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Last I heard, I think GEN VI is a GLOBAL Release (everywhere gets it at once) and it is in October.

Meloetta is Black/White/Black2/White2 which is the only reason I'm getting 5 of them. I have two copies of Black, one of white, and one of black2 and white 2.

LOL, don't AR, just trade for them. I know I'm RNG-ing all of mine.

Yeah, I heard that... (I watched the Pokemon Direct the day - no, the hour - they aired it... =P) /is a serious Pokemon fan.

A global release sounds really cool.

Although I don't like the starters... Is it just me, or are they getting uglier and uglier over the generations...?

I like the Kanto starters the best... /nostalgia, perhaps.

I could trade... if I had access to Wi-Fi.

Alas, I suffer from the inconveniences of living in a third world country.

I can't wait to get back to America.... (Just three months to go! I can't believe I haven't been there for four years now...)

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Yeah, I heard that... (I watched the Pokemon Direct the day - no, the hour - they aired it... =P) /is a serious Pokemon fan.

A global release sounds really cool.

Although I don't like the starters... Is it just me, or are they getting uglier and uglier over the generations...?

I like the Kanto starters the best... /nostalgia, perhaps.

I could trade... if I had access to Wi-Fi.

Alas, I suffer from the inconveniences of living in a third world country.

I can't wait to get back to America.... (Just three months to go! I can't believe I haven't been there for four years now...)

...I like the fire fox, but if it turns out to be another fire/fighting, I'm going to go crazy!

I'm quite a fan of a few of the starters actually.

But alas, my time here is done. See ya around FE4 Thread.

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Ooh I plan on buying Black 2 this week~ Perhaps I should go to gamestop and get Meloetta on my Black and Black 2 =3

Meloetta's so prettyyyyy~

Okay bye bye!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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...I like the fire fox, but if it turns out to be another fire/fighting, I'm going to go crazy!

I'm quite a fan of a few of the starters actually.

But alas, my time here is done. See ya around FE4 Thread.

Seriously, right?

But... it doesn't look like something that becomes a Fire/Fighting type, so... yeah. (But then again, neither did Torchic...)

It reminds me of Vulpix and Ninetales...

Psychic/Ghost/Dark with Fire, is my guess... or maybe just Fire.

Anyway, yeah, bye.

Ooh I plan on buying Black 2 this week~ Perhaps I should go to gamestop and get Meloetta on my Black and Black 2 =3

Meloetta's so prettyyyyy~

Okay bye bye!

By the time I'm able to buy Black 2, Pokemon X and Y will be almost out... -_-'

Well, actually, fine. I can get the game in July...

But that's only three months away from October...

But I had at least one from every Pokemon "set" since the beginning of the GBA games... (LeafGreen, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Platinum, HeartGold, Black...0

So I neeeeeed Black 2 to not break the streak... Besides, I want to play the game with Pikachu, Minun, Plusle, Pachirisu, Emolga, and an HM slave... and get a shiny Gible/Dratini and Haxorus...

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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I think Pokemon is the only series I weeb through and don't actually play the English games, at least since Platinum came out.

So like this whole global release for X and Y means I actually get to play a game in English without my impatience getting the better of me!NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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I think Pokemon is the only series I weeb through and don't actually play the English games, at least since Platinum came out.

So like this whole global release for X and Y means I actually get to play a game in English without my impatience getting the better of me!NewYearsEmoticon.gif

The only game I ever imported was FE12... (And I only didn't import FE13 'cause I'd have to get a Japanese 3DS then... and that'd be super expensive...)

Yeah, I think it's fantastic that Pokemon is getting a global release. It's about time, to be honest.

And with the region-lock on 3DSs, it makes the release even better.

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Sorry foxes are my favourite animals so they usually automatically go to the top of my list =<

Especially Vulpix. And Ninetales.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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We can all agree Froakie is the best though right

right? :(

Nah, I prefer Chespin myself. Also, I hope Chespin and Froakie's lines don't end up as pure grass and water respectivley. I'll throw a fit if they are eurgh.

Speaking of Meloetta, I got mine yesterday. I was resetting for a nice nature, then IVs. I questioned why I was doing it in the first place. I ended up with these:

26, 4, 20, 14, 27, 10, Naive nature

IVs are stupid and I basically said, "Tch, good enough". Don't care if they're awful, 'cause they are.

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The "Red" kind of foxes?

Red foxes are a thing so I would assume so.

As for the new starters I dunno. I was rather disappointed with the gen 5 starters to the point I would find a replacement as soon as possible. woo

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