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Games you're looking forward to in 2009


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And whenever the next SSB game comes which won't be in a while but whatever.

Sakurai has already stated that if there's another Smash game, he won't play any part in its development. Nintendo will likely get someone else onboard for a sequel, but Sakurai's absense will seal the coffin for the series. Smash was on its way out the door after Brawl came out, anyway.

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Yeah well..... they suck XD

I mean I hacked my wii so it can play burned games, I'm not gonna abuse it, only for imports and for cheap games.

R4 idk we play roms on the computer anyways might as well just play them on the go

Have fun reading Japanese. ML3 and FEDS are at the top of my list.

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Sakurai has already stated that if there's another Smash game, he won't play any part in its development. Nintendo will likely get someone else onboard for a sequel, but Sakurai's absense will seal the coffin for the series. Smash was on its way out the door after Brawl came out, anyway.

Melee left a legacy that no game can ever break

Best fighter of all time - Super Smash Bros. Melee

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Melee left a legacy that no game can ever break

Best fighter of all time - Super Smash Bros. Melee

Smash games are... party games.

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Im looking forward to:

The Conduit


Im gonna keep an eye on all the RPGs coming for Wii maybe theres something good

I also want o get a DSi to get FEDS and Chrono Trigger (and other DS games that Ive missed due to the lack of DS)

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Sakurai has already stated that if there's another Smash game, he won't play any part in its development. Nintendo will likely get someone else onboard for a sequel, but Sakurai's absense will seal the coffin for the series. Smash was on its way out the door after Brawl came out, anyway.

Sakurai stated in an old interview (a month or two after Brawl came out) that he would be intrested in a new Smash game. I don't have a link to the article on hand, but I can find it.

Edited by ChaosNinji
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Sakurai stated in an old interview (a month or two after Brawl came out) that he would be intrested in a new Smash game. I don't have a link to the article on hand, but I can find it.

I remeber that.

he said something along the lines of that if he got something that should be added to the game he will make another, not just make it to add more characters and stages.

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Smash games are... party games.

Alright first of all smash games have been always designed to be fighting games but are marketed as a party game. Many of competitive fighting game principles are in the smash series (spacing/zoning, attacking, blocking, killing, etc...)

Smash has been competitive since the first smash actually.


Isai would like a word with you. He spaces you like a bitch then zero-deaths you.

Well Melee's amazing. It was good enough of a fighter to be featured in MLG in 2006 and EVO (the MLG of fighting games) in 2007. There were some international community-ran tourneys too.

Brawl...I have nothing against it since top pros play it and people have fun with it. It can be played as a competitive fighter and it has a humongous competitive community, but it's too boring to watch imo.

Edited by Clonez
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Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Please don't let be anything like SO3. D:)

from what I've seen it seems to have more in depth/action based explorations (it is now possible to get a pre-emptive strike by engaging an enemy from outside their line of sight), battles are a little sped up but so far seem similar to its predecessor (although the fact that one of the characters is an Archer makes me a bit intrigued, hopefully they'll be nearly as interesting -battle skill wise- as Miss Traydor and her gun from SO3, my favorite character); there is a new Rush gauge which may or may not be linked to the old Guts/Fury system; blah blah, the characters' ship can be piloted, there are PAs and I'd almost guarantee there's also some type of item synthesis/refinement since that's been around since the first

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Oh, and there's also Demon's Souls, for the PS3. Going to rock, even if your character dies you'll still be able to help other guys, writing messages, and leaving bloody steps where you died.

though I'm not going to buy most of the games I'm looking foward to.

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i dont expect a Zelda console game until next year..Nintendo is infamous for pushing things back..i did hear they are developing one though (in the vein of TP)

Im looking forward to the Ghostbusters game...

other than that, im not totally aware of whats coming out this year...ill just wait..

(and Shadow Dragon is gonna be kind of a let-down for those expecting an awesome game...:()

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I don't think you have seen the competitive seen and how it changed from a party to one of the deepest fighting games out there

I've seen the competitive side, and I still maintain that it's a party game. The only way for it to become "deep" is by players exploiting numerous design flaws to make the game play more like a standard fighter, or at the very least, faster. (See: wave-dashing).

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Wave dashing isn't that big a deal in Melee (unless you're talking chars like Luigi). In fact, L Canceling is the main thing and it was there for 64 AND Melee and there's a bastardized version in brawl (if you count land canceling of certain moves as the new L cancel).

In 64 it was a glitch, in Melee there's proof that L canceling was intended.

It can be played competitively and as a party game. Not one or the other.

(Also IIRC Guilty Gear is a better fighter than Melee)

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I've seen the competitive side, and I still maintain that it's a party game. The only way for it to become "deep" is by players exploiting numerous design flaws to make the game play more like a standard fighter, or at the very least, faster. (See: wave-dashing).

So? The intent with which a game was designed has no bearing on how it's actually played. I've experienced the competitive side, and there is no way in hell that Melee is a "party game."

In fact, you've already conceded to Melee's depth by comparing it to a traditional fighter.

Edited by dondon151
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