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Good ol' Phelps

Esau of Isaac

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You've gotta be fucking kidding me. If they distort their own issues and do the stupidest things because of this distortion, then these assholes have no place talking about foreign issues. Besides, the victims deserved it? What kind of insensitive, overly fucked up thinking is that? These people ought to be arrested, tried, and dropped in jail for saying that.

I'm so going on a journey to the sixth circle of hell so I can make fun of all of these Parishioners when they wind up burning in flaming tombs for all eternity saying.

Edited by Iannis Xenakis
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Holy shit. I just want to say to all you Christians haters, that not all of us are like that. They are extremists, and if they knew anything about God then they would know he isnt happy with all their shit. I am a Christian and I am not an ass like them. So yeah.

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They were planning on going to England to protest a performance of the Laramie Project, IIRC. But then UK refuse to let them enter the country XD

Idiots like these will always exist, but hopefully there won't be ones as extreme as WBC...

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I love their logic. I could go and kick one of them in the shin, and then say that they are in pain because God hates them. This is fantastic, I can do whatever I want to people, and assume that they'll be the ones going to Hell.

I am so God's tool now.

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Holy shit. I just want to say to all you Christians haters, that not all of us are like that. They are extremists, and if they knew anything about God then they would know he isnt happy with all their shit. I am a Christian and I am not an ass like them. So yeah.

To this I say, indeed. *gets shot for incredibly bad pun*

Still though, the fact that people like this exist is an insult not just to Christianity, but the intelligence of the human race. I mean, seriously, you know that people are obviously out of their league when the attribute the Iraq war to acceptance of homosexuality. By that logic, the people in Saudi Arabia that chop the heads of their homosexuals off would be saints, but since they're Muslim and all Muslims are going to hell by their logic then we've got the biggest contradiction to Westboro Baptist Church doctorine in history. Contradictions that they never address? Sign of low intelligence that they want to avoid talking about.

And that is why these motherfuckers should be subjected to as many Mortal Kombat fatalities as humanly possible.

On the one hand, I wonder how charismatic and stupid their pastor must be if he's able to convince his congregation to embark on all of these absolutely fucked up protests.

I love their logic. I could go and kick one of them in the shin, and then say that they are in pain because God hates them. This is fantastic, I can do whatever I want to people, and assume that they'll be the ones going to Hell.

Don't worry, sir. I'm sure God will laugh at them when they're trapped in flaming tombs for all eternity. After all, it's only fair for the incessant heresy these dumb fucks spew with their protests.

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Don't worry, sir. I'm sure God will laugh at them when they're trapped in flaming tombs for all eternity. After all, it's only fair for the incessant heresy these dumb fucks spew with their protests.

More then likely, seeing how they are ruining God's Word and pissing on it as a way to spread hatred (which is a sin), they're going to hell.

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More then likely, seeing how they are ruining God's Word and pissing on it as a way to spread hatred (which is a sin), they're going to hell.

Thing is though, according to the Bible you don't have to do anything good to go to heaven. You can murder the entire human race and if you believe that Christ died for your sins with all your heart you're forgiven.

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Thing is though, according to the Bible you don't have to do anything good to go to heaven. You can murder the entire human race and if you believe that Christ died for your sins with all your heart you're forgiven.

Dang, you got my hopes up that Phelps will pay for what he did in ruining Christianity.

Honestly, I thought if you use the Bible and God as a tool of hatred, you can wind up in hell.

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Lol, their website is even funny. Here are a few quotes:

You know being a filthy feces-eating sodomite is wrong. You know priests rape boys, and that’s wrong. You know the “prophet” Mohammed was a child molester, and that’s wrong. You know your fornication and adultery (including divorce-and-remarriage) is wrong. You know your greed, murder (including of unborn and just-born babies) and idolatry is wrong.

He sure know us British rather well.

Meanwhile Doomed-america has put Bloody Beast Obama the Antichrist in office. He hates this nation; he will use this nation as his footstool to rule the world.


they will have NO way of identifying who is from WBC.

Apart from the big neon sign that is their retardedness.

Edited by Shuuda
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I love their logic. I could go and kick one of them in the shin, and then say that they are in pain because God hates them. This is fantastic, I can do whatever I want to people, and assume that they'll be the ones going to Hell.

I am so God's tool now.

Can I be God's tool with you, pwease?

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It never ceases to amaze me how people point out the logical fallacies in extremist religion. Logic and religious fervor are mutually exclusive, of course he comes off as an idiot.

Trouble is, it's the extremists that stand out that are the ones that don't understand the religion they preach. Sure, religion is still full of bullshit (If God's supposedly all-powerful, then why doesn't he do more to end war and suffering among man? And if I get that 'the Lord works in mysterious ways' bullshit again, I'm seriously going to murder someone with a pair of scissors.), but the extremists serve to add even more bullshit to the equation than is necessary.

Like, these people. The Bible explicitly says lots of times (especially in the New Testament, which is the book that almost all of Christianty goes by) that God loves everybody despite their faults. Now, they label homosexuality as a sin. But since God loves (and forgives) all sinners, then he loves homosexuals. Definitely far from the 'God hates fags' that the WBC preaches about. I mean, if he is all-loving, then how does he hate homosexuals?

And Yourgranny, if nobody committed any fatal sins, then hell (or purgatory, for that matter) wouldn't exist. I also point to Calvinism, since if you believe in that you know that you're probably going to go to hell no matter what you do in this life and that you should try to be on your best behavior to see if God will change his mind. I'm convinced through all this that hell is in fact quite valid in Christian doctorine. And since heresy counts as a fatal sin, then yes, Mr. Phelps is in fact going to hell.

More then likely, seeing how they are ruining God's Word and pissing on it as a way to spread hatred (which is a sin), they're going to hell.

And the Lord said to read Canto X of Dante's Inferno. Being trapped in flaming tombs is the punishment that heritics have to undertake in Dante's epic.

Meanwhile Doomed-america has put Bloody Beast Obama the Antichrist in office. He hates this nation; he will use this nation as his footstool to rule the world.

This sentence right here demonstrates the absolute stupidity of this fucking Baptist church. Either they don't listen to his speeches, or they won't care to read The Audacity of Hope. I'm sorry, but when you make allegations like this on a guy who speaks and writes absolutely positively of this country's promise, then you're not a religious fanatic anymore; you're just ignorant. And God knows we could do with much less of these morons.

This whole thing reminds me of this guy:


"Anything can go unpunished in the name of God."

Yes yes yes yes yes yes YESSSSSSS!

Unlike real life, though, we can actually put his money where his mouth is and kick his fucking ass and be all 'Ha ha, see ya in a flaming tomb, bitch!'. If we do that in real life, we get negative media, trials, and jail time.

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Who, me? If these people are right and there is a God, if they are right and it is this twisted, I would gladly go to Hell after devoting a lifetime of support to the donkey-headed adversary of humanity.

Though I wonder, does anyone here agree with these inbreeds?

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What the hell? The Victorian bushfires were a result of incredibly hot days. I went over to the affected areas, and it's not a pretty sight; it looks like something out of Silent Hill.

Anyway, one of the reasons I don't like to say that I'm religious is because of extremists like this.

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Who, me? If these people are right and there is a God, if they are right and it is this twisted, I would gladly go to Hell after devoting a lifetime of support to the donkey-headed adversary of humanity.

Though I wonder, does anyone here agree with these inbreeds?

That's what the sign said '-'

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Fundies tend to do this.

There was another Christian group that would attempt to disrupt funerals for soldiers killed in combat. These people are detestable.

This is partially why I choose not to get involved in religion. Not because of the beliefs, but because of those who go way too far.

I might be culturally raised as a certain religion, but my beliefs are far from it. (I'm just choosing to not reveal it. I'm weird like that.)

Seriously, it's people like that that give any form of religion a bad name. >_>

Edited by Shiva
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Fundies tend to do this.

There was another Christian group that would attempt to disrupt funerals for soldiers killed in combat. These people are detestable.

I think Phelps group did that as well.

Anyway, he's old news. I'm shock nobody have tried to put a bullet in the back of his head.

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