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New Zelda?


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It looks nothing like Majora's Mask's clocks D:

The only thing the site has that resembles Zelda is the triangles, one of which may be interpreted as the Triforce. It could also just be a numbering system, for each corner, still playing on the triangular theme.

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If it is Zelda related I have a feeling the game will be similar to Majora's Mask. Notice how the clock goes forward like normal and then resets itself, just like how Link travels through time in Majora's Mask. Seeing this actually reminds me of an interview that got leaked (which some have passed off as fake) which discusses the next Zelda game.

It was said to take place between OOT and TWW at the time of the Great Flood. It was also mentioned that the Great Flood would be a part of the game. What if, the hero of this game is trying to stop Ganon and the flood? Since it's inevitably coming the only way to stop Ganon in time would be to travel through time. However in the end the hero would fail and the flood would happen anyways.

(Put my theory in spoilers in case I'm right)

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They think that the clock on this site is counting down to an announcement of next Zelda game. I've heard there's another timer on the internet like this one with a Mushroom (the symbol of the Super Mario franchise) which ends at nearly the same (if not the same) time. Coincidence? I think not. The other timer only strengthens the theory that this one is Zelda-related.

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If it is Zelda related I have a feeling the game will be similar to Majora's Mask. Notice how the clock goes forward like normal and then resets itself, just like how Link travels through time in Majora's Mask. Seeing this actually reminds me of an interview that got leaked (which some have passed off as fake) which discusses the next Zelda game.

It was said to take place between OOT and TWW at the time of the Great Flood. It was also mentioned that the Great Flood would be a part of the game. What if, the hero of this game is trying to stop Ganon and the flood? Since it's inevitably coming the only way to stop Ganon in time would be to travel through time. However in the end the hero would fail and the flood would happen anyways.

(Put my theory in spoilers in case I'm right)

While I'm having a difficult time believing that this has to do with Zelda (due to its copyright being under Marvelous) your comments about the clock seem a little intriguing to me. Another thing to add to them, there are three sets of triangles, possbly representing the three days in MM.

Anyway, this seems like it'll be quite interesting unless it is just Harvest Moon.

Edit: the URL also contains "mm"... Crap: I think I'm starting to think too much into this. >.<

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about your theory Arch, i'm not sure that it'll be about teh Great Flood.

there is no mention of a hero during these times. remember that the people were despairing, meaning they had no hope of being saved

so, unless Link was scripted to somehow lose in this game which is highly unlikely i don't see how they could manage to get away with it. not that they couldn't try.

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In the interview it said the hero wasn't a Link but more of a wannabe Link. He THINKS he's the descendant of the hero. My theory is that he tries to live up to what he thinks he is, fails and is erased from history. But of course, he has to have success first. Maybe his success just wasn't that far spread to be remembered as a hero?

And of course, Marvelous could be working on the game with Nintendo. It's not that far-fetched...

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If it is Zelda related I have a feeling the game will be similar to Majora's Mask. Notice how the clock goes forward like normal and then resets itself, just like how Link travels through time in Majora's Mask. Seeing this actually reminds me of an interview that got leaked (which some have passed off as fake) which discusses the next Zelda game.

It was said to take place between OOT and TWW at the time of the Great Flood. It was also mentioned that the Great Flood would be a part of the game. What if, the hero of this game is trying to stop Ganon and the flood? Since it's inevitably coming the only way to stop Ganon in time would be to travel through time. However in the end the hero would fail and the flood would happen anyways.

(Put my theory in spoilers in case I'm right)

That is a hoax. Just ask yourself this; Zelda, steampunk, guns, and a nutcase as Link? Its shot down before you even need to check if its fake.

@ Florina: Would it help if I said that Marvelous Entertainment makes Harvest Moon games?

EDIT: The hand only gets almost all the way around before it resets. Keeping my fingers crossed for a Majora's Mask remake.

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In the interview it said the hero wasn't a Link but more of a wannabe Link. He THINKS he's the descendant of the hero. My theory is that he tries to live up to what he thinks he is, fails and is erased from history. But of course, he has to have success first. Maybe his success just wasn't that far spread to be remembered as a hero?

And of course, Marvelous could be working on the game with Nintendo. It's not that far-fetched...

quite a tragic story, isn't it?

but it would be pretty awesome if they did it.

i guess we'll have to wait until thursday to figure it out!

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While I'm having a difficult time believing that this has to do with Zelda (due to its copyright being under Marvelous) your comments about the clock seem a little intriguing to me. Another thing to add to them, there are three sets of triangles, possbly representing the three days in MM.

Anyway, this seems like it'll be quite interesting unless it is just Harvest Moon.

Edit: the URL also contains "mm"... Crap: I think I'm starting to think too much into this. >.<

Look at the bottom of the screen, Theres your Marvelous.

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quite a tragic story, isn't it?

We need another dark Zelda game like Majora's Mask (oh wow, yet another relation this may have to Majora's Mask).

^ Like I said, the fact that it's related to Marvelous means nothing.

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Harvest Moon: OoT edition

I'm calling it now.

I am calling it right now.

Clock? Holy shit! Majora's Mask! Yay!

I guess we'll figure out Thursday nightish.

Harvest Moon or Zelda, or both. I would squeal if it were Zelda, on the other hand, I would have to keep my promise to not spoil myself this time... Then again, if it's HM, then I can spoil however much I want...

The last question is, DS or Wii?

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Whatever it is, it should be revealed in just les than five day's time...

It looks very Zelda-like to me, personally. I'm hoping it is.

Ah thanks for that. I was getting confused that part about Majora mask and the clock and etc

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