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Wow, more swine flu news

Phoenix Wright

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Many health experts said the world has been in a pandemic for weeks but WHO became too bogged down by politics to declare one. In May, several countries urged WHO not to declare a pandemic, fearing it would cause social and economic turmoil. At the time, WHO said it would rewrite its pandemic definition to avoid announcing one.

interesting semantics

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eh... i personally don't care and i'm not going to get alarmed. hopefully my school won't be closed. 1 week and 1 day t be out of schools.

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I think that most people with decent health and health care need not be more concerned than with regular flu. The word pandemic is such a scare word, but in developed countries (hell, even in undeveloped countries if you're lucky enough to be within the upper classes) this will be for most of us just another flu. Does it suck? Yes. Should you lose sleep over it? No, I wouldn't say so. Proceed as normal, keep clean, and if you're sick get treated.

Note that I'm neither a doctor nor scientifically minded. I just think that panicking is silly, especially when the situation is overblown.

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Swine flu, you say? Yeah we've had some problems in the UK with it, but nothing serious, from what I can tell. Nobody's died over here, at least I don't think so.

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im not really scared, sure its bad to get, but the normal flue is worse (so i heard)

Wash your hands and dont lick strange things and you should be fine.

this, definitely :P

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I'm not at all worried about it. I know people who have it and they say they can't tell the difference between it and the normal flu. The media's just making it sound worse than it is.

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It's just a flu, but a bit worse. Several of my friends from other schools have gotten it, and they only needed to take some five days off.

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im not really scared, sure its bad to get, but the normal flue is worse (so i heard)

this, definitely :P

The fact that this virus can survive in warmer temperatures is alarming. When we get a fever, it's supposed to help kill off invading pathogens (and pathogens we are currently fighting). If this virus doesn't die from a fever like other pathogens, it can be very dangerous. I believe it is a stronger mutation.

Mom's been sick, but thankfully it ain't Swine Flu. But still, we can survive it, can't we...? I mean if we're all the right age, and all...
Anyone with the right amount of medical attention can survive the flu. It's just a question of how late you go, or how early you go.
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The fact that this virus can survive in warmer temperatures is alarming. When we get a fever, it's supposed to help kill off invading pathogens (and pathogens we are currently fighting). If this virus doesn't die from a fever like other pathogens, it can be very dangerous. I believe it is a stronger mutation.

well, ok you got a point, i dont know a whole lot about the s. flu, just from what i hear from others, but what i do know is that the media is making it worse, i just hope that none of us get it

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well, ok you got a point, i dont know a whole lot about the s. flu, just from what i hear from others, but what i do know is that the media is making it worse, i just hope that none of us get it

True, we don't want this website to get a virus

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