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Favorite book?


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So I've been doing some reading for fun in addition to some required and semi-required summer reading for school. Anyway, I thought I'd see what people back on this board like to read. So, ready go?

I've read Catch-22 and Julius Caesar. I'm working on House of Leaves and the Aeneid.

Then I'm supposed to read Grapes of Wrath and reread the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Metamorphoses.

Oh, and my cousin's trying to get me to read Fanny Hill, to "better understand the cultural significance." Might be fun.

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I really like novels by V.C. Andrews; granted the first ones I read were not done by her per se (she's long been deceased), they were really exciting (to me) to read. For the first time I was really caught up in a story and I read these over and over. I still read the titles I own now and then when I remember and can locate them. I can say that these also greatly influenced my own writing and storytelling. My favorite series is by far The Wildflowers; definitely worth a once over, particularly if you like realistic fiction and/or first person narratives.

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The Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett. I don't know why, but I find all the Discworld books hilarious. Good Omens was quite good as well.

And despite what other people say, I do like Eragon a lot. Eldest had a really boring beginning, and I don't really like Brisingr much, but Eragon was good.

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none really, i don't read books that much. Only in the school because i had to and some were quite interesting like the Odyssey(screw the name)

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The one book I remember putting down and having thoroughly enjoyed was Their Eyes Were Watching God, but I also read it in one sitting outside in the summer, so I may have had heat stroke. Anyways, I always remember that as one of my favorites.

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Lord of the Flies?

Nicholas Nickelby (sp?) is a great read too.

from this year?

I don't really have a favorite, but I do read a lot.

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And despite what other people say, I do like Eragon a lot. Eldest had a really boring beginning, and I don't really like Brisingr much, but Eragon was good.

Eragon does seem to be the best of the three. I liked all three, though. Yeah, Eldest was quite boring in the beginning... or actually, it's more like parts with Eragon were boring till that war thingy, and parts with Roran were much more exciting. I quite enjoyed Brisingr though =o

my favorite... idk maybe Twilight by Stephenie Meyer? *cringes, waiting for the insults* idk if I thought Twilight was my favorite out of the four or another one... but, yeah, I think Twilight might possibly be my favorite of them all.

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Terry Pratchett is remincent of Douglas Adams only a little more serious.

My favorite book(s) are: Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice, The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe by Douglas Adams, and Sabriel by Garth Nix

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Terry Pratchett is reminiscent of Douglas Adams only a little more serious.

There's somebody less serious than Terry Pratchett? I love that guy.

Terry Pratchett's Disc World series obviously, and then Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham. Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky was also pretty dang evocative. Brave New World by Alduous Huxley was chilling especially now that I'm a lot older and think back on it. Then there is the Dune series by Frank Herbert.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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A few of my favorites: A Prayer for Owen Meany, Animal Farm, Artemis Fowl, Atlas Shrugged, Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451, His Dark Materials, Kafka on the Shore, The Little Prince, Siddhartha, Slaughterhouse-Five, The Sound and the Fury, and To Kill A Mockingbird. It's not all-inclusive, but it works.

When I was younger I loved Tamora Pierce.

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Looks like I've got a nice long list of books to read when I finish the ones I'm on. ^_^

Also, I forgot to mention in my first post I'm a fan of Orwell's books as well as Tolkein's. (although I've only read the Lord of the Rings trilogy by him)

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You've... never heard of Douglas Adams?

I don't even know what to think of you now.

Thing is, after reading almost all of the Discworld Novels, and reading most of Douglas Adams stuff (albeit I was like 6 and forgot 95% of most of the books, and about 50% of Hitchhikers), I really don't know who is less serious.

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