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Nintendo Direct 06-18-24 - Predictions, Hopes, and Followup

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There's a Direct tomorrow morning. So let's get those predictions out of the way.


I'm thinking Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest HD-2D show up. 


I don't think it's time for a licensed musou game. I'm thinking that Xenoblade Warriors ends up being a launch title for the next Nintendo console, and that's why Omegaforce's output has been lower.


My not-unplausable prediction is Pokemon Party. My totally unplausable hope is Golden Sun.

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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i kinda expect DQ 1-3 HD-2D to be shown, and potentially the Bravely-related project thad Team Asano teased (Bravely Third please)

as for hopes, i have too many: Xenogears remastered, Xenosaga Trilogy remastered, Genealogy remake and too many others to list

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It's a matter of what could be a possible final reveal for the Switch before the successor and thus coming out before it. I suspect MP4 is going to be a launch title, same with Legends ZA, probably a Mario game too, so I can believe none of them show up here. I don't have much in terms of active demands and expectations (aside from maybe MP2 release on Switch, I kinda want them to release all 3 on it), just hope it's a decent direct.

Genealogy remake is an opening announcement if it happens based on prior directs, so if we see nothing we get the circus back on the road.

11 minutes ago, Florete said:

If Metroid Prime 4 doesn't appear here, it's cancelled.

If Genealogy remake doesn't appear here, it doesn't exist.

Fair accusations.

1 hour ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

My not-unplausable prediction is Pokemon Party.

Do you mean a Mario Party-styled game? I just don't see it sadly, would be out of sync with what TPC seem to do with games these days.

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This direct is likely the swan song of the Nintendo Direct. This can mean two things.

Either they saved at least one banger to give the Switch a good send off OR this direct is just filling space until the Switch 2 reveal and we should keep our expectations very low. 

Given the Switch is clearly winding down in terms of games I think the second scenario is more likely. On the other hand all big games revealed in the last(already not very great) direct have all come out so they at least have to go show something

I think BOTW Warriors 2 is a safe bet. Its been just a year since Tears of the Kingdom so the game is still very topical, and the original BOTW Warriors was the best selling Warriors Spin off, so it makes sense for Koei to want to give it another try. Its also a game that likely won't require a lot of work since so much of the assets can be ported over from the original BOTW Warriors. 

Fire Emblem is possible. Engage was already completed long before it was released so it would make sense that the next Fire Emblem is a good way through completion. There likely is a Fire Emblem in the works and close to release. The question is whether its going to be among the last games on Switch, or among the first game on Switch 2.

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I'm kinda hoping that a remake of Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, Octopath Traveler 3 and probably a chance to be able to see Dragon Quest 12 gameplay footage after being so silent. Most of the other games and farming RPG like games would be in the way of our predictions from some of the previous directs whereas some are decent or mediocre at best.


Hoping that the new nintendo direct is better than expecting.

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I'm just hoping we don't get the announcement of the Switch Successor. I still have so many Switch games to play and, honestly, I don't think I want a better console than the Switch. It's already everything I need in a console in terms of power and convenience. I feel like the technological explosion in computing that made a new console every five or six years has plateaued now. Unless they go with a gimmicky control system like the Wii, or invent full virtual reality, there's nothing a Switch 2.0 could really offer me. More power for better graphics has long since past the threshold of being relevant to me. The only complaint I really have about the Switch is loading times in some games, but I feel that has a lot less to do with the Switch itself and more to do with just poor coding practices on the developers, as we had swifter loading times back on the gamecube.

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1. A brand new 2D Zelda game. There hasn't been a new 2D Zelda game since Tri Force Heroes back in 2015; the closest thing to a new one being the Link's Awakening remake back in 2020. I would love to see a new 2D Zelda game be announced.

2. Fire Emblem Genealogy remake.



1. Switch 2.0 announcement. This is something that has been expected for a long time. I expect that it will retain all current aspects of the Switch and mainly provide upgrades; Nintendo knows that they have something no one else really has and that is working.

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3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

This direct is likely the swan song of the Nintendo Direct.

I disagree. The time window in which the new console could be announced stretches as late as March or so of next year. If it happened, say, this October, there could well be a September direct that focuses exclusively on Switch games, since they're not going to drop titles for a console nobody knows exists yet

3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Either they saved at least one banger to give the Switch a good send off OR this direct is just filling space until the Switch 2 reveal and we should keep our expectations very low. 

It's possible that new games for the Switch could be made for a while longer even after the new console launches. Realistically speaking, there's going to be a backlog in manufacturing a unit for everyone who wants to buy one. In its first year Nintendo "only" sold 13 million Switches, which was obviously a small fraction of the total interested consumer base.

I expect a similar situation whenever the Switch 2 (or whatever) is announced. In the meanwhile, there will be demand for new content on the console people already have. I mean, think about it. If New Genealogy dropped for the Switch a month after the Switch 2 came out but before you could get your hands on one, you wouldn't refuse to buy it because it's not on the new console, would you?


Compounding to this, a game will obviously sell the best when it's new, and many people who failed to buy a game when it was new won't buy it, say, a year or two later. But like I mentioned above, the Switch 2 in its first 6-12 months will have relatively few players, compared to 140 million Switch 1 owners. There may be an opportunity cost to making, say, New Genealogy a launch title for the Switch 2. In this case, then they could afford to wait until September to announce it.

Edited by Hrothgar777
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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think BOTW Warriors 2 is a safe bet. Its been just a year since Tears of the Kingdom so the game is still very topical, and the original BOTW Warriors was the best selling Warriors Spin off, so it makes sense for Koei to want to give it another try. Its also a game that likely won't require a lot of work since so much of the assets can be ported over from the original BOTW Warriors.

You get Hyrule Warriors: CDi Zelda and you're going to like it.

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A safe prediction: 

New Mario Party.

It's been a couple of years since the last one, they are "low effort" games that will sell well on Switch.

I would love if we did get a Genealogy remake, one more game to my backlog.

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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think BOTW Warriors 2 is a safe bet. Its been just a year since Tears of the Kingdom so the game is still very topical, and the original BOTW Warriors was the best selling Warriors Spin off, so it makes sense for Koei to want to give it another try. Its also a game that likely won't require a lot of work since so much of the assets can be ported over from the original BOTW Warriors. 

I wonder what type of robot food item they will send back in time to prevent the Imprisoning War; a robot celery stick? A robot asparagus? A robot broccoli?

I could see Koei want to give it another try, but I really hope that they don't. I don't want a repeat of Age of Calamity's false promises.

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I'm always on the lookout for a SRW game reveal.

I don't remember if it was how it got revealed, but I do recall SRW 30 showed up in a Nintendo Direct. Even if only in the Japanese one.

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I don't expect much, I tend to be less let down that way.  About the only thing I hope for is a remake of Xenoblade X with an added after the game story that actually raps up the story.  Of course a Genealogy remake is on my list, but I feel like that won't happen until it is actually shown.  

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

The only complaint I really have about the Switch is loading times in some games, but I feel that has a lot less to do with the Switch itself and more to do with just poor coding practices on the developers, as we had swifter loading times back on the gamecube.

Don't worry! The Switchoo will have twice as many pixels, with only triple the loading times.

Anyway, I'm on that "FE4 Remake" hopium. Not betting my life on it, but I'd call it "more likely than not" just barely.

2 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

Switch 2.0 announcement.

Nintendo did specifically say this would not happen in the June Direct, so this would be quite the about-face for them.

...I'd say a 10% chance of them doing it anyway.

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Genealogy remake on the Switch: May 2026.

The next console, the Switch U: June 2026.

Thracia 776 remake on the Switch: September 2029.

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I expect a whole bunch of third party stuff I don't care about.

I hope for a new Star Fox game, preferably one that brings Krystal back. Even a Star Fox Adventures remaster would be better than nothing. SFA is the one Gamecube game I want that the Switch is missing, now. Assault wouldn't be terrible either, though I like Adventures more.

Some more 3DS remasters would be nice too, particularly OoT3D, MM3D, and ALBW.

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8 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Nintendo did specifically say this would not happen in the June Direct, so this would be quite the about-face for them.

...I'd say a 10% chance of them doing it anyway.

Right; I forgot that they said that and misremembered it as them saying that about a different direct. Thank you.

In that case, here's my updated predictions:

1. More remakes. The Switch is on its way out, and with the next console on its way but not being announced at the direct, I'm going to predict that the majority of games announced are remakes, ports and/or remasters.


I'll also add one more hope:

1. Oracle games remake that includes the cancelled 3rd game. With Link's Awakening having gotten a remake, the next game on the list would naturally be the Oracle games, and the only way to obtain them officially now is to rent them on Switch online, which is a shame, as I'd much rather purchase them (they really should add an option to Switch Online for people to be able to purchase and own individual games that they want). A remake would make these games more available and it could easily justify its existence by including the 3rd Oracle game that was planned and cancelled. That way, we would be getting a remake of two old Gameboy games and a new game at the same time.

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9 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

Right; I forgot that they said that and misremembered it as them saying that about a different direct. Thank you.

In that case, here's my updated predictions:

1. More remakes. The Switch is on its way out, and with the next console on its way but not being announced at the direct, I'm going to predict that the majority of games announced are remakes, ports and/or remasters.


I'll also add one more hope:

1. Oracle games remake that includes the cancelled 3rd game. With Link's Awakening having gotten a remake, the next game on the list would naturally be the Oracle games, and the only way to obtain them officially now is to rent them on Switch online, which is a shame, as I'd much rather purchase them (they really should add an option to Switch Online for people to be able to purchase and own individual games that they want). A remake would make these games more available and it could easily justify its existence by including the 3rd Oracle game that was planned and cancelled. That way, we would be getting a remake of two old Gameboy games and a new game at the same time.

I highly doubt we'd get the third Oracle game, and it's been so long since Link's Awakening, I wouldn't even hold out much hope for an Oracle remake at all. Like, yeah, it's the obvious choice, but it's been five years waiting for a game that probably only needs 5 months to make, the Engine and practically all of the assets can be reused from Link's Awakening and all the gameplay has already been designed, it would really be a cinch to make. But on the off chance we do happen to get it, I also highly, highly, doubt they'd give us the third Oracle game, because the games were not designed with a third story in mind. I mean, obviously they were conceived as such, but the end result we got was an integrated two game system, so it'd be more work to break apart that set up and then create a whole third game when you could just make a combined Oracle game on the cheap knowing it would sell decently well for being good games with the Zelda logo on them. Maybe I'm wrong, and the reason it's been five years is because they're putting a massive amount of effort into designing a third game that will be amazing, I hope I'm wrong and that that is the case, but I really don't expect it to be.

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16 minutes ago, Jotari said:

I highly doubt we'd get the third Oracle game, and it's been so long since Link's Awakening, I wouldn't even hold out much hope for an Oracle remake at all. Like, yeah, it's the obvious choice, but it's been five years waiting for a game that probably only needs 5 months to make, the Engine and practically all of the assets can be reused from Link's Awakening and all the gameplay has already been designed, it would really be a cinch to make. But on the off chance we do happen to get it, I also highly, highly, doubt they'd give us the third Oracle game, because the games were not designed with a third story in mind. I mean, obviously they were conceived as such, but the end result we got was an integrated two game system, so it'd be more work to break apart that set up and then create a whole third game when you could just make a combined Oracle game on the cheap knowing it would sell decently well for being good games with the Zelda logo on them. Maybe I'm wrong, and the reason it's been five years is because they're putting a massive amount of effort into designing a third game that will be amazing, I hope I'm wrong and that that is the case, but I really don't expect it to be.

It's definitely unlikely; that's the reason I listed it as a hope and not as a prediction. It would be great if it happened, but I do not expect it to happen.

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1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

It's definitely unlikely; that's the reason I listed it as a hope and not as a prediction. It would be great if it happened, but I do not expect it to happen.

Well it's not an Oracle game they've been making all this time with the Link's Awakening engine, it's a whole new Zelda game finally actually playing as Zelda (outside of the CD-I)

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This was probably one of the best direct's over the Switch's entire life cycle, objectively speaking. Not a whole lot for me personally.


Though Dragon Quest looks great, the announcement of 1 & 2 HD is a big deal.


Phantasian on consoles is good. I've heard good things.


Finally a Saga game whose characters don't look like inbred demon muppets.


Metroid Prime 4 is finally here.


Looks like Fire Emblem is probably next gen or cross gen. Same for any future licensed Warriors games. Probably the right call.


My brother will be delighted with new Mario Party and Ace Attorney games.

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