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My sprites...


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*cricket* Um...So alone...So, so alone...*cricket*

Well this place is going well time to tackle a new front! Starting now i'm gonna try to post more things if anyone even comes here any more... <_<

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The hair is horribly edited. I can see pixelated borders everywhere. Note that recolouring RD portraits is a massive pain in the ass as they are of much higher detail and quality.

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Hey, welcome back Sasuun. I used to be Buster Sword, just in case youre too lazy to check my sig. The hair looks good, minus the pixel border problem Angelix mentioned. But the skin is too tan. Sephy is pretty damn pale...

You should post those sprites you made for me here. Those are great.

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The hair is horribly edited.

Ouch...Hey come on it's my first time! but yeah...i sorta expected that... <_<

It was (if anything) meant only as a little joke....

Oh well i'll just stick to gba sprites... :rolleyes:

Maybe i'll try it again later....much later...

Hey, welcome back Sasuun. I used to be Buster Sword, just in case youre too lazy to check my sig. The hair looks good, minus the pixel border problem Angelix mentioned. But the skin is too tan. Sephy is pretty damn pale...

You should post those sprites you made for me here. Those are great.

Nice to be back! And about the sprites i gave to you, i can't at least not yet because i'm at my Grandfather's house and thus can't access them....Tough luck i suppose.

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:huh: Uh...it's the same skintone through out the whole thing... But whatever. It was more like a joke than an actual attempt. So any way enough messing around... here's one i just finished right now. The Mage of Freege, sworn enemy of his own aunt. None other than Arthur!


I sorta plan on sending this into The fe4 project, but i figured i'd run it through here first to get some others opinion's on it. I put two different hair colors to see which is best. Continuing my FE4 mood i'll show off all the mugs i have made.

First Heres one that already got accepted into the Fe4 Advance project...Holyn (note he is based off of The Anthology card art)


Last here's my attempt at Levin...Utterly destroyed by the one in the FE4 advance one. What can you do? :rolleyes:


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  • 1 month later...

So sorry for the double post and sucjh but it was for a reason...i guess.

First off i started some random mug making and here's what i came out with. Reasoning was i had just gotten the game Blablue and i LOVED it so i expressed it i suppose...Haven't finished them and i'm not too sure that i will, kinda just made the ones i liked the most first...


Here's something fairly new for me...that's right a picture hand drawn by me! keep in mind the only art classes i've ever taken were Fifth grade art then just last year drawing-1 so...yeah...most of it was my own skill. The picture was based off of the TCG cards...Stupid right hand... :facepalm:


Hope you like, if anybody actually finds this topic... :facepalm:

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  • 3 months later...

( Why do i still bother...)

Alright...Let's brush off these cobwebs and show you all some more sprites...


Well Here's some (Attempts) Of zelda mugs. First we have Link followed by A really cheaply done Saria ( Hey it's nintendo's laziness not mine!) Then a Malon, followed by zelda with a major head deformity. A couple gerudos following them, then a deku scrub and a zora (TP) Then lastly a Ganondorf (TP) mug done by Alnox.

The mugs below them are mugs i made for a story/ Fanfic i was doing that bridged the gap between Ocarina of time and Wind waker (The great flood and how it happened) I stopped doing as 1. I'm a terrible writer and 2. I lost interest in it ( Which i do alot) In the story the tanned guy was a gerudo ( It's been easily 100 years from since Ganondorf was born so why have we not seen a new one yet?) The orang e haired guy was supposed to be a decendant of Malon and the girl with alot of hair was the decendant of Ingo ( Don't ask how that happened it just did!!)

Regardless i stopped it but the orange haired boy mug and the brown haired girl mugs are being recycled for something else however...

Well enough of that... here's one last thing to you over...


Yep, that's right there pokemon to people FE style!!

Random phase of mine when i was playing pokemon alot. Awesome, Ridculous maybe a touch Insane, Maybe a Genious! You tell me!

TTFN, Ta Ta for now! (Yeah i said that!)


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Your Saria looks almost exactly like mine. Link looks ok and Malon is ok too. The Gerudos look decent but for the third one i wouldnt have chosen Idouns hair for that. Zora is cool and Ganondorf is well done in the face. Im not sure whats going on with his hair do though. Zelda's headpeice just needs to be straightened out a bit i guess. It looks crooked. Not bad really!

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Heh, i laughed at the pokemon but you missed a few intermediates like marstomp and ralts.

Oh yeah, i think they're pretty good but there are male kirla(become Gallade) and male gardevoirs. Just throwing that out there, you should at least have an alternative kirla.

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Yay! Actual people are here!!

Ahem* Any way, thanks for the feedback. The reason for the pokemon being what gender that they are is that some pokemon are way too girly looking to ever be thought of as a boy, likewise in the adverse some pokemon are too manly looking to be girls ( In my opnion, Not trying to be Sexist either...)

It's just you wouldn't think of a Onix or a Feraligatr as girls. on first glance you'd easily think of them as rough and tough boys pokemon. Like wise a Milotic or a Lumineon would be more thought of as a girl, right? That's why i didn't want to even bother making a boy kirlia ( Though now that i think on it this might not be a bad idea as kirlia's evolve into the manlier Gallade) or Gardevoir.

Albeit Some pokemon fall into both categories, as both man or female for example A Pikachu. ( I should do this next!!!)

Any how enough of my pokemon opinion rant, i'll make more of these if you want to see more of my interpretation of pokemon to people!

I'll try to show more sprites tonight, Can't guarantee it though...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all, I'm back from the dead...again. Anyhow in light of spirit tracks coming out soon i decided to play the toon zelda games that lead up to it! As of earlier today i finsihed my playthrough of Zelda Windwaker and felt inspired to make something!

So after rumaging around on this site I saw a very nice sprite made by The Blind Archer, the sprite of course being a custom of Toon link! So i decided i was going to make one too and thus I, for the first time ever, attempted a full custom mug! (I used TBA's mug for guide lines so i guess credit to him for making it and letting me see it I suppose...)

And so without further wait I present my full custom mug of Toon Zelda



Hopefully it's not too bad...( It is my first...)

Tell me what you all think!

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Well yeah it was never meant to look FE like! It was more just made as a sprite to be a sprite/ made to resemble the Blind Archer's Toon link. Thank for the commentary!

NOTE: to any one that actually cares, I'll be taking a bit of a holiday break so expect even less than usual mug production/ activity from me. Merry christmas!!

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Hey all, I'm back from the dead...again. Anyhow in light of spirit tracks coming out soon i decided to play the toon zelda games that lead up to it! As of earlier today i finsihed my playthrough of Zelda Windwaker and felt inspired to make something!

So after rumaging around on this site I saw a very nice sprite made by The Blind Archer, the sprite of course being a custom of Toon link! So i decided i was going to make one too and thus I, for the first time ever, attempted a full custom mug! (I used TBA's mug for guide lines so i guess credit to him for making it and letting me see it I suppose...)

And so without further wait I present my full custom mug of Toon Zelda



Hopefully it's not too bad...( It is my first...)

Tell me what you all think!

That is really great. Im impressed. Do you mind if i use it?

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I don't know if you're familiar with the term pillow shading, but it could unfortunately be used to describe a lot of the shading in your mug. You did shade well in a lot of places, just not all of them.

Apart from this issue I think it's an excellent piece of work for a first fully custom face sprite. A lot better than mine.

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  • 1 month later...

Well the pillow shading was sorta done on purpose given the way the art style of windwaker was...

This wasn't supposed to be like a Fire emblem styled mug if that makes sense...But i do see your point...wow.. I REALLY pillow shaded that sprite... :facepalm:

Any how I've been sorta busy lately as such i don't know if i'll ever get this done so i might as well show you all what i've got.

These are sprite i was making for a hack i was making...tell me what you think.


Sorry about the size...

Any how these are all made up by me save for a few, which were made by my siblings.

In order there names are ( If you all even care)

First Row=Judith, Cress, Rowan, Mei (My fave!!), Aleina, Larin, Well,Naomi,Piers,Mainnan,

Next row=Jenna, Some kid I'm not using but got on the page any way...:(...oops

Briggin, Eriad ( The main character!!), Mark, Mythra, Ikusen, Marina,Alnox, Ryghel

Next Row= Leon, Miria, Nabaras, Ivan, Kyetha, Robin, Altia, Stahn (I don't really have a name.), Another girl that snuck on here....*sigh*, Sophia

Next row= Sohn, Zalmand ( My brothers sprite and made up name), Septe, Soianne, Kain, Sheryl.

Those are all the playables so far...

As for the Npc's names... they are, in order on the sheet as follows, Belle, ( Eriad's father, Don't have a name yet...), Eriad in different clothes, Alnox when he is older, Selken, Mei after a sever fatal battle, Mei with her hair down ( Can you tell i like the most...:) ) And finally Stahn when he is first met rotting in jail, that's why he looks like a bum...

The enemies in the row down are Augren, Ashen, Kleine, Alzen, Kraden...Sohn? oops he's not supposed to be there...Or is he?? Reicyal, and finally Kreshveltz the dark knight!!

The two sprites on the bottom were me playing around with Mei again...Not sure if i'll use them or not as I don't have a reason as to wahy she'd look like that...

Well that's all of the sprites for the hack i was making but discontinued for several reasons...1. Hacking is riduculously annoying and time consuming, 2. I don't have the time i used to..3. I wasn't even sure anyone would be interested in this or not...

So this is a mini exeriment of mine to see if i should continue it or not...So tell me, Would any of you be interested in playing a game with these cahracters? ( I know some of them are lazy and with time, if i start this back up they'll look ALOT better)

Later then,

Hyrulian man

P.S. Oh yeah, Florina, what did you want to use my zelda sprite for? (If you still want to)

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Hey, since my boss request topic is at a standstill, I might as well ask people myself, so I was wondering if you could contibute a few or even just one of those to my cause. I think some of those are really good, Kreshveltz is extremely cool.

Oh yeah, holy crap that's a lot of mugs!

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The One with the black hat is fucking awesome! :D (I think his name is Robin? Third row, sixth in.)

Can I use him for a Magetheif in my Hack, his name will be Alex (One of my friends thought he was awesome, and he wanted to be in the hack, so I told him we might be able to use yours.)? If you say no, it is okay. :)

Edited by Bryan
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Hey, since my boss request topic is at a standstill, I might as well ask people myself, so I was wondering if you could contibute a few or even just one of those to my cause. I think some of those are really good, Kreshveltz is extremely cool.

Oh yeah, holy crap that's a lot of mugs!

Yeah there are quite a bit of them, then again i planned on all of them being in a hack i was making.

Thanks for the compliment! I'm a little iffy on letting you use him though...Not trying to be rude but I do still want to make a hack I just have no time to make it just yet. ( I was planning on making it in summer) The problem is although i have moderate spriting skills and my stroy telling is somewhat okay, I have meager skills with hacking so i'm a little troubled here...Any thoughts...

Who exactly did you want and what role would they play?

Tell you what, Bryan and Uphir, We could do it either two ways. If your hacks will come out before mine ( Most likely...) then i suppose you could use them but that would also mean i'd use them eventually( which might really weird). Or, you could send me a description of what you want and i could try to make a sprite for you based on the description. Which would entail describing their outfits, eye color, attitude ( Would affect how they'd look in eye structure and face) Hair length, armor blah blah, and so on...

Sorry, i hope i'm not being ridiculous, i just didn't think anybody would like them enough to actually want to use them!!

Thanks again,

-Hyrulian man-

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Yeah there are quite a bit of them, then again i planned on all of them being in a hack i was making.

Thanks for the compliment! I'm a little iffy on letting you use him though...Not trying to be rude but I do still want to make a hack I just have no time to make it just yet. ( I was planning on making it in summer) The problem is although i have moderate spriting skills and my stroy telling is somewhat okay, I have meager skills with hacking so i'm a little troubled here...Any thoughts...

Who exactly did you want and what role would they play?

Tell you what, Bryan and Uphir, We could do it either two ways. If your hacks will come out before mine ( Most likely...) then i suppose you could use them but that would also mean i'd use them eventually( which might really weird). Or, you could send me a description of what you want and i could try to make a sprite for you based on the description. Which would entail describing their outfits, eye color, attitude ( Would affect how they'd look in eye structure and face) Hair length, armor blah blah, and so on...

Sorry, i hope i'm not being ridiculous, i just didn't think anybody would like them enough to actually want to use them!!

Thanks again,

-Hyrulian man-

Okay. :) I won't use it then :)

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