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  1. 1. Book vs Street

    • Book Smarts
    • Street Smarts

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Book = School and educational learning

Street = Practical life experiences

Would you say you're more book smart, or more street smart?

If there's any other type of "smarts" that qualify to be in, feel free to post them.

I would say I'm book smart since my parents were overprotective of me when I was younger. I rarely left the house until I entered high school.

To this day, I still don't think I've developed in anything besides book smarts. This might change depending on if I have to get a new apartment.

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They barely let me go to a party or going out with my friends!!!

Street smarts aren't about that. It's more like knowing how the world, and people, work.

Anyway, I can't honestly call myself either, but if I had to say, I'd call book smarts.

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If there's any other type of "smarts" that qualify to be in, feel free to post them.

I forget the basics, but most Intro to Psych classes give categories, one of which states there are Scholastic (Book), Practical (Street), and Artistic orientations of an individual's knowledge.

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I can't choose either to be honest because I know little nothing from each... But I do know a lot of useless information so maybe I have some book smarts.

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When it comes to living things, I'm a natural. Even if I haven't studied an animal, I can just look at its bone structure and have an idea of how it lived. I also have a very, very easy time with animals because I understand them, and they like me. While I have a very easy time understanding and manipulating people, I can't say they like me as much. :b

Though when it comes to technology? I know NOTHING. It's awful. I'd be dead without the Internet.

My mind has an easy time observing things from all angles and understanding it. Even if I'm bad with technology, just opening something up and looking around gives me an easy idea of how to fix it. I'd say it's closer to street knowledge, though it's more about understanding than anything. Perhaps it's capacity. I can easily do math or imagine big things in my head yet I'm a total space cadet. My INFJ Jungian archetype is actually kind of accurate in that sense.

Longer post than necessary.

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Probably neither. Though I don't really try in school so I guess I'm pretty stupid for putting so little effort into somthing so important. meh. I guess I do have a little bit of common sense, though.

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The way I see it is that book smarts is knowing a lot of facts, and street smarts is being able to interpret facts. I'm definitely the latter.

I have always thought of book smarts as knowledge over subjects often extraneous to living directly, and street smarts to be knowledge that assists in survival or everyday life. For example, I would consider knowledge of non-linear mathematics and theoretical physics to be book smarts, while I would consider the knowledge of others' emotions through body language and how to gauge them to be street smarts. This makes it difficult to categorize anyone by means of these two terms, though, since I would expect the average person to have a bit of both. In addition, it's pretty common that the two can fall in line with one another. Knowledge of auto-mechanics on a large scale could easily be considered book smarts by most individuals, however it's pretty clear to most observers that a working knowledge of automobiles isn't only useful, it can be life-saving in dangerous situations. So I suppose one could in several cases say that street smarts is about knowing the bare minimum or needed info for survival, while book smarts is about specialization and deeper understanding of specific subjects, even including those that assist in survival.

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I'd definitely be considered booksmart by most. I feel there is some blur though between the various categories of scholastic, practical, and artistic knowledge as another poster put it though. When you work on something enough (whether it be mathematics, engineering, history, painting, dancing, or fighting), you develop an intuition for it that you can't get from just reading a few books or watching it a few times (although doing both these things can be a great way to see what other people are doing so you can try adding it to your repertoire of skills).

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I've got more of book smarts. Otherwise I'm quite stupid =I

I could almost swear I'm a blond with the dark dark dark dark dark brown hair when it comes to street smarts.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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The way I see it is that book smarts is knowing a lot of facts, and street smarts is being able to interpret facts. I'm definitely the latter.

I have always thought of book smarts as knowledge over subjects often extraneous to living directly, and street smarts to be knowledge that assists in survival or everyday life. For example, I would consider knowledge of non-linear mathematics and theoretical physics to be book smarts, while I would consider the knowledge of others' emotions through body language and how to gauge them to be street smarts. This makes it difficult to categorize anyone by means of these two terms, though, since I would expect the average person to have a bit of both. In addition, it's pretty common that the two can fall in line with one another. Knowledge of auto-mechanics on a large scale could easily be considered book smarts by most individuals, however it's pretty clear to most observers that a working knowledge of automobiles isn't only useful, it can be life-saving in dangerous situations. So I suppose one could in several cases say that street smarts is about knowing the bare minimum or needed info for survival, while book smarts is about specialization and deeper understanding of specific subjects, even including those that assist in survival.

That seems like a damn good description. Forget mine.

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