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Epic Failures, Epic Wins: Fire Emblem 8

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Fail: Swordmaster Joshua- Everything BUT skill and speed (like, at base+promo bonus) capped.

You got speed screwed! >:D

Fail: Getting to LR floor 10 and putting a maxed Natasha in the wrong place and having her get owned. :( (I was doing a solo with her)

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Epic Win: Ewan, Amelia, Ross

Epic Fail: Hacked Neimi still has no durability

Wut? What did you hack her to? 0 stats? She can't be touched by anything that isn't maxed. (If shes maxed.) (Or the DK)

Edited by Bryan
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I hacked her so she leveled up every fight, and she still wasn't as good as she should have been as a 30/10 sniper

She is plenty fast, but she has like 10 defense which fails to everybody elses

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  • 2 weeks later...

First reply (besides the intro topic) yay!


1st playthrough. In that lava-ish stage, Ross got petrified. Then monsters of all sorts surround him, only to deal lots of NO DAMAGE.

Also in 1st playthrough, I sent Colm and Neimi to fight along the single space wide area down to the bottom, and at one point Neimi was seriously hurt (well, being an archer...) and Colm managed to handle what's coming at him, with his speed half reduced.


Fighting all the way to the last level of the ruins and forgetting to bring keys / thieves for the final treasure (which you can sell for some good amount of gold).

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in my last playthrough:

win: neimi getting a spd point in all 5 level ups she had in ch.5

fail: lute getting no speed at all in all 6 level ups she had in ch.5

EDIT: well, I guess I'll have to change my biggest win to Amelia doubling and critting on both attacks on an archer in the chapter she comes in (ch. 9 Ephraims route)

Edited by whase
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Failure just now: Moulder got critted by an archer with 1% hit chance AND DIED. RAGE.

Mine got critted by a 70%/4% Sniper just before in Last Hope...still, he ain't Knoll.

And yes, that is a great Ephraim! Those are almost the offensive stats of my level 20 Ephraim :rolleyes:

I'll have to show my 7/2 Eirika's stats sometime.

EDIT: Other SS stuff in Last Hope just then;

WIN: Gilliam gaining boosts in all of his stats, including speed, on levelling up.

FAIL: He, Dozla and Cormag died, so I had to restart. Gilliam again got a speed level though.

Edited by Furetchen
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Epic Failures : L'arachel gains no stats at level up

Human error : 1. In my first play, I tried the Mine Glitch v2 and give Dark Magic to Tethys.

2. I began Rauster Chapter

3. Tethys was attacked, animations were ON, So the game freezes

4. I had to restart, but instead, I accidentally erase all the data...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is getting criticaled with 2 percent a failure :facepalm:FE1 rng hates me

What? This is the FE8 board. Or did you mean FE8 instead, since I can't tell?

And for FE8, 2% has been seen on occasion, but at least you wren't playing FE5.

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One of my older playthroughs, Eirika kills Demon King with a hit->dodge->crit. At 4% crit and 65 (+/-5)% hit, respectively.

Colm vs. Dracozombie boss on Lagdou 10 playthrough #290850186. Colm had a Shamshir but it's damage is 0. So he hit->dodge->hit, then dodge->doublehit, then SILENCER. I didn't even need Gerik to save him.

Gerik getting 18 Res.

Killing Lyon without even getting close to him. What I did was: Ewan-Eclipse, then Lute-Bolting. One of the boltings critical'd.

Seth CONSTANTLY getting more Def than he should. Except one playthrough.

L'archael's page full of shiny greeness. And 16 DEF.

Random lulz:

Joshua and Colm's dodge, especially at the start. THEY WERE TANKING at the speed they had. And a better job than Forde, Franz, and Gilliam (who gets screwed over by armorslayers since he has no dodge) too!

Moulder with S-rank Dark (I used Enemy control for the lulz) and Nagalfar=95x2 damage in Ladgou. I only did that on one file though since I just did it for fun.

Seth going over 1k in battle count resulting in weirdness in numbering on the bottom of the page.

That one LOSS on Seth's page where I don't even know where it came from. He never died in that playthrough.


Gerik getting killed in Lagdou 10 due to my carelessness when calculating range (I accidentally put him in a space where he can get hit by two of them). I restarted because like hell am I willing to lose Gerik.

Forde's 15 DEF. LOLWTF SALEH HAS THAT MUCH DEF. But Saleh does have more Def than your normal mage.

Amelia's defense on my last playthrough. As a lv6 Paladin, she had 5 when normally she'd have 13. First thing I did when I got to CC was buy her 5 Dracoshields.

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Ewan gained almost not stats beside luck and res for his first ten levels. As a super pupil BTW.

Win: He had 20 res (More than any other character) by chapter 14 and only took 4 damage against Selana :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fail: Chap. 8, Eirika and Ephraim both got crits against the boss. Both times Great Shield was activated.

Ch.9 (Eph) Amelia walks up to Gilliam, tinks for no damage, and Gilliam crits her.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I once had a Joshua with 17 STR at level 20, first tier.

My Cormag at 20/0:


STR: 20

SKL: 16

SPD: 17

LCK: 11

DEF: 16

RES: 7


Colm in general. I've tried using him thrice in the past, and all three times his STR never made it into the double digits before promotion. I once had a 20/6 Colm with 10 strength.

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From my most recent playfile (CC-mode now):

Colm is made of sexy win.


-Every time I use him he caps STR and SPD, so that's not surprising, the SKL was actually just a bit above average but I boosted it with the CH5 secret book, but look at the beastly defense. I did not expect that.

-Marisa's 16 Res. Every time I use her her Res comes out better than Def, but 10 vs 16? LOLWUT

-Eirika capping everything besides Res (21!!) and HP.

-Actually, just about everyone getting STR blessed (No joke, everyone whom I use regularly has a green shiny thing for STR/MAG) Including Forde (see below) since he caught up post-promotion.

-Kyle and Cormag actually getting Res. Getting above average amounts of Res.


-Forde getting screwed in every stat before promotion. And he has 14 Def at 20/20. Oh, and Kyle having better SPD than him at same level for the longest time. (and a sexy 23 Def!+lolwut capped spd. YES)

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