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Do you find someone's race a turn-off?

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Enough, you three. Yuli, I advise that you refrain from posting messages that are trolling and/or flamebaiting in nature. Cynthia and Death, if there's a problem with a post, let the staff handle it. You're not staff here, so I suggest you stop taking things into your own hands. Furthermore, I suggest that both of you watch your own posts, because neither of you are exactly clean when it comes to that aspect either (and, this thread isn't the first time that I've seen it).

Excuse me?

I was questioning an opinion that I disagreed with and I asked them to support their opinion. I also discouraged racism, and gave valid reasons as to why. I even discouraged him/her from trolling, and I reported it to the staff. I have not swore one bit, or made a racist statement, nor have I made a post that is a flame or direct insult.

Edit: All of my posts are either stating my opinion or supporting my opinion. I think you aren't truly reading my posts and the ones that come before and after.

Edited by Cynthia
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"That qualifies as trolling. Intentionally aggravating or annoying members. I advise you restrain yourself from doing it before it gets you into trouble."

I don't care if you were giving advice or not, it's not your job.

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"That qualifies as trolling. Intentionally aggravating or annoying members. I advise you restrain yourself from doing it before it gets you into trouble."

I don't care if you were giving advice or not, it's not your job.

I don't recall the rules saying not to tell people to follow them.

# No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.

# The internet is not serious business. Take it as such. Don't be ridiculously silly, but don't take offensive to everything. Far from the Forest allows sillyness.

# No spamming or short meaningless messages such as "lol" or "haha" or "i agree".

# Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak.

# No inappropriate content such as images of naked things or pornography, try to be PG-13.

# No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

# No requesting, sharing of or linking to illegal wares (such as ROMs, or certain mp3s). If you are unsure of whether it is illegal or not, PM an administrator or moderator.

# Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.

# If you spot something inappropriate, report the post or topic.

# Try to mark spoilers by warning or using spoiler tags (this applies to all games/series/things).

No where in there do I see that.

Edited by Cynthia
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It might not be a "rule," but, frankly, that doesn't matter. The fact of the matter is that you are not a moderator or any member of the staff here at Serenes Forest, so you will not engage in any activities that fall under the staff's jurisdiction. Whether you're being helpful or not, it's still being rude, detrimental to the staff's authority, and you simply have no business getting involved in it.

Now, if we're through here, any further qualms, complaints, and what have you may be directed to my PM box for a later time.

EDIT - Furthermore, I didn't say that I was referring to posts only in this thread. Perhaps you should read my posts and not assume anything ahead of time from them.

End of discussion.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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And in my opinion, my reasons for stereotyping does make sense.

That's the same view of pretty much every single racist on the planet.

I've seen no real reasonable conclusion that black individuals are necessarily more aggressive than white individuals. Please back up your opinion with fact?

My personal experience does mean something. It's my opinion. It might not mean anything to you or the rest of the people, but it does mean something to me.

The problem is that your opinion is one that is based on a flawed premise.

It's the way it is. Most black people always harass me. It doesn't mean I hate them. It means that I do not trust them.

And that doesn't have to do with them being black. Of the times I have entered into fights, all of them had people wearing pants attempting to beat me into submission. But I'm not illogically distrusting of people in pants, because I realize that pants have nothing at all to do with it.

Simple as that. I'm a bit racist, so what? I'm not the only one.

You don't find it a problem that you are irrationally defining a person's intrinsic behavior based on the pigmentation of their skin?

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I'm sure Yuli knows they're wrong, but they don't care. Sometimes you have to applaud people like that. Or not, but the point is countering their opinions is going to be a waste of time.

Don't mind me, I just woke up...

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Ehhh... I like personality and cuteness more.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays. =w=

Edited by emeraldfox_09
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Ehhh... I like personality and cuteness more.

I'm sure many -and I certainly- agree with you, though sadly some people may not quite find others as cute if they look a certain, and that does NOT make them automatically racist, only if they think they're ugly solely because of the stereotypes surrounding their 'color' does it make one racist, this is the best way I can say it, it's ok if you're uncomfortable with someone's looks and personality fer sure, but if you find someone ugly do to the -unfortunate- general public with the same race, then you are pre-judging them to an extent, only then can one be consider partly-racist...and it's ok I think, to be a teeny bit racist, as long as you don't immediately pre-judge people, get to know them first! that is all :mellow:

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You don't find it a problem that you are irrationally defining a person's intrinsic behavior based on the pigmentation of their skin?

Nope. As stated multiple times, I know I'm a bit racist because of my personal experiences.

I can't back up opinion with facts because there are no facts on behavior for an entire race. You should know that. Every person is different, but I chose to less trusting because the majority of them harass me.

I am just explaining why my opinions are like this.

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I haven't met a lot of people who openly state that they don't think being racist (to varying degrees, of course) is bad. Since that's unheard of to most of us, we can't think of a proper retort. So yeah, impasse. Best to drop the subject.

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Well here's my preferences. All races have their ups and down, though on average most Indian[from India or some where in that region] aren't very attractive on average. Though they have been some real amazing one. So no offense Indians on average the lowest on my list. Hispanics also are very hit and miss throwing them to my next lowest on the list.

Asians and black are about the same for me, because those you see in the media are usually really attractive, but honestly I've seen my share of fugly asians and blacks. I had a really hot black neighbor when I was growing up, and near a couple in my high school. -_- Sadly I was straight friend zone with one and my neighbor was more into my friend would looked alot like me according to most people. Artsy black girls can be real hot... hell as long as a sistah aint trying to be ghetto fabulous they can usually make themselves attractive.

Bi-racial people are probably the hottest, I've seen an half asian half english chick and gawd she was amazing :o I met her while I was working and shit I lost composure and everything and she was totally digging me but then my former boss who was awesome totally cock blocked me -_-

Caucasians are really way to diverse to say if its a plus or not. I hate model like chicks[tall stick figure thin and blond]

But honestly it's really hard for me to say what I prefer in women. Cause hell on average I would say I don't care for blonds too much but the last few girls I've been interested in are blonds so it really about personality, and well different things work for different people.

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And in my opinion, my reasons for stereotyping does make sense.

I'm just going to say very simply the hurt from stereotyping racially comes if the person who stereotypes gets into a position of power. That is because subconsciously with your outward decisions those sterotypes can possibly be acted out in harmful ways. It is that simple. Almost every makes generalizations against something but the harm rarely directly comes because most have no position of power. When the person who has harmful stereotypes against people it hurts more if you are a school adminisrtator, law enforcement, group leader of some sort, or politician than if you are a farmer.

I have a friend who says stereotypes always have a basis of truth. That is not true many are invented or just come to people from bad experiences. Sometimes they are created through cultural misunderstandings of one party while encountering another.

If racism was in any way against the rules here I would have.

Edit; Would have left it to the staff, that is.

Anyways, topic contribution time. Come to think of it, Hispanics with an olive skin tone are not my thing.

I think a brownish skin town for Hispanic women is very sexy. Is that what you mean by olive?

Edited by killaGAW
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I'm just going to say very simply the hurt from stereotyping racially comes if the person who stereotypes gets into a position of power. That is because subconsciously with your outward decisions those sterotypes can possibly be acted out in harmful ways. It is that simple. Almost every makes generalizations against something but the harm rarely directly comes because most have no position of power. When the person who has harmful stereotypes against people it hurts more if you are a school adminisrtator, law enforcement, group leader of some sort, or politician than if you are a farmer.

I have a friend who says stereotypes always have a basis of truth. That is not true many are invented or just come to people from bad experiences. Sometimes they are created through cultural misunderstandings.

There are always cases in which stereotypes are true, generally from that stereotype being pushed onto a group or in some cases glorified by a few, then from there it is passed onto impressionable minors as the "in" thing. Yes, I fucking hate BET with a passion.

What people sometimes overlook is that no matter what race some is, people are people, and people are fucking idiots sometimes. You don't have to be a certain race for it.

The way I see the colors brown and orange is weird, but when I say olive skin tone I mean people that actually have kind of a.. well an olive skin tone, lol. Though this just shows how much I care about race, I just got out of a 3 year relationship with a Hispanic who had an olive skin tone.

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