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Uexpected game moments

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Sephiran was the mastermind behind the Mad King's war.

Zelgius is the Black Knight

Micaiah is the apostle

Daein was being controlled by a Blood Pact

Spirits can move anywhere on the map

Daein sided with Begnion, meaning that your DB members would be fighting your GMs

You never have the option of choosing between ALL playable characters at any point in the game.

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Zelgius is the Black Knight

I'll be honest, someone's a bit slow on the uptaking. If you looked at his in-game data (on the site as well), you'd pretty much see the proof.

Micaiah is the apostle

I forget how, but I figured it out without reading any dialogue that was even relevant.
Spirits can move anywhere on the map
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I'll be honest, someone's a bit slow on the uptaking. If you looked at his in-game data (on the site as well), you'd pretty much see the proof.

I forget how, but I figured it out without reading any dialogue that was even relevant.


Well I didn't look at that until after I found out in the game. I try not to predict what happens in the story and avoid spoilers as much as possible. And for some reason, I didn't notice how similar (they're pretty much the same) his animations were to the BK.

I did figure that there was something special about Micaiah but I honestly didn't think she'd turn out to be the apostle until that sequence at the end of part 3. Yeah, I guess I am kinda slow but it makes the game more exciting for me if I don't know what happens.

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I'm not saying you're slow for not figuring it out earlier (for the second spoiler), though. I forgot how I figured it, but it just had to be right. A gut feeling, you know?

The first one is understandable.

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I'm not saying you're slow for not figuring it out earlier (for the second spoiler), though. I forgot how I figured it, but it just had to be right. A gut feeling, you know?

The first one is understandable.

I know what you mean. You know what I don't get? Why is Ike the hero at the end of the game? Maybe they thought that Ike would make a better hero than Micaiah but he's not a big part of the story until 3-11 (well he's important but not as important as Micaiah).

Landing on a random space in the desert and getting Stefan (I played RD before PoR).

2-P taking place in the sky with only flying units. That was pretty awesome.

Everytime someone said "try not to kill so many people", I was like "Fuck that".

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Seeing Oliver become playable. I saw him move and was like "Shit! Rafiel is screwed! Wait...He's fucking BLUE!? What the FUCK?"

The same for me.

I was also surprised when Naesala turned against the Laguz Alliance. It wasn't unexpected but... surprising.

When I saw King Deghinsea turn into a dragon and knew that I was about to fight him soon, I was like: "...Yay! How simple!" Very ironic. And then he had 100 Hp! I thought it would be nearly impossible to beat him.

"Curse you, Kurthnaga! Why can't you be like your father?!"

And I was both disappointed and surprised that in the beginning of part 4 (ending of part 3), Tibarn predicates that he'll kill Naesala and all. Then they're separated on the journey and when the reunite at the tower of guidance, then it's peace between them. ...I don't get it!

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Seeing Oliver become playable. I saw him move and was like "Shit! Rafiel is screwed! Wait...He's fucking BLUE!? What the FUCK?"
I only wish I could be as surprised as you were, having missed out that nice little secret the first time. :(

Edward actually being able to go toe-to-toe with Ike in Blood Contract. Which was awesome.

Those Pegasus Knights popping out of nowhere in Raise the Standard and attacking us. DX

The Black Knight. THE BLACK KNIGHT.

Ranulf stupidly SPOILING the twist on the Black Knight. >_<

Micaiah and Sothe having a support ending. Which creeped the snot out of me.

Many moments where I made moves that I thought were safe for weaker characters, only to see them get killed.

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Correction, he was behind the wars of the 2 games, except probably the 2 rebellion wars

That's true, sorry I forgot to include that.

Dheginsea and Ashera boss battles on my first playthrough cause I didn't have a good strategy against either of them. How they could only be hurt with blessed weapons, mantle has a Nihil and Fortune effect, and they recover an insane amount of hp each turn.

4-E-3 cause the whole chapter was full of dragons.

4-E-2 for being ridiculously easy with the hammer. It's still pretty easy with Ragnell and Urvan. Most disappointing fight in this game for sure.

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I was really suprised when in the preview of part 3 it implied that Ike and Micaiah were enemies.

and even more when it was shown and true

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Most things alredy mentione didn't surprise me because they already got spoilered by other forums befor I played the game. Why does Europe always get the Fire Emblem games so late? :(

I guess I better mark the entire thing as spoiler.

-chapter 3-1. It was just so unbelivable hard.

-Nailah joins the Brawl in 1-8. Just look at those stats. I was just...... are they serious? And then the Black Knight becomes playable. Poor Jarod.

-Reading the Black Knights Mastery-Skill describtion: 5x Strenght + negates defense. No one can survive that. And he had Nihil. I was like: OMG Ike you are so f****ng screwed.

-My Heros working on the same side as Izuka. Not to mention i wasn't Izuka to pop out in the first place.

-The next one beeing the Laguz attacking Begnion out of all sudden.

-The Laguz Alliance beeing lead by... Skrimir. There is no other way to explain the leader.

-Lethe dying so easily was strange enough. But she still only gets 1 exp per kill. Then Ranulf joins at an even higher level then Lethe. Then later the hawks join on an even higher level then Ranulf. They got me there. How am i supposed to get Lethe on the same level as the Laguz who keep joining on even higher levels then the ones befor them ?

She still gets only 1 exp.

-The Sanaki pooping out of nowhere with no better explanation then beeing looked into a room. Why didn't the senators thought of this masterplan sooner? And who saved here anyway? I wonder if Tormod was responsible for this. With help of Naesala of course. This wold explain quite a lot.

-Pellas signing a contract with his blood. A contract that requires blood is somewhat unsuspicous, right ?

-The Daein prefer to die agains the Apostels Army "killing lots of innocent along the way" as slaves of the senators rather then fighting Begnion and at last having a slightly chance to survive that way. Not to mention this would prevent other nations from becoming the Senators victims.

-And Kurthnaga even joins them along with the wolfqueen. I thought they would try to make them join the Apostels Army rather then just helping them hiding in a hole with no digging out.

-Naesala pooping out of nowhere in 3E without any explanation and Sanaki has the guts to order him arround.

-Ena popping out late in 3E. What was she trying to do anyway?

-Micaiah has no autorithy stars making crossovers horrbile onesided and Ike takes mercylessly her place as the main character.

-The dark god beeing a... well lets call her a little HK-47 wannabe. Dosn't change that Yune is awesome of course.

-Sanaki declares war on her own goddess. I wish Micaiah and Pellas would have had at last half her guts.

-Tormod rejoins in 4-4. How did he dare to show his face again as a low level sage. I thought this was a joke. Talk about joke, Oliver joines the Brawl now. OMG.

-The entrie reinforcements in the enemy level. They scared me a lot. So many, many soldiers.

-Oliver running to Rafiel. He scared me a lot there.

-Tibarn and Caineghis taking all my fun and just freeing the capital on there own. This was so out of character. Elincia wouldn't have agreed with such a reckless action. And how come the Silver-Army didn't notice the battle in the city ? It's even more weird because the Hawk-Army was the group we played just right befor that making it just look wired.

-The game forces you to kill an unarmed old man who dosn't look evil either. Because of the unused dialog for that I think he was orginally supposed to be the Boss of a cut battle in Sienne (Did I mention that I think its weird that the city got conquered offscreen?)... ore they just changed the missions objektive from kill Lekain to kill all enemys without thinking about the consequences.

-Levails death dosn't even get mentioned. He just dies. I was expecting soemthing there.

-Micaiah completly ignores the dead of the Black Knight, the person who protected her all the time not to mention she seemed to care a lot about him aswell. Stupid Yune. Why couldn't she leave at last a few lines to Micaiah. The poor girls was already overshadowed by the great Ike.

-Ena. Just Ena. There is no other way to describe her performance. I was quite shocked. A giant dragon shoots out a massive amounts of flames and the enemy armor only says: "Sorry, no damage".

-I managed to take down the 100HP goddess, and she just comes back with full HP. Just OMG. I was also kind of surprised to find out that I had to finish her of with an unit that was unable to get at last a 50% hit chance.

-There was no mention of Zelgius beeing Ikes brother ore something like that. Befor Radiant Dawn was announced I thought alot about the connection between the Black Knight, Zelgius, Greil, Gawain and Ike. I already figured back then that Zelgius was the Black Knight because otherwise there would just have been no real purpose to him along a line of other things. Also the Black Knights real identitiy HAD to be somewhere in the game because there were lots of hints in PoR for a sequel and I thought it would be stupid not to reveal the BK true identitie as a person you had already walked over in PoR. And Zelgius was the only one who resembled the Black Knight enough to actually beeing him. And he had blue hair like Ike. I thought he could be Greils first son. He teached him swordfighting and all that stuff and years later the evil twin comes back, kills his mentor and father but ultimately gets stopped by his brother. It would be so damm fitting and cliche. I know now it was a stupid idea but I was soooo sure it would be like that.

-Jill will marry a man who is as old as her father.

-Micaiah will marry the boy which she called her brother.

-And Ike just disappears into a land far away. It was unexexcpected but only because its stupid but hey, its also great. If there is another game placed in Tellius he won't get into the way of the REAL maincharacters like he did in this game.

-I was surprised to find no Trial-Maps after the games end. Great. And what am i supposed to do with Gareth now?

That was more then I excpected. Sorry about that wall of text.

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I was sort of surprised when

it was told that Pelleas wasn't really Ashnard's son.


Seeing Oliver become playable. I saw him move and was like "Shit! Rafiel is screwed! Wait...He's fucking BLUE!? What the FUCK?"

This too.

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ok...theres alot of weird stuff that made me go "wha--?" in this one

Sephiran being the bad guy..I absolutely LOVED him in PoR! What the fridge was that all about! also him being Lehran was shocking.

I played this entire game without knowing a damn thing about the story or any spoilers and it was awesome!!!

but the one that threw me was this: (although i never saw the scene myself)

Soren being Almedha's true son...i mean...yeah the resemblance is really there but that means hes Ashnards bastard and i loved Soren too much to think about that...


Also Micaiah being Sanaki's sister (and true apostle)..no real explaination there..bleah..

and Shinon kicking alot of butt since he sucked rancid meat in PoR

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I must agree, that wasn't really nice.

I wasn't expecting that either.

But you can get around it with a 2nd playthrough and beyond, and select the option in which Pelleas still lives as the outcome.

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Soren being Almedha's true son...i mean...yeah the resemblance is really there but that means hes Ashnards bastard and i loved Soren too much to think about that...

How do you unlock that scene anyways?

I've had little OMG moments on the whole game, because my brother kept playing and playing. When he was on 4-E-2 and lost (the moron had taken Nihil out of Ike) and Zelguis was revealed without a helmet and I was just happened to innocently passing by I was like "OH FUCK, WHY?!" Not that I hadn't figured out, but I wasn't really sure and... yeah it ruined the surprise.

When Sephiran remembers the moment in which Greil snaps and kills Elena. Ike would have been scarred for life otherwise.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

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How do you unlock that scene anyways?

I've had little OMG moments on the whole game, because my brother kept playing and playing. When he was on 4-E-2 and lost (the moron had taken Nihil out of Ike) and Zelguis was revealed without a helmet and I was just happened to innocently passing by I was like "OH FUCK, WHY?!" Not that I hadn't figured out, but I wasn't really sure and... yeah it ruined the surprise.

When Sephiran remembers the moment in which Greil snaps and kills Elena. Ike would have been scarred for life otherwise.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

I have yet to unlock that scene actually, but i heard about it..its only one step i cannot do..

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