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But they sacrifice themselves and take up the bad guys so that good guys remain for other girls!!

Ha... aha...

Tee hee, well I will most likely give Monster Hunter a go! Although I'm thinking of giving Animal Crossing: New Leaf a go too... so many games to play! so many games!

Doing God's work

Reminds me that all my chums fiend on Monster Hunter and are always telling me to get into it

but it sounds like such a time investmeeeeeeent

Edited by Pride
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Reminds me that all my chums fiend on Monster Hunter and are always tell me to get into it

but it sounds like such a time investmeeeeeeent

It is~

I enjoy that about it too! I always have a reason to play longer and I really get into it~!

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I don't quite understand how to play Monster Hunter... or at least the demo was confusing. >_> I don't know how to read their stupid map and what I'm supposed to do, lol. Someone/Freohr should explain. :D

Edited by Teddy Bear
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Heh, I did it.

I rode...the newest rollercoaster: Gatekeeper :D

I think my voice is finally coming back after screaming my head off in sheer fear.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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I don't quite understand how to play Monster Hunter... or at least the demo was confusing. >_> I don't know how to read their stupid map and what I'm supposed to do, lol. Someone/Freohr should explain. :D

You can't read the map? =o

Idk how to explain that much to you x3

Um... a lot of what I found out was from video tutorials to teach me how to use weapons and just watched MHPodcasts... Because idk what in particular you don't understand ;~;

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Heh, I did it.

I rode...the newest rollercoaster: Gatekeeper :D

I think my voice is finally coming back after screaming my head off in sheer fear.

lol I was about to ask what's this Gatekeeper, then you edited. Still... a rollercoaster in where?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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You survived, Ace!

And well... maybe that's what I should do then. Cause I understood nothing in the demo? I was lost at the first part. I just slashed stuff in front of me lol...but I didn't understand how to navigate or where to go...

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Yeah I found them really helpful... But also for the maps, they're split into areas and the lines between areas show where the areas are linked together. Just head to those paths and then it'll take you to the linking area.

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lol I was about to ask what's this Gatekeeper, then you edited. Still... a rollercoaster in where?

Gatekeeper is Cedar Point's newest rollercoaster.

I was scared at first, then afterwards, I decided that I would get on again sometime^^

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A ha ha ha... just the images make my stomach want to hurl... though that's mostly since I already ate... though I would think that even if I've not...

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And well... maybe that's what I should do then. Cause I understood nothing in the demo? I was lost at the first part. I just slashed stuff in front of me lol...but I didn't understand how to navigate or where to go...

Shirley... what're you talking about...?

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The map should be pretty easy to read...like Freohr said, it's split up into several areas. You really only just need to know which area you want to go to, and head for the parts (in the map) where the areas link together.

Reminds me that all my chums fiend on Monster Hunter and are always telling me to get into it

but it sounds like such a time investmeeeeeeent

It's a huge time investment, but if you actually begin to enjoy it, then I think you won't mind investing some of a lot of time into it.

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Shirley... what're you talking about...?

I did mention Monster Hunter in an earlier post.

The map should be pretty easy to read...like Freohr said, it's split up into several areas. You really only just need to know which area you want to go to, and head for the parts (in the map) where the areas link together.

That's what I didn't know. There was nothing in the demo that told me where to go... It was just like, hunt some monster I have no clue what it is. Maybe it's my fault too, because...is it better to have played the earlier games?

And wow, old man was right. Maou did get serious.

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Well, I don't think it would have been different to have started with the earlier games. Actually, the earlier games are even tougher to play. They probably wouldn't have informed you much more either, though I wouldn't know because the game I started with was the previous game, which this new game is almost a copy of

I haven't played the demo, so idk if it explains as well as when you play the full game. Because they do quite a bit of explaining, imo

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That's what I didn't know. There was nothing in the demo that told me where to go... It was just like, hunt some monster I have no clue what it is. Maybe it's my fault too, because...is it better to have played the earlier games?

I actually liked that it doesn't tell you anything. :x

But I think the actual game has tutorials and stuff?

EDIT: Oh yeah, Freohr beat me.

Edited by Nightmare
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I actually liked that it doesn't tell you anything. :x

But I think the actual game has tutorials and stuff?

EDIT: Oh yeah, Freohr beat me.

Probably because you already know what to do~

Okay good, it does~

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And I'm okay with that.


That shit got serious? Now I want the next episode.

For Monster Hunter... awww... that kinda sucks that the demo doesn't explain much... Like the FE13 demo is kinda all weird. Especially after you've played the full game lol. NO JAPANESE VOICES?!

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