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Vigilante Mafia Game Thread - Game Over, LoVE wins!


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Another night ends, and there are more dead folks. But wait, there's something a bit different this time...


Eurykins has died! She was Light Yagami, the BAT Sneak Thief. It seems like you won't have to deal with Light's menacing stares anymore...


Percivale has died! He was Zorro, the LoVE Safeguard. It looks like the pointy end went into him this time.

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  • BBM changed the title to Vigilante Mafia Game Thread - Day 3


To whoever targeted me N2 (because I KNOW for a fact someone targeted me), if you're town I hate you.

I said that if I got targeted again, bad things would happen. BAD THINGS LIKE ME NOT BEING ABLE TO USE MY ROLE PROPERLY.

I'm a watcher with an incredibly stupid condition, where if anyone targets me my action fails. Why am I claiming this now? BECAUSE MY ROLE HAS FAILED TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW. I'm extremely annoyed because I would have caught the kill on Percivale had the fucker who targeted me not done so. Which is why I wanted to know if j00 was the person who targeted me on N1.


Eury was scum, huh. I'm honestly shocked, and this kind of makes me suspect that whoever shot her may have thought she was town. I also suspect she may be the one who shot Shinori, because Eury definitely made it clear she thought Shinori was town, but obviously I have no proof of this. So apparently Eury plays better in multi-ball. Although in retrospect, she did peter out a bit in D2.

##Vote: @Elieson

Could still be Marth's scum buddy, even if I don't think he and Eury were bussing each other. Will spend some time reading over people Eury interacted with and who may have wanted to shoot her.

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19 minutes ago, BBM said:

BAT Sneak Thief

Ninja? That's motion dectecting roles not being able to see their movements. 

13 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm extremely annoyed because I would have caught the kill on Percivale

If Eurykins role works as I think it does then I assume it was her that did it. 

15 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Eury was scum, huh. I'm honestly shocked, and this kind of makes me suspect that whoever shot her may have thought she was town

Agreed here. 

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3 minutes ago, JamieIsBored said:

If Eurykins role works as I think it does then I assume it was her that did it. 

No, like, my role comes with a built-in failure condition where if anyone targets me for any reason whatsoever, my own action doesn't work. Even something as benign as a doctor targeting me will cause me to fail.

While the blue team certainly caused Percivale's death, we don't know whether it was Eury herself who did it or if it was her partner. I'm just annoyed because if it was the not-Eury blue assassin, I could've caught them.

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29 minutes ago, BBM said:

Eurykins has died! She was Light Yagami, the BAT Sneak Thief. It seems like you won't have to deal with Light's menacing stares anymore...

Now I don't know what to believe and I barely believed anything before! Who knew mafia could exacerbate your trust issues?

22 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I said that if I got targeted again, bad things would happen. BAD THINGS LIKE ME NOT BEING ABLE TO USE MY ROLE PROPERLY.

So your role deactivates no matter how you're targeted? I know I can't ask anyone to admit if they targeted you, but now that we know what you are we can use you. Now if we have a tiebreaker for the lynch we can kill one and let you watch the other. On the other hand, you did just admit you have power over the Mafia and we already lost our bodyguard...

9 minutes ago, JamieIsBored said:

Ninja? That's motion dectecting roles not being able to see their movements. 

So Sneak Thief makes her invisible, then that means she'd have been the "enforcer" for her group?

Also, how many mafia members are there in these games, given we started with 14 people total? We already got 2 RATs and 1 BAT, right?

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2 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

So your role deactivates no matter how you're targeted? I know I can't ask anyone to admit if they targeted you, but now that we know what you are we can use you. Now if we have a tiebreaker for the lynch we can kill one and let you watch the other. On the other hand, you did just admit you have power over the Mafia and we already lost our bodyguard...

Well, I already outed my role so I'm basically useless if anyone decides to target me with anything at all (which they will, if they can). Also "watcher" means that you see everyone who targeted the same person you do. So, if I were a watcher that worked normally, if I targeted player X and players A, B, and C also visited X, then I would get a report saying that A, B, and C visited X.

Granted, like Jamie just said, there are some roles that make it so that you can't see someone who visits another person. So if player A was a ninja (one of these roles), then I would have only seen B and C visit X even though A also visited X.

@JamieIsBored I think BBM said that modifiers don't shown in the flip, so it's possible that Eury was not a limited sneak or even an alt night sneak. Either way, I guess it sucks not knowing for sure.

6 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

Also, how many mafia members are there in these games, given we started with 14 people total? We already got 2 RATs and 1 BAT, right?

So far we only got one of each. So now we just have to look for suspicious interactions between Marth and people, and Eury and people. Based on mafia game balance, we're not likely to have more than 2 people per team (unless BBM expects too much of us, haha) so we're probably only looking for two more people who are not aligned.

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Wanna look at votals with two scum from different teams flipped. Key = Bold is town, Italics is RAT, Underlined is BAT

Day 1:
Bluedoom (6): WeaponsofMassConstruction, j00, Percivale, Eurykins, JamieIsBored, CT075
Shinori (2): Bluedoom, Bartozio
Bartozio (2): Sunwoo, Elieson
Eurykins (1): Grace
Not Voting: Shinori, Aster, DefyingFates

Day 2:
Beeboat (4): Sunwoo, WeaponsofMassConstruction, Eurykins, Percivale 
Sunwoo (1): CT075
WeaponsofMassConstruction (1): Aster
Aster(1): JamieIsBored
Not Voting: Elieson, DefyingFates, Beeboat, Bartozio

To note: 
Already acknowledged Bluedoom and Bartozio connection, then Bartozio not voting D2 (which tbf Beeboat's wagon was pretty set about 24ish hours in).
Weapons and Eurykins both voted together for both lynches. 

I still think it's very likely that the other red did not vote Bluedoom Day 1, then with blues, votals don't really show much for the blue team bar the Weapons/Eurykins interaction. 

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13 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

No, like, my role comes with a built-in failure condition where if anyone targets me for any reason whatsoever, my own action doesn't work. Even something as benign as a doctor targeting me will cause me to fail.

While the blue team certainly caused Percivale's death, we don't know whether it was Eury herself who did it or if it was her partner. I'm just annoyed because if it was the not-Eury blue assassin, I could've caught them.

I see, that's really annoying. 

12 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

we already lost our bodyguard...

There's still the potential of a doc or something similar. I don't know the hosts meta here, but normally you have at least 2-3 town protects in a 13P game (so I assume it's more likely to be more than 1 in 14P).

9 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Well, I already outed my role so I'm basically useless if anyone decides to target me with anything at all (which they will, if they can).

It's likely that BAT still have something that can target you. RAT had motivator as more support, and BAT had ninja as more of a killing role so I'd assume RAT likely has strongman or something similar as a "killing" role with BAT still having their more support-minded role intact. 

12 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I think BBM said that modifiers don't shown in the flip, so it's possible that Eury was not a limited sneak or even an alt night sneak. Either way, I guess it sucks not knowing for sure.

Yeah, beeboat claimed being 1-shot yet that didn't flip. 

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I actually didn't read over Weapons' content as I said I would overnight. I'll get to that at some point, but I will add in that I actually don't remember what Weapons' suspicions were. So I suppose that's not great.

Also, now that at least one person on each team has flipped, we know for sure that there was at least one experienced player on both teams (and in Eury's case, outright active). Unless Eury was pulling some massive WIFOM, I think Fates is not super likely to be her scum buddy. (That said, I've kind of forgotten the full details of how she reacted towards him in D1 so I'll double check that later.) I know Percivale had cased Aster before being shot, but Percivale was pretty clearly town so I think he would've been a likely N2 kill option even without that. Still, it's worth looking into that later and checking for any telling Aster/Eury interactions.

Later, after I've done some serious rereading, I'm going to make a post on who I think could still be Marth and/or Eury's scum buddies, and who I don't think are either's scum buddy.

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Sorry about being deader than dead for D2 part 2 (and also the first half). I was moving. I'm moved into my new apartment entirely now. Reading up BUT 




@SunwooWhy are you voting me here exactly?

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Just got back from Church and whoa what happened?

Eury flipping scum is surprising, honestly throwing my notes way off and I'm definitely gonna have to do some more digging to see what kind of clues to gather in a later post (hoping that I won't get screwed by the limit again 😭), thought for sure they were town, but the Percy kill...

I would honestly not fault anyone for wagoning me under the assumption I was scum after that happened given the events of Day 2, but at the same time, I think this is a strat to mislynch me with those same events in mind.

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4 minutes ago, Elieson said:

@SunwooWhy are you voting me here exactly?

Bad Marth interactions and the absolute silence on D2.

Yes, I get that you were moving, but bad interactions with Marth still stands, and that we have nothing else to work with.

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Also, I do want to add that if our current numbers are indeed 6/1/1, if we mislynch today and lose two townies overnight we're going to be in LYLO.

So let's try to have more active discussion today.

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my action failed last night

eh Sunwoo don't think you should've claimed but whatever

i have been bogged and have not thought about this game at any real depth for like 2 days. did not expect eury to flip scum but i guess its good cause i just stopped reading her posts at some point. not sure about cam as much anymore; some of my reasons for suspecting him are the same as why i suspected grace (probably a tone thing), but the essence of my reasoning in the first place was how little of his content was actually scumhunting vs coaching/theory talk (which scum can rely on to appear genuine). It felt very much like he was building an image than actually helping town.

Need to figure out how I feel about DF/Aster but am too bogged. Jamie do you actually think i'm eury's partner or what

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Did a very quick re-read of D1, haven't reread D2. Just wanted to get some notes before I do anything else. Will source with links later, I'm kinda rushing.

Fates got poked pretty hard by almost everyone in D1 (hilariously enough, more than Aster did). Also, Eury was a bit hard on him (probably harder than everyone else), which with the knowledge that she was scum could indeed have been her voting an easy newbie. I feel like with how active Eury was, she would've likely given DF some behind-the-scenes tips on some of the basic things he asked in thread. Fates only really makes sense as Eury's scum buddy if she wanted to hard bus him early on or something. And Fates probably only makes sense as Marth's scum buddy if Marth literally did not communicate with him at all.

Jamie apparently brought up the possibility of Elie and Eury being aligned and faking this wall-off (forgot the page, I'll find it later) and Eury poked back at him HARD. Probably not Eury's scum buddy. He also voted for Marth after Fates unvoted to get the lynch on Marth. Likely not Marth's scum buddy either.

Weapons apparently thought the scum team could be a bunch of inactives? Even after rereading D1 can't really say for sure what his really strong suspicions were.

Elie's content is basically walling with Eury and defending Marth and very little else.

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Okay just reread Aster (and Percy's case on Aster). I think I'm leaning ever so slightly town still. I think what Percy said was true, but now both of his theories don't apply anymore and I think the reasons were generally speculative. In general it is hard to figure out if an unfamiliar new player is genuine about indecision or if they're faking it. Whether I vote here is going to depend on how I feel relatively about everyone else.

@Sunwoo I was on Marth the whole of D1 (I honestly thought that would be pretty clear). I think j00 was probably my second strongest suspicion at any point, but I did remember thinking how she defended herself was town and flipped that read. D2 was Grace mainly, and then Cam, which I'm now reevaluating.

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Okay, starting to collect my thoughts.

Okay so I do not know how to think of Elie at all. Mostly because of the moving and silence thing so really they could be anyone. Giving the benefit of the doubt until they can explain the situation though. That said, glad you fully moved in to your new apartment!

29 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

i have been bogged and have not thought about this game at any real depth for like 2 days. did not expect eury to flip scum but i guess its good cause i just stopped reading her posts at some point. not sure about cam as much anymore; some of my reasons for suspecting him are the same as why i suspected grace (probably a tone thing), but the essence of my reasoning in the first place was how little of his content was actually scumhunting vs coaching/theory talk (which scum can rely on to appear genuine). It felt very much like he was building an image than actually helping town.

I'm still not entirely sure how to feel about you, Weapons, but thank you for explaining your reasoning, and I will say that looking back something that does bug me about Cam is how they voted for Sun on D2. I'll need to reread to see what you mean about the image building in previous days, but like...really thinking about it, why vote for the obvious town?

I am looking a bit back and forth at the chat and the votes that Jamie tallied up but will be back with more once I do more reading.




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Just now, Aster said:

Okay, starting to collect my thoughts.

Okay so I do not know how to think of Elie at all. Mostly because of the moving and silence thing so really they could be anyone. Giving the benefit of the doubt until they can explain the situation though. That said, glad you fully moved in to your new apartment!

I'm still not entirely sure how to feel about you, Weapons, but thank you for explaining your reasoning, and I will say that looking back something that does bug me about Cam is how they voted for Sun on D2. I'll need to reread to see what you mean about the image building in previous days, but like...really thinking about it, why vote for the obvious town?

I am looking a bit back and forth at the chat and the votes that Jamie tallied up but will be back with more once I do more reading.




I'm also really giving Elie the benefit of the doubt here. Actually Jamie now that Eury's flipped do you have particular feelings about that theory still?

Yeah I think the thing with Cam is that I just do not understand their town POV. It is probably a playstyle thing, but I can't figure out how his play makes consistently motivated sense, and so see it much more easily as scum just trying to look town. Boron vote would be pretty brazen though, that is true. Idk I'm still reevaluating. Actually was pretty surprised Boron didn't die last night, but not going to speculate too much on that.

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6 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Actually Jamie now that Eury's flipped do you have particular feelings about that theory still?

It has more water now that we know Eury was scum. My read on Elieson has plummeted with the inactivity so it’s something to look into for sure.

From a town!Elie POV, I can see it being a way to generate discussion and get things moving. 

From scum!Elie POV (aligned with Eury), it’s an easy way to create distance and there was never any real danger to either of them wagon wise, to note both took alternative perspectives on Marth and I think Fates too? With the conflict being very wally it makes it demotivating for town to pick through which would make distancing easier as not many would look too closely at the arguments. 

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Okay I haven't actually reread Elieson, but he does have the most interesting interactions with both the flipped scum. So it's weird cause like if he's Marth's buddy, then the Eury stuff was probably real, while if he was Eury's buddy, then the Marth stuff is probably real, which sort of makes it so that I think he was just being genuine in both cases? Idk what do y'all think.

Also Jamie are you anon browsing 🤨

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