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FE3, Book 2 tier list

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Speaking of which, what is Rody doing above Luke? Luke's bases are plenty better than Rody's, and they end up about the same.

This isn't my list. I don't hate you, I find you irritating at times [it's your tone]. I don't disagree with you because of that anyway. Finally, I just said I was working on averages/enemy stats, although I've quit that for now because I've forgotten about it.

I'm halfway through book 2 btw :D Averages-wise, playing wise I'm at like Final Chapter-1.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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K then. So much for the overreaction.

Shaver's meant for fliers only, it's piss weak on other things unless you luck out. Merric's Excalibur can actually be used as a boss slayer later. Both have a simple time through dragon valley though. But with the discussion at hand, seems we're bitchslapping our way through dragon valley anyways.

Yeah, Luke above them both. Cecil weaks out pretty quick. Luke's a badass.

....Wait a minute, what the hell is Cain doing there? He's basically the same as the trio when they arrive and has much less time to work with. I think Cain's a tad high...

Edited by Grandjackal
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Fact, Elfire with Yubello does better (Yubello has a 6 Strength lead at this time, I posted some friggin stats on like page 2 or 3, check them out) than Excalibur with Merric.

The next couple chapters are loaded with Flying dragons anyway.

Even with Thunder they're even on attack. ~_~

EDIT: Yeah Cain is too high. Luke is fine where he is too, seeing as they're all doubling in that chapter either dismounted or with a Slim Lance. And his HP/Defense lead over Cecil is definitely worth it considering the result anyway and the fact that enemies don't have too much AS anyway that Cecil's lead there is negligible.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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I have no qualms with Linde > Nabarl.

Also, Merric's Excalibur basically nullifies any of Yubello's previous advantage? I've done calcs shown earlier in this thread, Yubello gets just as much out of a Shaver as Merric does from Excalibur.

He actually grows more power than Maric too.

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Luke is fine where he is too, seeing as they're all doubling in that chapter either dismounted or with a Slim Lance.

....this implies Luke should be higher, because he has a significant durability edge

[waits for Layla to break out the luck argument]

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Fact, Elfire with Yubello does better (Yubello has a 6 Strength lead at this time, I posted some friggin stats on like page 2 or 3, check them out) than Excalibur with Merric.

The next couple chapters are loaded with Flying dragons anyway.

Even with Thunder they're even on attack. ~_~

The thing is, Excalibur has a shit ton of crit AND Merric has Linda support for another 10. Crit wouldn't matter, but Merric has a huge amount of it to actually matter. He's more often able to do in one shot what Yubello does in 2.

Let's not forget that Marric can actually take a hit. Yubello crumples like paper. Maric's one manly mage here.

So Yubello has a power lead, but it doesn't overwork Maric's durability.

Both are basically skipping through dragon valley, singing songs, but so is almost everyone else.

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Oh, I definitely meant higher than Cain/Rody/whoever the hell else, at first I was wondering Cecil's advantages before I looked it up so it was poor planning.

Yubello can take two or three attacks before dying. Merric is more or less the same until you build him up. Until then? They're pretty much at the complete mercy of the dragons for the next couple chapters, who block through defense anyway. And Yubello is more likely to have better evade against them too. <_<

"Everyone else" doesn't matter, considering how they don't do as efficiently as Yubello there. Neither are realyl skipping through either; I will repeat that I posted stats earlier in this thread, page two or three, and read them if you really want to see the full argument because I am not typing it out again.

EDIT: Screw this.

EDIT 2: Let's take a call here. Who would you guys trust to manage the tiers best? Let's vote on it, and have someone on the first page edit their post accordingly.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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Oh, I definitely meant higher than Cain/Rody/whoever the hell else, at first I was wondering Cecil's advantages before I looked it up so it was poor planning.

Cecil only excells mostly in high skill, speed and luck. But poor Hp growth.

Edited by Laylea
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Ayanami, you win a cookie. Conglaturation. ^_^

EDIT: More on Merric vs Yubello. Yubello has a guaranteed one rounding chance, Merric lacks it because Excalibur's Crit is the only thing that puts his offense up to Yubello's level, if anything.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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Oh, I definitely meant higher than Cain/Rody/whoever the hell else, at first I was wondering Cecil's advantages before I looked it up so it was poor planning.

Yubello can take two or three attacks before dying. Merric is more or less the same until you build him up. Until then? They're pretty much at the complete mercy of the dragons for the next couple chapters, who block through defense anyway. And Yubello is more likely to have better evade against them too. <_<

"Everyone else" doesn't matter, considering how they don't do as efficiently as Yubello there. Neither are realyl skipping through either; I will repeat that I posted stats earlier in this thread, page two or three, and read them if you really want to see the full argument because I am not typing it out again.

EDIT: Screw this.

EDIT 2: Let's take a call here. Who would you guys trust to manage the tiers best? Let's vote on it, and have someone on the first page edit their post accordingly.

No worries no worries, I went back and read it, just missed it the first time you mentioned it.

Yeah...I could be convinced...there's just...one small problem and all it takes is a simple explanation.

How the hell is Yubello level 18 by the time Elren and Maric show up? If you can explain this, I will agree.

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32-40 EXP per kill, so 3-4 kills is a level up. Pretty manageable considering you hit the lower defense and the fact that you have 8 chapters of this shit before you get there, 9 before dragons.

brb cupcakes

Edited by Nathan Graves
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And/or healing. You have to give healers some credit in a game where avoid only exists against dragons.

Also, I vote FE3 Player to manage this tier list.

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too bad the support bonus isn't even a factor

and yumina sucks outside of rescuing

No objections.

She almost never grows any Hp or Power. Other than buying a Bishop Ring in a secret store, you will just be wasting it by using one on her.

Also, terrible at healing. IMAO

Edited by Laylea
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B-But, you just tried to defend Yubello with a crappy...no...not going to bother.

Also, irrelevant, but...

Kids, there's many things more cool than being hugged by Est. But when Est tries to touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's NO GOOD! It's your body! Est doesn't have the right to touch you if you don't want her to. So what do you do? First, you say IMA GONNA KICK YOUR WEAK FAIL TIER ASS. Then, you kill her for free EXP.

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32-40 EXP per kill, so 3-4 kills is a level up. Pretty manageable considering you hit the lower defense and the fact that you have 8 chapters of this shit before you get there, 9 before dragons.

brb cupcakes

First off, if Laela is out there reading this, I have noticed this Ayanami thing. I'm guessing all of this was to act crazy just for the giggles of seeing the reaction? Dammit, I knew it from the first moment and I STILL fell for it! You are a motherfucker Ayanami...That, or I'm easily frustrated.

Secondly, it isn't like Yubello's soloing these 8 maps. Some people will be mad in not having their own experience. Say...Oguma, Marth, Luke, Roddy, Cecile, Sirius, Paula, Katua, Kashim. The experience system makes it easy as does his range, but he has weak 1 magic, is a tad slow to start. I don't remember there being an elfire early. He needs a bit of babying actually. He grows out of it quick, but still. I find it hard to believe he's level 18 from level...1 was it?...in that time, especially with Soulful Bridge and the chapter before making you rush it.

EDIT: I've no problem with FE3 Player managing the list...I'm guessing that's Chainey?

Edited by Grandjackal
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B-But, you just tried to defend Yubello with a crappy...no...not going to bother.

Also, irrelevant, but...

Kids, there's many things more cool than being hugged by Est. But when Est tries to touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's NO GOOD! It's your body! Est doesn't have the right to touch you if you don't want her to. So what do you do? First, you say IMA GONNA KICK YOUR WEAK FAIL TIER ASS. Then, you kill her for free EXP.

I'm not debating. I'm stating fact of the characters. Yumina is only useful for support with her brother, recue and resserection, nothing more.

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I'm pretty sure if he kills most of the bosses (like 6 * 75 EXP = at least 4.5 level-ups, especially considering there are many armors) as well as armors and making some finishing blows, he'll be able to get to L18 by the time you fight your first dragon.

Nobody knows what Ayanami is.

And finally, FE3 Player is Chainey.

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Kids, there's many things more cool than being hugged by Est. But when Est tries to touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's NO GOOD! It's your body! Est doesn't have the right to touch you if you don't want her to. So what do you do? First, you say IMA GONNA KICK YOUR WEAK FAIL TIER ASS. Then, you kill her for free EXP.

Sadly, you can't do that in Book 2.

Oh, and anybody attracted to females would totally let Sheema touch them. Hell, maybe even a few girls and gay guys would.

Say...Oguma, Marth, Luke, Roddy, Cecile, Sirius, Paula, Katua, Kashim.

prolly Julian, too

I'm pretty sure if he kills most of the bosses (like 6 * 75 EXP = at least 4.5 level-ups, especially considering there are many armors) as well as armors and making some finishing blows, he'll be able to get to L18 by the time you fight your first dragon.

Yubello doesn't get a monopoly on boss kills. sry

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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