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I'd personally prefer something called "Fire Emblem Anthology," or "Fire Emblem Collection."

I doubt they'll ever do that albeit how awesome it is since there are too many FE to put into one collection. But, iirc, they did release soundtrack in Japan that I believe contains almost if not every soundtrack from every FE game. I think it's been mentioned before in this forum. Not big, I know, but it still nice.

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I would like to see a new FE game for the Wii or DS. Its more likely that they will remake one of the older games. Either FE4 or FE6 come to mind.

I really want a brand new original story and units though.

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But, iirc, they did release soundtrack in Japan that I believe contains almost if not every soundtrack from every FE game. I think it's been mentioned before in this forum. Not big, I know, but it still nice.

There are individual soundtracks for most FE games (excludes FE6-10) that contain the majority of the music from that game, but not one soundtrack that contains tracks from every game.

Edited by VincentASM
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I want a prequel/sequel to FE8 as well. It was one of my favorites and it's also the ONLY FE game that isn't connected or related to any of the other FE games at all.

Didn't I just say that?

I would like to see a DS game that is a sequel to FE8. You could put your GBA cartage into the GBAslot, and it would do something along the lines of FE4. :) Then people could make their own parings :D

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If there is a remake, keep it on the DS. The next console has to a be a new setting.

The only remake on a console I'd accept is one of FE6 that takes the events of FE7 into account.And reveals that Roy's mom is Ninian and Lilina's is Lyn so shippers will quit their bitchin'.

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I would like to play an FE game where we actually get to be the Legendary Heroes that stop the whatever apocalypse of whatever with the newly created legendary weapons. None of this back story 200-1000 years ago crap anymore. I wanna do it for once.

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I would like to play an FE game where we actually get to be the Legendary Heroes that stop the whatever apocalypse of whatever with the newly created legendary weapons. None of this back story 200-1000 years ago crap anymore. I wanna do it for once.

Oh.. You do do you? Stripjoints are awesome. That would be kinda neat. :)

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On that point, maybe reverse it...1000 years later, the peace wrought by the heroes of the distant past Hector of Ostia, Eliwood of Pherae and Lyndis of the Lorca has failed, and dragons are burninating everything and everyone...

Nah, that idea sucks. Let's be the Jugdral heroes.

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I would like to play an FE game where we actually get to be the Legendary Heroes that stop the whatever apocalypse of whatever with the newly created legendary weapons. None of this back story 200-1000 years ago crap anymore. I wanna do it for once.

Nephinel likes this idea of expanding upon the past ventures of the precursor heroes. But who will be the precursor heroes for the precursor heroes? Or will the game start them off at humble beginnings?

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If there is a remake, keep it on the DS. The next console has to a be a new setting.

The only remake on a console I'd accept is one of FE6 that takes the events of FE7 into account.And reveals that Roy's mom is Ninian and Lilina's is Lyn so shippers will quit their bitchin'.

This particular Shipper hater = Shipper

If they remake the game, they would NEVER favor one ending over the other... why do you think they never state the names of Roy's mother or Lilina's mother in FE6? Because they were planning a prequel and the support pairings are never concrete and is the basis of the neverending debate for many fans...

As an example... FE11... Shadow Dragon... Marth marrying Caeda/Sheeda/Shiida (whatever) is FIXED, yet many fangirls don't like that pairing...

It doesn't matter if it's fixed or not, fans will have their own pairing schemes no matter what...

I would like to see a DS game that is a sequel to FE8. You could put your GBA cartage into the GBAslot, and it would do something along the lines of FE4. :) Then people could make their own parings :D

DSi has no GBA slot :P

And if they make an extension, they wouldn't waste their effort on importing crap from your GBA cartridge ._.

If they did, they would make it something like what happened from FE9 to FE10, not actual story changing effects... like WEXP or whatever, bond supports, etc.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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If there is a remake, keep it on the DS. The next console has to a be a new setting.

The only remake on a console I'd accept is one of FE6 that takes the events of FE7 into account.And reveals that Roy's mom is Ninian and Lilina's is Lyn so shippers will quit their bitchin'.

This particular Shipper hater = Shipper

If they remake the game, they would NEVER favor one ending over the other... why do you think they never state the names of Roy's mother or Lilina's mother in FE6? Because they were planning a prequel and the support pairings are never concrete and is the basis of the neverending debate for many fans...

As an example... FE11... Shadow Dragon... Marth marrying Caeda/Sheeda/Shiida (whatever) is FIXED, yet many fangirls don't like that pairing...

Well, now that you got me thinking about it, not just a remake of FE6, but a total revamp of it that includes FE7 elements as well as FE9/10/11 elements could be cool. Maybe get rid of useless characters like Garret and replace them with new ones that'd be the offspring of certain FE7 pairs. Like replace Astol with a thief that was the child of Mattew and Serra. Make Lilina a second Lord, but instead of a crappy mage, she'd be a myrmidon-style one like Lyn or an axe-wielder like her father (why is IS afraid to use female axe users?). Reference the events of FE7 as easter eggs, maybe include some veterans as prepromotes. Oh, and paired endings for everybody instead of just Roy.

As for fangirls, their tears are the most delicious.

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Since we're already on this train. I've written a small portion of my idea down when it comes to a remake of FE6/7:

The only detail I'm not sure of is taking Lyn's part of FE7 out. The only reason I'm thinking like that is because she doesn't exist in FE6 anyway.

The game would be called something like Fire Emblem: Elibe or something.

The opening chapters of the game would be completely new, though not skippable like the prologue in FE:DS. It'd be a two part prologue and you'd be placed in control of Hartmut, Roland, Durbans, Barigan, Hanon, Athos, Elimine, and Bramimond right at the end of The Scouring. Respectively they'd be wielding --/--, and stronger, versions of Eckesachs, Durandal, Armads, Maltet, Murgleis, Forblaze, Aureola, and Apocalypse. The dialogue would probably be something about how they're sick of how long the fighting has been going on and possibly something about an ultimate weapon to finally put an end to the war. The chapter itself would be a route "x number of Dragons". The next chapter would start with Hartmut being presented with the newly forged Sword of Seals, yet again being --/-- and stronger. From there it would be the attack on Idoun herself with the chapter being "Defeat Idoun". Once the deed is done the Prologue would end and we'd transition into the beginning of FE7.

I've only played FE7 once and I don't remember too much of the story so I can't comment too much further on that part. However, at the end they need to flesh out more endings for characters and integrate the new information into the FE6 half of this. It'd be stuff like confirming who Roy and Lilina's Mothers are. What happened to Lyn. Etc.

FE6 would then start and play like normal. However, you'd get a fairly early "gaiden" chapter. This isn't so much a gaiden in the usual since, more like a gaiden in the way 5x was in Sacred Stones. You're given control of a brand new army of one, literally. You take control of Al at the beginning of his story, Hasha no Tsurugi. Obviously in the first chapter with Al you'd recruit Gant as well. Then various gaidens in the future would be added netting you Tiena and Kilmar at appropriate times in the story. This would all culminate in Al and Roy's groups meeting up and Al joining Roy bringing with him the other four.

So, story wise, what it all comes down to is fleshing out the world of Elibe(Showing the heroes, more details on the links between the two games, integrating HnT, etc).

You'd also have the obvious upgrades such as giving the FE6 thieves a promotion, possibly moving up some story based promotions(I'm looking at you Roy), possibly adding in skills, new supports, and maybe even a couple of new characters depending on how the endings to FE7 are done.

P.S. And they wouldn't go near the crappy translated names from SSB...

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Since we're already on this train. I've written a small portion of my idea down when it comes to a remake of FE6/7:

However, at the end they need to flesh out more endings for characters and integrate the new information into the FE6 half of this. It'd be stuff like confirming who Roy and Lilina's Mothers are. What happened to Lyn. Etc.

I can see this idea going and seeing what happened to Lyn, etc. but I don't see them making their own concrete pairings...

If they did, I would laugh at the fanboy/fangirl rage...

I just don't see them remaking FE6 AND integrating the FE7 pairings...

I have yet to see any fan's pairing chart of FE7 that COMPLETELY explains everything that has EVERYONE supported by someone without any conflicts...

And even if they decide to go for a remake, they would go for a remake that is a REMAKE and wouldn't take into account the previous pairing scheme...

Let's say the go for your idea though, they would probably do it in the style that they did for FE9/FE10... your pairings DON'T affect ANYTHING but WEXP and bond supports with others... but to do that they would have to go with CONCRETE pairings... I seriously just don't see them doing that... They put variable support endings for a reason on their games, which is the reason they never made clear ANY parents from FE6 besides Bartre and Karla for Fir since Bartre's only possible Female support was Karla, and Karla's only possible male support = Bartre (with the exception of her brother Karel ._.)

It was up to YOU the player to make your own favorites...

IMHO, they're better off just making a completely new one...

Edited by shadowofchaos
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What happened to Lyn. Etc.

the one thing Lyn does have is that she would most likely be the Mother of Sue.

if they do make another remake I wan't it to be on Wii because the one thing that would be good about it is seeing all the GBA/SNES characters with the RD engine, proper Models instead of sprites, that would be pretty cool.

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the one thing Lyn does have is that she would most likely be the Mother of Sue.

if they do make another remake I wan't it to be on Wii because the one thing that would be good about it is seeing all the GBA/SNES characters with the RD engine, proper Models instead of sprites, that would be pretty cool.

lol, shipper...

IF they do an Elibe remake... and let's say like the style that was claimed... They would most likely do it FE4 style, with the FLEXIBILITY of the two generations...

However, since they're gonna have to do some censoring anyway with the incest, etc. if you went with Eliwood x Fiora and Hector x Florina/Farina... They might as well make an FE4 remake ._.

I say they're better off putting their resources in a completely new FE...

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how am I a shipper?

Rath is Sue's father and in LynXRath ending it says they have a daughter, who must be Sue

In the EliwoodxLyn ending, she has Roy. In the HectorxLyn ending, she has Lilina. You can't say LynxRath is canon just because she has Sue, Rath could as well have went out with a generic female Nomad.

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In this case it's no surprise they assumed that though. It was stated in FE6 that Sacean women don't use weapons and if they do it would be a bow (Which is quite ironic considering the founder of Sacae was female). So considering how unlikely it is to meet a sword wielding female Sacaen, it was quite likely for here to be related to a sacean female we already knew.

Either way the thing that speaks most for Lyn being Sue's mother is that she is Rath's only female supporter with a paired ending. Unlike with Eliwood and Hector the game doesn't give him any alternatives. Sure it could be a random person but if there will be ever a canonical clarification for Eliwoods wife for example I would say they would choose either Lyn, Fiona or Ninian instead of making up a random girl from Ilia nobody ever heard of. As far as pairings are concerned they would probably choose a possibility covered by the games.

Edit: Not that it is likely that there ever will be canonical clarification so it really doesn't matter.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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I would like to see the Shamans who appeared in FE4 and FE10 again. But yes, we could need a few good dark magic users as well. In Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon they were nothing but jokes. I'm not so sure about Summoners though. I just can't take a supposed powerful Summoner seriously when all he commands is an "army" of 1 little Phantom with one hp. If they change the mechanics I would like to see them again.

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I would like to see a DS game that is a sequel to FE8. You could put your GBA cartage into the GBAslot, and it would do something along the lines of FE4. :) Then people could make their own parings :D

DSi has no GBA slot :P

And if they make an extension, they wouldn't waste their effort on importing crap from your GBA cartridge ._.

If they did, they would make it something like what happened from FE9 to FE10, not actual story changing effects... like WEXP or whatever, bond supports, etc.

Fuck the DSi? I don't care. People who have DSi's can lose out. :/

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