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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Aircalibur is an anima spell good against Pegasus Knights. *shot*

@Salmon what games were those swords in? Funny enough I have a pair of swords called the Shadow and Divine swords although they have different effects--Shadow Sword increases defense +3 and Divine Sword increases resistance +3. Stat-wise they are 'good' (in between steel/silver) but they are A-ranked swords due to the stat bonuses. As for the Solar/Lunar swords (which have a similar dark/light... motif? can't think of the correct word) there's an axe with a similar effect combined in one. If I told you a name you'd figure it out easily so I'll just wait until it appears...

Also, misso, it is a LOT easier to understand you if you improve your grammar. It's not about being a jerk who wants you to be a mature forum-goer all the time--I can't always interpret what you say when it lacks proper punctuation and has typos. Also adding detail is just a good thing in general. It helps limit misunderstandings etc., and you probably know this, so all I'm really saying is that when you're suggesting stuff, which is cool, I appreciate the suggestions, please just make it easier to understand you.

I'm not trying to mini-mod here either--just telling people the best way to submit suggestions. :\

EDIT: In case it wasn't clear Aircalibur is in this game, since Arch and I worked on the animation we decided to have it in our respective hacks. It makes an appearance somewhat later I believe but I plan to add in new weapons across the game to diversify inventories a bit anyhow.

Edited by Luffy
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well, this sucks.

Summer is practically over since school is starting this coming Friday for me. I have to read 3 books in the next 3 days (one each day, at least) and then do my report for all of them on Thursday.

I also have a lot of other responsibilities though, so yeah...

Anyway, I've gotten some progress but things haven't been going as well as I expected, nevermind as well as I planned, as I'm stuck at about chapter 14 with my revamp progress. Personal problems and social drama (had an encounter with several cops) really aren't helping me focus on Tactics Universe either, which is why I haven't posted much and haven't actually done much since I came back from my trip, despite how positive I was feeling before. >_>

For now here are some screenshots since I'm going to have to take a break and focus on school for a few weeks--I didn't mean to spoil this chapter but I don't have anything else to show and I couldn't live with myself for making another blog post that's just a rant about my life instead of what it should be about, the hack. T_T




Wish me luck that things go well and I can focus on hacking again, since I haven't done any real work on this project since like... February, which is why "Blazer Is Disappoint". -_-

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good luck!!!

Just posting to say your hack is incredibly awesome =)

And that I would've loved a few more choke points in the earlier chapters so that Shon doesn't get surrounded and die as often...but oh well

Keep up the good work!!! =)

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  • 2 months later...




Progress--starting things up for the first time since August or so. And it only gets better, since I'm actually starting to be productive for more than 5 minutes. You can thank Arch for "inspiring me" (had to help him with his hack and in turn it was SO convenient to work on my own hack that I actually did it... XD). And thanks to Xeld for pointing me to his patch that let me expand weapon icons so that I will hopefully never have to reuse weapon icons again. And can make most of those new weapons I envisioned (I had so many, can't remember most of them now, and actually trying to implement them is even harder >_>).

And you can find more information on the blog as usual.

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"Rifle Bow?" That is fricken AWESOME!!! Though after reading the blog post, it looks like Archers are going to be too powerful. Maybe the Super Rifle should have it's ranged reduced to 3-5 and become Sniper-exclusive? Zach is already extremely powerful.

...And now I'm motivated to work on supports again. :D

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I really like this hack, and I'm glad to see it getting an update.

Some of the Mugs bug me off the top of my head; is there a list of Mugs I can see? I know Shon's was a little weird to me (can't give specifics, I'm a little rushed atm cause I wanna finish homework) but yeah. Cause some Mugs aren't as good as they could be.

How many chapters are you planning?

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^Yeah I know but I don't have the resources to perfect the sprites, me trying to get them fixed has already delayed this hack at least a year so I'm just kind of learning to be satisfied with what I can get so I can finish this. XD

The new chapter progress is on 26 (which is idk, somewhere around halfway done), then there's chapter 27, and the 3 part final chapter, and then the epilogue. But those chapters are all HUGE chapters so they're going to take a while for sure (not to mention there's credits, endings, etc.). There's also all the revamping, new features, fixing up the sound room, supports, and some other miscellaneous stuff before the patch is done.

Though after reading the blog post, it looks like Archers are going to be too powerful. Maybe the Super Rifle should have it's ranged reduced to 3-5 and become Sniper-exclusive? Zach is already extremely powerful.

Nah. Rifles have heavy weight and low accuracy, making it so that they usually only get 1-shot in (granted Zach is pretty fast), and they aren't accurate. They are more or less for sniping enemies, like a longbow does, but even farther. And as usual if Archers or Snipers use them it'd leave them totally open to even magic (since it's 3 range, it couldn't counter at 2 range... :O). Furthermore, they are relatively rare (I'm giving plenty of them to enemies though :D) and actually, the Super Rifle is exclusive to Snipers, I just hacked it for a second in that screenshot to make it seem like it wasn't (it's S rank and only Snipers can use S rank bows).

You might be thinking "BOSSES CAN'T COUNTER THIS" but most bosses either move to you or, 95% of the time or so, are on a tile with increased avoid, and given that rifles have low accuracy, you'd be wasting hours upon hours trying to do damage with rifles, in which case you might as well send in your local berserker with a steel axe against a Swordmaster. :P

I'm glad to hear the input though, makes me reflect on things. I'll definitely have to keep everything in line so that Archers/Snipers don't become OP, even if there are only 2 of them in the whole game anyway and one of them comes on the final chapter soooo >_>.

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I always liked the idea of giving archers low hit heavy really long range weapons though I'm not a fan of the name, it distinguishes them as a unit type.

Sure. They can be called 'Ballistae'.

The name is a blatant anachronism, makes no sense or likely both. What is it? Is it a bow that's similar to something that hasn't been invented yet?

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Sure. They can be called 'Ballistae'.

The problem with Ballistae is that they make archer's movement crap. I like the idea of a portable Ballistae because archers can make ups for some of their enemy phase short comings by being able to attack a few times before close range units get close enough to.

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The problem with Ballistae is that they make archer's movement crap. I like the idea of a portable Ballistae because archers can make ups for some of their enemy phase short comings by being able to attack a few times before close range units get close enough to.

In AW, indirect combat units can't move and attack in the same turn, and they seem to be pretty effective anyway. Just saiyan...

(As long as we're looking for non-contrived ways to make archers not suck, how about giving them 1-cost movement through forest tiles?)

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I came up with what I did more because I thought it would be fun and interesting gameplay-wise than anything else. The word "rifle" refers to its older sense; to scratch, scrape. Rifles have longer range than normal guns and better accuracy, but in the application of this to a bow, the accuracy decreases relative to a normal bow (bows work differently than guns and "rifle bow" technology is both new and undeveloped in the time era... And short-lived, as the tech does not make it into FE7 or FE6). Perhaps a better term would be "Rifled Bow" but as it IS a reference to the as of yet undeveloped rifles in real modern society, I named it "Rifle Bow". After all, it's just a name, and the point is to add more versatility, and thus fun--at least to me, and given that the hack is made to please myself... My priorities are the hack's priorities.

Archers, being armored, would have little reason to be able to move through forests so well. That would be more shite the Hunter class (see FE11/12) I think. But thanks anyhow.

Hopefully my poor explanations made some sense, but if not, you can have the last word and I'll refrain from adding any more comments as to ignite the flames of, you know, flaming. XP

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Archers, being armored, would have little reason to be able to move through forests so well. That would be more shite the Hunter class (see FE11/12) I think. But thanks anyhow.

I thought it was supposed to be fairly light armor. Granted, lords and mages generally seem to just wear ordinary clothing... but anyway, I was thinking more along the lines that they know their way around the woods and can negotiate a path through the trees more effectively because they're accustomed to being in the woods for hunting. If you had a separate Hunter class then yeah, sure, but ISTM a fair number of FE archers have some hunting (in the wild-game sense) experience in their backstories. Maybe I'm hallucinating though.

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The armor that Fire Emblem archers use--non-army ones (see: Thracia, Gaiden)--is little more than a pad on their quiver belt usually. A pauldron cover here or there as well.

Some light leather. Hunters are meant to represent characters completely separate from any military background. This usually means as well, a more pastoral locale. This doesn't mean that all Archers are of an army, but it does suggest that most Archers "appear" near areas where there is an involvement of organized militia. It's part of an ethos.

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Mhm... while I don't have hunters, I feel that hunters would be more accustomed to the woods like you said, whereas archers don't necessarily have to be this--they could have learned how to use a bow after joining an army or something. I could create a new Hunter class but I'm not interested.

Some archers do have experience with hunting in general, like Rebecca, and probably Wil. But the playable archers in TU didn't even have this background, so unfortunately I couldn't even use that as a reason to give them better movement in forests.

Sorry to kind of knock down your idea here, I just don't think it's going to work. XP

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Since work is being continued, here are some things that I have found that need fixing.

Noah has a messed up promoted pallett.

Strom shows no battle animations when using bows as a Nomad Trooper( if you don't get this problem then it's probably my fault)

Arthur hs a generic pallet for his promoted class, either that or it's Lucius's.

There is a boss with 20 strength as a Fighter who lacks blinking animations, I don't remember if he has speaking animations though. I believe he had blond hair and was in part 1.

Edit, The problem on Storm occurs when I use the Short Bow, I just checked this on Haas and it stilll occurs. If this does not happen to you, then it's probably my fault.

Edited by CorruptDruid
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- Noah and Arthur aren't supposed to be promoted in the most current patch. While I guess it's possible to promote Arthur right before the game ends and I should have done his palette, Noah is NOT supposed to be promoted--there are no Hero Crests in part 1, and he only appears in part 1. Thus I'm led to believe you hacked it or something. >_>

- The reason why Nomadic Troopers don't use animations with short bows is because if they do, it glitches. There's a way to fix it but it's not exactly my priority and isn't easy, or else I'd have done it already.

- His name is... Shinshou, I think, he doesn't have blinking animations because he's too insignificant a boss for him to have them, and no one knows what base his eye frames are to make frames for him. But it's kind of lame so I'll see if someone can make frames for him.

tl;dr everything but the short bow problem will almost definitely be fixed, and I apologize for the issues, and thank you for reporting them

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- The reason why Nomadic Troopers don't use animations with short bows is because if they do, it glitches. There's a way to fix it but it's not exactly my priority and isn't easy, or else I'd have done it already.


> Open FEditor and Go to Class Animation Manager.

> Insert.

> "Isn't Easy"

Though, you said it isn't your priority, you probably didn't pay attention at all to the animation packages thread.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I actually think I watched the vid before but I forgot about it apparently, good to know there's a public fix (and easy, at least from what you say), hopefully it works and looks natural and I can fix this problem, thanks Rey.

And for the record, no, I'm not one to pay attention to resource threads XD

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- Noah and Arthur aren't supposed to be promoted in the most current patch. While I guess it's possible to promote Arthur right before the game ends and I should have done his palette, Noah is NOT supposed to be promoted--there are no Hero Crests in part 1, and he only appears in part 1. Thus I'm led to believe you hacked it or something. >_>

I hacked it since I saw progress and wanted to see what kinds of unfinished things are present which IMO people get done quick, like battle pallets. That and my laptop was jacked and I lost everything and now have to start all over in regaining my files, not even counting school work. And Noah is not supposed to be promoted? Wow, that kinda sucks since I enjoy Mercs and Heroes; that's fine since it is your intention.

- The reason why Nomadic Troopers don't use animations with short bows is because if they do, it glitches. There's a way to fix it but it's not exactly my priority and isn't easy, or else I'd have done it already.

shadowofchaos has already addres this, which is just a matter of replacing the default NT Bow animation with the fix using Feditor Adv.

- His name is... Shinshou, I think, he doesn't have blinking animations because he's too insignificant a boss for him to have them, and no one knows what base his eye frames are to make frames for him. But it's kind of lame so I'll see if someone can make frames for him.

Just thought it was odd that he was missing that, it's no biggie.

tl;dr everything but the short bow problem will almost definitely be fixed, and I apologize for the issues, and thank you for reporting them

Sure. Edited by CorruptDruid
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^Oh I see... haha, the most recent patch might have had chapters 22-24 completed in them, but thankfully it's not AS easy to hack that XD

And yeah Noah never appears in a chapter where the player can have a hero crest... thus he can never promote normally. :P If he re-appears in the game then he'll have a hero battle palette, but you'll have to wait and see on that

*goes back to hacking*

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Is Anakin's promo made in v4.6? I doubt it, but am asking out of curiosity.

Edit- in Ch 17, waiting in Siegfried's cell brings up "The Nothung was pilfered", just something minor to address.

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