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Ugh, more server problems.


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Don't worry about it jyosua you weren't to know.

Just goes to show how bad things happen to good people.

Edited by kirsche
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Jesus Christ, I didn't know there could be so much fail in a single topic. It's been said, but I feel like coming in here with my unwanted opinion anyway.

Lyle, Masu, Doom, and anyone else on the same page as them: Shut the hell up. If anything, Superbus is doing Jyo (and as a result, all of us) a favor and you're telling him he's an idiot when he knows this line of work a fuckton better than you and probably everyone else on this forum do.

Oh, and stop spamming up this thread, for fuck's sake.

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I don't know why you bothered to quote my post, since it appears that you did not read it.

As I said, I don't disagree with the substance of the rant: it is correct. What I am pointing out is that "'Bus" is being disingeuous. Unless he thinks that the OP is a lie, I would say that the lesson has already been learned, and that steps have been taken to correct it going forward. This soldier thinks that superbus's motives are not what he claims them to be.

Disingenuous? Lying? Fuck you.

I don't think he's lying, but I do think he's naive. Josh typically wings it a lot, which is fine most of the time as he's really fairly good at thinking on his feet. But this is one of those times when that didn't serve him - or his members - well.

But you think this is a cover for something else? Go fuck yourself.

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itt drama over things that are already solved...or even if they weren't, repeating the same things over and over again or throwing in insults, no matter how clever or relevant (ranging from "guy who bayonets dead people" via "get a life" to "go fuck your self") isn't going to help anything.

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Disingenuous? Lying? Fuck you.

Disingenuous is what I said. Perhaps you are lying -- to yourself -- but I hadn't accused you of it.

I don't think he's lying [...]

One wonders, then, why you inflicted that rant on everyone reading the thread. Clearly he's already learned his lesson, and unless you think that he's going to decide a year from now that he doesn't need a recovery plan anymore, I'd say you accomplished exactly nothing. In fact, a disaster pretty much succeeded in getting a point across where you self-admittedly failed. Am I wrong on this point?

But you think this is a cover for something else? Go fuck yourself.

You know what I think, tough guy? I think that if you were really as concerned about his sake as you claim, then the only two people who would've seen that rant is he and yourself. Public humiliation in a thread where the man has already 1) owned up to his mistake, 2) apologized profusely for it, and 3) taken steps to keep it from happening ever again... it's already bad form, but it's especially reprehensible when you cloak it a "for their own good" facade.

Goddamn, dude, he didn't even try to make excuses, or pussy-foot around whose fault it was. What good does your "I told you so" do? Make you feel better about yourself? Perhaps I accidentally hit on the real reason, ne?

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This may sound stupid, but perhaps the topic should be locked until people can actually gain some sense, besides those who clearly have it already. >_>

I know it's not my place to say so, and I hope it doesn't come across as mini-modding, but this isn't going to solve anything. It's just one giant shitstorm.

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This may sound stupid, but perhaps the topic should be locked until people can actually gain some sense, besides those who clearly have it already. >_>

I know it's not my place to say so, and I hope it doesn't come across as mini-modding, but this isn't going to solve anything. It's just one giant shitstorm.

I would be inclined to agree with this. All that can be done now is learn a lesson and do what we can to recover.

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Here's a hint: somebody can be telling the truth and still be wrong. Do you really think Bus and I haven't seen this behavior out of Josh before?

Go shove your head back up your ass.

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Wait, did they take personal info in the hack? My account was deleted and I just re-registered. I don't want people to have my email address.

Everything from somethingMarch to yesterday was deleted.

If you registered in that period, then it's like your account never existed.

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I remember when Velthomer went tits-up. I believe I got a cell phone call in the middle of the night, Ed? Either then, or early in the morning. Regardless, we had a temp solution up that day, emails blasted to the members, and I kept everyone up to date via our other avenues of communication, including the IRC chat, LJ community, my personal blog, etc. A lot of you can say "it's just a forum", but the person running it can't think that; it will never grow otherwise. I don't think a lot of you understand how much sacrifice has already come from Josh and Vincent.

Furthermore, I didn't know this site had ads (lol Adblock Plus). That changes everything! Now, Josh is making money off of this. He no longer has full control, and the option to do whatever the fuck he wants; he has a responsibility to his advertisers. That is one of the many reasons I never accepted any advertising on FESS.

Making money my ass. I get 60 to 80 dollars a month, and it ALWAYS ends up going into the site in one way or another. You know that $129 IPB license? That came straight out of my pocket. I've been paying out of my pocket for this site for the past 5 months. Before that I broke even. Ads just help offset the cost a little. I'll take pictures of my adsense payments if you want.

Look, I'm not going to talk back to Ed or Chris on this issue. I know their anger at me is well placed, and I expected it from them the moment I found out about the Hacking.

Back on topic, I wouldn't worry about people getting your email. The infrastructure of the company was targetted, not individual sites. That infrastructure did however, contain CC information of a lot of people who were customers of the hosting companies, so that's the only reason I was concerned about that.

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Wow, just wow, and lol at all thats going on here.

oh well, like Colette would say "I hope you learned your lesson!"

at any rate, lets pick up the peices and start anew since we lost so much.

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I hope this never happens again. I hate hackers so much. The worst part is that the new emoticons are lost! :angry:

EDIT: I thought of something that this brought back that was good. My old Wolf avatar is back ha ha.

Edited by Wolf
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They'll be back eventually.

I think it's kind of amusing how people are worried over the emotes but not the moderators who lost their positions or the banned members who were unbanned because of this. :rolleyes:

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I think it's kind of amusing how people are worried over the emotes but not the moderators who lost their positions or the banned members who were unbanned because of this. :rolleyes:

Bad news: I lost my position.

Good news: My punch bag has been unban.

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Yea but they said in the first post that people had to cancel credit cards so when they deleted the accounts, did the hackers take personal info from the accounts?

Danny, I'm pretty sure that they just hacked the single server, not each individual site. They probably just did a block wipe of everything that server hosted. It's unlikely that they nit-picked themselves into SF and stole your identity. XD

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