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Some fillers are good

Some InuYasha Fillers are good

And DBZ fillers were good too

There are some naruto fillers which are good

They still don't add to anything though. They're mostly pointless.

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My problem with the Naruto fillers is it usually uses the same plot line of young person with mysterious power is issolated because of said power. Naruto being such a person understands how it feels tries to get to said person and doesn't suceed at first. Come end of the arc said person can now make friends and is a changed person all by the power of Naruto (and a few life or death events of course).

Then and/or bad guys trying to get some ancient power that can destroy the world and sorry, are best Shinobi are too busy we'll just send a couple of kids to stop the villains...

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Why whine about fillers when if they didn't exist you'd be watching nothing? You'd whine more about the latter.

I would rather have a story that is well-made and factors into the actual canon rather than being a poorly thought-out plotline that faces several constraints because it can't contradict the story while also not being a part of it.

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Why whine about fillers when if they didn't exist you'd be watching nothing? You'd whine more about the latter.

Actually I tend to avoid the shows when fillers start.

It's how I went from watching Naruto, to only reading the manga.

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Paine turns the village hidden in the leaves into the broken buildings hidden in the smoke. They lost big time. Sakura lives though.

I KNOW, HOW EPIC!!!! The series is getting good, WHY ONLY 1 CHAPTER A WEEK! Gaara will show, and saw everyone XD

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Yes, Shizune is gone.

However, people need to think a bit. The citizens of Konoha aren't dead. If they were, then Naruto would be the most anticlimactic series in history. Somehow, and we'll see soon, everyone's still alive. My guess is that Kakashi used his last breath to teleport everyone to safety, like he did with his Sharingan against Deidara.

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Yes, Shizune is gone.

However, people need to think a bit. The citizens of Konoha aren't dead. If they were, then Naruto would be the most anticlimactic series in history. Somehow, and we'll see soon, everyone's still alive. My guess is that Kakashi used his last breath to teleport everyone to safety, like he did with his Sharingan against Deidara.

That was an attack though. Kakashi would kill the whole villiage if he did that.

Plus, Kakashi was already dead. Or so it seems.

I wasn't really that impressed with this chapter. I think it's kinda lame that the whole villiage was destroyed. So many chances for plot and character development dead in an instant. Sure all the characters that we've grown to love are probably fine, but even with it just being Kakashi and Shizune dead, that's many plot developments snuffed out before given the chance.

Kakashi should have at least seen Sauske once more. I don't think he ever did see Sauske since he left Konaha.

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That was an attack though. Kakashi would kill the whole villiage if he did that.

Plus, Kakashi was already dead. Or so it seems.

I wasn't really that impressed with this chapter. I think it's kinda lame that the whole villiage was destroyed. So many chances for plot and character development dead in an instant. Sure all the characters that we've grown to love are probably fine, but even with it just being Kakashi and Shizune dead, that's many plot developments snuffed out before given the chance.

Kakashi should have at least seen Sauske once more. I don't think he ever did see Sauske since he left Konaha.

I think I am the only one who liked the chapter -_-

I'm sure everyone isn't dead.

If fucking Sakura isn't dead then I'm sure everyone else is alive, geez lol

I'm kinda glad Kakashi died, he's been there too long XD

I can't wait to see what team Gai does when they get there

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That was an attack though. Kakashi would kill the whole villiage if he did that.

Plus, Kakashi was already dead. Or so it seems.

I wasn't really that impressed with this chapter. I think it's kinda lame that the whole villiage was destroyed. So many chances for plot and character development dead in an instant. Sure all the characters that we've grown to love are probably fine, but even with it just being Kakashi and Shizune dead, that's many plot developments snuffed out before given the chance.

Kakashi should have at least seen Sauske once more. I don't think he ever did see Sauske since he left Konaha.

Kakashi is very likely not dead. It doesn't fit his character much at all, I'd be willing to bet that he is still alive; but I suppose that it's possible he's dead, the him talking with his father would be about enough to suffice for a normal death.

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Ha, Naruto. HA. The show Naruto has some problems with portraying realistic Ninja, seeing as how they can shoot fire from their hands and move so fast the landscape around them is a blur. I will admit I was once a minor fan in the beggining. I was just hanging on wating for something intersting, but I was kinda sad. Recently I have watched this show on ocasion with my friends, always to feel the same disapointment. The characters are funny and intersting, but that isnt the problem. The problem is the endless dialogs and filler episodes. And in each the moral is the same, Bravery, Loyalty, Friendship, and Love. In the show the characters over come things unrealistic in the first place just with emotions and feelings, and to a point that might be plausable. But over and over again Naruto and CO. overcome foes well beyond themselves with all of the things listed above. Now, in real life that is impossible. Dont misunderstand me, I believe that miracles are possible, but I dont think that watching your friend get the shit beat out of him will make you be able to kill 100 ninja. Ill just stop now, and for those of you who skipped the above, I dont hate on people who like Naruto, I myself just dont like it lol.

Edited by Erk23
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Ha, Naruto. HA. The show Naruto has some problems with portraying realistic Ninja, seeing as how they can shoot fire from their hands and move so fast the landscape around them is a blur. I will admit I was once a minor fan in the beggining. I was just hanging on wating for something intersting, but I was kinda sad. Recently I have watched this show on ocasion with my friends, always to feel the same disapointment. The characters are funny and intersting, but that isnt the problem. The problem is the endless dialogs and filler episodes. And in each the moral is the same, Bravery, Loyalty, Friendship, and Love. In the show the characters over come things unrealistic in the first place just with emotions and feelings, and to a point that might be plausable. But over and over again Naruto and CO. overcome foes well beyond themselves with all of the things listed above. Now, in real life that is impossible. Dont misunderstand me, I believe that miracles are possible, but I dont think that watching your friend get the shit beat out of him will make you be able to kill 100 ninja. Ill just stop now, and for those of you who skipped the above, I dont hate on people who like Naruto, I myself just dont like it lol.

Oh I beg to differ but it's a very well known fact that watching a friend getting the shit beat out of him can give you enough power to, not only kill 100 ninja, but even get your power over 9000. Also if you actually watch you friend being levitated and explode right before your eyes you will most likely turn into a super saiyan and beat the crap out of the bastard who dared touch your friends.

But I digress.

Actually at first I didn't like Naruto because like you said they aren't worth calling ninja, ninja are all about stealth, lurking in shadows and killing from behind in complete silence, while Naruto, well he is quite the opposite plus some really cool magic like the clones and stuff. But once I got past over that fact I really enjoy the series (currently watching Shippuden), it is full of likeable characters, and a somewhat entertaining story (though full of fillers), there are actually deaths and the battles aren't that bad either.

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