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Given up on a playthrough?

Original Alear

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Nephinel's first attempt at H5 in Shadow Dragon. I did so badly on the first chapter, I literally unable to beat the first boss when I got to him. I only had Marth, Caeda, and Wrys with me. <_<

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Yes in FE5 but mostly because the RNG screws me over. (people getting killed by 20% and such) Then I go back to playing it later when I feel like it.

Edited by Patchouli
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The only time I really gave up was at Hector Hardmode, Chapter 15 or 16 (whenever you fight in the castle of Laus)

The only thing I find moderately challenging about that chapter is getting someone to the Northmost chests before the Thief does.

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First shot at Fire Emblem. Had a prepromote Raven with I think 8 Strength and D Axes, a bunch of dead guys I'd been training, yet more prepromotes and my Eliwood, whilst not approaching the hideous levels of 7/2 Eirika was still badly statscrewed and ended up level 14. As a result of this and lacking a hard core for the team, couldn't get past the Durban chapter.

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Fire Emblem 1, just because the gameplay annoyed me. It also makes FE1 the only game in the series that I didn't complete yet...

*Starts looking for FE1 on computer*

Edited by Enjolras
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I've never completed FE10. It's not the difficulty that gets me, I always reset when I lose a character, but frustration. I tend to make a lot of little mistakes that come back to bite me, and in FE10 that seems to always end with someone dead. That and I don't see as much of the map at one time as I do with the old 2D perspective on the hand held Fire Emblems, so I tend to miss that one Horseback unit that has a bow instead of a lance and end up putting Marcia in his attack range that I didn't know about. Eventually I get fed up with restarting over and over and just quit to something else.

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I sometimes get bored and just stop. There have been times when I've come back and finished anyway, but usually I'll start a new game.

This. Exactly what happened to me with FE6. I'll beat it eventually.

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I sometimes get bored and just stop. There have been times when I've come back and finished anyway, but usually I'll start a new game.

This. Exactly what happened to me with FE6. I'll beat it eventually.

I got bored on the last level. I just beat it after being there for about 2 months

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I gave up on FE7 EHM on my 6th PT because I couldn't beat the desert (Darnit, Pent, dodge the 33%, dodge!!!)

I'm also giving up on FE5 (temporarily) because Sara-Elf's portrait spooks me and I'm getting screwed by Selphina+charge.

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On my first playthrough I went through Lyn NM in Blazing Sword. I restarted after reaching chapter 9 because of the characters I lost which include Florina, Kent, Dorcas, Erk and Sain and probably a few others. By that point I finally figured out that lost characters are gone for good, despite them appearing after the battle, declaring they are merely injured. After managing to get through all the levels again without loosing anybody I was pissed to find out that the campaign almost reached it's end anyway and Wallace would have been able to solo the last 2 maps making me restarting entirely pointless. But how could I have know at that point?

Another example would be in Sword of Seals. I already struggled to beat the bosses the chapters 7 and 8 but in chapter 8x I couldn't even hit the enemy boss, yet alone damage him, so I was forced to restart.

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Not really give up, but I do get bored sometimes. Like my latest Blazing Sword PT. It took me 3 weeks to complete Lyn's story simply because it's so boring (I know I can skip it, but I can't pass up giving a head start in levels to Lyndis' Legion. Especially Lyn with her lolstrength and loldurability). But once I was able to push through it and get to the main story, I beat the game in a week.

I'm tempted to give up on Thracia 776. The constant enemy-hitting-me-with-a-20-and-me-missing-with-a-98... the perfectly accurate enemy Sleep staves....the lack of money...attempting to capture, failing, and getting killed....it's starting to get to me. -_-

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