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Epic Wins, Epic Fails


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More epic wins: Promoted Rolf, Shinon, Boyd, Mia, Gatrie, Soren, Nephenee, Heather, Makalov(yeah, kill me), Astrid(kill me even more), Titania, Geoffrey, Haar and Jill. On 3-11.(oh wait, leave Geoffrey out, he promoted after breaking his Javelin)

BTW, Aran is awesome. LV 20 Halberdier, 3-13, maxed HP, STR, SKL, SPD, DEF. :awesome: BEXP abused for more RES as well. :awesome:

Sothe just got a 7-stat level.

Edited by Fin
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epic fail

today, on 3-10 elincia and CRK moved close to boss, and a bowman and crossbow came over and gangraped her DX

and on same playthrough neph got crited on at turn 10 at 2-E

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  • 6 months later...

Note that this is coming from my third playthrough unless stated(note that this shit was done on NM):

Epic Wins:

-Jill capping ALL her stats by at least 20/20/10(in all three of my playthroughs).

-The same Jill with 20Str/19Def as a Dracoknight(all that was used was a drop and her str/def transfer).

-The same Jill capping HP as a ~Lv5 Dragonlord.

-Edward with 20Str as a Myrmidon(in all three of my playthroughs).

-The same Eddie with capped HP/str/skl/spd and 18 def by 20/13 in 3-12. I crowned him after seeing those stats.

-The same Eddie surviving around 10 laguz units unsupported in 3-13(he was also the only one that could efficiently kill Ike.)

-Micky Sue managing to cap speed in second tier.

-Nolan capping str in all three tiers(in all my playthroughs)

Epic Fails:

-Leonardo in general(boy oh boy does Leo love to fail. I gave him a chance in all my PT's, and he got shitty spd/def each time.)

-Eddie in another playthrough getting killed by two pegs in 1-6 at fairly lame hit rates(I had to restart twice and I had to use my Dracoshield on him.)

-The same Micky with ~19 skill at 20/16.

-Kevin not proccing HP for ~7 levels straight.

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Epic win:

A 1HP Geoffrey promoted in 2-E to Silver Knight, immediately gaining back all his HP.

That happened to me too!

I also managed to get Micaiah to have a speed stat decent enough to double a couple end game characters. :D And what she couldn't double she destroyed with Thani.

Epic Fail:

I got Edward killed by the 1-1 boss on Normal mode... he had a low hit chance so I wasn't worried but he hit anyway and edward missed. D:< can't remember exact statistics because I raegquit and haven't picked it up since... :sweatdrop:

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New failure #2: I had to have Mordy trade away all of Neph's items because I accidentally put Elincia behind the sandbags, and there was a Crossbow Warrior there, not to mention that Neph was going to kill some random LV 18 Soldier with her Killer Lance of doom.

New failure #3: Astrid is LV 14 Bow Paladin when I cleared 2-E. :facepalm:

Wait, how are these failures? #2 may have started as one but was recovered from. #3 doesn't seem like a failure at all.

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Just right now, I had Volug get critikilled by that boss at 1-8. This has happened alot. And this game sure knows how to screw when it comes to Hit rates. :(

This is why units that don't face crit > units that do for many things. Also units that can survive it are better than those that can't. Sothe with Pure Water (or even Volug with pure water) can take that crit, though he might get hit on the way there enough times that he falls below 28 hp. (28 hp and 16 res are enough to survive a crit from 25 atk.) Of course, you could just give Sothe the Ashera Icon. 15 luck base, 65% growth, all he needs is 1 point in ~3 levels when he averages 1.95 in that time.

And if you take 70s and low 80s, of course you are going to miss from time to time. Frequently when you really don't want to.

Also, Volug starts really really far from that boss.

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I'm not talking about 70s, I'm talking about high 80s to low 90s. I swear, no other title that came out in the West screwed me up like this, and it was usually on my lasts turns. Last time it happened in 1-E, where Volug got critikilled by another Thunder mage.

And since Volug S-ranked by his strike by turn 1, I figured it was ideal to have him, Zihark and Sothe take on the enemies to the right side in 1-8.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Epic Win:

Micaiah at level 19 with maxed speed

Nolan at level 20 with maxed defense, including an 8 stat up. (That means he got defense on EVERY level up, btw)

No BEXP abuse or items used... Honestly, I have no idea how this happened.

Epic Fail:

Leonardo missing a 91% hit... which caused Laura to die the next turn.

Leonardo getting hit by a 35%, which killed him.

Edited by monkymeet
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Epic wins:

-On one of my playthroughs, I finished Part 1 in 587 turns. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif Sacrifice/heal/other abuse on 1-3, 1-4 (well, until they untransformed >.<), 1-6, 1-6-2, 1-7, kind of on 1-8, wasted turns getting hidden items on 1-9 and unequipped the BK so Micaiah could get weapon levels, and wasted a shitton of time on 1-E so I could get my other units up to speed and boss abused a after Jarod's weapon broke.

-Laura on that playthrough

-Leo capped STR and almost capped SPD

Epic fail:

-Ilyana has more STR than MAG.

-Micaiah has 7 STR, 8 DEF, 13 MAG and 7 RES at 20.

-Forgot to recruit Meg Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

-Forgot to put items on Ilyana to ferry

-Dumbass allies heals 1 HP when they could kill something

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CRUD! Chapter 1, I blundered bad. I moved Eddy with 15 HP left into the range of the Hand Axe Fighter on the escape square, and he KO'd. I got a +Mag, Spd, Def and Res levelup for Micaiah too!

Cleared chapter... Nolan's first levelup... ONLY +1 RES? *facepalm*

Edited by Pet Pikachu
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Epic win Micaiah gaining 6 (IIRC) levels of speed in a row :awesome:

Epic fail Heather got hit by 3 pladin with hit rates of 35 and less. She died, too, and i restarted and it happened again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had disarm on Gatrie. Sent him with low HP to attack some unimportant guy, maybe a sniper. His hit was 100 and he even doubled. First hit, he disarms him, second hit misses. WTF, his bow can't have been weighing him down that much?

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Had disarm on Gatrie. Sent him with low HP to attack some unimportant guy, maybe a sniper. His hit was 100 and he even doubled. First hit, he disarms him, second hit misses. WTF, his bow can't have been weighing him down that much?

It's probably a Steel Longbow, which has 18 WT. Likely the victim was one of these guys:

1x Sniper lvl 9 (Steel Longbow)

HP 37, Atk 32, AS 20, Hit 118, Avo 54, DEF 17, RES 11, Crit 21, Ddg 14

Granted, these are HM stats. This particular sniper has 20 str, which could very well be 17 or lower in EM or NM.

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This is even better: I was doing well on 4-E-2, until Ike decided to critical the BK with his 5%. Well, luckily he was left with enough HP (+Imbue) to not die on the enemy phase... except when Ike did it again. Of course I hadn't gotten the Wishblade yet.

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Why does nobody else simply move Ike side to side 6 spaces each turn? The BK mirrors him and never gets close enough to attack. Start by going 6 left, then go 6 right. Rinse and Repeat. When you finally decide you want to take down the BK, have Ike stay on the cover tile and let BK come to you.

Easiest way to reliably rout that chapter.

Of course, if all you care about is the wishblade then just use your heron and sanaki and micaiah and siege tome bomb Levail on turn 1. Let Sanaki be the one the heron restores, unless you have Leanne or Rafiel and can restore both of them. Give Sanaki Nihil so that the guy's resolve skill doesn't give him an extra 24 avo. No problem.

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First playthrough (On Normal) is almost finished. So...

Epic Win:

I made Fiona useful in 1-8.

--/20/1 Rolf was nearly comparable to my --/20/11 Shinon

Epic Fail:

Micaiah only had 30 HP and 14 Speed at third tier

18/20/3 Nolan only had 23 Strength.

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Why does nobody else simply move Ike side to side 6 spaces each turn? The BK mirrors him and never gets close enough to attack. Start by going 6 left, then go 6 right. Rinse and Repeat. When you finally decide you want to take down the BK, have Ike stay on the cover tile and let BK come to you.

Easiest way to reliably rout that chapter.

You can do that? I would never have figured that out.

Of course, if all you care about is the wishblade then just use your heron and sanaki and micaiah and siege tome bomb Levail on turn 1. Let Sanaki be the one the heron restores, unless you have Leanne or Rafiel and can restore both of them. Give Sanaki Nihil so that the guy's resolve skill doesn't give him an extra 24 avo. No problem.

Now this I could have done... if I had any foresight and didn't waste my siege tomes (well, maybe not waste, but use earlier anyway). It wasn't that bad anyway, really, because NM, so Battlesave. I'm just so frustrated when the only time the RNG helps you is when you don't need it.

For something more, almost nobody gets hitrates over 50 on Volke, yet he keeps getting hit. I haven't kept count or anything, but I think over two thirds of attacks have hit him while most have had (displayed) 20-40%

(Most of my fails seem to be complaining about the RNG. Why isn't there an RNG Hate/Love topic?)

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