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There is a distinct lack of SCIENCE in this post. >:o

Lies! It clearly had the word calcium somewhere. That's sciency. However, the lack of proof makes it questionable.

Did you know the celestial zodiac everyone associates with is incorrect? Games like Final Fantasy Tactics actually shed some light on this fact. Ophiuchus (a.k.a. Serpentarius) is the newest constellation to the batch.

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assuming that milk is a cause of those illnesses which i really don't know if it is, i haven't researched the subject fully the cons outweigh the pros. sure, you will get calcium, but you could get calcium by other means that are healthier, and could avoid the harmful side effects of drinking milk.

assuming that milk does cause those illnesses, of course. i'm not too familiar with the subject, and i've only read a couple of articles at the most.

exercising, however, is healthy for the body. it helps circulation, keeps you in shape, reduces cholesterol, etc. the pros of exercising far outweigh the cons, so it IS healthy. not the same situation at all.

maybe i'll look into that milk thing.

and assuming that it's not, the pros outweigh the cons.

What Black Knight said. Come back with proof and I'll panic then. :3

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Heh, nice. I have a small dog and a cat.

Did you know my hair is getting longer?

Nowai. I was almost convinced that you had some rare condition, and when you where born your hair went to fucking Delta Quadrant and back, and ever since then it's been growing INWARDS and getting shorter! I would never have guessed that in actuality your hair got LONGER over time, like a normal person's would!

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Nowai. I was almost convinced that you had some rare condition, and when you where born your hair went to fucking Delta Quadrant and back, and ever since then it's been growing INWARDS and getting shorter! I would never have guessed that in actuality your hair got LONGER over time, like a normal person's would!

Easy tiger.

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Did you know the voice of Adult Link in OOT, is also the voice of Siegfried from Soul Calibur/Blade?

Ironically he also reprised his roll as Link in Soul Calibur 2.

You also forgot Viral from Gurren Lagann, also known as The Fucking Shit.

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Did you know that in the days of Noah it rained for 40 days and 40 nights without stopping?

Actually that is believe to be a flash flood that occurred in the region at the time. Several religions have similar stories relating to such an event.

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Actually that is believe to be a flash flood that occurred in the region at the time. Several religions have similar stories relating to such an event.

Oh yeah? I believe it was arranged by God to wipe out evil human beings.

Did you know that the Houston Texans have never won a Super Bowl?

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so ya thank urrbody alive be evil as a mufukka cept 4 ya boi noah an his bitch? an all dem annamulz 2 n shit? damn ma dude, u hella trollin on deez mofukkaz.

Save your craptastic slang for text messages, I'd like to be able to read with minimal difficulty. Please, there is no need to attack other people's blind fanatical beliefs.

Oh... Did you know freeze-pops are the shit? I can never stop eating them...

Edited by Bohemund
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Did you know that in the days of Noah it rained for 40 days and 40 nights without stopping?
Oh yeah? I believe it was arranged by God to wipe out evil human beings.

Did you know that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about?

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Glad everyone idnored my insult...

Moving on!

Did you know... uh... I got nothing.

*Nods* Indeed, you got nothing.

Did you know that my shoe size is 8-1/2?

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