little more productive while we wait; I have strong reason to believe it's strongwilled at least and less so on ninja; third would be strongman/janitor.

@MakazeNo sense further closing pool of potential kill targets.  I've crumbed though so my flip should make things clear. This is again still playing, and to be honest I don't give a fuck how other people view it because I have counted at least 7 separate quotes without considering BBM's "objectively bad" and j00's "colossalwaste of energy" shitting on my play so I'm kinda done listening to the thread right now in terms of the way I should and shouldn't be doing things.

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Look, I'm sorry if I was out of line, because I know that you've spent considerable effort this game. But I have also been tired and it's less your posts and more Makaze being frustratingly obtuse, and then reading giant wallposts about Makaze because he kept butting heads with everyone. I think your ISO comment wall on him was just too much for me at that moment, so I apologize for snapping at you.

I really didn't mean it as a personal attack and I get that you are getting emotionally drained by the game too. But it's better to take a step back if you think it becomes too much. 

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20 minutes ago, Snike said:

Now why would you say that?


Also, if I said anything that might've annoyed you I apologize.

I'm not trying to piss off anyone but I don't always make the best wording decisions when I'm tired and cranky, so a general sorry to anyone I may have offended.

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8 minutes ago, j00 said:

Look, I'm sorry if I was out of line, because I know that you've spent considerable effort this game. But I have also been tired and it's less your posts and more Makaze being frustratingly obtuse, and then reading giant wallposts about Makaze because he kept butting heads with everyone. I think your ISO comment wall on him was just too much for me at that moment, so I apologize for snapping at you.

I really didn't mean it as a personal attack and I get that you are getting emotionally drained by the game too. But it's better to take a step back if you think it becomes too much. 

It's fine in the sense that I can understand why you'd say that esp with Makaze frustration. Like I said it's play not on my character, and while I've definitely misstepped this game I'm not going to say I feel like everything's been warranted.  My angle on this game isn't going to change, even if I step away right now.

I am playing with what I think is the best chance for a town win. I am not throwing or giving up;  I do believe a night death on me is a Good Outcome, especially when compared to what is likely a day 3 Elim. Look at how today went, especially while waiting for Dusk to pop in and out; the discussion stalled quickly, and I feel like without clearing the board further it's not going to be any better tomorrow.

I want to reiterate this changes if something unexpected happens as a result of the Dusk lynch and I do not want to be shot at that point, but right now everyone else seems to believe it's 12/4 or 12/3/1 so that should not be the case.

While we're waiting, is there anything anyone wants to bring up in terms of organizing night actions?

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2 minutes ago, Snike said:

Look at how today went, especially while waiting for Dusk to pop in and out; the discussion stalled quickly, and I feel like without clearing the board further it's not going to be any better tomorrow.

Today was very weird because I'm not sure I've seen Town/Scum in such a good/bad position before D2. I think it would kill the motivation of anyone but the most masochistic of scum, and judging from Refa's play D1 they might not have been top motivated D1 either. If you never was that comfortable as scum, rolling scum in the first game you play in years is rough. 

Tomorrow will likely be different because I think people will start claiming roles and results.

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4 minutes ago, Snike said:

It's fine in the sense that I can understand why you'd say that esp with Makaze frustration. Like I said it's play not on my character, and while I've definitely misstepped this game I'm not going to say I feel like everything's been warranted.  My angle on this game isn't going to change, even if I step away right now.

I am playing with what I think is the best chance for a town win. I am not throwing or giving up;  I do believe a night death on me is a Good Outcome, especially when compared to what is likely a day 3 Elim. Look at how today went, especially while waiting for Dusk to pop in and out; the discussion stalled quickly, and I feel like without clearing the board further it's not going to be any better tomorrow.

I want to reiterate this changes if something unexpected happens as a result of the Dusk lynch and I do not want to be shot at that point, but right now everyone else seems to believe it's 12/4 or 12/3/1 so that should not be the case.

While we're waiting, is there anything anyone wants to bring up in terms of organizing night actions?

Unless there is mechanically a good reason for you to eat a shot, you do not have to worry about a lim until much later in the game. We have 2-3 lims before you are in the real PoE

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well tn went up in blazes, an alr busy night slated for me got worse quickly and significantly

dont expect me itt until tmmrw srry

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5 minutes ago, Makaze said:

Unless there is mechanically a good reason for you to eat a shot, you do not have to worry about a lim until much later in the game. We have 2-3 lims before you are in the real PoE

This is your opinion and multiple people have snike in their PoE.

You can disagree with them but I think there are enough people who are sus of snike that I think he does end up a potential lynch target fairly soon barring other circumstances.

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6 minutes ago, Shinori said:

This is your opinion and multiple people have snike in their PoE.

You can disagree with them but I think there are enough people who are sus of snike that I think he does end up a potential lynch target fairly soon barring other circumstances.

I am shielding them for the time being, but there are people who would vig me, so fair play

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honestly once it became very clear duskfall was getting lynched today i've had a lot of trouble parsing anything from the phase because it becomes so wifom-y? like other than the first few people who voted duskfall, i don't know if anything is even alignment indicative because i can easily see it both ways in my head.

for example, i tried to read rad's posts but it's basically impossible to get a read on him because so much of his content is geared around the duskfall slot that it's impossible to judge until duskfall flips. even his main scumread, shinori, is purely through the lens of shinori's case on duskfall. if duskfall is scum, would scum be that obvious given it's like 95% likely duskfall will be lynched? on the other hand, if duskfall is scum does rad really have a choice cuz what is he gonna do if it becomes 11/1? if duskfall is town, would scum purposely try to white knight in this situation? i could do a version of this paragraph for nearly everyone today

so anyways I think part of why this phase has felt so stagnant is that I feel like I can't really progress my read on anybody at this point until duskfall flips, at least just to eliminate the possibilities.

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On 5/28/2024 at 8:37 PM, Prims said:

Refa scumflip -> Cam, Snike and to a lesser extent SB need immediate looking into. Might need to re-evaluate Percy depending. Makaze probably town forever, BT probably town, j00 could be a bus since she hopped off briefly but I feel good about her in general. Shinori kinda iffy.

On 5/29/2024 at 7:53 PM, Shinori said:

BBM, SB, Snike are the three we should be looking at today.

On 5/29/2024 at 8:54 PM, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Oh yeah and then you (Makaze), which I kind of want to be able to just trust Snike here, honestly it's just a headache trying to read so I'm just not going to deal with it right now.

Weapons had me as a 4th so I'm in PoE

On 5/29/2024 at 9:03 PM, Bluedoom said:

I agree with Shinori that bbm/duskfall/snike should be looked into today; Shinori was also in my poe fwiw mostly based off of the refa flip and prims!post eod but he's just a solid entry into the thread today

On 5/29/2024 at 9:44 PM, BBM said:

My gut is Shinori but clearly he's crumbling a strong power role. I don't want him to claim for no reason as town if I'm on an island here and nobody else is feeling it

My other gut is snike because of the giant refa post but in respect to the effort he put in overnight I'll wait til I have time to iso

Rapier had me in prio too, but I hit load quote before I remembered, so RIP.

And you had me as a possible SK candidate Makaze which, of course that's for resolving later.

On that note, regarding crumbing and the like, we should mass claim tomorrow.



@Percivalé I cannot spell it out any clearer. Understood?

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Oh yeh I planned to claim tomorrow, probably coulda claimed today because 2 scum dead day 2 is kinda crazy but I planned to claim tomorrow.

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