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Vigilante Mafia Game Thread - Game Over, LoVE wins!


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15 hours ago, CT075 said:

I'm tracker that gets to idle once for a BPV for that night, it's kinda weird.

Night 1: Tracked Aster, nothing. I assume Eury used her sneak.

Night 2: Jamie, blocked.

Night 3: Bartozio visited Jamie, not sure what was actually done.


13 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Unless BBM just does things differently (which admittedly is possible), don't gravediggers/amnesiacs target dead people?

Bartozio targeting the still alive Jamie just seems weird based on my understanding of how gravediggers work. I'd think targeting a living person as a backup role would just do nothing.

This train of thought leads to

9 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

I'm back! Sorry, I slept through all of this.

I'm a LoVE Ascetic, which makes me immune to non-lethal night actions. That may be why Aster couldn't act on me last night, but I didn't get a DM telling me anything so someone may have blocked them too.

Honestly, I think that role's a handicap for a townie since I don't have anything to do at night anyway, but that means I feel safer revealing it now so I guess that works out.

bit of a side note but, Last night? Did this mean Night 1??

9 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

... Welp, this is not what I expected at all XD;

But yeah, ascetic does indeed block you from being targeted by all actions (there are some variants that block kills, but others that don't as well).

Aster did claim to target you on N1 and failed, which would line up. Which just makes what was claimed on N2 all the more confusing, tbh. If Bartozio targeted you on N2, that would explain why his action failed, although we have no way to confirm that now. But Aster claiming to block Percy N2 seems to contradict the fact that Cam and Weapons both targeted Jamie and failed, unless she lied about targeting Percy (although the why is confusing, even she thought admitting to target Percy looked bad on her).

I'm gonna the rest of you talk amongst yourselves, but I'm gonna go digging through the night actions to see if I missed anything stupid obvious.

So Bartozio's N2 action failed, meaning that his N3 target that Cam says happened towards Jamie, could only make sense if Bartozio uses a day feature to pick a dead person to graverob from and then during the night, uses that pilfered ability, or if Bartozio grabs something and can at any point afterwards, use the action he stole. If his role omits Day-usage, than his only option would have been to Night 1 gank from Marth, the Empowerer Motivator, which he'd have no reason to later use on Jamie... or, if the role is like, select one dead person's power in the graveyard and use that ability on target = <Living Player>, which would conceivably offer up more than 1 target's worth of information? IDK, thinking about graverobbers and targeting is weird.

Just trying to think of things here involving the tracker results hmm

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I'm awake, just read through all the stuff.

Not completely sure how useful all the neighbor talk is, tbh. It is weird that no one's claimed it and that it hasn't flipped yet, but I also don't particularly feel like speculating over it. Unlike Weapons, I don't think scum A/scum B neighbors is THAT bastard ... even if it's very unconventional.

1 hour ago, Elieson said:

Are you able to cite me one game that neighbors have known anything about their neighbro regarding other roles and/or factions, like a SK+Scum neighbor combo or another Multiball setup? @Sunwoo you're the SF historian; you could do this too probably?


We've had town/town and scum/town neighbors before, but the only two multi-ball games that I can think of (Masquerade and your own SF2 mafia) didn't have neighbors as far as I can remember.

Also guys, please remember that two people with outside contact who know one another is town are masons. Neighbors never have confirmation of each other's alignment.

38 minutes ago, JamieIsBored said:

Get paranoid all you want about me, but logic dicates it has to be Fates. 

Asectic matches what Eury had as the passive role for a scum.
Fates has been called out in thread a lot, all of those reasons still stand.
Matches Marth's partner with my theory here.  

 Do you think Fates has something besides an ascetic then, because if Fates is only ascetic it means Marth is scum with a supportive role that doesn't actually benefit his partner.

Like, Aster's roleblock is an active role that actively messes with town. Marth's empowerer and motivator, unless we're missing some MAJOR details due to not having full flips, is supposed to be a supportive effect that scum probably doesn't want to be on town, so of course Marth would target his buddy if he doesn't have to claim it. So ... I dunno. I can really only see Fates as scum if he has an active part in his role he's not telling the truth about. @DefyingFates do you have any other parts to your role? Like neighbor?

I would like to note that the rules highly suggest that we have a reviver in the setup. I'm also aware that scum revivers have existed before, although I've always thought scum reviver is pretty stupid.

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43 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

would you say your play this game has been definitively townie?

Have I played the best town game? No. Have I played my regular town game? No, I lost that chance when I could only post twice a day.

Have I played a game in which I've tried my hardest as town? Yes, I have. 

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19 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Do you think Fates has something besides an ascetic then, because if Fates is only ascetic it means Marth is scum with a supportive role that doesn't actually benefit his partner.

Bus Driver. That's a role that we know to exist due to Day 2 results (assuming Aster wasn't lying about their target), yet no one has claimed it yet. Highly likely to be scum-sided imo. 

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1 minute ago, JamieIsBored said:

Bus Driver. That's a role that we know to exist due to Day 2 results (assuming Aster wasn't lying about their target), yet no one has claimed it yet. Highly likely to be scum-sided imo. 

Are we absolutely sure Aster didn't just lie about her N2 results?

Falsely claiming to target Percivale while admitting it made her look bad, in contraction to what had already been claimed before, is just odd and I've been puzzling over it. But it is entirely possible she didn't read all the claims shenanigans from earlier and picked someone she could argue why she'd block.

The other two reasons I could think of that don't involve bus driver are:
1) in an amazing bit of coincidence, she used her multi-hook and blocked Weapons and Cam and Percivale had nothing to do actions failing (which is just too weirdly coincidental and probably not it), or
2) she targeted me and didn't want to admit it because it would've been worse than saying she targeted Percy (maybe, although we can't prove this and you claiming a visit on me N2 would still account for my role not working that night anyway)

Also, if a bus driver was really on Percivale and Bartozio, wouldn't this imply that scum team tried to shoot Bartozio instead of Percivale? Which is ... something I can't see at all. We know Percy had to be shot by Eury+Aster, and I just can't see them trying to shoot Bartozio over Percy.

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18 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Falsely claiming to target Percivale while admitting it made her look bad, in contraction to what had already been claimed before, is just odd and I've been puzzling over it. But it is entirely possible she didn't read all the claims shenanigans from earlier and picked someone she could argue why she'd block.


Given how Aster kinda threw in the towel twice, I'd believe Aster just being way way overwhelmed by the game and unable to establish a super worthwhile and beneficial fakecalim

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So, uh, we have about a day left.

What is it that we should even do today >_>

I'm just completely burned out, I've been looking at people's posts and night actions and claimed roles and shit and the best I've got is that maybe Cam's role is the equivalent of Aster's for red team.

Maybe I should just post my notes here and you guys can see if you find anything I've missed.


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6 hours ago, CT075 said:

@DefyingFates save us from this, are you the last neighbor?

i mean more to point out how accurate your grammar-checking has been so far


4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

So ... I dunno. I can really only see Fates as scum if he has an active part in his role he's not telling the truth about. @DefyingFates do you have any other parts to your role? Like neighbor?

I really am just an Ascetic. BBM didn't tell me anything else and I didn't get any DMs from another neighbour player either.

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P.S. Are neighbors told what the other's faction is? Because how would two scum members of different teams even get to the point of admitting it to each other without fearing getting lynched or killed for it right away?

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33 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Maybe I should just post my notes here and you guys can see if you find anything I've missed.

If you want to share them, go for it. I think it'd help me get my thoughts in order too. Right now I'm leaning towards your call for Cam and my earlier doubts about Weapons, though they've been more active today.

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4 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

P.S. Are neighbors told what the other's faction is? Because how would two scum members of different teams even get to the point of admitting it to each other without fearing getting lynched or killed for it right away?

Neighbors don't get told what each other's factions are. Neighbors can be town/town or town/scum or I suppose even a third party could be a neighbor??? (We haven't had a third party neighbor as far as I know.)

Now, SF masons are confirmed town to each other, but that's different from neighbors.

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My thoughts from my role PM:

My N1 and N2 actions don't really matter because they failed (Cam and Percivale for the record though). N3 got targeted by Elie and shot Bartozio.
Elie claimed to have idled N1 and N2. Targeted me on N3, can confirm.
Weapons claimed to have targeted Percy N1, Jamie N2, and Bartozio N3. Percy confirmed receiving something and Weapons claimed blocked on N2.
Cam claimed to have targeted Aster N1, Jamie N2, and Bartozio N3. Claimed nothing on Aster for N1, blocked on N2, and Bartozio visiting Jamie on N3.
Jamie claimed to have targeted me N2 and to have not acted N3. No confirmation on what he did N1. Please confirm if you can.
Fates claimed ascetic, so he shouldn't have a night action.
No one claimed to be Eury's neighbor.

Marth may or may not have submitted an action, if he did target unknown. Probably his scum buddy tbh.
Aster claimed to have targeted Fates N1 and Percy N2. Claimed to have failed N1. Lines up with Fates' ascetic claim. N2 actions do not make sense with what's been claimed so far. It's possible Percy didn't actually act on Jamie, but I can't think of what else would make both people fail on Jamie, unless Jamie has another part to his role. Aster could also have lied about N2.
Bartozio claimed to have failed on N2 and Cam claimed that he targeted Jamie on N3. N2 failure might be explained by targeting Fates, but we can't confirm this. I don't know how gravedigger works in this game to speculate enough about this role tbh.
j00 may or may not have acted on N1. I suppose it's possible she targeted me if she did, since my action failed on N1 too and that hasn't been accounted for yet.
Eury probably used sneak on Aster, and I have no idea WTF thief does in context of this game.
Shinori is lolmayor, should not have night actions.

I was rambling to myself in my role PM instead of sleeping at night, so if I fucked anything up let it be known.

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Jamie claimed to have targeted me N2 and to have not acted N3. No confirmation on what he did N1. Please confirm if you can.

I did not act N1, I was waiting for an invest claim or a stronger town read.

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Mod Votals - 4.1

Elieson (1): CT075
CT075 (1): Sunwoo
DefyingFates (1): JamieIsBored

Not Voting: DefyingFates, WeaponsofMassConstruction, Elieson

Day 4 will end in approximately 18 hours and 46 minutes, on July 26th at 6PM EST. With 6 alive, it takes 2 to lynch at deadline and 4 to hammer.

Just a note that previously I had incorrectly put that it was 3 to lynch at deadline, but 1/3rd votes can be achieved with 2 people.

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eh ##Vote: @DefyingFates

I feel like this is always one of our elims. Night actions is something like Elie gives Sunwoo a gun, shoots Jamie, tomorrow if alive between Elie/Cam? This gets no juice out of Cam track though, though neither does shooting Elie with Cam ending up in a 1v1 anyway. Idk I can't figure out how to actually use the track? Maybe just on Sunwoo as insurance. Do we ever not give Sunwoo a gun and hope for watcher to go off? Fuck this is actually really hard and I don't have that much capacity to think about it. Like should I just omniguard without saying? Save it and bait an nk? Rolespec wise Cam and DF have the scummiest roles, but I want to say BBM would balance around reviver/gunsmith not being autoclears. It's most likely someone's just lying about their role anyway so thinking about it too much is probably a mistake anyways.

@JamieIsBored @DefyingFates why am I in your top scumreads? Was I hardbussing Marth the entirety of D1?

@Sunwoo we really are

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Fair warning that if I get the ability to shoot again I will most likely use it on Cam, unless you guys are just that vehemently opposed and have a backup plan or something.

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Actually, wait. Maybe I shouldn't do that because of potential BPV. Ugh.

Let's not give me a gun this night phase lol

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6 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

@Sunwoo do you think scum tracker makes sense with probably a ninja role on the opposing scumteam? I can't think of any way it would be very useful against town.

Kind of, yeah.

Don't forget, the red team is confirmed to have had an empowerer against the blue team's roleblocker. I could totally see this setup being designed so that scum have a support role that could help their active role partner evade the other scum team's tools.

Also, remember that the ninja also is a counter to my watcher (even if being targeted period is technically a counter to my watcher). A forgettable player with this role could've probably not drawn actions towards them on neither N1 or N2. Ironic.

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