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Ugh, more server problems.


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I can't believe the creator hung himself, that's just... seriously. Fucking hackers...
Let me add a little bit more to this, because Josh left out something important.

A group of security types found these bugs in HyperVM's management system about three weeks ago. They gave HyperVM's developers all the details on the exploit and basically told them how to fix it. They got brushed off. They tried again. They got brushed off. The security folks published the exploit, as at that point that's their only course of action to deal with the problem in hopes that the developers would fix it.

They didn't. Cue a hack on VAserv, the biggest user of HyperVM. Cue loss of data.

It isn't the hackers' fault, this time. It's the fuckbeans at HyperVM. I have no sympathy for the rat bastard who didn't keep his code up to date.

I also have no sympathy for Josh, who I pretty much tore a new one for this. It's inexcusable not to keep backups, and SF will pay the price for it. That said, maybe this time he's learned, and such problems won't happen again.

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Great Scott, Marty! We're stuck in the past!



Edited by Vyland
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It's pretty motherfucking depressing. Oh well, hopefully we can pick up the pieces and move onward from there, etc etc.

i also suggest that he should be given mod powers at least in the Written Works section, preferably the whole forest.


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It isn't the hackers' fault, this time. It's the fuckbeans at HyperVM. I have no sympathy for the rat bastard who didn't keep his code up to date.

The hackers are as much at fault as LxLabs. Don't get me wrong, I think they're both assholes. I left that part out unintentionally. I didn't know the full story behind the exploit, but I did hear it was published somewhere on the internet - I didn't hear where, nor when it was published.

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Let me add a little bit more to this, because Josh left out something important.

A group of security types found these bugs in HyperVM's management system about three weeks ago. They gave HyperVM's developers all the details on the exploit and basically told them how to fix it. They got brushed off. They tried again. They got brushed off. The security folks published the exploit, as at that point that's their only course of action to deal with the problem in hopes that the developers would fix it.

They didn't. Cue a hack on VAserv, the biggest user of HyperVM. Cue loss of data.

It isn't the hackers' fault, this time. It's the fuckbeans at HyperVM. I have no sympathy for the rat bastard who didn't keep his code up to date.

I also have no sympathy for Josh, who I pretty much tore a new one for this. It's inexcusable not to keep backups, and SF will pay the price for it. That said, maybe this time he's learned, and such problems won't happen again.

So HyperVM blatantly ignored bugs in their own system, despite being told several times, resulting in all of this. How nice of them to care so much.

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The hackers are as much at fault as LxLabs. Don't get me wrong, I think they're both assholes. I left that part out unintentionally. I didn't know the full story behind the exploit, but I did hear it was published somewhere on the internet - I didn't hear where, nor when it was published.
LxLabs asked for it. You were collateral damage, but it could have easily been avoided.

And the hackers didn't discover the exploit, milw0rm did.

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lol! all the accounts that joined after the 19 of march were deleted from Serenes Forest!

Edited by Holy Empress Sanaki
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lol! all the accounts that joined after the 19 of march were deleted from Serenes Forest!

Indeed they were. My real-life friend was one of them. I'll have to tell him that he will have to register again.

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Needless to say this entire situation is very serious. So serious in fact, that the creator of the software hung himself. That's how bad this issue became.

What the fuck?

It isn't the hackers' fault, this time. It's the fuckbeans at HyperVM. I have no sympathy for the rat bastard who didn't keep his code up to date.

Oh ...

Well, it's sad since there were some quality posts and threads within those 3 months but I guess we'll be able to get back to normal.

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Fuck! I had some good points lost! As well as some friend adds! I also had to rechange my name.

Oh well no big deal I guess. I'll have to make it up though. Jyosua it really isn't your fault it's the hackers for doing this. I mean they even caused a man to commit suicide. You can't blame yourself for that.

At least we're back up!

Edited by Knight of Zero
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Wonder if I should watch my credit card now. Granted I never used it here but... damn, screw this hacker.

Guess I'll have to start some things from scratch but, hey, I'm just glad you guys are back on air.

EDIT: Holy shit, I must've been like, a margin of a day or two from being baleted. That's... awesome. >_<

EDIT2: Hm... I think this was before the avatar change-up and such too, because before when I copy -> pasted the url to the picture it was 100x100. Now it's... I think, 150x150.

Edited by Colonel M
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Let's look at what we've lost:

* Three months - MONTHS - worth of data. By comparison, when FESS was compromised by an inside hack job, we lost... a day and a half. And that was more because of the timing of my cron job than anything.

* Numerous lost bans. I don't forsee them being too much of an issue, but it's another security hole.

* Three months of lost signups. These are new members who are seeing a shitshow. Why should they bother signing up again? Shit, FEFF opened their new RPG, why not go to THAT shitshow? It's a shitshow, but at least it's a shitshow that doesn't randomly disappear off the face of the internet.

* Lost faith with the memberbase, especially at a time when FEFF's new RPG has opened.

* Man hours lost

That's just scratching the surface.

Now, let's look at why:

* You had one point of failure. Oh, sure, backups were kept... by your idiot ISP. You want to build browser based games, and want to be a UNIX admin, and you don't know about multiple points of failure!? Are you fucking kidding me!? A nightly cron job would have sufficed! This was like having a backup set of keys on the same keyring as your normal set; what's the fucking point?

* You have no administrative backup. Vincent is not a DB guy. Your staff members are either lightweights when it comes to that kind of overhead (LG's your best one), not technical, or functionally retarded. If you're going to be THE #1 guy, you better be ready to back that up. Remember those stories everyone laughed about on FESS about how I gave up sex to administrate issues on the board? It was shit like this. You had a paper due. Boo-hoo.

* You ignored so many warning signs that you were with a bad host that I don't even have time to get into them.

Now, we're three months lost, and it's on you. I want to hear your excuses, apologies, and other bullshit as little as everyone because honestly, I don't think you learned a fucking thing. You basically found an ancient backup from a server that should have been down, went with it, and went "*phew* fixed!". No, fucker, I don't know what's worse: that we're three months behind, or that we're LUCKY to be three months behind.

You fucked your users, and by extension, fucked me, because I sent my guys over here. By extension of your incompetence, I look stupid. How do you explain that away? How do you explain that you've had a breach and loss of data literally in a year fifteen times worse than FESS had in it's five and a half years of existence?

You can apologise and say you fucked this up all you want, because you did, but if you expect to keep the faith of the members, and most especially my faith, you need to actually do something to show that you learned from this; I swear, I almost wish this was more cataclysmic than it was, because at least then, it would have pounded the point home. I cannot believe how passive you were about this, and still don't think you *get* it.

Edited by Superbus
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Dont get yer panties in a bunch Superbus........despite what happened its just an online forum. Geez. Shit happens, and you seem to be taking it waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too hard. Yes I know a fuckton of shit was lost, I understand that hours, possibly days or weeks of hard work was lost, I understand others lost alot more than I did, but they're just gonna have to accept the fact that it happened. Hell this is coming from a guy who could have cared less about this place 3 months ago, but I still think yer hammering jyo way to hard over this. So what If he did fuck up? He aint perfect. And Im pretty sure just because you send ppl to another forum, that doesnt make them "your" users per say, since im guessing thats majority of the reason yer totally flipping out over this.

sorry dont feel like grabbing the quote but:

"Remember those stories everyone laughed about on FESS about how I gave up sex to administrate issues on the board? It was shit like this. You had a paper due. Boo-hoo."

So, he should put a forum above schoolwork? Yeah. thats genius.

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That wasn't his point. He fucked up "fifteen times harder in one year, than I have in five and a half years of existence." One damn year. He's saying Jyo needs to stop fucking around; if Jyo is gonna run a site, he's got to do it right.

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Lol. Wow. I never thought I would post here again, but Superbus's stupid pissy bitchy wimpy rant is too much of a spectacle to pass up and not comment on.

Shit happens dude. Get over it. Grow up.

Plus, it's not even Jyo's fault. The server went down. Hundreds of sites lost data. How the hell is Jyo supposed to prevent that?

Edited by Mifune
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