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I see no argument. I am merely calling you out on your crap.

calling people out starts arguments. at least here in America.

it keeps coming back to the same point. ill worry about me. you go ignore everything. Things'll be a little more peacefull that way. Im trying to find a simple and painless solution but you continue to bitch and moan over my bitching and moaning. in that sense your no better than me. so just shut the fuck up, ignore this crap, get on with your life, and let me get on with mine, as irritating and pathetic it may be

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calling people out starts arguments. at least here in America.

it keeps coming back to the same point. ill worry about me. you go ignore everything. Things'll be a little more peacefull that way. Im trying to find a simple and painless solution but you continue to bitch and moan over my bitching and moaning. in that sense your no better than me. so just shut the fuck up, ignore this crap, get on with your life, and let me get on with mine, as irritating and pathetic it may be



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Things'll be a little more peacefull that way.

Rather not.

Im trying to find a simple and painless solution but you continue to bitch and moan over my bitching and moaning.

Painless for who? As much I try to tolerate this stuff, it is just an eyesore.

in that sense your no better than me.

Apart from the fact I am arguably doing the right thing by calling you out on your attention whoring.

so just shut the fuck up, ignore this crap,

Speechcraft is clearly not a talent of yours.

get on with your life, and let me get on with mine, as irritating and pathetic it may be

Good in theory, bad in practice, especially when you insist on going emo on a forum. Doing the whole "I don't care", "Drugs, sex, whatever" routine is a great way to "just get on with your life".

Face it Gatrie: the only thing you "don't care" about is your grammar.

Re-posted for the truth!

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Okay this is not to insult you Gatrie, as I think you know this as much as anyone, but I think this is relevant to the point that Shuuda is trying to make. So no offense to you.

Shuuda, you're wasting your time, as obviously he isn't going to listen or change because of you, as much as you or I would prefer not to see such eyesore topics. Believe me I understand how annoying they are and I'd like them to be gone too.

The fact of the matter is though that Gatrie isn't even that popular here. His misery and "attention whoring," probably won't even concern many. His significance on these forums is so small that almost none of the users will notice a positive change in his attitude. By acknowledging it publicly you're drawing more attention to him, and making him look more pathetic than you already believe he is. Since you're point is to tell him to stop being pathetic, you're really defeating your own purpose. Taking this to private would have been the smarter choice on your part.

You're making his, "attention whoring," worse as you're providing attention to him.

Edited by Cynthia
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Rather not.

Painless for who? As much I try to tolerate this stuff, it is just an eyesore.

Apart from the fact I am arguably doing the right thing by calling you out on your attention whoring.

Speechcraft is clearly not a talent of yours.

Good in theory, bad in practice, especially when you insist on going emo on a forum. Doing the whole "I don't care", "Drugs, sex, whatever" routine is a great way to "just get on with your life".

Re-posted for the truth!

technically if im an attention whore, then your giving me more than I ever wanted.

shut the fuck up is a common thing to say in the USA

I never denied that my grammer was bad. in fact I agree.

but do you really think that your way is going to make things better?

yknow what? fuck it. I hate fighting. It makes things worse for me.

Why dont we both just drop the subject and *shake hands*. Neither one of us is going to let up on this.

whaddaya say? and for the record im being serious here. I just want to get along.

Edited by Gatrie: Alone and Unloved
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Okay this is not to insult you Gatrie, as I think you know this as much as anyone, but I think this is relevant to the point that Shuuda is trying to make. So no offense to you.

Shuuda, you're wasting your time, as obviously he isn't going to listen or change because of you, as much as you or I would prefer not to see such eyesore topics. Believe me I understand how annoying they are and I'd like them to be gone too.

The fact of the matter is though that Gatrie isn't even that popular here. His misery and "attention whoring," probably won't even concern many. His significance on these forums is so small that almost none of the users will notice a positive change in his attitude. By acknowledging it publicly you're drawing more attention to him, and making him look more pathetic than you already believe he is. Since you're point is to tell him to stop being pathetic, you're really defeating your own purpose. Taking this to private would have been the smarter choice on your part.



Edited by Kintenbo
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technically if im an attention whore, then your giving me more than I ever wanted.

shut the fuck up is a common thing to say in the USA

I never denied that my grammer was bad. in fact I agree.

but do you really think that your way is going to make things better?

yknow what? fuck it. I hate fighting. It makes things worse for me.

Why dont we both just drop the subject and *shake hands*. Neither one of us is going to let up on this.

whaddaya say? and for the record im being serious here. I just want to get along.

kmon Shuuda. Lets just get along dude.

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I'm just having nostalgia about that one topic about Lyle Dylek and Princess Kilvas. The one that ended in various folks posting ridiculous and hilarious stuff. Azel and her picture about the Schnitzel thing won!

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I'm just having nostalgia about that one topic about Lyle Dylek and Princess Kilvas. The one that ended in various folks posting ridiculous and hilarious stuff. Azel and her picture about the Schnitzel thing won!

I barely looked at that thread.

*goes to find*

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