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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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Percivale HUGE red flags page 22 with the lets flip though im not sure target is mafia thats never a good idea

bluedoom and weapons timing to arrive about page 22/23 on the refa wagon is kind of late partner hoping on timing, not always but it is about the time potential partners typically get on the wagon if youre giving up

page 25 vote from BBM onto rapier is gonna move him down, rapier and sunwoo are still by top two town I think both have them have been very blatantly solving on a deep level consistently in just about every post they make very hard for mafia to fakeĀ 

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Definitely Elie is most likely to be scum on the refa wagon. Scum coming in with a vote last minute after the lynch is basically already decided is classic behavior. I think there also seems to have been a lot of scum disorganization with refa never even showing up to counter vote so it's very possible that he was waiting for that and then when it became clear that refa wasn't around he just voted refa

I think it's pooossible weapons is scum but he would definitely be in my second round of Poe as of right now, like I don't think I would lynch there til at least you, Elie, Shinori rapier and boron are either dead or rolecleared. If there were scum/scum wagons I think rapier is the more likely of the two just on overall play + he was the wagon that was abandoned first

My second round of Poe would probably be like, weapons and Percy but honestly I'm not too interested in spending time on those slots atm.

I'm basically never considering Marth j00 makaze or prims/Ichigo as mafia, only possible SKs once all the mafia are dead. And honestly at that point it's all about role stuff anyways

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What puts the last four firmly into the never-mafia tier is that they were all important not just in the final lynch but also refa getting to that point in the first place and building the case against him.

The Makaze thing about Marth temporarily moving off and then coming back being scum who felt they had no choice doesn't convince me because if Marth is scum he was hardbussing from the start and never would have moved off to begin with

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Simply put BBM. I think your solve is too easy. I know I'm town and I'm not convinced that the whole wolfsquad is in Weapons wagonĀ  + Elieson, Dusk -Percivale.Ā  I agree Makaze +Prims always town here. I'll set aside j00 because literally no one agrees with my unease there.Ā  Shinori/Boron are who I trust on Weapons wagon right now, moreso Shinori, then percivale. Rapier sits firmly at the bottom, especially with SK spec on my top townread. Elie could go either way and we're waiting on RADlie to chime in. Weapons we just don't know, you I'm literally getting mixed signals, and Marth. I've mindmelded with Marth a few times this phase but I am still struggling with day 1, and the tinfoil isn't helping.

Speaking of tinfoil, I'm going to stop hinting at it and just voice it because I should not be making it to Day 3. For real.Ā 

I've had 3 tinfoils going.Ā  Tinfoil 3 is the Charlie thing. Tinfoil 2 is this:

On 5/26/2024 at 7:05 PM, Sunwoo said:

I read Rapier's later posts. I don't really have an issue with them because I feel like he is making a town effort to give his reads on things and people. Can see his initial logic on Shinori, even if I don't agree with it, but I didn't have a problem with his reply to Shinori either. Still feel Rapier is more townie than not.

On reread I don't have an issue with Snike, although I'm struggling a bit to remember that he is playing. That said, that's a "me" problem and not a Snike problem, so for the time being I'm fine with him. Would not pursue.

Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. Basically, it's hard to understand why you're scum reading someone when your main reason is that you're getting "weird vibes" and "gut feelings". The post you made right before this quoted one (which I failed to address at the time) made a better effort at explaining the BBM and Marth reads, by explaining why you think their actions or lack thereof felt scummy. But overall, it feels like your reasonings aren't very concrete. (I also don't agree with your BBM read, but that's neither here nor there.)

It's also odd that despite BBM being apparently your greatest scum read (even now) you're not really pursuing it and were even willing to table it when I called you out on tunneling.

Some other updated thoughts.

Prims and Weapons' absences are not amazing. As stated earlier, I didn't have an issue with Prims' actual content and stuff, but his lack of presence is just really concerning me at this point. I'm willing to give Prims up to D2 to establish a presence because I know they sometimes have trouble getting into the game D1 even as town, but still. Weapons felt like Weapons earlier in the day, but they seem to have just fallen off the radar. I'd say that his sudden disappearance and lack of content reminds me of Kirby mafia where he was scum, but that game is 12 years old and probably not great for meta. Either way, it's not a good look.

Would like Refa to explain why voting Makaze doesn't seem like a scum!me thing to do.

BT is fine. To answer your question from earlier, on why I couldn't see what the scum intent in Makaze buddying up was, it was mostly because of how early in the game it happened. He was doing it in a way that seemed so blatant and inexplicable that it felt like it was more likely to draw negative attention than not.


Kirby Mafia was one of Refa's fake 'crumb' claims. I think this is most likely to be a coincidence, but these two slots are the only ones that mention it.

Tinfoil 1:

On 5/26/2024 at 12:31 AM, Bluedoom said:

@RapierĀ I'm personally a vote first axe questions later guy

@RefaĀ Oh I get it now, thing is I'm conflicted on Prims too because it kinda feels bad if I'm wrong and he was just posting in a stream of conscience style, and I find it hard to justify him over bbm in that sense because...its kinda like in EiMM where you want to shoot people who talked to you less because you have less of an idea of where they're at? Similar point here. Reason I'm voting you over BBM is that you're active in the thread right now so its easier to gauge reactions.


As for how does it change, well what changed is that Boron isĀ  sus becauseĀ  her last post where she says both of us are sus feels very...empty? Gonna come up with another post on that. I guess on that note can you post a reads list of where your head is at atm?

Marth calls out the abbreviation for Everyone is Mafia Mafia to Refa. Who has flipped as that role name. No one else even has this abbreviation in their posts, and I know Marth isn't active in that community as of late.

I want to reiterate that these very well could be and probably are coincidences. I also want to voice them because they're Weird.

OK I think that's about it from me for right now, will shut up and let everyone else talk unless asked.

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I am on page 42 now an I am suspensefully waiting for whatever absolute shithousery charlie did at eod to make my slot this bad because they still arent not being scumread

the anticipation is killing me

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22 minutes ago, Duskfall98 said:

Makaze's gameplay can best be described as a circling shark ready to biteĀ šŸ‘€


I think BBM is right and the game is easy

We can go deep hunting when they are the last of their kind

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On 5/29/2024 at 12:37 AM, Prims said:

My final thoughts of the day based on current gamestate (so not taking into account the final voteswitches) are essentially:

Refa scumflip -> Cam, Snike and to a lesser extent SB need immediate looking into. Might need to re-evaluate Percy depending. Makaze probably town forever, BT probably town, j00 could be a bus since she hopped off briefly but I feel good about her in general. Shinori kinda iffy.
Refa townflip -> Weapons possibly scum, but not as confident as I would be on Refa following a Weapons townflip. What power Weapons claims to get will be interesting. BT worth a look because he never pushed much other than Refa. Would have to re-evaluate Marth. Rapier VT claim and "lynch Refa over me" not survivalist unless he had an experienced scum like BBM coaching him to do the WIFOM
Weapons scumflip -> Similar to Refa townflip results. j00 being on Weapons at one point would be worth considering. Shinori and Percy town, Snike probably town, Boron townie forever. Makaze very bizarre in this scenario since he suspects Weapons over Refa, but might be wack town. Cam as potential busser?
Weapons townflip -> lynch refa you dorks

Tbh SB's posts are their town meta but there is a slight possibility they as scum hopped on an unlikely wagon to absolve themself of responsibility at day end

I really want to lynch Refa

Noting to follow up on

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Ok i am officially caught up as far as day 1 deadline

I will officially need someone to explain why I have been decided as consensus shrug yeet I was expecting charlie to come in and be heroing cfds on counterwagons or something, they didnt even vote the counterwagon just vanitied on honestly a slot that has a decent chance of being mafia

So now I am actually feeling my energy come back because I am guessing it is in fact mafia pushing me, thats much more fun

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Automated Votecount

Duskfall98 (5): Shinori (65), WeaponsofMassConstruction (31), Sunwoo (10), Snike (23), Bluedoom (31)
Bluedoom (2): RADicate (13), Makaze (52)
Snike (1): BBM (17)
Shinori (1): Rapier (11)
Not voting (4): Ichigo (7), j00 (12), PercivalƩ (29), Duskfall98 (28)



Page 48:
#1180: RADicate voted for Bluedoom

Page 49:
#1207: Shinori voted for charlie_

Page 50:
#1228: Shinori voted for Duskfall98
#1229: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Duskfall98
#1232: BBM voted for Shinori
#1241: Sunwoo voted for Duskfall98
#1245: Makaze voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 52:
#1280: Snike voted for Duskfall98
#1298: Bluedoom voted for Duskfall98

Page 54:
#1338: Makaze voted for Bluedoom

Page 56:
#1385: Rapier voted for Shinori
#1396: BBM voted for Snike

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Ok it is actually midnight so I will be logging off for the night, I am only looking at the names on my wagon really now for the first time but I do actually think I am being pushed by mafia now, but I also townread shinori and sunwoo obviously

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1 hour ago, Duskfall98 said:

Percivale HUGE red flags page 22 with the lets flip though im not sure target is mafia thats never a good idea

bluedoom and weapons timing to arrive about page 22/23 on the refa wagon is kind of late partner hoping on timing, not always but it is about the time potential partners typically get on the wagon if youre giving up

page 25 vote from BBM onto rapier is gonna move him down, rapier and sunwoo are still by top two town I think both have them have been very blatantly solving on a deep level consistently in just about every post they make very hard for mafia to fakeĀ 

this part was interesting so please explain the percivale flags

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15 minutes ago, Duskfall98 said:

Ok i am officially caught up as far as day 1 deadline

I will officially need someone to explain why I have been decided as consensus shrug yeet I was expecting charlie to come in and be heroing cfds on counterwagons or something, they didnt even vote the counterwagon just vanitied on honestly a slot that has a decent chance of being mafia

So now I am actually feeling my energy come back because I am guessing it is in fact mafia pushing me, thats much more fun

Generally iffy interactions with Refa, could still work as Cam's scum buddy, and not being on either end-of-the-day wagons in combination with Refa interactions looks like a slot trying to avoid lynching their scum buddy. Also, they would want to avoid being on a hypothetical town Weapons' wagon at the end of the day too.

Also, I read all the speculations about a "lost wolf" or whatever. I don't really think it's helping us figure out who scum is so I'm just going to assume that the scum know who each other are unless proven otherwise.

For the record, I would kind of consider something like that borderline bastard for what's supposed to be a "reunion game". I saw someone bring up Healer mafia as an example, but I think that's a little different because Grace's slot was being controlled by Kaoz, who knew his own slot was mafia, and in case you guys forgot pretty much everyone hated this role.

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a part of my reason for believing it is that it would explain the mid-game decision to only reveal role names instead of full abilities

game breaking mechanics are likely with that decision in play

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Using EiMM as an acronym being a scumslip is a huge reach lol. I'm also not active in the community but I still know the acronym and am on the server and the full name is so long.

In terms of referring to old games it's worth remembering that all our roles are based on past games and so old games are going to be on people's minds more.

I guess like, our PoE pools don't actually seem that different (obviously swapping ourselves) + you're a lot less confident about Marth and somewhat less confident on j00? So I'm a bit confused.

"Scum could have made bad plays etc etc" but I think it really can't be emphasized how disastrous d1 scum lynches are for scum and how much even a single extra day phase of refa being alive would have warped this game. If refa is alive right now instead of weapons, sure he's probably the major wagon but the game looks a lot more like d1 confusion with rapier Marth and Makaze all still being possible targets, and sb/duskfall if he's scum for example would be nowhere near the top scumread. They could have maybe done a strongman or something n1 too. Nobody would be doing these massive Poe pools. So people say stuff like "Hmm mafia wouldn't be so obvious" but in reality there's a huge incentive to just push the agenda forward and then blame it on confusion later

@Duskfall98Ā I don't really understand your read prioritization and it doesn't seem very consistent. I see you referring to when people talked about Refa throughout the day but then your final conclusions don't really take that into account very much? Like 3/4 of your final scummiest reads voted refa over weapons.

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I'll post now and read later: This fixation on SB like there was something obv scum they did doesn't make much sense when there are way more active players and more things to talk about. I don't see how Dusk exposing that slot's role proves or helps establishing it as town, since we also lynched the joat who could've been town's alignment cop before.

Of all PoEs is this the best person to lynch for the sake of getting associative reads from a flip? Shinori's all out attack on me when I was competing with Refa on a wagon and his insistence on not lynching Refa until the end doesn't seem worth talking about?

I just don't believe town is stalled in discussion until we hear the claim of a single player.

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fuck I was at least two hours too late as usual

and yeah their role says absolutely nothing

honestly I got a dumbness debuff(TM) and I want to look into Snike since Dusk reminded me of Prims' post when we were guessing associations whether Refa flipped scum or not.

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Mm, don't think I'm seeing enough from dusk to want to move off. @Duskfall98how do you read Rapier/Boron as consistently gamesolving every post but not Bluedoom? That's like the number one thing I'm picking up off of him. Relatedly, thanks Makaze for sharing your reasoning. It would make sense then why you'd be scumreading me as well. If I have a question, it's what town pings did you get from SB that are more indicative than the town pings you got from my slot?

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5 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Mm, don't think I'm seeing enough from dusk to want to move off. @Duskfall98how do you read Rapier/Boron as consistently gamesolving every post but not Bluedoom? That's like the number one thing I'm picking up off of him. Relatedly, thanks Makaze for sharing your reasoning. It would make sense then why you'd be scumreading me as well. If I have a question, it's what town pings did you get from SB that are more indicative than the town pings you got from my slot?

No, I never had as strong feelings about SB, but I didn't get any scum pings from him, either

You make extremely messy plays and get "thrown off", then have to rethink everything, but then come back just as lazy as before

Your questions never lead anywhere, but you don't ask better ones or follow up

It is impossible to tell what your motivation is

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@Bluedoom any/all
@charlie_ they/them; subbed in for by @Duskfall98 he/him
@Elieson he/him; subbed in for by @RADicate he/him
@PercivalƩ he/him
@Shinori doesn't matter
@WeaponsofMassConstruction he/him

The people I consider not clear for being in the wolf team

Duskfall w confirms Shinori v
Shinori w confirms Duskfall v

Rapier and Snike could be SK and added in lategame, but they are not on the wolf team

Summary of my PoE

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reading at work did NOT pan out as it turned into me idly skimming along and eventually getting busy and giving up, will continue to work on catch up stuff tn, as of page 20 marth is still mafia and im not moving my vote tho ez game thx for sheeping me makaze

(this is a half joke)

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18 minutes ago, Makaze said:

No, I never had as strong feelings about SB, but I didn't get any scum pings from him, either

You make extremely messy plays and get "thrown off", then have to rethink everything, but then come back just as lazy as before

Your questions never lead anywhere, but you don't ask better ones or follow up

It is impossible to tell what your motivation is

Sorry, I donā€™t want to go into details but thereā€™s out of game reasons for these things.

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